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A single truthful soul is worth far more than 1000 dishonest SYs

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Dear Violet,


i have uploaded the new introduction which is definitely better than

the previous one. The main reason is because it is based on this

massive foundation:


" As Comforter/Holy Spirit promised by Lord Jesus She completes His

teachings and commences the Last Judgment. "


i use the term " massive " because so many interlocking pillars of

truth can be continuously added and existing ones expanded over the

years. Truth is eternal and so are foundations based on that. Violet,

so much can be accomplished to propogate the Advent and Divine

Message of the Comforter. So many souls can and will be saved by the

truth spoken by the Comforter, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, by bringing

humanity towards Jesus and His teachings. They must be brought to

remembrance that before Jesus departed He promised that a Paraclete

will one day be sent by Him, a divine personality who will glorify

Him, and will guide mankind into all truth. The main signs and

characteristics of the Comforter are as follows:


i) The Comforter must abide with the believers forever (John 14:16).

This is only possible if the Comforter remains within each and every

human for the rest of the natural lives and beyond i.e., for all



ii) The Comforter must testify on the behalf of Jesus (John 15:26).

This is only possible if the Comforter is human too i.e., meeting,

speaking, explaining in detail, as well as answering questions, in

languages humans can understand;


iii) The Comforter must bring all aspects of Jesus teachings to

remembrance (John 14:26). Obviously they must concern unlocking the

deep secrets of Jesus' parables, of which the Kingdom of God within

tops the list;


iv) The Comforter must reprove the world of sin, and of

righteousness, and of judgment i.e., issue warnings of impending

judgment to a world full of sin and ungodliness (John 16:8);


v) The Comforter must at all times guide and speak the truth of

events that are coming (John 16:13). Obviously the truth, directed

exclusively to a world of sin and ungodliness, has to be absolutely

unprecedented, radical and explosive;


vi) The Comforter must glorify Jesus and declare all that the

later wants delivered to humanity (John 16:14). This task of

informing humans on a global scale requires many, many years to



vii) The Comforter -whom the Father will send in Jesus' name, and

teach all things and remind humanity of everything Jesus has said-

will be the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Thus the personality

enlightening humanity of Jesus' teachings will be both the Comforter

and Holy Spirit sent by God Almighty in Jesus' name.


Shri Mataji is the Comforter, the Helper or Paraclete who has for

more than three decades glorified Christ and-through Her Divine

Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection-guided mankind into

all truth. All who receive their second birth by the Spirit (Self-

realization) experience today what Jesus' disciples experienced

two millennia ago on the day of Pentecost. The awesome, fundamental

difference between both phenomena is that the present experience of

the Holy Spirit manifesting within humans was promised by Lord

Jesus ..... and is taking place all over Earth.


This truth is irrefutable as hundreds of thousands have felt it. The

tens of thousands of SYs who continue to meditate on the Holy Spirit

within feel it on a daily basis. Yet they do not have the courage and

conscience to truthfully tell others, pretending it is all about the

subtle system. But did Jesus send the Comforter just to teach about

the petty subtle system, a subject that countless teachers and gurus

are teaching too? Or did Jesus send the Comforter to complete His

teachings and reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of

judgment; an exclusive honor and prerogative accorded to no one else?


That is why Violet just a single truthful soul like you is worth far

more than 1000 dishonest SYs. Never forget this simple fact. It is

without question that in future there will be many, many truthful

souls like you. Always have faith that the Comforter will triumph.


and the darkest hour comes just before dawn,






, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> Could you please upload this New Introduction to the Holy Spirit

Shekinah (HSS), called " The Holy Spirit and the Blossom Time " .


> many thanks,


> violet




> The Holy Spirit and the Blossom Time


> It is no secret that it is Christ Jesus Himself, who is the central

figure behind the incarnation of the Holy Spirit (Adi Shakti), Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji has wanted us to declare this fact

to all nations, so that they would know that the Christian Comforter

that Christ promised would come, has indeed finally come! It is She,

who is the Holy Spirit Incarnate, that Christ promised would not only

remind us, but also expand upon all that He had taught, explaining

everything regarding the Spirit and the spiritual life. This is what

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has tirelessly done, for over the last

thirty years or so, all around the world!


> However, firstly Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi opened up the Kingdom of

God (Sahasrara) on May 5, 1970, which has enabled human beings to

have their Salvation or Self Realisation on an 'en masse scale'

rather than just individually, so that all who desire to have it,

will have their connection to the Kingdom of God within themselves.

This process also commences the Last Judgment, but with this Blossom

Time of Mass Salvation/Self Realisation, the Last Judgment has been

made into a beautiful and very timely Message of Spiritual Liberation

for all! Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is giving ample warning, so that

believers can repent, and begin living a righteous life and prepare

themselves to enter the Kingdom of God!


> " This is the special Blossom Time, which was promised – when so

many who were seekers of truth before, have taken birth as normal

householders. Sahaja Yoga will only work out with such people [i.e.

with the masses of the people, rather than one or two here and

there]. The position of the stars shows clearly how everything has

clicked together. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Birthday Puja Seminar -

Opening Address Synopsis - Delhi, India – 20 March 1993)


> In an article written before the year 2000, it was stated that

astrologers agree that this is a period of time, when there is the

hope of mass spiritual conversions, resulting in the enlightenment of



> " Many speak of the second coming of Christ as part of the Aquarian

Formula. Dane Rudyhar writes in The Galactic Dimensions of Astrology:

Today, the whole of humanity, and probably the Earth as a whole, are

involved in a process of accelerated change, which some esotericists

speak of as a planetary Initiation. This change can be related to the

transition between two great ages, usually called the Piscean and the

Aquarian ages, and perhaps between still larger cycles than the

precession of the equinoxes. Astrologically, Pluto's sextile to

Neptune, begun in 1942 and lasting until the year 2,042, is

interpreted by astrologers as a ninety-six-year-period resulting in

mass spiritual conversions. If this is to be, and if Sakoian and

Acker's hope of an enlightened humanity is to come to pass, the

second coming will not be in one person but in the resurrection of

the Christ on a worldwide scale.


> http://www.atlantisrising.com/issue4/ar4astro.html


> Shri Mataji says that this Blossoming Time is all due to the

spiritual work done by the power of the Holy Ghost or Kundalini, as

the Hindus call Her:


> " All this work is done by Kundalini [Holy Spirit's power] alone. If

She does not go to any Chakra and awaken any deity, we cannot even

have the fruits of those chakras, so it is all Her work, all Her

ascent, all Her understanding and wisdom, which has given us this

beautiful state where we call ourself as yogis [those who have had

yoga or union with the Divine within] so I would request all of you

to pay attention to your Kundalini, keep her awakened all the time,

keep your vibrations. Not only keep your vibrations alright, but also

have a different attitude towards others. Don't say anything about

how wrong they are, but just see how right they are, and what good

they are capable of. She [the Kundalini Mother] is a Virgin, and

still so wise. In the same way we have to be very wise, very

sensible. We cannot afford to waste time now, because we have to save

the whole world, it's our responsibility. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

Gauri Puja –Auckland, New Zealand – 08-04-91)


> Shri Mataji, Herself, is amazed at how the Holy Spirit awakening

(a.k.a. Kundalini awakening) has happened in so many people today,

who have taken to Sahaja Yoga, which means " union with the Divine

within " :


> " After listening to all these beautiful reports about Sahaja Yoga,

I Myself start wondering how it has worked out so well and what must

have happened – that in those days of Kali Yuga it has not only

worked out but it is tangible – scientifically we can prove it. A

person's health is the most important thing and it is to be brought

to a normal condition. This is basic to Kundalini awakening. This is

the special Blossom Time, which was promised – when so many who were

seekers of truth before, have taken birth as normal householders.

Sahaja Yoga will only work out with such people [i.e. with the

masses]. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Birthday Puja Seminar – Opening

Address Synopsis - Delhi, India – 20 March 1993)


> " It's all a Divine plan but in your case, it is your own decision

because we are human beings and you have been given the freedom to

choose. It's your own decision to take to Sahaja Yoga [union with the

Divine within]. This is the time when there are billions and billions

of seekers. Some of the Sahaja Yogis went through a lot and worked

very hard before coming to Sahaja Yoga. This has come from your last

lives – that you are seekers, but you have been seekers also of the

same type in your last lives and you took birth now at this moment

with your decision that you have to come to this earth. Maybe you are

not aware of it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Birthday Puja Seminar –

Opening Address Synopsis - Delhi, India – 20 March 1993)


> Shri Mataji says that there is a period given to human beings to

rectify themselves, this period being between Jesus Christ and His

destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu, called " Kalki " , which

incarnation is also described as the rider on the white horse, in the

book of Revelation in the Bible:


> " In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki [rider on the white horse in Revelations]

there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them

to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as

Last Judgment. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Kundalini and Kalki

Shakti, Bombay India – September 28, 1979)


> John, the Revelator reveals Shri Kalki:


> " And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it, had

a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and

to conquer. " (Revelations 6:2)


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that the establishment of global

peace, can only come through people who have achieved this state of

Kundalini Awakening (a.k.a. the Baptism of the Holy Spirit) whereby

the cool wind or breeze of the Holy Spirit is felt, which is a sign

that a person has been born of the Spirit:


> " The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but

do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone

who is born of the Spirit. " (Christ Jesus - John 3:8)


> People have also felt the Holy Spirit as a mighty rushing wind at

collective pujas (and also individually) such as has been described

by the disciples on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit filled

the place:


> " And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in

one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent

rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. "

(Acts 2:1-2)


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that the Holy Ghost of Pentecost

is this power, which when it is awakened in a person, is felt as a

cool breeze, emitting from the person's fontanelle bone area:


> " The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that

you can feel in Sahaja Yoga [in Union with the Divine Within]. In the

Gospel of St. Thomas, it very clearly describes the Sahaja experience

as the ultimate of our religious life. Also it says we must look

after our centres. This Kundalini [coiled energy or power of the Holy

Ghost] has to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres which are

placed in the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is

the actualisation of the " Baptism " as one feels the cool breeze of

the Holy Ghost emitting out of one's fontanel bone area. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – first small English Book)


> The Kingdom of God within a person is at the Crown of the Head.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi calls this country of the Kingdom of God

as " Sahasrara " . There is a prophet in the Bible whom we are told was

an oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel:


> " The oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi. "

(Malachi 1:1)


> Incarnations and prophets all agree with each other, because they

come from the same Source, which is the Divine within themselves. So,

the world of the Lord came to Israel, through the oracle that was

Malachi, and the Lord said:


> " They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I

make up My jewels. " (Malachi, the prophet - Malachi 3:17 – King James



> This Word that the Lord gave through the prophet Malachi, was a

clear reference to the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God). It is a fact, that

today the Lord of Hosts is making up His jewels in His Crown of

Sahasrara, that is, in the Kingdom of God! Here is a Christian hymn

that describes this fully, that when the Christ Spirit or Holy Spirit

comes, that S/He will gather the jewels for the Crown, and gather

them into His Kingdom:


> " When He cometh, when He cometh

> To make up His jewels,

> All His jewels, precious jewels,

> His loved and His own.


> Like the stars of the morning,

> His brightness adorning,

> They shall shine in their beauty,

> Bright gems for His crown.


> He will gather, He will gather

> The gems for His kingdom;

> All the pure ones, all the bright ones,

> His loved and His own.


> Like the stars of the morning,

> His brightness adorning,

> They shall shine in their beauty,

> Bright gems for His crown.


> Little children, little children,

> Who love their Redeemer,

> Are the jewels, precious jewels,

> His loved and His own.


> Like the stars of the morning,

> His brightness adorning,

> They shall shine in their beauty,

> Bright gems for His crown. "


> http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/w/h/whenheco.htm


> It is clear therefore, that the 'Jewels or Gems in His Crown' that

Christians sing about, and that the prophet Malachi prophesied about,

actually refers to the awakened Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) within us,

when the Holy Spirit (Adi Shakti) that is with us has awakened within

us. She then brings in the Light of the Holy Spirit, a.k.a. the

Christ Consciousness within, thus enlightening our whole nervous

system! Then we can walk in the light, as Christ also walked in the

Light! This is not just a mental concept, but an actual happening,

that many have already experienced! The Crown Chakra, which

Christians describe as the 'Jewels in His Crown' is also described as

the '1000-petalled-Lotus' by the Hindus, the 'Niche of Lights' by the

Muslims, and the 'Palace in the Head' by the Taoists. Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi states that when this Crown Chakra is fully opened, that

we experience the realm of God:


> " But the area of Sahasrara [Gems in His Crown] is the realm of God.

When the Brahmarandhra opens fully, then the heavens open within

yourself. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk Evening before

Sahasrara Day Puja - Vienna, Austria – 4 May 1985)


> The Christian Comforter has given us Her knowledge and wisdom of

the Divine laws and the Divine technique, so we may have the Holy

Spirit's power flowing freely within us, without being boggled down

by our ego or conditionings. When the Holy Spirit's power is firmly

established within, it effectively clears and cleanses a person 24/7

from all sin or negativity, through our surrender to Her power. There

is no technique for that, but as Shri Mataji explains, it is a built-

in thing:


> " Tomorrow I will give you all the information about the centres and

all that and I will tell you how He will judge you, what are your

centers that are catching. And then you will judge that and you will

know what is the problem, how to get it done, how to get it all

right. There is no technique for that. Like if you sow a seed, it

becomes a tree. There is no technique. If you have flowers, they

become fruit. It's a living thing, and living things don't have any

technique. But once you get connected, then you must know the Divine

laws and you must know the Divine technique. But first you must be

realised. Unless and until you are put to the Mains, how can you use

this machine? You are not yet put to the Mains. How can you do

anything? It's like telephoning somewhere without having a

connection! You must firstly be connected to the Divine (but this is

not a difficult thing). In modern times it is very easy. Formerly, it

was, like you can say, a tree. In the beginning you only get one or

two flowers. But the time has come. The Blossom Time has come! " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – New York, U.S.A. – 'Sahaja Yoga

in America' - 19/09/81)


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains more about these Divine laws and

the Divine technique of the Kundalini, which is the Holy Spirit's

power that is now activated in the world, to transform the humanity,

and have them enter the Kingdom of God:


> " If you want to know what happens, it's that you just start feeling

a cool breeze flowing into your hands or from your hands; and then

you ask a question: Is there God? And the breeze is much more. If you

ask about a thug: Is he a good man? It stops. The rapport is

established with your Spirit. It speaks to you as a cool breeze in

the hands. This cool breeze in the hand is the energy of the Spirit

flowing, by which your disease gets cured, you can cure the diseases

of others, you can raise the Kundalini of others and give them

Realisation and you can enjoy the beauty of Nature; not thinking

about it or grossly valuing it... but just enjoying it in a full way.

This is the short and sweet [of it] but it's such a long story,

taught thousands of years back and today it is just reaching its

climax. The Fruit is going to be formed. It's just that the Blossom

Time has come for this story, and if the Seekers cooperate, I'm sure

it will work out. I have all hopes! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

Public Programme – Hampstead, England - 22 July 1982)


> Shri Mataji describes collective consciousness (a.k.a. " Christ

Consciousness " ). This is established when the Holy Spirit's power,

a.k.a. Kundalini, unites all the centres of every body to Christ:


> " The attention of the consciousness moves to the inner being

(Kundalini). As the thread (Sutra) of a necklace passes through every

bead of the necklace, the inner consciousness {Kundalini) passes

through every human being. As soon as our attention moves to our

inner consciousness, we can move on to everybody's Kundalini. One

starts feeling the Kundalini, its nature, its position, in other

persons. Collective consciousness is thus established. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


> Then a person becomes a Universal Being, and that is how the en

masse spiritual evolution of human beings will take place:


> " Now you become a Universal Being. After some days you cannot say

who is the other person. The power of love is so great and dynamic,

that with the movement of your fingers, you can move the Kundalini of

thousands. It becomes a 'child's play'. This is how the en masse

evolution of human beings will take place. These are the signs of the

advent of the Golden Age of Truth (Satya Yuga). " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


> So, Shri Mataji therefore asks us to forget the hardships of the

past, as the Blossom Time of collective achievement has now come!:


> " Let us forget whatever hardships we have suffered in our search in

the past. It does not matter if some could not find it before this.

You have to open your mind and understand that though the discovery

is unprecedented, it does not make any seeker or predecessor small.

If some experiments are made, it does not matter if, ultimately, we

have found out, the way. It is a collective achievement! " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A Unique

Discovery " )


> With the power of the Holy Spirit flowing in us, we can work out

our salvation or spiritual liberation. We must work on our

psychosomatic centres by having our mind on Christ, going within in

meditation, introspecting, and witnessing our ego and conditionings.

This is how we will be saved, when we surrender to God:


> " If we cannot work out our own chakras (centres) now, we cannot

help anyone. So first we must work out our own chakras, and then we

can help everyone. It's not like some cult or organisation where we

say: " I belong to this organisation; it's alright; I'll be saved by

God! " It's not promised in Sahaja Yoga. There's no ticket to heaven!

It has to be worked out with full understanding as to what this

Kundalini is, and how She works. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Gauri

Puja – Auckland, New Zealand – 08-04-91)


> " Perhaps in the chaos of Kali Yuga, it was to happen and many of

> us, who have been earnestly searching in many lives, are reborn to

> have their promises fulfilled by the Divine. Maybe we were our own

> predecessors. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja

> Yoga - A Unique Discovery " )


> " Those who deserve it, will get the throne of their inner being,

which rules the skies of peace, and the oceans of divine love and

supreme knowledge within, which is limitless (Anant). " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A Unique Discovery " )


> " The world needs people who have been bestowed with this peaceful,

blissful joy in their hearts, who later on make others the same way

and form a planned or organised society, or a group, or a new race,

which enjoys this peaceful state of being. In this peaceful state we

are not running away from the society, we are not denouncing anybody,

but we are now like a baked pot, which cannot absorb any marks on it

anymore because it is fully baked. So we become very mature people of

awareness, which cannot be dented, which cannot be spoiled, which

cannot be tarnished by any other negative force. Thus, the

establishment of global peace can only come through people who have

achieved this state in modern times, which is very special, and I

call it Blossom Time. In the Bible, it is described as the Last

Judgment, also in the Koran it is called as Kiyama (the Resurrection

Time). Otherwise, it is artificial to believe that human beings

forming a group or an organisation, can create this global peace. The

time has come for many people to get their Self-Realisation and I'm

sure the day will come when these newly born in the realm of Divine

love, will spread peace and also create global peace. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – book/Meta Modern Era – Chap.11 – 29/09/95)


> " On the tree of life there might have been very few flowers, but

now the Blossom Time has come. Their fragrance of longing has

collectively materialised the manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. Many are

going to jump into the realm of thoughtless awareness, where you get

introduced to yourself and start identifying with your " Universal

Nature " . (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk – " Sahaja Yoga – A

Unique Discovery " )


> [spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi's teachings]


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