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Should Kabir reincarnate and sue WCASY and NIPC?

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Dear All,


i just want to know if Kabir should reincarnate and sue WCASY and NIPC

for using his intellectual property since he is the original owner of

" Sahaja Yoga " . i mean no disrespect to Shri Mataji but want to expose

this toothless paper tiger NIPC and give fair barking that should it

decide to legally bite me, i will behave like a junkyard dog, a

pariah status that i am proud of.


WCASY and NIPC could have easily avoided this ugly confrontation. All

they needed was their abundant, overflowing Sahaj Love and just sent

me a polite email requesting me not to put Shri Mataji's talks online

and i would have gladly agreed. After all, i know many SYs have these

talks in their possession, GBs of them. Thus there is no way WCASY

could have stopped their distribution, even if i had not put them

online. It was just a matter of time before these digital talks would

have become common possession of SYs. But i doubt this common sense

crossed their minds.


Instead they decided to teach me a lesson and bludgeon me with their

NIPC bats. And i don't like civilized, self-realized people behaving

like goons. It makes me think there is intense hatred to make them

behave that way. It also makes me doubt if they are representatives

of the Adi Shakti's Will, unless, of course, they do not regard me as

Her devotee and a Sahaja Yogi (which council members like Alan Wherry

has obviously made clear to the Sahaja Yoga organization. Thanks



But i will bite you one day - that's a promise. Till then my

occasional bark or growl should suffice. In the meantime ..........


let sleeping pariah dogs like me lie in peace,




Note: i wonder if truth can ever be owned and copyright protected by

human corporations. There is an inherent danger in such exclusive

ownership, especially if such corporations want to use their legal

clout to punish the offenders. i believe 100% that each and every of

Shri Mataji's tapes should be freely available to all humanity. i am

absolutely convinced that the Divine is against selling truth for a

profit. Maybe what has transpired is evidence the Adi Shakti has made

sure such a corporation like NIPC is powerless and impotent to own

Her intellectual property. After all, She is the power behind Her

incarantion Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


My pranaam to the soul who sent me the 80 GB hardrive containing Her

Earliest Talks. i shudder at the thought of so many priceless pearls

being sold over the years and financially empowering an organization

that is bent on repressing Her Divine Message! By that i mean what if

the 80 GB disk had never seen the digital daylight? i.e., no copy was

ever made and it had fallen in the exclusive hands of WCASY.



" Kabir. " Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica


" Kabir

born 1440, Varanasi, Jaunpur, India

died 1518, Maghar


Indian mystic and poet who attempted to bridge or unite Hindu and

Muslim thought and preached the essential unity of all religions and

the essential equality of all men. He was a forerunner of Sikhism,

established by his disciple Nanak.


The birth of Kabir (Arabic: " Great " ) remains to this day shrouded in

mystery and legend. Authorities disagree on both when and to whom he

was born. One legend proclaims a divine virginal birth. His mother

was reputed to have been of the Brahman caste and to have become

pregnant after a visit to a Hindu shrine. Because she was unwed, she

abandoned Kabir, who was found and adopted by a Muslim weaver. That

his early life began as a Muslim there is no doubt, although he later

became influenced by a Hindu ascetic, Ramananda.


Kabir, instead of choosing the Hindu religion or Islam, took what

seemed to him to be the best tenets of both and preached his own

religion, called sahaja-yoga ( " simple union " ). He thus became the

forerunner of a number of cults, of which Kabirpanth is the most

important, as well as of a separate religion, Sikhism. From Hinduism

he accepted the ideas of reincarnation, or transmigration, and the

law of karma, but he rejected idolatry, asceticism, and the caste

system. From Islam he accepted the idea of one God and the equality

of man before God. The ideas of the Muslim mystics, called Sufis,

also influenced Kabir greatly.


In the Kabirpanth and several other cults, as well as in Sikhism, the

following elements predominate: one God is venerated; all religious

writing is in the vernacular; the position of the guru (religious

teacher) is central to the faith and greatly esteemed; and caste is

completely rejected.


Kabir's verses in the Hindi language, with no thought to grammar or

elegance, struck a responsive chord in the heart of the common man.

His aim was communication. Some of his poetry was incorporated into

the Adi Granth, the sacred book of the Sikhs. A book called Bijak

( " Account Book " ), composed of his verses and observations, was

completed by a disciple about 1570. The Kabir Book, with versions by

Robert Bly of 44 poems by Kabir, was published in 1977. "


" Kabir. " Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica

Online. 10 Aug. 2007 <http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9044255>





Dear All,


i just want to expose the hypocrisy and impotence of WCASY who have

started beating their chests and wielded their 'big stick' NIPC

(Nirmal Intellectual Property Corporation) against www.adishakti.org.


However i have just found out that despite all their war cries and

threats of agression, they have been powerless to stop Dr. Larry

Jensen from laughing all the way to his bank. i quote:


" My good friend Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, refers to

Kundalini as the reflection of divine desire within us. She refers

to the Holy Spirit of our Christian tradition as the Primordial

Mother, sometimes also known as the Adi Shakti in the Indian

tradition. " By crossing the fontanelle bone (the little fountain) on

top of our heads, the Kundalini actualizes self-realization, our

second birth or baptism. … This is the very same wind of the Holy

Ghost that Christ's disciples felt at Pentecost. Before this

experience, the Kundalini is dormant, and so only virtual. Once it

is awakened and self-realization is established in us, it enables the

breath of God to become reality. " ...


This ground-breaking DVD can be found at www.LoveWithoutEnd.com (see

Dr. Larry Jensen, DVDs). For more information about Dr. Jensen and

the original Way of Jeshua, see:





You may also mail a check to:


POB 1455 Sedona, AZ 86336


Make checks payable to Dr. Larry Jensen and don't forget to include

your address and phone number on any written correspondence. " (end)



The entire article by Dr. Larry Jensen is appended at the end of this

post. It insults my intelligence that WCASY and NIPC think they are

the legal guardians of Shri Mataji's intellectual property and owners

of Her Will. But they can't even stop Dr. Larry Jensen from laughing

all the way to his bank! Despite all their so-called 'powers' it is

clear that these emperors have no clothes. Apparently only those

empowering them are blind and brainwashed to think otherwise.


But as i keep repeating, time is on Her side .......... and mine too.

All we need is the patience and perseverence to endure all till the

camel dies from the thirst of truth. i assure you that it will die!


regards to all,







" How Deepak Chopra got into trouble with Sahaja Yoga "


Dear Chandra,


i recall the shoe-beating session quite well because so many types of

baddies were beaten by SYs. Before each baddie was punished his or

her crime(s) were read out loud and clear. So as a honored juror of

such an esteemed kangaroo court (and i don't mean Australia) i had to

quickly judge the seriousness of the crime and calculate the number

of shoebeats with my size 12 shoes as fit punishment. i remember

whacking the daylights out of corrupt lawyers, politicians, doctors,

dentists, IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and, of course, false gurus.


(But before we come to Deepak Chopra) i subsequently asked SYs the

reason for shoebeating when there are better alternatives. Why

shoebeat a man beating his disobedient dog when it is more effective

to approach and reprimand him? i always believed shoebeating was a

primitive club for those unable to understand more subtle ways like

being thoughtless or paying attention or surrendering entire problem

to Her. Now we have evidence that Shri Mataji's original aim was for

certain SYs to shoebeat their own egos, another corruption of Her

teachings that over the years degenerated into a collective court to

try and judge the guilty. i said " guilty " because all brought before

this collective court ARE GUILTY. It is only the punishment that

needs to be meted out by the judge, jury and executioner.


So when it came to Deepak Chopra's turn he was read, in abstentia, a

list of his crimes. The SYogini was quite angry that he had copied SY

techniques and was regularly seen laughing all the way to his bank.

This SYogini was so pissed that she and other SYs were making plans

to petition Shri Mataji that this intellectual bandit was robbing Her

in broad daylight. Since Shri Mataji was not aware despite being the

Adi Shakti, these SYs were going to draw up a list of items stolen

from Sahaja Yoga. They wanted to enlighten Shri Mataji of such an

infamous thief of truth, as well as remind that She is seriously

lacking vigilance. There were no specifics Chandra, just a vague

accusation that Deepak Chopra was not only robbing Sahaja Yoga of

intellectual property but souls as well, souls which could be better

served and saved by subtle system SYs.


But i refused to shoebeat because it was such a ridiculous accusation.

i admire Deepak Chopra for his academic background, his field of

expertise, clarity of communication and impeccable as well as

exquisitely precise English. He can easily qualify as the Queen's

Council for spiritual law and defend the Divine. Only fools will

accuse him of stealing spiritual property. But then who am i to

challenge their wisdom and vibrations?







, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:

> >

> > " Contrary to what SYs may think as ignorance, i am aware of this

> > Chopra controversy. That was when i attended the Shri Adi Shakti

> > Puja, June 18 - 20, 1999 at Canajoharie, New York.

> >

> > i remember the collective shoe-beating session which was followed

> > by me till it came to Chopra. The SYogini explained that Shri

> > Mataji was told about how Chopra was copying Sahaja Yoga and its

> > techniques.

> >

> > i found it difficult to comprehend exactly how Chopra had done so

> > because i used to browse so many books at stores in my search for

> > Truth. i never found any resemblance to Sahaja Yoga. "

> >

> >

> >


> , " my2 pai " <my2pai@>



> In introductory talks, Shri Mataji used to talk about the gap

> between two thoughts where exists thoughtless awareness, nirvichara.

> This is really quite an ancient idea. Note this quotation from the

> Jnana Vasishtha: " Between two thoughts there is an interval of no

> thought. That interval is the Self, the Atman. It is pure Awareness

> only. " (The Maharshi, Jul/Aug 1991,

> http://arunachala.org/newsletters/web-pages/)

> >


> Dear Jagbir,


> I would like to pick up on your puzzlement over how Deepak Chopra

has copied Sahaja Yoga and its techniques. Have you ever asked the

Sahaja Yogis who had spread the allegation to specify exactly how and

in what way Deepak Chopra had infringed SY copyrights, as it were?

Even if you have done that, my bet is that nobody was able to give

you a satisfactory answer although everybody would tell you that

Deepak Chopra is a baddie who has cheated Sahaja Yoga by copying SY's

copyrighted techniques. In other words Sahaja Yogis regard Deepak

Chopra as a crook based on the vague notion that he has plagiarized

> Sahaja Yoga even though nobody can say exactly how. Although we

Sahaja Yogis regard ourselves as " enlightened " people it is indeed

ironical that we can tolerate and even participate in this kind of

calumny and slander.


> I shall now cut to the chase, so to speak. Deepak Chopra published

several motivational books in the nineties, probably the same ones

you used to browse in the stores. In one of the books he introduced a

system of meditation which he called " mindfullness. " He explained

this type of meditation by referring to the gap between two thoughts

where one experiences thoughtless awareness. His system of meditation

teaches the meditator to expand this area of thoughtless awareness.

Sounds familiar? Of course this is also what Sahaja Yoga teaches. But

this hardly makes Deepak Chopra a copycat. As I quoted in my previous

post, no. 8219, and extracted above, this idea of the gap between two

thoughts is ancient scriptural knowledge. But no matter. The cry went

out: Deepak Chopra was copying Sahaja Yoga and its techniques!


> There is every likelihood that Deepak Chopra had never heard of

Sahaja Yoga much less copied its techniques. If anyone approaches him

to tell him about his purported plagiarism he would probably respond

with a LOL (laughing out loud). If he is in a less amiable mood there

is a wide selection of more rude and insulting Internet abbreviations

for him to choose from. The joke is really on us Sahaja Yogis. If we

practise Sahaja Yoga like ignoramuses, totally unaware and unmindful

of our scriptural antecedents this is the kind of morass we will fall

into, a folly of our own making. What we need is real awareness and

indeed, mindfullness. Coming to think of it, many of our Sahaja Yogis

could well benefit from Deepak Chopra's mindfullness meditation. LOL.


> Chandra




Kundalini: Passion of the Holy Spirit

By Dr. Larry Jensen Ph.D., MBA, D.D.


What is expressed here cannot be truly understood. It is beyond the

realm of the analytical, sequential, thinking mind! Fortunately,

through the motivation I hope to inspire in this article, it can be

directly experienced, and only then known.


In 1980, I was already acknowledged as one of the leading innovators

and creators in the field of human potential. My celebrated, cutting-

edge work was achieving exciting results with individuals, small

select groups, and with very large audiences. Yet nothing could

prepare me for what was about to happen when one evening " the ceiling

opened up, the floor caved in, and the winds of Heaven blew in! " My

life was flooded with a transformational energy that I would not

fully assimilate for nine months. From that moment on, my life and

work would never be the same. This was my Kundalini, Holy Spirit,

awakening. In the future, my service to others would be from the

inside out as a connection point of Holy Spirit into the world. My

work exploded into a new dimension and my abilities to facilitate

growth and transformation were dramatically magnified. However, I do

not take personal credit for this. This is the work of Kundalini, a

spiritual passion of the Holy Spirit that ignites higher evolution

and enlightenment.


This is your birthright also, to be awakened to the higher essence

within. This is the energy of the spontaneous spiritual emergence.

It is the ultimate passion, where body and soul are united as divine

creative energy. This is the passion which changes everything.


In the West we have been conditioned to believe that Holy Spirit is

the serene background to our active lives, which we find within our

hearts and within our quiet moments of prayer and meditation.

However, if we look at the traditions of spirituality and wisdom from

other parts of the world, and even the Gnostic beliefs of early

Christians, we will find a very different story. In these

traditions, Holy Spirit is anything but passive. It is the very fire

that ignites Divine Revelation.


In the words of Jeshua (Jesus Christ, Jesus was never his name during

his life): " These things I have spoken to you, while I am still with

you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send

in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your

remembrance all that I have said to you. " John 14:25-26


The spiritual practices of early Christian Gnostics were more like

Eastern traditions than Western Christianity as we know it

today. " Gnostic " is Greek for " knower " and it is " Gnosis " (or

knowledge), they were seeking. Unlike the blind faith demanded by

most Churches today, 'Gnosis' means direct, mystical experience of

the Divine, which blossoms through individual spiritual evolution

into self-realization. This cannot be found intellectually or within

the confines of dogma. The experience of Gnosis is trans-rational

and non-intellectual.


From the Nag Hammadi Library, in the Book of Thomas, Jeshua tells

us " For whoever does not know self, does not know anything, but

whoever knows self, already has acquired knowledge about the depth of

the universe. " Compare this with a tract from the Upanishads, the

ancient Indian metaphysical treatise on self-realization: " It is not

by argument that the Self is known... Distinguish the Self from the

body and mind. The Self, the atman, the highest refuge of all,

pervades the universe and dwells in the hearts of all. Those who are

instructed in the Self and who practice constant meditation attain

that changeless and Self-effulgent atman (Spirit/Self). Do thou

likewise, for bliss eternal lies before you... "


In another secret Gnostic text, Jeshua promises us spiritual

fulfillment " I shall give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has

heard, what no hand has touched and what has never arisen in the

human mind. " This description is not unlike the Upanishadic

experience " The Self is devoid of birth and death, it neither grows

old nor decays, and the accidents of life do not affect it. The Self

transcends space and time; what is great is not too great for it to

comprehend and what is small is not too small to escape its

attention. It is the Self of All. "


The Gnostic " Gospels " say there is in everyone a divine power

existing in a latent condition. This, the root of the universe, is

one power divided above and below, generating itself, making itself

grow, seeking itself, finding itself, being mother of itself, father

of itself, sister of itself, spouse of itself, and daughter of

itself. That infinite power exists in two modes: one actual, the

other potential. " The Kingdom of God is within you. " (Luke 17:21).


What Jeshua called Holy Spirit, is known as Kundalini in India.

Kundalini has been universally recognized as the conveyer of Divine

Activation. Other traditions, by other names, have also acknowledged

its power. The Greeks referred to this energy as " Pneuma, " Islam

speaks of " Rh, " and in Jewish mysticism it was known as " Shekkina. "

Long before that, the Sumerians worshipped the Mother Goddess Inanna,

who gives spiritual birth and the sacred breath. Several thousand

years ago, " Chaitanya " and " The Self, " literally translated

as " divine vibrations " according to Sahaja Yoga. Knowledge of these

divine vibrations is very ancient; it has merely been distorted or

lost over the ages.


My good friend Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, refers to

Kundalini as the reflection of divine desire within us. She refers

to the Holy Spirit of our Christian tradition as the Primordial

Mother, sometimes also known as the Adi Shakti in the Indian

tradition. " By crossing the fontanelle bone (the little fountain) on

top of our heads, the Kundalini actualizes self-realization, our

second birth or baptism. … This is the very same wind of the Holy

Ghost that Christ's disciples felt at Pentecost. Before this

experience, the Kundalini is dormant, and so only virtual. Once it

is awakened and self-realization is established in us, it enables the

breath of God to become reality. "


Traditionally, the knowledge of this energy has been a closely

guarded secret, revealed by Spiritual Masters to only a few close and

select initiates. It tends to be spoken of in veiled symbolic

language, if it is spoken of at all. Buddha spoke of the " middle

path " to achieve nirvana as he described the central channel

(sushumna) through which this Essence ascends. Later Buddhist

masters considered that the existence of the path of liberation

within a human being was the greatest secret which was only to be

transmitted to a few " deserving " disciples.


Kundalini is actually a power within and available to everyone. I am

often asked " does it always require a God-conscious, enlightened

Master to activate and initiate Kundalini " ? My answer is

always " no. " However, it helps immensely. Just as the phenomenon of

spontaneous combustion occurs (although rarely) in the physical

world, Kundalini activation may also occur spontaneously (although

even more rarely). Imagine yourself as a candle. Would you hope

that somehow you would light yourself? Or would you work with

another unlit candle to light yourself? Or would you go to a lit

candle and let the spark of the lit candle ignite you?


The predicament of most human beings is to identify with lower mind-

consciousness, which is trapped in matter. Fortunately, there are

greater dimensions of consciousness yet to be revealed! Through

intense prayer, meditation, and unconditional love, these buried

sparks of human consciousness can be fanned into a blazing fire and

liberated from their imprisonment in the darkness of ignorance. Both

personal and collective consciousness can be raised until it rests in

the crown from whence the experiencer attains ecstatic visions and

realizes his own divine nature.


The transformation from matter and darkness, to spirit and light, is

universally acknowledged as the task of Kundalini, the Divine

Consciousness or Essence within us. The strength of the inner energy

of wholeness - the " Whole-E Spirit " is what allows us to expand

infinitely so that we can see the whole universe within ourselves.

Then, we no longer remain a limited, bound creature as we achieve

total union with Universal Consciousness, to stand self reliant,

unshakeable, and inviolate in the innocence of our integrity.


The " Inner Whole-E Spirit " is there to nourish, to heal, to look

after; and, to give an individual a higher and deeper individuality.

The manifested power of Kundalini, Holy Spirit, is absolute purity,

auspiciousness, self respect, pure love, detachment, concern for

others; and, enlightened attention giving infinite joy and peace to

an individual (and through that individual, to the world.)


Although we can engage in appropriate practices for its cultivation,

the awakening of Kundalini is something we cannot preconceive. It is

a gift of Divine Essence caressing and awakening the great love and

inner power in which we were created. We discover it through

acceptance of the greater spiritual power within ourselves as we

reach for radical honesty - emotionally, socially, and spiritually.


Dr. Larry Jensen, Ph.D., M.B.A., D.D.

Dr. Jensen is the Archbishop of Spiritis Church (the original Church

founded by Christ and his Apostles.)

Dr. Jensen has been a moving force in many of the major spiritual and

psychological programs. He was the co-creator and co-founder of

Lifespring (over a million graduates world-wide). He is a past

president of SAGE Seminars and Alpha Dynamics Institute, and was

chief consultant to Mind Dynamics. He was a consultant to Jose Silva

of Silva Mind Control and Werner Erhard of EST. Dr. Jensen developed

the Psychogenesis® Process and is the creator and founder of ASSET®

(Awareness, Sensitivity, Spiritual Enlightenment, and

Transformation) - the most advanced psychological and spiritual

growth seminar known.



His latest contribution is " The Holy Spirit, Kundalini Activation and

Initiation (two-disc DVD) Program, " in which the viewer is offered an

actual experience of Kundalini awakening. Kundalini, known in the

West as Holy Spirit, operates unconsciously until awakened through

Initiation, activating the process of spiritual growth and

enlightenment; and, advancing personal evolution dramatically. This

ground-breaking DVD can be found at www.LoveWithoutEnd.com (see Dr.

Larry Jensen, DVDs). For more information about Dr. Jensen and the

original Way of Jeshua, see:






You may also mail a check to:


POB 1455 Sedona, AZ 86336


Make checks payable to Dr. Larry Jensen and don't forget to include

your address and phone number on any written correspondence.





Passion of the Holy Spirit


By Dr. Larry Jensen Ph.D., MBA, D.D.



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