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Shakti is not the possession of a male deity, as She is the consort of none, but the energy of all.

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> >

> > i have provided hundreds of pages of irrefutable evidence and

> > knowledge of the Devi. i have also strongly cautioned against the

> > avidya that the devotees of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> > Devi, are indulging in, and encouraging/enforcing others to do the

> > same. Seeking such knowledge-while strictly avoiding/rejecting

> > such avidya at all times-alone makes life worthwhile, and the

> > attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the ultimate purpose

> > of existence. Such knowledge is far more priceless than Silence,

> > and precedes it. Without such knowledge you cannot comprehend,

> > far less learn how to maintain, Silence on Self. The Devi insists

> > that liberating knowledge can be attained here in this world.

> > There is nothing to surrender to Her except our ignorance and

> > arrogance. Thank you Akash and Preeti for your excellent enquiry

> > that will help many.

> >



> SHAKTI: power, energy; the absolute power of the universe,

> identical with rather than an attribute of the Goddess. Shakti as a

> name of the Goddess represents the supreme cosmic energy, creating,

> maintaining, and ultimately destroying the universe, only to

> recreate worlds anew. In the Devi Gita, Shakti is not the

> possession of a male deity, as She is the consort of none, but the

> energy of all.


> The Song of the Goddess

> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 140)



> GURU: spiritual teacher qualified by extensive knowledge of the

> Vedas and endowed with experiential knowledge of Brahman. Such a

> teacher is prerequisite for the pursuit of spiritual disciplines,

> for only from the mouth of a qualified teacher, not from books, can

> one receive the necessary guidance. The disciple must submit him-

> or herself with total dedication of body and mind to serving such a

> teacher, for the gift of the guru, eternal knowledge of Brahman

> which constitutes spiritual rebirth, is far greater than the gift

> of birth from one's biological father, which perishes.


> The Song of the Goddess

> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 132)



> KNOWLEDGE OF BRAHMAN (brahma-vidya): in general, the liberating

> knowledge of the ultimate identity of the individual soul and the

> absolute, or Brahman. Attainment of such is the spiritual goal of

> the ancient Upanishads. In the Kena Upanishads, Brahman is made

> known by the Goddess Uma Haimavati, who comes to be identified with

> brahma-vidya, the knowledge revealing Brahman. In the Devi Gita,

> the Goddess, identified with Haimavati, is regarded not just as the

> knowledge revealing Brahman, but also as that which is revealed,

> namely Brahman itself.


> The Song of the Goddess

> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 134)



> SELF (Atman): the true nature of the Goddess consisting of pure

> consciousness, identical with Brahman. The individual soul is a

> refraction or fragmented reflection of the Self in the obscuring

> medium of nescience (avidya). The identity of the individual soul

> and the Self is indicated by the great saying in the Upanishads,

> `You are That' (tat twam asi). As the Goddess explains, `That' is

> She Herself, whose essence as pure consciousness is identical with

> the essence of the " You, " the individual soul. The Self is eternal,

> ever unchanging, and thus nonacting. Its nature is bliss. The

> desire for immortality on the part of the individual soul is

> ultimately rooted in love of the Self.


> The Song of the Goddess

> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 139)



> COILED SERPENT (kundalini): the manifestation of the Goddess within

> one's own body, according to the Serpentine Yoga. The Coiled

> Serpent normally lies sleeping in the lowest psychoenergectic

> center at the base of the spine. In the practice of the Serpentine

> Yoga, the Coiled Serpent is aroused through breath control and

> concentration, and caused to ascend through the central mystic

> channel to the crown of the head, where She unites with Shiva. She

> is then led back down to Her resting place in the base center,

> infusing the body of the yoga practitioner with Her spiritual,

> mental, and material energies, thereby transforming the physical

> body into a fully divine being identical with the Goddess Herself.


> The Song of the Goddess

> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess

> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 129)




Shri Mataji, On Whom Do You Meditate?


Kash was now daily meditating with all the Heavenly Hosts, including

those Messengers who came to Earth and gave rise to the great

religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism —

Shri Jesus, Radha, Krishna, Sita, Rama, Muhammad, Buddha, and Nanak.

It had already been absolutely ascertained that this Divine Unity was

meditating daily on the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in

the Kingdom of the Spirit. The absolute reverence of these Divine

Messengers of God Almighty to His Spirit Shri Samanadhika-Varjita

Shri Nirmala Devi was self-evident by these observations:


- She was the only One who sat on the Supreme Throne while the rest

always sat on the soft clouds;

- She was the only One who always gave orders to start and end

meditation and all others matters;

- She was the only One who wore a crown on special occasions;

- She was the only One who always had the Light above Her. This Light

was never seen elsewhere;

- She was the only One to whom all mantras were attributed;

- She was the only One on whom all inhabitants in the Kingdom of God

were meditating.


All Sahaja Yogis on Earth were meditating on Her in their Sahasraras.

But on whom was Shri Maha Avatar Shri Nirmala Devi meditating? Since

She was also meditating, just like the Sahaja Yogis and the Divine

Unity, it became obvious that She may be meditating on a superior



Kash's father was far from God-Realization and his mind busy trying

to fill the wide gaps and discrepancies between the dogmas of

religious institutions and the absoluteness of the Ultimate Reality

of the Spiritual Realm. Likewise, his conditioned mind could not

accept doubtlessly the concept of a Feminine Power. God had to be a

masculine force. Therefore, the Great Adi Shakti had to be meditating

on God.


Kash was told to verify the Truth from the Great Adi Shakti. He

meditated and reached Her in his Sahasrara, and posed this priceless

question: " Shri Mataji, on whom do You meditate? "


The Great Primordial One answered:


" I meditate on all those who meditate on Me. "


Shri Dhyana-Dhyatr-Dhyeya-Rupa Shri Nirmala Devi

Montreal, Canada — June 27, 1994


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi replied that She meditates with all those

who mediate with Her, which includes the entire Divine Unity. This

absolutely confirmed that there is no Higher Power, that the

Universal Self is One — the Holy Spirit and the Universal Soul are

One; the Ruh and Allah are One; the Adi Shakti and Sadashiva are One;

the Mother and the Father are One. It is the Feminine Power that is

the All-Pervading Power. This is abundantly reflected in all Nature,

which creates, nourishes and sustains all. The feminine Holy Spirit

is the Power of God that creates, nourishes and sustains all. That is

why Shri Jesus exclaimed, just before being crucified: " Behold the

Mother! " That is why all the Messengers of God meditate on Her.


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God pg. 212-13



Samanadhika-Varjita (198th): None to equal or excel Her. She remains


Dhyana-Dhyatr-Dhyeya-Rupa (254th): Of the form of meditation,

meditator and meditated, i.e., Triputi.





The followers of the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran, standing at Your

Door, meditate on You.

Uncounted are those who fall at Your Door.

Brahma meditates on You, as does Indra on his throne.

Shiva and Vishnu, and their incarnations chant the Lord's Praise with

their mouths,

As do the Pirs, the spiritual teachers, the prophets and the Shaykhs,

the silent sages and the seers.


Adi Granth (verse 2, p. 518.)



Panca-Brahmasana-sthita (58th): She is seated above the Panca

Brahmas, who are Brahma, Visnu, Rudra, Isana and Sadasiva. This shows

Her Ultimate status as Reality, being the Highest `Sadevasaumyedam

agra asit.' It also alludes to Her position in our body. The Brahma

Granthi is above the two Chakras — Muladhara and Svadhisthana. The

Vishnu-Granthi is above Manipura and Anahata. The Rudra-Granthi is

above the Visuddha and Ajna. From Ajna to the centre of the skull is

the Isvarasthana. Above that is the Dvadasanta the abode of

Sadashiva. Above that is seated Sri-Lalita as Chitkala. She is thus

seated above all the five Brahmas.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Associated

Advertisers and Printers, 1989.)




Aarti to Mother Nirmala, I have surrendered to You


Aarti to Mother Nirmala. Oh Primordial power of the Kundalini


Who Is the Mother of the Universe, Your form is beyond the Gunas

ZHALE SAGUNA TU ATA. And now You have become Saguna — of good



Great deities like Shiva and Vishnu meditate upon You. The Rishis and

Munis all sing Your praise and get lost in ecstasy


Everyone recognizes You at Sahastrar.



Bhairav Nath, Hanuman, Jesus, Ganesh and all Gods surround You

Mother, engrossed in singing Your praise.


The Mother Goddesses, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi reside

within You


The three Gunas have become one as You have taken the form of Nirmala.


With Your Blessings, as the Kundalini rises and pierces the Sahastrar


This blissful joy have taken the form of Nirmala


The mission of Your present incarnation is to enable Your disciples

to cross over


Hence the Yoga (union) has become easy (Sahaj)


You give realization even to outcaste (who have no God.) May we

always meditate upon You.


Whose attention is full of Love while the Spirit seeks the Infinite


Please do not ever keep us away from You.


Sahaja Yoga Songbook (1996)

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Dear Jagbir and violet I appreciate your advice and guidance. Your posts touch heart.I wish everybody, atleast the sahaj people could reach to this level of surrending ignorance. I saw in India, huge Sahaj collecive indulging in treatments and rituals. People are becoming arrogant with attainment of their Sahaj knowledge but its a shame that innocent people are just driven towards the false knowledge. Thank you very much. jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: > > > > i have provided hundreds of pages of irrefutable evidence and> > knowledge of the Devi. i have also strongly cautioned against the> > avidya that the devotees of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala> > Devi, are indulging in, and encouraging/enforcing others to do the> > same. Seeking such knowledge-while strictly avoiding/rejecting > > such avidya at all times-alone makes life worthwhile, and the > > attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the ultimate purpose > > of existence. Such knowledge is far more priceless than Silence, > > and precedes it. Without such knowledge you cannot comprehend, > > far less learn how to maintain, Silence on Self. The Devi insists > > that liberating knowledge can be

attained here in this world. > > There is nothing to surrender to Her except our ignorance and > > arrogance. Thank you Akash and Preeti for your excellent enquiry > > that will help many.> > > > > SHAKTI: power, energy; the absolute power of the universe, > identical with rather than an attribute of the Goddess. Shakti as a > name of the Goddess represents the supreme cosmic energy, creating, > maintaining, and ultimately destroying the universe, only to > recreate worlds anew. In the Devi Gita, Shakti is not the > possession of a male deity, as She is the consort of none, but the > energy of all.> > The Song of the Goddess> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 140)> > > GURU: spiritual teacher qualified by extensive knowledge of the >

Vedas and endowed with experiential knowledge of Brahman. Such a > teacher is prerequisite for the pursuit of spiritual disciplines, > for only from the mouth of a qualified teacher, not from books, can > one receive the necessary guidance. The disciple must submit him- > or herself with total dedication of body and mind to serving such a > teacher, for the gift of the guru, eternal knowledge of Brahman > which constitutes spiritual rebirth, is far greater than the gift > of birth from one's biological father, which perishes.> > The Song of the Goddess> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 132)> > > KNOWLEDGE OF BRAHMAN (brahma-vidya): in general, the liberating > knowledge of the ultimate identity of the individual soul and the > absolute, or Brahman. Attainment of such is the

spiritual goal of > the ancient Upanishads. In the Kena Upanishads, Brahman is made > known by the Goddess Uma Haimavati, who comes to be identified with > brahma-vidya, the knowledge revealing Brahman. In the Devi Gita, > the Goddess, identified with Haimavati, is regarded not just as the > knowledge revealing Brahman, but also as that which is revealed, > namely Brahman itself.> > The Song of the Goddess> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 134)> > > SELF (Atman): the true nature of the Goddess consisting of pure > consciousness, identical with Brahman. The individual soul is a > refraction or fragmented reflection of the Self in the obscuring > medium of nescience (avidya). The identity of the individual soul > and the Self is indicated by the great saying in the

Upanishads, > `You are That' (tat twam asi). As the Goddess explains, `That' is > She Herself, whose essence as pure consciousness is identical with > the essence of the "You," the individual soul. The Self is eternal, > ever unchanging, and thus nonacting. Its nature is bliss. The > desire for immortality on the part of the individual soul is > ultimately rooted in love of the Self.> > The Song of the Goddess> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 139)> > > COILED SERPENT (kundalini): the manifestation of the Goddess within > one's own body, according to the Serpentine Yoga. The Coiled > Serpent normally lies sleeping in the lowest psychoenergectic > center at the base of the spine. In the practice of the Serpentine > Yoga, the Coiled Serpent is aroused through breath control

and > concentration, and caused to ascend through the central mystic > channel to the crown of the head, where She unites with Shiva. She > is then led back down to Her resting place in the base center, > infusing the body of the yoga practitioner with Her spiritual, > mental, and material energies, thereby transforming the physical > body into a fully divine being identical with the Goddess Herself.> > The Song of the Goddess> The Devi Gita: Spiritual Counsel Of The Great Goddess> (C. Mackenzie Brown, State University of N.Y. Press, 2002, pg. 129)>Shri Mataji, On Whom Do You Meditate?Kash was now daily meditating with all the Heavenly Hosts, including those Messengers who came to Earth and gave rise to the great religions of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism — Shri Jesus, Radha, Krishna, Sita, Rama, Muhammad, Buddha, and Nanak. It had already

been absolutely ascertained that this Divine Unity was meditating daily on the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in the Kingdom of the Spirit. The absolute reverence of these Divine Messengers of God Almighty to His Spirit Shri Samanadhika-Varjita Shri Nirmala Devi was self-evident by these observations: - She was the only One who sat on the Supreme Throne while the rest always sat on the soft clouds;- She was the only One who always gave orders to start and end meditation and all others matters;- She was the only One who wore a crown on special occasions;- She was the only One who always had the Light above Her. This Light was never seen elsewhere;- She was the only One to whom all mantras were attributed;- She was the only One on whom all inhabitants in the Kingdom of God were meditating.All Sahaja Yogis on Earth were meditating on Her in their Sahasraras. But on whom was Shri Maha

Avatar Shri Nirmala Devi meditating? Since She was also meditating, just like the Sahaja Yogis and the Divine Unity, it became obvious that She may be meditating on a superior power. Kash's father was far from God-Realization and his mind busy trying to fill the wide gaps and discrepancies between the dogmas of religious institutions and the absoluteness of the Ultimate Reality of the Spiritual Realm. Likewise, his conditioned mind could not accept doubtlessly the concept of a Feminine Power. God had to be a masculine force. Therefore, the Great Adi Shakti had to be meditating on God.Kash was told to verify the Truth from the Great Adi Shakti. He meditated and reached Her in his Sahasrara, and posed this priceless question: "Shri Mataji, on whom do You meditate?" The Great Primordial One answered:"I meditate on all those who meditate on Me."Shri Dhyana-Dhyatr-Dhyeya-Rupa Shri Nirmala

Devi Montreal, Canada — June 27, 1994Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi replied that She meditates with all those who mediate with Her, which includes the entire Divine Unity. This absolutely confirmed that there is no Higher Power, that the Universal Self is One — the Holy Spirit and the Universal Soul are One; the Ruh and Allah are One; the Adi Shakti and Sadashiva are One; the Mother and the Father are One. It is the Feminine Power that is the All-Pervading Power. This is abundantly reflected in all Nature, which creates, nourishes and sustains all. The feminine Holy Spirit is the Power of God that creates, nourishes and sustains all. That is why Shri Jesus exclaimed, just before being crucified: "Behold the Mother!" That is why all the Messengers of God meditate on Her.Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God pg. 212-13Samanadhika-Varjita (198th): None to equal or excel Her. She remains Supreme.

Dhyana-Dhyatr-Dhyeya-Rupa (254th): Of the form of meditation, meditator and meditated, i.e., Triputi.-------------------------The followers of the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran, standing at Your Door, meditate on You. Uncounted are those who fall at Your Door. Brahma meditates on You, as does Indra on his throne. Shiva and Vishnu, and their incarnations chant the Lord's Praise with their mouths, As do the Pirs, the spiritual teachers, the prophets and the Shaykhs, the silent sages and the seers.Adi Granth (verse 2, p. 518.)Panca-Brahmasana-sthita (58th): She is seated above the Panca Brahmas, who are Brahma, Visnu, Rudra, Isana and Sadasiva. This shows Her Ultimate status as Reality, being the Highest `Sadevasaumyedam agra asit.' It also alludes to Her position in our body. The Brahma Granthi is above the two Chakras

— Muladhara and Svadhisthana. The Vishnu-Granthi is above Manipura and Anahata. The Rudra-Granthi is above the Visuddha and Ajna. From Ajna to the centre of the skull is the Isvarasthana. Above that is the Dvadasanta the abode of Sadashiva. Above that is seated Sri-Lalita as Chitkala. She is thus seated above all the five Brahmas.Sri Lalita Sahasranama(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Associated Advertisers and Printers, 1989.)AARTI NIRMALA MATA, CHARNI THEVILA MATAAarti to Mother Nirmala, I have surrendered to YouAARTI NIRMALA MATA. ADI SHAKTI KUNDALINI.Aarti to Mother Nirmala. Oh Primordial power of the Kundalini SARVA VISHWACHI JANANI, NIRGUNA TE RUPA TUZHEWho Is the Mother of the Universe, Your form is beyond the Gunas ZHALE SAGUNA TU ATA. And now You have become Saguna — of good qualities. SHIVA VISHNU TUZHE DHYANI. RUSHI MUNI TE BHAJANI LAVILESI VEDA SARVA Great deities

like Shiva and Vishnu meditate upon You. The Rishis and Munis all sing Your praise and get lost in ecstasyDARSHAN DILE SAHASTRAR. Everyone recognizes You at Sahastrar.BHAIRAVADI HANUMANTA, YESHU GANESHA TU NATHA BHOWATALI TUZHYA MATE, RANG LE TE GUNA GATHA.Bhairav Nath, Hanuman, Jesus, Ganesh and all Gods surround You Mother, engrossed in singing Your praise.SARASWATI KALIMATE MAHALAKSHMI VIDHATEThe Mother Goddesses, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi reside within YouTRIGUNA HE EKA ZHALE RUPA NIRMALA HE YETA.The three Gunas have become one as You have taken the form of Nirmala.JAGRUTATI KUNDALINI CHEDI SAHASTRA YOGINIWith Your Blessings, as the Kundalini rises and pierces the SahastrarANANDA TU SWARUPACHA KRUPA TUZHI MATE HOTA.This blissful joy have taken the form of NirmalaKARANA TE AWATARA BHAKTA JANA TE TARANYAThe mission of Your present incarnation is to enable Your disciples to cross

overSAHAJA TU YOGA ZHALAHence the Yoga (union) has become easy (Sahaj)PARA KARI TU ANATHA. DHYANI RAHO TUZHE NAMYou give realization even to outcaste (who have no God.) May we always meditate upon You.CHITTI AKHANDITA PREM ANANTA HE JIVA PAYIWhose attention is full of Love while the Spirit seeks the InfiniteDURA KARU NAKO ATA.Please do not ever keep us away from You.Sahaja Yoga Songbook (1996)

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