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Holy Spirit and the Blossom Time

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(HSS) New Heading # 17

Holy Spirit and the Blossom Time




17./ Heading



Holy Spirit and the ‘Blossom Time’


When He cometh, when He cometh

To make up His jewels,

All His jewels, precious jewels,

His loved and His own.


Like the stars of the morning,

His brightness adorning,

They shall shine in their beauty,

Bright gems for His crown.


He will gather, He will gather

The gems for His kingdom;

All the pure ones, all the bright ones,

His loved and His own.


Like the stars of the morning,

His brightness adorning,

They shall shine in their beauty,

Bright gems for His crown.


Little children, little children,

Who love their Redeemer,

Are the jewels, precious jewels,

His loved and His own.


Like the stars of the morning,

His brightness adorning,

They shall shine in their beauty,

Bright gems for His crown.




" This is the special Blossom Time, which was promised – when so many who were

seekers of truth before, have taken birth as normal householders. Sahaja Yoga

will only work out with such people [with the masses of the people, rather than

one or two here or there]. The position of the stars shows clearly how

everything has clicked together. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Birthday Puja

Seminar – Opening Address Synopsis - Delhi, India – 20 March 1993)


[Although it has been taught in Christianity that the 'End Times' refers to the

end of the world, according to the Hopi and Mayan elders, it is only the time of

transition from one World Age into another World Age]:


" The Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end.

Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The

message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead.

Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether

the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and

tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many

other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear. "




[Our spirit has incarnated many times in different World Ages. However, this is

the most special time of the transition from the Age of Pisces (whose symbol is

the fish, which the Christians adopted), to the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is

the Water Bearer that signifies spiritual renewal. This remarkable article,

given from an astrological perspective before the year 2000, shows just how

important this time of transition is, whereby according to the author, " we are

to embrace the message of the Piscean age” and “we must believe that we are

destined to triumph over death and to resurrect a golden age " !]:


" Astrology could well be called the science of cycles. Against the backdrop of

greater and lesser cycles of time, a man lives out his life. Similarly,

civilizations and races evolve in accordance with the ebb and flow of time. Any

age marking the ending of cycles, and simultaneously the commencement of new

cycles, is of interest, especially when these cycles have stretched out for

thousands of years. Such are the times we live in. In particular, we are coming

to the close of a precessional month, the so-called Age of Pisces, and entering

the portals of the much-heralded Age of Aquarius. Moreover, we are experiencing

the ending of a Platonic or Precessional Year, a complete cycle of precession

through the twelve signs of the zodiac entailing approximately 25,800 years

(exact figures differ slightly among astrologers).


Precession in this case refers to the precession of the equinoxes: a slow,

westward motion of the equinoctial points along the ecliptic caused by the

action of sun and moon upon the protuberant matter about the earth's equator.

(from Webster's) Due to this celestial phenomenon, the Sun, while in the

tropical sign of Aries, has risen at the spring equinox in the constellation of

Pisces for the last approximately 2,144 years. This time period has been called,

therefore, The Age of Pisces. In the previous 2,000-year period, the Sun rose at

spring equinox in the constellation of Aries, and prior to that in the

constellation of Taurus, etc., backward through the zodiac. These ages can be

studied in terms of historical events of the times they represent as well as in

sequence, indicative of a greater evolutionary scheme. We stand at the end of

the Piscean age. While dates differ, astrologers agree that we are in an overlap

time between reaping the dregs of the Age of Pisces, and the dawn of the Age of

Aquarius. While the Aquarian Age shines with the brilliance of new hope, it is

generally agreed that we must pass through the Dark Night of our karmic summing

up in the end sign Pisces before the New Age of Aquarius can be fully upon us.


The Greek mathematician and astronomer Hipparchus, who lived around 100 years

B.C., is generally credited with the discovery of the precession of the

equinoxes. Most astrologers believe, however, that Hipparchus was bringing to

light a previously known, and apparently forgotten fact. Astrologer Franz

Cumont, writing at the beginning of this century, postulates that Hipparchus

borrowed from the ancient astrologer-astronomers, the Chaldeans. In any case, a

revival in modern times of the precessional theory was introduced by the

Rosicrucians and the Theosophists in the last century. Esoteric tradition since

then has depicted the Age of Aquarius as a potential Golden Age, a return to a

time when the consciousness of the majority of the population, and therefore the

socio-cultural norms they abide by, will be of a higher spiritual order. Peace

will reign and government itself will reflect spiritual principles. This time is

said to be preceded by a time of great earth changes, plagues, warfare and

general global upheaval.


The Age of Pisces saw the birth of the great avatar Jesus Christ and the advent

and growth of Christianity through the present time. Many of the tenets of

Christianity such as mercy and compassion, the laying down of one's life for

one's brother, turning the other cheek, illumination through faith, etc., are

Piscean themes. The Teacher Jesus portrayed during his life a path of

initiation, of triumph over sin, disease and death, the karma of mortality.

Astrologically, Pisces rules the sea, a symbology that runs throughout the New

Testament; the fishermen disciples becoming fishermen of men, Jesus walking upon

the waters, the alchemy of the fish and the bread, etc. Even the bishop's miter

is fish-shaped!


Astrologer Nicholas Campion in his essay The Great Year questions the

astrological interpretation of the Age of Pisces from an historical viewpoint.

He argues that if Pisces is a sign preferring peace and harmony, how can we then

explain the bloody upheaval and materialism, which has dominated the present

age. Yet to attain peace, Pisces has to grapple with the contents of the

subconscious and unconscious mind. This is a sign that calls for resolution with

the records of the past, individually and collectively. Because so many records

in the individual and race memory are traumatic, we need to conquer a desire to

escape. Alcohol, drugs, media bombardment, addictions of all types are related

to Pisces. At the end of the Piscean age, the world is plagued by fears that

have left the soul bereft. On a world scale, we meet, in learning to contend

with increased terrorism and outbreaks of wars, plagues and natural disasters,

the subconscious race records of world destruction in past ages. Fear is

unprecedented on a global scale. And yet if we are to embrace the message of the

Piscean age, we must believe that we are destined to triumph over death and to

resurrect a golden age. Jesus, who can be seen as the greatest Spiritual Teacher

of the Piscean Age, is known as the Prince of Peace and yet he said that I came

not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against

his father, and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against

her mother-in-law. And a man's foes shall be of his own household. (Matthew

10:34 to 36) It would seem, then, that within each individual as well as among

us the judgment is a precedent to peace.


Is the New Age inevitable? Do we only have to sit it out and survive to enter an

age of enlightenment? I personally agree with Campion, who writes, Change is not

predetermined but depends upon individual free will. The New Age will therefore

come about not as a result of a preordained pattern but as a result of the

ability of humanity to realize its full potential.


What about the Age of Aquarius? When is it going to begin and what's it all

about? While authors will differ by as many as 300 years as to the starting date

of the Aquarian Age, most astrologers see us currently at a time of precessional

transition. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, planet of technology and

innovation. Aquarius is destined to be an age of scientific advances not seen

since the time of the ancient continent of Atlantis. We're likely to get a good

kick-off during the next seven years, with Uranus in Aquarius, its own sign. Be

ready for a tremendous acceleration of scientific advancement, especially in

communication, transportation and meteorological studies. Medicine, education

and government will inevitably be affected as well. With such a strong air focus

(Aquarius) abetted by Pluto in Sagittarius (exploration) sextiling these

Aquarian placements, it's likely that space programs will take on increasing

popularity. The Age of Aquarius is likely to be the time that we stretch

significantly beyond our terrestrial borders. Neptune follows suit by entering

Aquarius in 1998. Some authors interpret Neptune in the sign of brotherhood as

the beginning of a time of mass enlightenment and the true beginning of the

Aquarian Age. Astrologers Sakoian and Acker write:


.... a new civilization will be born, based on enlightened humanitarianism and on

a science using new technology and new forms of energy. This will mark the

beginning of a thousand years of peace, spoken of in the Book of Revelation. The

intuitive, clairvoyant faculties of humanity will be highly developed, and

universal brotherhood will be established in practical reality. (The

Astrologer's Handbook, p.217)


Aquarius, indeed, is the sign of brotherhood and great humanitarian causes. The

misuse of Aquarian energy, however, can manifest as rigid intolerance, freedom

which amounts more to license and anarchy, technology devoid of spirituality,

terrorism and black brotherhood, that is, the coming together for destructive

purposes. Consider, that in May of the year 2000, seven planets, including the

Sun and Moon will be in Taurus and square to Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius.

Taurus is a sign related to the Buddhas and illumination, while Aquarius relates

to world freedom and brotherly love. To meet a square peacefully demands

spiritual maturity. Can we as a people grow so quickly? Perhaps. Taurus also

relates to materialism. Saturn in Taurus square Neptune and then square Uranus

in Aquarius in particular suggests divisions among people as to whether to hold

on to the old order representing material security or to leap into the new.

Whether material scientific advancement will be met with worldwide spiritual

understanding also remains to be seen. Similarly, Aquarius rings the bells of

freedom and there will be much demand for freedom throughout the world, in

religion, in government, in scientific thought. The Taurus squares suggest

resistance to popular movements. Also noteworthy is Uranus conjoining the U.S.

Conceptional Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius in 2002 and 2003. Since the Moon

represents the masses, we should expect tremendous outcries.


From 2,023 to 2044 Pluto will be in Aquarius (following a time of reconstruction

when Pluto is in Capricorn and the U.S. in particular, experiences a Pluto

return) which certainly will bring a new phase into our experience of the

Aquarian Age.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, in her book The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, adds an

intriguing dimension to our understanding of the Piscean age, that of an

accelerated karma which she describes as the ride of the Four Horsemen, a

reference to the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation. As the Four

Horsemen move through time, they deliver the karma mankind has created in each

of the four planes of being; etheric, mental, astral and physical. Beginning in

the year A.D. 2, the Four Horsemen began delivering the karma created in the

etheric plane. In 1307 they began delivering the karma created in the mental

plane. On April 23, 1969, they began delivering the karma created in the astral

plane. On April 23, 1990, they began delivering the karma created in the

physical plane. The black horseman, the first to deliver karma into the physical

octave, delivers the karma created by the power elite through their manipulation

of the economies of the nations. The white and red horsemen bring war. The last

horseman, the pale horse, represents death, famine and plague. Prophet contends

that there is a cycle where the judgments of the Four Horsemen can be turned

back and a cycle when it is too late.


This period coincides with each man carrying his own karmic load. That which was

held in abeyance through the mission of Jesus Christ is now, in cycles marked

each April 23rd, returned to him, he having had a sufficient amount of time to

obtain the mastery necessary to sit under his own vine and fig tree.


Many speak of the second coming of Christ as part of the Aquarian Formula. Dane

Rudyhar writes in The Galactic Dimensions of Astrology: Today, the whole of

humanity, and probably the Earth as a whole, are involved in a process of

accelerated change which some esotericists speak of as a planetary Initiation.

This change can be related to the transition between two great ages, usually

called the Piscean and the Aquarian ages, and perhaps between still larger

cycles than the precession of the equinoxes. Astrologically, Pluto's sextile to

Neptune, begun in 1942 and lasting until the year 2,042, is interpreted by

astrologers as a ninety-six-year-period resulting in mass spiritual conversions.

If this is to be, and if Sakoian and Acker's hope of an enlightened humanity is

to come to pass, the second coming will not be in one person but in the

resurrection of the Christ on a worldwide scale.




[At this time of transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age, Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi drew our attention to an extract from the Nadigrantha by Mr.

Shantaram Athvale, which She stated, was a prediction of Her incarnation. Mr.

Athvale gave information about several different ‘Nadigranthas’ (great, ancient

books on astrology like ‘Bhrigu Samhita’, ‘Satya Nadi’ and ‘Kak Nadi’, etc).

This particular extract comes from Kak Nadi by Kakayyar Bhujander, who was a

great astrologer and spiritual seeker that lived 2000 years ago. " The great

Yogi " that the astrologer predicted would incarnate, is the incarnation of the

Divine Mother, who is the ‘Christian Comforter’, Holy Spirit, promised by Christ

Jesus, who is the Adi Shakti of the Hindus, the Ruh of Allah of the Muslims, the

Maitreya of the Buddhists, the Aykaa Mayee of the Sikhs, the Tao of the Taoists,

and so forth. Here is what Mr. Kakayyar Bhujander foresaw 2000 years ago!]:


" While Jupiter is in Pisces, a great Yogi will incarnate on the Earth. By 1970

it will have become quite evident to many people that a new era will have

started. Kaliyuga will end and Kritayuga will start. The axis of the Earth will

depress and the Earth’s orbit will come closer and closer to the Sun. Human life

will undergo a complete revolution. A great Yogi will incarnate at this time.

This Yogi will be the incarnation of Parabrahma and will have all the divine



Until this time, a yogi or devotee could achieve the bliss of Moksha and find

the ultimate meaning of his life only by following the path of devotion,

knowledge and Pantanjali Yoga. But he would have to go through severe penance in

order to awaken the sleeping powers of various chakras of his body and finally

enlighten the Kundalini Power.


By the new method of yoga devised by the great Yogi, human beings will be able

to attain the joy of Moksha within one lifetime. It would no longer be necessary

to sacrifice one’s body or to die in order to achieve Moksha. The Brahmananda,

which so far only great saints had been able to experience, and then only by

entering into the Samadhi state at the point of death, due to this new type of

yoga, could be achieved by ordinary human beings without entering Samadhi state

while dying.


In the beginning it would be possible for one person in crores [1 in 10 million]

to attain this Yoga and Moksha. However, after some time, the whole human race

with the help of this Yoga will be able to defeat itself [‘its problems’].

People won’t have to worry about food, shelter or clothing. While living

ordinary lives, people will achieve Yoga – Union with God. There will be no

necessity for hospitals as there will be no diseases.


In the beginning the great Yogi will be able to heal diseases with a mere touch.

Old age with its destruction of the body will not exist and people will possess

heavenly bodies.


The world will have to suffer the consequences of a third world war. This world

war would end by interference of the Great Yogi. In the end all the nations of

the world will come together with the feeling of oneness. They will agree on the

destructiveness of war. There will be a great international conference in a big

city of the world. Yogis will lead this conference rather than intellectuals or

politicians. Then the world will recover from the aftermath of war. The whole of

the humanity will understand the importance of prayer and all the nations will

unite together.


Due to new scientific discoveries, science and religions would become one. With

the help of science, the existence of God and the Soul could be proved. The veil

of ignorance and Maya would be drawn aside and Brahmananda, Moksha, which could

previously only be attained by yogis as a result of very hard work and severe

penance, would become easily available to many human beings. In this new era,

every person would have his position in the system according to his individual

qualities and merit. It will be possible to fulfil people’s needs and desires

and so it will no longer be necessary to accumulate money. Without poverty and

diseases, society will be healthy and carefree. " (Kakayyar Bhujander – Extract

from Kak Nadi)


[Many of us have already experienced Heaven on Earth within our physical

lifetime, through Sahaja Yoga, which yoga Mr. Bhujander described as " the new

method of yoga, whereby human beings would be able to attain the joy of Moksha

within one lifetime. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that this is now



" But the area of Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the Brahmarandhra opens

fully, then the heavens open within yourself. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

Formal Talk Evening before Sahasrara Day Puja - Vienna, Austria – 4 May 1985)


[shri Mataji also explains that this spiritual work is done by the Kundalini

alone. Christians are aware that the Holy Spirit is " with us " and will be

awakened " within us " . The Kundalini Awakening is just that! It is the Holy

Spirit that is " with us " ... " awakening within us! " This has to happen in an 'en

masse' way now, in order to save the world from the forces of destruction, that

we see around us today!]:


" All this work is done by Kundalini alone. If She does not go to any Chakra and

awaken any deity, we cannot even have the fruits of those chakras, so it is all

Her work, all Her ascent, all Her understanding and wisdom which has given us

this beautiful state where we call ourself as Yogis, so I would request all of

you to pay attention to your Kundalini, keep her awakened all the time, keep

your vibrations. Not only keep your vibrations alright, but also have a

different attitude towards others. Don’t say anything about how wrong they are,

but just see how right they are, and what good they are capable of. She is a

Virgin, and still so wise. In the same way we have to be very wise, very

sensible. We cannot afford to waste time now, because we have to save the whole

world, it’s our responsibility. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Gauri Puja –

Auckland, New Zealand – 08-04-91)


[shri Mataji is amazed Herself, how things have worked out so very well with so

many people who have had their Union with the Divine within themselves. The

Kundalini makes a person’s psychosomatic system as 'white as snow' right from

the start. Then She goes about trying to heal a person. Shri Mataji also gave

practical techniques to work with the Kundalini, which are used, until the

Kundalini can work effectively Herself, with our enlightened attention working

along with Her, to direct the Kundalini energy, for the benevolence of ourselves

and others. This is one of the powers of a Sahaja Yogi]:


" After listening to all these beautiful reports about Sahaja Yoga, I Myself

start wondering how it has worked out so well and what must have happened – that

in those days of Kali Yuga it has not only worked out but it is tangible –

scientifically we can prove it. A person’s health is the most important thing

and it is to be brought to a normal condition. This is basic to Kundalini

awakening. This is the special Blossom Time, which was promised – when so many

who were seekers of truth before, have taken birth as normal householders.

Sahaja Yoga will only work out with such people ['it will only work out in an en

masse way, and not with special individuals only']. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

Birthday Puja Seminar – Opening Address Synopsis - Delhi, India – 20 March 1993)


[The Kundalini Awakening is a Divine plan for this time of Resurrection (as it

is described in the Koran) and the Last Judgment {as it is described in the

Bible)! As human beings, we have that choice, to have the Holy Spirit awakened

within us. Shri Mataji states that there are billions and billions of spiritual

seekers that have incarnated at this special time, so they can have their

Kundalini Awakening, but we may not be aware of that, though!]:


" It’s all a Divine plan but in your case, it is your own decision because we are

human beings and you have been given freedom to choose. It's your own decision

to take to Sahaja Yoga ['Union with the Divine within']. This is the time when

there are billions and billions of seekers. Some of the Sahaja Yogis went

through a lot and worked very hard before coming to Sahaja Yoga. This has come

from your last lives – that you are seekers, but you have been seekers also of

the same type in your last lives and you took birth now at this moment with your

decision that you have to come to this earth. Maybe you are not aware of it. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Birthday Puja Seminar – Opening Address Synopsis -

Delhi, India – 20 March 1993)


[she says that the establishment of global peace can only come through people

who have achieved the Kundalini Awakening]:


" The world needs people who have been bestowed with this peaceful, blissful joy

in their hearts, who later on make others the same way and form a planned or

organised society, or a group, or a new race, which enjoys this peaceful state

of being. In this peaceful state we are not running away from the society, we

are not denouncing anybody, but we are now like a baked pot, which cannot absorb

any marks on it anymore because it is fully baked. So we become very mature

people of awareness, which cannot be dented, which cannot be spoiled, which

cannot be tarnished by any other negative force. Thus, the establishment of

global peace can only come through people who have achieved this state in modern

times, which is very special, and I call it Blossom Time. In the Bible, it is

described as the Last Judgement, also in the Koran it is called as Kiyama (the

Resurrection Time). Otherwise, it is artificial to believe that human beings

forming a group or an organisation, can create this global peace. The time has

come for many people to get their Self-Realisation and I’m sure the day will

come when these newly born in the realm of Divine love, will spread peace and

also create global peace. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – book/Meta Modern Era –

chap.11 – 29/09/95)


[shri Mataji gave advice about the centres, where the psychosomatic blocks can

block the flow of the kundalini energy, which can be a problem in the initial

stages of Kundalini Awakening, until the Holy Spirit’s energy can flow freely.

As Shri Mataji says, there is no technique for that, but it is a living thing,

and living things don’t have a technique. It is more a matter of a connection,

and knowledgeably working with that connection, which She calls the Divine laws

and the Divine technique]:


" Tomorrow I will give you all the information about the centres and all that and

I will tell you how He will judge you… what are your centers that are catching.

And then you will judge that and you will know what is the problem… how to get

it done… how to get it all right. There is no technique for that. Like if you

sow a seed, it becomes a tree. There is no technique. If you have flowers, they

become fruit. It’s a living thing, and living things don’t have any technique.

But once you get connected, then you must know the Divine laws and you must know

the Divine technique. But first you must be realised. Unless and until you are

put to the Mains, how can you use this machine? You are not yet put to the

Mains. How can you do anything? It’s like telephoning somewhere without having a

connection! You must firstly be connected to the Divine (but this is not a

difficult thing). In modern times it is very easy. Formerly, it was, like you

can say, a tree. In the beginning you only get one or two flowers. But the time

has come. The Blossom Time has come! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk –

New York, U.S.A. – 'Sahaja Yoga in America' - 19/09/81)


[As Shri Mataji says, it is a case of understanding and knowing what is

happening, now that the Blossoming Time has come!]:


" If you want to know what happens, it’s that you just start feeling a cool

breeze flowing into your hands or from your hands; and then you ask a question:

Is there God? And the breeze is much more. If you ask about a thug: Is he a good

man? It stops. The rapport is established with your Spirit. It speaks to you as

a cool breeze in the hands. This cool breeze in the hand is the energy of the

Spirit flowing, by which your disease gets cured, you can cure the diseases of

others, you can raise the Kundalini of others and give them Realisation and you

can enjoy the beauty of Nature; not thinking about it or grossly valuing it… but

just enjoying it in a full way. This is the short and sweet [of it] but it’s

such a long story, taught thousands of years back and today it is just reaching

its climax. The Fruit is going to be formed. It’s just that the Blossom Time has

come for this story, and if the Seekers cooperate, I’m sure it will work out. I

have all hopes! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Public Programme – Hampstead,

England - 22 July 1982)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi describes the collective nature of the Kundalini, and

how the awakening of the Kundalini (Holy Spirit’s power) establishes collective

consciousness within. We can then feel the nature and position of the Kundalini

in others. This proves to us that human beings are all part and parcel of one

Divine Being, that is, we are all the Temple of the Holy Spirit, but do not

actually realise that, until we have our Self Realisation (a.k.a. Kundalini



" The attention of the consciousness moves to the inner being (Kundalini). As the

thread (Sutra) of a necklace passes through every bead of the necklace, the

inner consciousness {Kundalini) passes through every human being. As soon as our

attention moves to our inner consciousness, we can move on to everybody’s

Kundalini. One starts feeling the Kundalini, its nature, its position, in other

persons. Collective consciousness is thus established. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Formal Talk – “Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery”)


[That is when it could be said, that we become a 'Universal Being']:


" Now you become a Universal Being. After some days you cannot say who is the

other person. The power of love is so great and dynamic, that with the movement

of your fingers, you can move the Kundalini of thousands. It becomes a 'child’s

play'. This is how the en masse evolution of human beings will take place. These

are the signs of the advent of the Golden Age of Truth (Satya Yuga). " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


[shri Mataji asks us to forget the hardships of the past, as the Blossom Time of

collective achievement, has now come!]:


" Let us forget whatever hardships we have suffered in our search in the past. It

does not matter if some could not find it before this. You have to open your

mind and understand that though the discovery is unprecedented, it does not make

any seeker or predecessor small. If some experiments are made, it does not

matter if, ultimately, we have found out, the way. It is a collective

achievement! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – “Sahaja Yoga – A Unique

Discovery " )


" Perhaps in the chaos of Kali Yuga, it was to happen and many of us, who have

been earnestly searching in many lives, are reborn to have their promises

fulfilled by the Divine. Maybe we were our own predecessors. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga - A Unique Discovery " )


" On the tree of life there might have been very few flowers, but now the Blossom

Time has come. Their fragrance of longing has collectively materialised the

manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. Many are going to jump into the realm of

thoughtless awareness, where you get introduced to yourself and start

identifying with your " Universal Nature " . (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal

Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


" Those who deserve it, will get the throne of their inner being, which rules the

skies of peace, and the oceans of divine love and supreme knowledge within,

which is limitless (Anant). " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja

Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


" If we cannot work out our own chakras now, we cannot help anyone. So first we

must work out our own chakras, and then we can help everyone. It’s not like some

cult or organisation where we say: " I belong to this organisation; it's alright;

I'll be saved by God! " It’s not promised in Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine].

There's no ticket to heaven! It has to be worked out with full understanding as

to what this Kundalini is, and how She works. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Gauri

Puja – Auckland, New Zealand – 08-04-91)


[The Blossom Time, which Christians also call " the Harvest Time " , is the

culmination of reaping what one has sown. Whatever man has sown over many

lifetimes, he is now reaping]:


" Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will

also reap. " (Galatians 6:7)


[Reaping what a person has sown, cannot happen in just one lifetime, but it

happens over many lifetimes, which is why Christ Jesus also made reference to

the fact of reincarnation, when He said]:


" And if you care to accept it, he [John the Baptist] is Elijah, who was to

come! " (Christ Jesus - Matthew 11:14)


[The fact is that even today, many Christians still don’t care to accept the

fact of reincarnation, inspite of Christ Jesus' example of it! Christian

ministers even have creative ways to explain it away, even though they

themselves have reincarnated many times! The way they have explained away

reincarnation in this instance, is to say that Elijah's spirit only overshadowed

John the Baptist, but did not actually reincarnate as John the Baptist! However,

the one who really overshadows each person is the Holy Spirit, and not Elijah.

The " Holy Spirit " is the one who abides " with you " until such time as She

awakens " within you " , as Christ Himself said!]:


" And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper, that She may be

with you forever; that is, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,

because it does not behold Her but you know Her because She abides with you, and

will be in you. " (Christ Jesus - John 14:16)


[Reaping what one sows, is also called the " Law of Karma " ]:


" If we accept the principle of cause and effect in Nature, and of action and

reaction in physics, how can we not believe that this natural law extends also

to human beings? Once consciousness is understood as basic to everything the

question begs to be asked: Do not humans, too, belong to the natural order? Such

is the law of karma: " As you sow, so shall you reap. " If you sow evil, you will

reap evil in the form of suffering. And if you sow goodness, you will reap

goodness in the form of inner joy. To understand karma, you must realize that

thoughts are things. The very universe, in the final analysis, is composed not

of matter but of consciousness. Matter responds, far more than most people

realize, to the power of thought. For willpower directs energy, and energy in

turn, acts upon matter. Matter, indeed, is energy. Every action, every thought,

reaps its own corresponding rewards. Human suffering is not a sign of God's or

Nature's anger with mankind. It is a sign, rather, of man's ignorance of the

divine law. The law is forever infallible in its workings. " (Karma and

Reincarnation - Paramhansa Yogananda)




" Karma " literally means " deed " or " act " , and more broadly names the universal

principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs

all life. It is believed that only beings that can distinguish right from wrong,

such as adult humans, can accumulate Karma. Animals and young children are not

considered to accumulate Karma as they are incapable of discriminating between

right and wrong. However, all sentient beings can feel the effects of Karma,

which are pleasure and pain. Karma is not fate; humans are believed to act with

free will, creating their own destinies. According to the Vedas, if an

individual sows goodness, he or she will reap goodness; if one sows evil, he or

she will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of mankind's actions and their

concomitant reactions in current and previous lives, all of which determine the

future. However, many karmas do not have an immediate effect; some accumulate

and return unexpectedly in an individual's later lives. The conquest of karma is

believed to lie in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction.


Unkindness yields spoiled fruits, called paap, and good deeds bring forth sweet

fruits, called punya. As one acts, so does he become: one becomes virtuous by

virtuous action, and evil, by evil action. "




[How are karmas created? Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that karmas are created

by the ego]:


" Karmas are done by your ego. You must have observed that after coming to Sahaja

Yoga [your Union with the Divine] that you can clearly see your ego (Ahankar)

and the way it works. In Sahaja Yoga also, you come across many temptations and

in that, your ego dominates and you forget whether you have to go to Sahaja

Yoga, or if Sahaja Yoga is to come to you. Many people, when they succumb to

their ego, turn their backs to Sahaja Yoga, expecting Sahaja Yoga to follow

them! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Advice 'NY14')


[Man 'in reality' is the Atman, but he has identified himself with his gross

body, subtle body or causal body, and therefore remains in spiritual bondage!]:


" Atman (Self) is ever pure and ever free. Man, in reality, is Atman. But he

identifies with the gross body, subtle body or the casual body and remains

bound. By non-identification with these, one becomes liberated. On death, the

gross body falls off. The physical gross body is thrown off like changing

clothes. Atman is never born or is it ever slain. It is only the subtle body,

which stores the desires, hopes etc. which transmigrates from one birth to

another. Only the subtle body enjoys the fruits of the action in the physical

world in the heaven or hell. "




[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that as long as one's ego is enveloping one,

that the person cannot have the glimpse of their Spirit]:


" So long as your ego is enveloping you, you cannot have the glimpse of your

Spirit. But it is useless to fight with your ego. In Sahaja Yoga [union with the

Divine within you] you do not have to fight with your ego, but you just have to

see… because your attention itself gets awakened and your ego cools down by just

seeing… as the seeing is [itself] illuminating. In that light you witness the

play of your ego and laugh at it. As you start seeing yourself, your ego starts

getting deflated and as the ego is deflated, you rise in your light. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Advice NY 14)


[However, through Union with the Divine within ['Sahaja Yoga'], the person can

start seeing one's wrong identification and faults through the Light of the

Spirit, and the Shakti or Power of the Holy Spirit, completely removes them!]:


" In Sahaja Yoga, when one is realised, one starts seeing one's own faults. Man

is so identified with himself that he does not want to know his faults, and when

he knows them, he just wants to run away. But it is better that instead of

carrying the burden of your faults from life to life, that you know them and

correct them. There is nothing in it to be scared of. If you make yourself a

little steady, you will understand how powerful the Shakti [Holy Spirit’s power]

is, which not only brings into light the faults within you, but also completely

removes them! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Advice 'NY14')


[All sins/karmas are finished!]:


" Whatever are your karma phalas are finished. You’re not responsible for your

forefather’s karma phalas, your country’s karma phalas, your own personal karma

phalas. Whatever wrong we have done is finished, as if you are cut off from your

past completely! Once this is established, then all mistakes, all wrong-doings,

not only of you, your relations, of your forefathers, of your family, of your

country, of this world, anything, doesn’t touch you. You are aloof from it. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Hamsa Chakra Puja Synopsis – Vancouver, Canada – 13

September 1992)


[Here is some information that Shankara gave about the riddance of sins or



" Shankara finally tells that the knower of the Self always rejoices only in

Absolute Bliss of the Self and also quotes from Srutti [the Vedas] and Smriti

[The law books, subsidiary to the Vedas] to back his words. All the three types

of Karma are only for the Jiva [individual soul with ego] and not to the Atman

[The Self]. Atman is never a kartha ['a Doer'] and hence it is not a bhoktha

[person who enjoys] also. When the Jiva realizes his own Self, then the Kartha

[he who does an act] ceases to exist and hence the karmas, which got accumulated

over millions and millions of birth also ceases to exist. To a person who

realized his own nature of Self, nothing can bind him and thus such a person has

crossed the Samsara [repeated rounds of births and deaths]. Self is already

realized and realization is not an event to occur, it is just a clear

understanding of the Mahavakya [highest Vedantic truth or identity between

individual soul and Supreme Soul] of the Srutti [revealed scriptures; Vedas] as

in " Ayan Atma Brahma " – " The Self is verily Brahman " etc. When a person gets

such a firm conviction on these Upanishadic statements without any doubt through

vedantic sadhana [path of vedantic spiritual practice] of Srvana [hearing the

scriptures], Manana [reflection on the scriptures] and Nidhidhyaasana [profound

meditation on the scriptures], he is liberated and has crossed the Samsara. He

gets a firm conviction that " I am neither body nor senses nor mind nor intellect

but Ever Blissful Infinite Atman " . All the Karma phalams are only for the body

and the mind, and since the person got the firm conviction that he is Atman;

different from gross, subtle and causal body, none of the karma phalams affect

him. Therefore such a person goes beyond the temporary happiness and sorrow

which the good and bad phalams respectively can give and always rejoices in the

Absolute Bliss of the Self. "




[shri Mataji explains that at this transitionary time of " Krita Yuga " (or

'critical time' between the Kali Yuga (Age of Ignorance) and the Satya Yuga (Age

of Enlightenment)... that the Brahma Chaitanya, which is the all-pervading

power, has become activated, and it is trying to expose and punish people for

the past karma. That is why the Christian Comforter had to come, to help people

face themselves, that is, their sin or karma, by turning to the Holy Spirit and

having the Holy Spirit awaken within them. When the Holy Spirit awakens within

the person, She, the Kundalini, washes the person's garments (psychosomatic

system) as white as snow, as the Scriptures say! 'Those people' Shri Mataji

says, 'will not be touched']:


" And in this Krita Yuga where this Brahma Chaitanya [activated All-pervading

power] is trying to expose and to punish people for their past karmas,

collectively also, country-wise also, [this] will not even be able to touch you,

because the light of the centre [Hamsa Chakra; centre of discretion located

between the eyes] is extremely powerful, and you will be redeemed of all the

fears of whatever you have done before. You’ll just be beautiful, like lotuses

which have come out of the mire, and you’ll emit beautiful fragrance all around

the world " . (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Hamsa Chakra Puja Synopsis – Vancouver,



[However, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that all sins or karmas (a.k.a. 'paaps')

and all merits or rewards (a.k.a. 'punyas') are now coming to universal



" So now whatever we have done wrong before, whatever karmas have been done in

ignorance, or deliberately, all of them will be paid back. Those punyas, which

you have done in previous lives, will in this life, also be rewarded. This is

all done through Shri Krishna’s principle of collectivity, where He collectively

sees the situation. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis –

Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's reason for incarnation was not for reasons or

'currying' political or religious favour, which was the case with Christ Jesus

also. Rather, Shri Mataji incarnated to tell us the truth regarding things, and

She did tell the truth, if ever so bluntly at times. Her plain-spokenness has

not just been reserved for certain individuals or countries, but has included

the whole world-at-large and individuals from every possible culture and

religious background. Nobody has been exempted. If one can understand that She

is the Divine Mother, Holy Spirit, then one can also understand how, as a

Mother, She has had to speak plainly, because it is the lives of Her children

that are at stake! The task has fallen to Shri Mataji (Shri Mother) to speak

plainly, so that people will understand what is happening. Below, are some

quotes, where Shri Mataji outlines some of the karmas that nations and

individuals have accumulated or " reaped " because of the actions that they have

" sown " in the past. As it says in the Scriptures, " For they sow the wind, and

they reap the whirlwind, [and therefore] the standing grain has no heads! "

(Hosea 8:7a). Here are some examples given by Shri Mataji, where " the standing

grains have no heads! " ]:


" For example, Columbus luckily went to America, so we were saved. Otherwise we

would not have been here! Then the Spanish occupied the land and killed the poor

unarmed aboriginal people. So now these diseases and drug addiction have

started. The drugs come from Bolivia and Colombia. We drove the people there,

and then went down to help them, and now we are welcoming the drugs back. In all

the elite societies, the discussion is where the best drug is for sale. So all

of America is now worried about how much drugs they can import and kill

themselves and destroy themselves. So this destruction has started from inside. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16

August 1992)


[shri Mataji tells what has happened, due to not keeping to " morality " ]:


" Indulgence into Freudian practices, not keeping to morality, has brought on

AIDS, Yuppie’s disease, and all kinds of secret diseases, which ten percent of

people have. Many in America, at least one in twenty, are schizophrenic as a

result of making other countries and people nervous. Even the English, who came

to India as traders, plundering and ruling for three hundred years, now have

problems in their own country. They left India divided in three pieces, and now

have become a divided country themselves. The French also tried to sell their

wine and bring their horrible bathroom culture everywhere, and are now suffering

from it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella,

Italy – 16 August 1992)


[All the 'seeds sown' of these non-dharmic ways, have 'reaped' recessions,

because people have not used their wealth properly, and every country is now

having to face up to what they have done!]:


" All these countries are paying through recessions. This is also Shri Krishna’s

power because He’s Kubera. He’s the one who is the power of wealth. He gave

wealth to all these countries, and now they don’t know what to do with

themselves. All over the world, in the past 50 years, many remarkable things

have happened. All over the world, there has been some sort of a complete

change, or an exposure. In Italy, the Vatican, mafia connections, and the

government have been exposed. Indians are also suffering from their past deeds

involving the caste system. So like that, in every country, you’ll see gradually

every country will have to face up to what it has done. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji tells that Shri Krishna never believed in the caste system in

India, and was himself born of a 'so-called' caste. He was a milkman, who became

a king!]:


" Shri Krishna’s own style was that He never believed in a caste system. He

Himself was born in a caste, which was a milkman’s caste, and then He became a

king. He was extremely human, childlike, and extremely sweet, but behind that

also, there was a great significance. For example, Shri Radha, who was

Mahalakshmi, used to put Her feet in the Yamuna River. When the ladies carried

that vibrated water from the river in pitchers, Shri Krishna would hit them from

the back, so the water would fall on their back and raise their Kundalini. Also,

they used to play... " Ra " as in " Radha " , means " energy " and " sa " means " with " ,

so when they played 'Rasa', they were playing with the energy, and that's how He

wanted to have a collective awakening of the people. But then He had to leave

and fight with Kamsa. In His own lifetime, as a child and as a grown-up, He

punished all kinds of devils and women devils who were like Putana [female demon

who tried to kill the infant Krishna by suckling him with her poisonous milk]. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16

August 1992)


[she says many false gurus are now trembling, because we are standing on the



" In this Kali Yuga, He [shri Krishna] is also acting by finishing many false

gurus and exposing them nicely. They themselves are trembling and are very

frightened of us, because we are standing on the Truth. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji has taught that Shri Krishna resides in the throat centre, called

Vishuddhi Chakra. According to Edgar Cayce and others, the seven churches

mentioned in the Bible, are the seven chakras. Another name for a church is a

temple! Our body is a " living temple " of the Holy Spirit... " or do you not know

that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? " (1 Corinthians 6:19a) Edgar

Cayce describes in plain language what are the problems of the Church of Sardis

(Vishuddhi Chakra), as mentioned in the Bible, in Revelations Chapter 3, that

need to be overcome, and the church (chakra) to be strengthened]:


" The speech delivered by the Spirit identifies this center with the throat, the

channel of speech. The Spirit explains that the speech comes from " the seven

spirits of God and the seven stars, " which are the sum total of all seven

centers acting in unison with God’s will.


The Spirit acknowledges that this center has good deeds, a name, is alive, and

only a few aspects of its activities are " defiled. " Nevertheless, it is dead to

the real truth and is imperfect. The Spirit encourages this center to strengthen

itself because it is closer to death than it realizes. If it strengthens itself

spiritually, then it will be clothed in white raiment, its name will not be

blotted out of the Book of Life, and the Spirit will confess its name “before my

Father and his angels. "


Notice how much of this center is identified with will and speech. Cayce says

that one of the major steps to full spiritual consciousness is letting our will

become subordinate to God’s will. He often recommended an affirmation such as

this one from the Search for God Study Group readings (it was recorded in




reminiscent of Jesus' intimate prayer sessions with the Father in the Garden of

Gethsemane, in which he prays three separate times for the Father to remove the

cup of crucifixion from him, but only if it is the Father's will, not just his

will. At the end of the third prayer, Jesus knows it is the Father's will that

he drink from this cup, because despite its physical outcome, spiritual glory

will be realized and the flesh will be raised up again to life spiritualized and



The words of our mouths, the thoughts of our minds, and the feelings of our

hearts need to be purified of self-aggrandizement, self-glorification, and

self-exaltation. They must be channels of God’s words, thoughts, and feelings

flowing through us. The throat center is the projector of words, and words can

heal or harm. It is also the center for will. According to Cayce, no other gift

from God is more influential than our will. Not the stars in heaven nor the

tricks of the devil can take away free will.


This center, acting in unison with God’s will, can bring all the centers to a

higher vibration, a higher consciousness. "\

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[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi also spoke about the problems in the 'Church' or

Chakra centre of Sardis, which is the Vishuddhi Chakra. She said that there are

many 'left Vishuddhi' problems, because of the social system and the

collectivity, which is so rigid. She describes this rigidity]:


" So now we have to think about Shri Krishna, who is residing in our Vishuddhi

Chakra. Many have the left Vishuddhi problem, because of the social system, the

collectivity, which is so rigid. So many customs about which knife, which

alcohol for which glass, and it is all mental. Even people with a strong

Catholic conditioning, started following Freud, who was absolutely a devil. All

kinds of funny ideas, like if you make this kind of hair, then you are all

right; if you put oil [in the hair] then you are absolutely a lunatic. Yet we

know that if we don't use oil on our head, we will become bald, and will have to

wear a wig. It was all money-oriented, designed to promote sales. Another

example, is that if you go to see the Queen, you must wear a tailcoat. So this

kind of stupid rigidity, which came into the West, has really made them very

nervous. People are nervous here. If you tell some lady that, " I am going to

come and have some food with you " , she will collapse. God knows what she thinks;

it’s caring for the public opinion, or her own conditioning. But an Indian

housewife, if you tell her that you are going to come, she’ll be very happy that

you are coming to her house for dinner. Because people are so nervous, that they

are not sure of themselves. This has come from the norms, which have been

created in the West. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis –

Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji, as the Mother who sees all these problems in Her children,

worldwide, tells about the ritualistic conditionings of the Jains, in India]:


" In India also, there are many rituals as with the Jains, who will not breathe

without a cloth in front of their mouth, to prevent consuming an animal, while

breathing. Restrictions about eating certain things, or which time is good and

not good for doing certain things, were carried to such an extent that the whole

movement of our country, was around these rituals. Even now, in the south of

India especially, there are lots of rituals related to religion. People are

afraid that they will be sinners, if they get out of it. But in the West, the

whole lifestyle is nothing but rigidity. There’s no freedom in it. The hippies

revolted against it, but that went to yet another extreme. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji says that the advent of Krishna changed things, as He said that 'it

is all a leela'... a play. She says that because we are involved in it, we

cannot see the play]:


" Now how Shri Krishna’s advent changed it – when Shri Krishna came on this

earth, He said this is all a leela, just a play, and because you are involved in

it, you cannot see the play! But if you ascend, you can see the play! If you are

in the water, you are afraid of the water, but if you get into a boat, you can

see the water, and if you know how to swim, you can even save the people who are

in the water! If you develop a ‘witness’ state, then you see the whole thing as

a drama; nothing affects you; nothing matters; you don’t worry about anything.

You see the problem and because you are out of it, you can solve the problem.

The first step towards ascent was taught by Shri Krishna; that we must become a

witness, a 'sakshi'. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis –

Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji states that many different types of people from different areas and

cultures have come together, as the door to Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone]:


" In Sahaja Yoga, we have many different types of people from different areas and

cultures, because the door is open to everyone. Indians tend to find fault with

others, but in the West, they find fault with themselves. Westerners think they

must confess and tell Mother 'what’s wrong with us'. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

– Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[However, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that Sahaja Yogis (born of the Spirit

persons) are always changing!]:


" Every moment you are changing, so what is there to confess? And the life is so

formal, that people suffer from guilt for any thing! Conditionings from Catholic

and other churches have created guilt ['conditioned guilt' as opposed to

'natural guilt'] and so the left Vishuddhi develops. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

– Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji says that this 'left Vishuddhi' is Vishnumaya, which is the

deity/principle within us, that deals with this psychosomatic area. Shri Mataji

talks about its meaning]:


" This left vishuddhi is Vishnumaya. What does that mean? It means, that once you

have this left vishuddhi [build up of guilt problem] that you develop all the

problems of Vishnumaya, and one of them is the heart [problem]. Vishnumaya is

active like electricity, so if we have a Vishnumaya problem, we become

lethargic, guilty, and depressed. [in other words], that Vishnumaya principle

['the witnessing principle'] disappears! Vishnumaya is quick, fast and She gives

the light, and announces to the whole world, what Shri Krishna is! " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji explains what the problem of guilt... 'the Vishnumaya problem'...

does to Sahaja Yogis (born of the Spirit persons)]:


" Sahaja Yogis who feel guilty, will say, 'Mother, you know, we thought that if

we do this, then our ego will come up'. This is absurd! It's like giving light

to a light, and the light says: 'I don’t want to give the light, because the

light might develop an ego!' It is absurd, but such absurd things Sahaja Yogis

tell Me! (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy

– 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji explains that Sahaja Yogis (born of the Spirit persons) have to

understand that to get out of the 'left Vishuddhi' means to become " absolutely

dynamic " ]:


" For them, one has to understand that to get out of this 'left Vishuddhi', is to

become absolutely dynamic in Sahaja Yoga [in their union with the Divine within

them]. Go all out into Sahaja Yoga! Otherwise, they cannot get rid of their

'left Vishuddhi'. Left Vishuddhi is a thing, which is a very depressing action

on the whole being and a person who has 'left Vishuddhi' is always a very slow

person to do anything for Sahaja Yoga. You have not been given the light to hide

it. You have been given the light, to work it out, to be dynamic, to think what

to do, how to arrange, how to organize. A Sahaja Yogi must witness himself,

introspect, and see for himself, where he was, and how he has come to this

point, but must not indulge in the past. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri

Krishna Puja Synopsis - Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that we need dynamic people in the Kingdom of

God, who have the powers, who can write, paint, sing, and they should do so…

regardless of criticism from others… and they should do it boldly also!]:


" We have now come to the Kingdom of God and have all the powers. But instead,

our 'left Vishuddhi' is all the time telling that you are good for nothing! It’s

like a leaking hole in your brain, that takes away all the sense, and you accept

it! If you do not use your siddhis (powers), what can I do about it! I have

given you all the siddhis, no doubt about it, so just try! Someone who wants to

write, should just write! Someone who wants to paint, just paint! If you want to

sing, just sing! Don’t think how people might criticize! Just do it boldly, in a

big way! You’ll be amazed at yourself, how you’ve achieved it, how you are doing

it! It has worked with many artists. Be like Vishnumaya, just give up this

guilt: 'No, I am a Sahaja Yogi, I am not an ordinary person!'. Another style of

'left Vishuddhi' is that it tries to given an explanation to avoid doing things.

Vishnumaya never avoids, and when She has to shine, She shines, whatever She is

doing! We have to be like that. We have to know that we are special, angelic

people. We are chosen, and we have entered the Kingdom of God and it will all

work out. Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine within you] is not meant for

useless people. We need people of character. I know that there cannot be many

like that, but there is no place in God’s realm for 'many people' [that is] for

all these useless people. It's only [for] something special, that these seats

are reserved, and you have got your realisation somehow now. So now try and

understand that this Vishnumaya principle has to be explained, and has to be

shown, and you have to introspect yourself: 'Have I done that or not?' Don’t be

afraid. They say that our ego will come up! It doesn’t matter. You will also see

your ego! The second part of Shri Krishna’s play in this Krita Yuga, is that we

see our ego. The third part is that we must accept whatever is wrong, and we

must improve. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella,

Italy – 16 August 1992)


[so, this is the Blossoming Time, when our karmas are gone, and we turn into

beautiful people!]:


" Now you all know that you have no karmas left. It’s all finished. And now you

are beautiful new people. The Blossoming Time has brought you as fruits now. So

don’t pay attention to yourself, to your maladies, and to your troubles, and

things will definitely improve! Somebody was telling me that they got a pain in

the knee. I felt, that I just get so many times, a pain in the knee. I have pain

here, because I absorb it from you. But I never think about it! Never bother!

Because I see my body is alright. Like this machine, if it is spoiled, we should

cure it, finished! But if all the time you are thinking this is paining here,

this is wrong, and I’ve got no money, I’ve got to do this business… that

business, finished! So now we have to rise into the realm of superconsciousness.

I can go on speaking about everything so sublime, so beautiful. There are many

lectures, which I have given. But lectures have nothing but words. These are the

‘web of words’. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. That

is what is my own vision! And so many have fulfilled it. I am always yours

whenever you want. Whenever you want me to come, I will come. That my life is

more than my own will. But you also must love yourself, and love your self

realisation! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Diwali Puja – Moscow, Russia – 12

November 1993)


[shri Mataji explains that in this Blossoming Time, do not discard Sahaja Yoga,

just because you are attached to another organisation, because there is no

organisation in Sahaja Yoga, there is no membership in it, but it is a " living

organisation " ]:


" So these realised souls are all over and they are helping. They never enter

into anybody, they never trouble you, they guide you, to the proper lines. They

bring their Angels and they help you to come to the right path, to the right

conclusions. And they never try to possess you, they never try to hypnotise you,

or take you to the wrong side of life. So when you are realised also, you must

know that you have to know ‘completely’ what is the reality. Go on

understanding, trying to assimilate it, not to discard it because you are

attached to another organisation. There is ‘no’ organisation in Sahaja Yoga, you

know very well. There is no grouping in Sahaja Yoga. There is no membership in

Sahaja Yoga. ‘But’, it is a living organisation. It is a living organisation! So

anything happens here, the whole body knows! We don’t have to have organisation

written for this body! In the same way, Sahaja Yoga works out! " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk 'Agnya Chakra' – Delhi, India – 3-2-83)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that what She has spoken, was opposed by some

churches in England and America, but She says that if they want to exist any

longer, they had better take to the truth, knowing that what they know so far,

is incomplete. She says that to understand Christ, you have to have your



" So this is what is today, at the Agnya Chakra, as I have told you. About the

Agnya Chakra [ " Narrow Gate " ] I have spoken about many times in England and

America, and was very much opposed by some churches, and things. But I think if

they want to exist any longer, they 'better' take to truth and 'know' that what

they know so far is incomplete. They have to know the full of it. Because Christ

could not talk much and whatever He said, was written down by His disciples, the

way they understood. To understand Christ, you have to have your realisation. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk 'Agnya Chakra' – Delhi, India –



" When we are dealing with Reality, you have to know that we cannot just go on

doing things which are artificial and which are befooling others, but we really

have to become that [the Reality of the Spirit]. Once you become that… when you

are really like that… only then have you done the job for which you have been

born at this juncture of the Blossom Times! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Adi

Shakti Puja – Cabella, Italy – 21 June 1998)


" Otherwise, you could have been born earlier and could have been something

different. But you are especially born [now] so that you will realise your value

which is your Self, and that you will have respect for that Self, trying to

understand and do what is important for Sahaja Yogis [born of the Spirit

persons]. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Adi Shakti Puja – Cabella, Italy – 21

June 1998)


" Now it is for you to introspect. The Adi Shakti Herself has come, but I am very

simple, I am very simple to look at. In My behaviour, I am very, very humble and

people take Me for granted. I don’t do anything. I don’t want to punish you. I

don’t want to do anything, but you yourself get punished; you yourself become

useless, if you do not look after yourself, and grow [spiritually]. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Adi Shakti Puja – Cabella, Italy – 21 June 1998)


" The theory of karma harps on the Newtonian principle that every action produces

an equal and opposite reaction. Every time we think or do something, we create a

cause, which in time will bear its corresponding effects. And this cyclical

cause and effect generates the concepts (or world of) birth and reincarnation.

It is the personality of a human being or the jivatman - with its positive and

negative actions - that causes karma.


Karma could be both the activities of the body or the mind, irrespective of the

consideration whether the performance brings fruition immediately or at a later

stage. However, the involuntary or the reflex actions of the body cannot be

called karma.


Every person is responsible for his or her acts and thoughts, so each person's

karma is entirely his or her own. Occidentals see the operation of karma as

fatalistic. But that is far from true since it is in the hands of an individual

to shape his own future by schooling his present.


Hindu philosophy, which believes in life after death, holds the doctrine that if

the karma of an individual is good enough, the next birth will be rewarding, and

if not, the person may actually devolve and degenerate into a lower life form.

In order to achieve good karma it is important to live life according to dharma

or what is right.


According to the ways of life chosen by a person, his karma can be classified

into three kinds. The satvik karma, which is without attachment, selfless and

for the benefit of others; the rajasik karma, which is selfish where the focus

is on gains for oneself; and the tamasik karma, which is undertaken without heed

to consequences, and is supremely selfish and savage.


In this context Dr. D N Singh in his A Study of Hinduism, quotes Mahatma

Gandhi's lucid differentiation between the three. According to Gandhi, the

tamasik works in a mechanistic fashion, the rajasik drives too many horses, is

restless and always doing something or other, and the satvik works with peace in



Swami Sivananda, of the Divine Life Society, Rishikesh classifies karma into

three kinds on the basis of action and reaction: Prarabdha (so much of past

actions as has given rise to the present birth), Sanchita (the balance of past

actions that will give rise to future births - the storehouse of accumulated

actions), Agami or Kriyamana (acts being done in the present life).


According to the scriptures, the discipline of unattached action (Nishkâma

Karma) can lead to salvation of the soul. So they recommend that one should

remain detached while carrying out his duties in life. As Lord Krishna said in

the Bhagavad Gita: " To the man thinking about the objects (of the senses) arises

attachment towards them; from attachment, arises longing; and from longing

arises anger. From anger comes delusion; and from delusion loss of memory; from

loss of memory, the ruin of discrimination; and on the ruin of discrimination,

he perishes. "




" The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree. He will grow like a cedar

in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord [the temple within] they will

flourish in the Courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they

shall be full of sap and very green, to declare that: The Lord is upright. She

is My Rock and there is no unrighteousness in Her. " (Psalm 92:12-15)


" Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is [awakened

within] there is liberty. " (2 Corinthians 3:17)


" The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away.

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly

of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of

the wicked will perish. " (Psalm 1:4-6)


" Because I called and you refused, I stretched out My Hand and no one paid

attention and you neglected all My Counsel and did not want My Reproof – when

your dread comes like a storm and your calamity comes on like a whirlwind, when

distress and anguish come on you, then they will call on Me but I will not

answer. They will seek Me diligently but they shall not find Me because they

hated Knowledge, and did not choose the Fear (Awe) of the Lord. They would not

accept My Counsel. They spurned all My reproof, so they shall eat of the fruit

of their own way and be satiated with their own devices. For the waywardness of

the naïve shall kill them and the complacency of fools shall destroy them. But

they who listen to Me shall live securely and be at ease from the dread of

evil. " (Proverbs 1:24-25; 27-33)


" Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will

also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap

corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit, shall from the [Holy] Spirit

reap eternal life. " (Galatians 6:7-8)


" Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth and rust destroy,

and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in

Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in

or steal, for where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. " (Christ

Jesus – Matthew 6:19-21)


" How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor

stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight

is in the Law of the Lord, and in His Law he meditates day and night. And he

will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit

in its Season, and its leaf does not wither, and in whatever he does, he

prospers. " (Psalm 1:1-3)


" But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is

no law. " (Galatians 5:22-23)


" She [the indwelling Holy Spirit] is a Tree of Life to those who take hold of

Her and happy are all who hold Her fast. " (Proverbs 3:18)


[The angel also revealed to John, that any curse [sin/karma] would be taken

away, as the Throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it! We are speaking here, of

the Land of Sahasrara, which is the Kingdom of God within us! That is why Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi calls this Time, the " Blossom Time " !]:


" Those who deserve it, will get the throne of their inner being, which rules the

skies of peace, and the oceans of divine love and supreme knowledge within,

which is limitless (Anant). " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja

Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


" And there shall no longer be any curse; and the Throne of God and of the Lamb

shall be in it, and His bond-servants shall serve Him; and they shall see His

face, and His name will be written on their foreheads. " (Revelation 22:1-4)


[spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings]

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Guest guest

Dear Jagbir (and All),


As you can all see, i packed a huuuuuuuuuge amount of material into the " Holy

Spirit and the Blossom Time " . i included themes of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, Karma and Reincarnation, and above all, the Blossom Time into it.

So, Jagbir, that really concludes these New Headings, except for one more i

would like to add, which also will be a challenge and quite a bit of work. If

you notice that i wrote briefly about the " Church of Sardis " as the Vishuddhi

Chakra... that gave me an inspiration. i would like Christians to see that the

chakras are mentioned in the Bible, as these different 'churches'. 'Churches'

are 'temples' and the 'living temple' is within us. Therefore, Christians should

know this knowledge about what these 'churches' really represent! i would really

like to synthesize this material about the chakras and the churches! But will

have to see 'how' and 'if' it works out!


Are you happy with that, Jagbir, and then i can continue writing shorter

articles on the different categories, as can anyone else, also.


warmest regards to all,



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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir (and All),


> As you can all see, i packed a huuuuuuuuuge amount of material into

the " Holy Spirit and the Blossom Time " . i included themes of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection, Karma and Reincarnation, and above all,

the Blossom Time into it. So, Jagbir, that really concludes these New

Headings, except for one more i would like to add, which also will be

a challenge and quite a bit of work. If you notice that i wrote

briefly about the " Church of Sardis " as the Vishuddhi Chakra... that

gave me an inspiration. i would like Christians to see that the

chakras are mentioned in the Bible, as these

different 'churches'. 'Churches' are 'temples' and the 'living

temple' is within us. Therefore, Christians should know this

knowledge about what these 'churches' really represent! i would

really like to synthesize this material about the chakras and the

churches! But will have to see 'how' and 'if' it works out!


> Are you happy with that, Jagbir, and then i can continue writing

shorter articles on the different categories, as can anyone else,



> warmest regards to all,


> violet



i think you have packed way too many _different species_ of sardines

in a rather large can Violet. i am confused by their different sizes

and taste. - jagbir

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Guest guest

, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


i think you have packed way too many _different species_ of sardines

in a rather large can Violet. i am confused by their different sizes

and taste. - jagbir


Dear Jagbir,


Myself suspected that might be the case. i have looked at the

material again, and i can separate the material into a few different

categories, which will be much better. Thanks.




---In , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir (and All),

> >

> > As you can all see, i packed a huuuuuuuuuge amount of material


> the " Holy Spirit and the Blossom Time " . i included themes of the


> Judgment and Resurrection, Karma and Reincarnation, and above all,

> the Blossom Time into it. So, Jagbir, that really concludes these


> Headings, except for one more i would like to add, which also will


> a challenge and quite a bit of work. If you notice that i wrote

> briefly about the " Church of Sardis " as the Vishuddhi Chakra...


> gave me an inspiration. i would like Christians to see that the

> chakras are mentioned in the Bible, as these

> different 'churches'. 'Churches' are 'temples' and the 'living

> temple' is within us. Therefore, Christians should know this

> knowledge about what these 'churches' really represent! i would

> really like to synthesize this material about the chakras and the

> churches! But will have to see 'how' and 'if' it works out!

> >

> > Are you happy with that, Jagbir, and then i can continue writing

> shorter articles on the different categories, as can anyone else,

> also.

> >

> > warmest regards to all,

> >

> > violet

> >


> i think you have packed way too many _different species_ of


> in a rather large can Violet. i am confused by their different


> and taste. - jagbir


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