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Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - a most difficult doctrine to comprehend

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> " The sin or blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is mentioned in Matthew

> 12:22-32; Mark 3:22-30; Luke 12:10 (cf. 11:14-23); and Christ

> everywhere declares that it shall not be pardoned. In what does it

> consist? If we examine all the passages alluded to, there can be

> little doubt as to the reply....


> He shows them that it is by " the Spirit of God " that He casts out

> devils, and then He concludes: " therefore I say to you: Every sin

> and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit

> shall not be forgiven. And whosoever shall speak a word against the

> Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak

> against the Holy Ghost, it shall not he forgiven him, neither in

> this world, nor in the world to come. "


> So, to sin against the Holy Ghost is to confound Him with the spirit

> of evil, it is to deny, from pure malice, the Divine character of

> works manifestly Divine....


> But the Fathers of the Church, commenting on the Gospel texts we are

> treating of, did not confine themselves to the meaning given above.

> Whether it be that they wished to group together all objectively

> analogous cases, or whether they hesitated and wavered when

> confronted with this point of doctrine, which St. Augustine declares

> (Serm. ii de verbis Domini, c. v) one of the most difficult in

> Scripture .... "


> www.newadvent.org/




" But the Fathers of the Church, commenting on the Gospel texts we are

treating of, did not confine themselves to the meaning given above.

Whether it be that they wished to group together all objectively

analogous cases, or whether they hesitated and wavered when

confronted with this point of doctrine, which St. Augustine declares

(Serm. ii de verbis Domini, c. v) one of the most difficult in

Scripture, they have proposed different interpretations or



St. Thomas, whom we may safely follow, gives a very good summary of

opinions in II-II, Q. xiv. He says that blasphemy against the Holy

Ghost was and may be explained in three ways:


Sometimes, and in its most literal signification, it has been taken

to mean the uttering of an insult against the Divine Spirit, applying

the appellation either to the Holy Ghost or to all three Divine

persons. This was the sin of the Pharisees, who spoke at first

against " the Son of Man " , criticizing the works and human ways of

Jesus, accusing Him of loving good cheer and wine, of associating

with the publicans, and who, later on, with undoubted bad faith,

traduced His Divine works, the miracles which He wrought by virtue of

His own Divinity.


On the other hand, St. Augustine frequently explains blasphemy

against the Holy Ghost to be final impenitence, perseverance till

death in mortal sin. This impenitence is against the Holy Ghost, in

the sense that it frustrates and is absolutely opposed to the

remission of sins, and this remission is appropriated to the Holy

Ghost, the mutual love of the Father and the Son. In this view,

Jesus, in Matthew 12 and Mark 3 did not really accuse the Pharisees

of blaspheming the Holy Ghost, He only warned them against the danger

they were in of doing so.


Finally, several Fathers, and after them, many scholastic

theologians, apply the expression to all sins directly opposed to

that quality which is, by appropriation, the characteristic quality

of the Third Divine Person. Charity and goodness are especially

attributed to the Holy Ghost, as power is to the Father and wisdom to

the Son. Just, then, as they termed sins against the Father those

that resulted from frailty, and sins against the Son those that

sprang from ignorance, so the sins against the Holy Ghost are those

that are committed from downright malice, either by despising or

rejecting the inspirations and impulses which, having been stirred in

man's soul by the Holy Ghost, would turn him away or deliver him from

evil. "





It is indeed true that the comprehension and explanation of blasphemy

against the Holy Spirit is " one of the most difficult in Scripture " .

It is also true that even after centuries of countless theological

debate amongst Christian scholars they have always " hesitated and

wavered when confronted with this point of doctrine " .


The above explanation is the best the Catholic scholars could

conjecture. Yet it makes little sense and leaves many questions

unanswered. In fact it creates more confusion and doubt than

enlightenment and faith - try reading it with deliberation and you

will understand what i am trying to say.


So how does blasphemy against the Holy Spirit make sense? It only

does if it is understood that:


The word " comforter " is translated from the word " Paraclete " ( " Ho

Parakletos " in Greek). Parakletos in Greek is interpreted as " an

advocate " , one who pleads the cause of another, one who councils or

advises another from deep concern for the other's welfare (Beacon

Bible commentary volume VII, p.168). In these verses we are told that

after Jesus departs, a Paraclete will one day come, will glorify

Jesus, and will guide mankind into all truth. The main signs and

characteristics of the Comforter are as follows:


i) The Comforter must abide with the believers forever (John 14:16).

This is only possible if the Comforter remains within each and every

human for the rest of the natural lives and beyond i.e., for all



ii) The Comforter must testify on the behalf of Jesus (John 15:26).

This is only possible if the Comforter is human too i.e., meeting,

speaking, explaining in detail, as well as answering questions, in

languages humans can understand;


iii) The Comforter must bring all aspects of Jesus teachings to

remembrance (John 14:26). Obviously they must concern unlocking the

deep secrets of Jesus' parables, of which the Kingdom of God within

tops the list;


iv) The Comforter must reprove the world of sin, and of

righteousness, and of judgment i.e., issue warnings of impending

judgment to a world full of sin and ungodliness (John 16:8);


v) The Comforter must at all times guide and speak the truth of

events that are coming (John 16:13). Obviously the truth, directed

exclusively to a world of sin and ungodliness, has to be absolutely

unprecedented, radical and explosive;


vi) The Comforter must glorify Jesus and declare all that the

later wants delivered to humanity (John 16:14). This task of

informing humans on a global scale requires many, many years to



vii) The Comforter -whom the Father will send in Jesus' name, and

teach all things and remind humanity of everything Jesus has said-

will be the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Thus the personality

enlightening humanity of Jesus' teachings will be both the Comforter

and Holy Spirit sent by God Almighty in Jesus' name.


Shri Mataji is the Comforter, the Helper or Paraclete who has for

more than three decades glorified Christ and-through Her Divine

Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection-guided mankind into all

truth. All who receive their second birth by the Spirit (Self-

realization) experience today what Jesus' disciples experienced

two millennia ago on the day of Pentecost. The awesome, fundamental

difference between both phenomena is that the present experience of

the Holy Spirit manifesting within humans was promised by Lord

Jesus ..... and is taking place all over Earth. This truth is

irrefutable as hundreds of thousands have felt it. The tens of

thousands who continue to meditate on the Holy Spirit within feel it

on a daily basis. Some even experience the Ruach on a 24/7 basis!


In the Gospel of St. John, Jesus tells the disciples of the Holy

Spirit that will come in his name and shall bring all things to their

remembrance. That verily has been accomplished by the Holy Spirit

over the last three decades!


St. Augustine declared that the doctrine of blasphemy against the

Holy Spirit is one of the most difficult in scripture. But it would

have made so much sense if Christians, their scholars, clergy and

churches had believed that Lord Jesus will keep His promise to send

the Comforter who will:


i) abide with the believers forever (John 14:16);

ii) testify on the behalf of Jesus (John 15:26);

iii) bring all aspects of His teachings to remembrance (John 14:26);

iv) reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8);

v) guide and speak the truth of events that are coming (John 16:13);

vi) glorify Jesus and declare all that He wants delivered to humanity

(John 16:14);


Only then would it have made sense to Christians, their scholars,

clergy and churches that the Comforter - whom the Father will send in

Jesus' name, and teach all things and remind humanity of everything

Jesus has said - will _also_ be the Holy Spirit (John 14:26).


Without all this information and evidence that Jesus' promise has

been exactingly fulfilled by the advent of Shri Mataji, the doctrine

of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will remain a most difficult

doctrine for Christians to comprehend, as has been the case for more

than 20 centuries!


But that is nothing compared to them being unaware or disbelieving

that the Last Judgment and Resurrection is taking place, a Divine

Message that the Comforter was entrusted to declare without any fear

or hesitation. Just like the doctrine of blasphemy against the Holy

Spirit, the doctrine of the Last Judgment and Resurrection has also

been a most difficult doctrine to comprehend. Most unfortunately,

both have been conjectured over the centuries by humans devoid of

enlightenment. That is why the Savior promised two millennia ago that

He will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit who explain, testify,

declare, warn and remind humanity of everything Jesus has said.


Jesus also explicitly warned that anyone who blasphemes the Holy

Spirit, that will be sent by God Almighty exclusively on His behalf

and reqeuest, will never be forgiven. This doctrine makes perfect

sense now. So does the doctrine of the Last Judgment and Resurrection:


" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu

called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to rectify

themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in the Bible

is called as Last Judgment, that you will be judged. All of you will

be judged on this Earth. The population of the Earth is at the

maximum these days because all those, practically all those who had

aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God, are born in Modern

Times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most important

times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to

hear this but that’s the fact. It’s the Truth.


Though you can understand that Mother’s Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment, which looks such a horrifying experience, has been made

very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb

you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


repeatedly and openly declared in public by the same Holy Spirit for

more than three decades ......... and explained with so much motherly

love, tenderness, patience and detail to the believers in private.


regards to all,




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