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Musings and sharings on the early days of Sahaja Yoga

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Dear Nicole, Jagbir (and All),


When we first started in Sahaja Yoga, we used all the helpful advice that Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi gave, and we used it day in, day out, in order to achieve

spiritual mastery, so that the spiritual vibrations of the Kundalini energy,

would grow strong in us! Since then, the spiritual vibrations of the Kundalini

energy have grown much stronger in all of us, and not only in us, but in the

whole wide world! In the earlier days of Sahaja Yoga, things were a real

struggle, as compared to now. Now, the 100th Monkey effect, that Shri Mataji

told us about, seems to be growing! That is why i think it is easier for new

seekers today, than it was for us, in the earlier days!


At that time, we felt like we were in a spiritual emergency situation, and we

were! We were told we were responsible for the whole world (we still are!) and

the vibrations were not as strong as they are today, and we had to work REALLY

REALLY HARD, to achieve our Spirit! It was therefore not surprising, that we

were feverishly working on our chakras, and it brought me the desired results!

The Kundalini energy finally flowed freely, doing all the work, within me! Like

Shri Mataji said:


" All this work is done by Kundalini alone! If She does not go to any Chakra and

awaken any deity, we cannot even have the fruits of those chakras, so it is all

Her work, all Her ascent, all Her understanding and wisdom which has given us

this beautiful state where we call ourself as Yogis, so I would request all of

you to pay attention to your Kundalini, keep her awakened all the time, keep

your vibrations. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Gauri Puja – Auckland, New Zealand

– 08-04-91)


Since then, i feel that the energy around us has become much lighter, which is

probably due to the fact that the Divine vibrations in and around us, have

become much stronger! But instead of adjusting to these lighter and stronger

vibrations, the Sahaja Yogis who have followed the SYSSR, instead of just

following Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, seem to have gotten even more fixated on the

advice that Shri Mataji gave, which was only ever a means to an end, and not the

end itself! The end was to reach the Land of Sahasrara, where the Devi that is

" Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi " resides!


So this is the point, that when people get fixated (whereby the means to an end,

becomes the end in itself) that even the helpful advice of Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, can become dogmatic! It happened in all other religions, that dogmatism

crept in, because people could not see the forest for the trees! In the case of

Sahaja Yoga, as Jagbir has already mentioned, the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion (SYSSR) is what has happened, when people have focused almost

exclusively on the few subtle system trees, and failed to see the whole forest,

that is Sahaja Yoga!


We know that the chakra system involves the need to balance the left and right

chakras, so that one remains rooted in the centre. This is also called: " being

centred " . When dogmatism comes into the system though, this equilibrium is lost.

Then the fundamentals are also lost. That is how fundamentalism can take over

the whole system! The people were also struggling to understand certain aspects

of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's teachings, which were not so easy to comprehend,

such as the teachings about the Sahasrara.



Something that was a bit confusing, but also comical to me, in the early days of

Sahaja Yoga


At the time, when I first attended Sahaja Yoga, one of the things that i found

both comical and confusing, was that people would inevitably forget to bring the

videotape, or the music, or the tea and biscuits to the SY Public Meditation

Program. They would say that it was Ok, because it was not too good to be too

organised anyway, or not too good to think too much anyway, that it was good to

be spontaneous! Now i know that what was happening, is that they were including

their 'Buddhi' (field of intelligence) as part of their thought-field (the place

where thought come and go, if unchecked). They did not realise that it is not

one and the same! That is why they would forget things! The 'Buddhi' or

intelligence originates from the Divine Intelligence, and is higher than the

mundane field, where thoughts come and go. This intelligence does not come in

waves of thought, but as ideas, inspiration, intuition and knowledge or gnosis.

i am so glad that i know these things today. Today, i know that being

spontaneous means not being rigid. i know that not thinking, doesn't mean you

have to suspend your intelligence. i know that not being too organised, means i

can enjoy the spontaneous things that my Spirit brings to me!



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