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Knowledge is far more priceless than Silence, and precedes it.

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> i have provided hundreds of pages of irrefutable evidence and

> knowledge of the Devi. i have also strongly cautioned against the

> avidya that the devotees of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, are indulging in, and encouraging/enforcing others to do the

> same. Seeking such knowledge-while strictly avoiding/rejecting such

> avidya at all times-alone makes life worthwhile, and the attainment

> of knowledge completely fulfils the ultimate purpose of existence.

> Such knowledge is far more priceless than Silence, and precedes it.

> Without such knowledge you cannot comprehend, far less learn how to

> maintain, Silence on Self. The Devi insists that liberating

> knowledge can be attained here in this world. There is nothing to

> surrender to Her except our ignorance and arrogance. Thank you

> Akash and Preeti for your excellent enquiry that will help many.



YOGA OF KNOWLEDGE (jnana-yoga): the path to realization of pure

consciousness and of the essential unity between the soul or Self and

Brahman. It is one of the three major traditional yogas, requiring a

number of preliminary mental and moral qualifications for the

aspirant. These include tranquility, restraint, patience, dispassion

and virtue. Knowledge is said to be the supreme end of devotion.

While the path of devotion leads, ultimately, to the Jeweled Island

paradise of the Goddess, but no further without knowledge, the path

of knowledge can lead to the ultimate realization of pure

consciousness even here on Earth. The path of knowledge consists of

three main stages: 1) listening to the teachings of scripture that

demonstrate the unity of the soul and Brahman; 2) reflecting on the

meaning of such texts and 3) intensive meditation thereon.


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 145)



GURU: spiritual teacher qualified by extensive knowledge of the Vedas

and endowed with experiential knowledge of Brahman. Such a teacher is

prerequisite for the pursuit of spiritual disciplines, for only from

the mouth of a qualified teacher, not from books, can one receive the

necessary guidance. The disciple must submit him- or herself with

total dedication of body and mind to serving such a teacher, for the

gift of the guru, eternal knowledge of Brahman which constitutes

spiritual rebirth, is far greater than the gift of birth from one's

biological father, which perishes.


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 132)


Main Entry: ex•pe•ri•en•tial

: relating to, derived from, or providing experience


Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary


Main entry: ex•pe•ri•en•tial

Definition: based on experience: derived from or relating to

experience as opposed to other methods of acquiring knowledge


MSN Encarta



KNOWLEDGE OF BRAHMAN (brahma-vidya): in general, the liberating

knowledge of the ultimate identity of the individual soul and the

absolute, or Brahman. Attainment of such is the spiritual goal of the

ancient Upanishads. In the Kena Upanishads, Brahman is made known by

the Goddess Uma Haimavati, who comes to be identified with brahma-

vidya, the knowledge revealing Brahman. In the Devi Gita, the

Goddess, identified with Haimavati, is regarded not just as the

knowledge revealing Brahman, but also as that which is revealed,

namely Brahman itself.


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 134)



SELF (Atman): the true nature of the Goddess consisting of pure

consciousness, identical with Brahman. The individual soul is a

refraction or fragmented reflection of the Self in the obscuring

medium of nescience (avidya). The identity of the individual soul and

the Self is indicated by the great saying in the Upanishads, `You are

That' (tat twam asi). As the Goddess explains, `That' is She Herself,

whose essence as pure consciousness is identical with the essence of

the " You, " the individual soul. The Self is eternal, ever unchanging,

and thus nonacting. Its nature is bliss. The desire for immortality

on the part of the individual soul is ultimately rooted in love of

the Self.


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 139)



SHAKTI: power, energy; the absolute power of the universe, identical

with rather than an attribute of the Goddess. Shakti as a name of the

Goddess represents the supreme cosmic energy, creating, maintaining,

and ultimately destroying the universe, only to recreate worlds anew.

In the Devi Gita, Shakti is not the possession of a male deity, as

She is the consort of none, but the energy of all.


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 140)



COILED SERPENT (kundalini): the manifestation of the Goddess within

one's own body, according to the Serpentine Yoga. The Coiled Serpent

normally lies sleeping in the lowest psychoenergectic center at the

base of the spine. In the practice of the Serpentine Yoga, the Coiled

Serpent is aroused through breath control and concentration, and

caused to ascend through the central mystic channel to the crown of

the head, where She unites with Shiva. She is then led back down to

Her resting place in the base center, infusing the body of the yoga

practitioner with Her spiritual, mental, and material energies,

thereby transforming the physical body into a fully divine being

identical with the Goddess Herself.


The Song of the Goddess

The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

(C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 129)

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