Guest guest Posted August 13, 2007 Report Share Posted August 13, 2007 The exposure of corruption, is awakening people's hearts to change... Dear All, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was aware of the corruption in the world, and in the Americian Society. i think the American Society gets special mention, as it, more than any other society today, has risen in dominance over other countries. i am not talking about the ordinary good people in the society, but the ordinary good people in society, just as the ordinary good Sahaja Yogis in Sahaja Yoga have to be aware and enlightened and fight the good faith of Truth, against all that is lesser than the Absolute Truth, like spiritual warriors. i remember Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi saying at Sydney Airport, that until Sahaja Yogis work out the the corruption issue, in other words at the level of Sahaja Yoga, which we know as the highest level of Sahasrara, the Kingdom of God, that things will not work out in the world either. We are the instruments of the Kingdom of God, to work things out in the world. We have all the powers of the Kingdom of God, to do so. These powers are the Power of Love, of Truth, of Wisdom, and Forgiveness!!! Not just in lip service, but in reality. We have the power of Love to free people from their shackles, as the Devi Within, the Mother Within, the Holy Spirit Within, has freed us, and given us our spiritual liberation!!! In this Kali Yuga, Truth is a virtue that is hard to find. However, Shri Mataji describes Sahaja Yogis as those who are very dynamic and are not afraid of standing for the truth, and cannot be manipulated by anyone. This includes 'WCASY', folks: " It makes one [referring to Sahaja Yogis] very dynamic and one is not afraid of standing for the truth, and no one can manipulate them. " ((Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) Yes... Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spoke openly and without fear about the corruption in this Kali Yuga, something that the regular media will not do! However, many courageous truth tellers, who are fed up with lies, immorality and corruption are speaking up, and they are doing so on the alternate media, that is, the internet. They are telling the same things that Shri Mataji says in the quotes below, about what is happening, and how things must change. So, here are some things Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi wrote about in Her first English book, about this horrible Kali Yuga, that is indescribable, that is inhuman! Is there any wonder that we have to be the instruments of change, to transform the society?! Is is any wonder that Shri Mataji has come with all Her powers, to help us?! Here are some things She wrote about: " These are modern days of corruption and delusion (Kali Yuga). When falsehood becomes the nature of human beings, they destroy all higher values in the mud of money and assumed powers. These money-blinded people believe in satanic methods of harming good people with lies, false scandals and vulgarity. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Now they are mugging and even killing people who are only slightly more affluent than themselves. So, as these developed societies become richer and richer, by another action of the Law of Polarity, they also create increasing numbers of thieves and more and more sophisticated Mafias, who make money by kidnapping rich people who have made money and spread corruption and misery wherever they spring up. These alternative Empires of the Mafia cannot be controlled, but can (and do) themselves control everyone, even governments and politicians. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " America was invaded by Europeans destroying the peaceful culture of the natives. It is impossible to meet any native in a high position in society in North America. In South American states like Argentina, there are several German war criminals very comfortably settled down. They say the Falkland War was planned by them. I asked them: " How did you reach here all the way from Europe? " and they told me, very boastfully, " it was the Grace of God who used the Catholic Church as an instrument. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Money in modern times infects all kinds of so-called spirituality and it has been claimed that even the Vatican counterfeited nine million dollar notes and distributed them through the Vatican Bank, the Bank of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, in these modern times, most religions it would seem, are being run on the same money orientation or power orientation. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Another curse which has been predicted of these modern times (Kali Yuga or the Age of Conflict or contradiction, resulting in confusion, " Bhranti " in Sanskrit) is that people will very easily take to sinful and destructive activities. It should also have been predicted that those in power will permit and encourage these activities, as it suits them well. They will not try to solve the social problems that arise from this by going to the root of the self-destructiveness (which is at the heart of modernism) but will only offer piecemeal and short term solutions that will create more problems which may never be sorted out. For example, one Mr Simpson, a precious hero of football, is accused of killing his wife. As a result several articles appear from American magazines arguing that we should not have marriages and families. The Americans have only a two hundred year old society. In these few years they have done everything to destroy their society. How can they be authorised to talk about society or marital life and to destroy other societies in the world with long traditions? But this means just treating the symptoms not the cause, by killing the basic roots of society. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Governments will no longer be concerned for the real benevolence of their people and power will go into the hands of fraudulent financial interests, who will then be able to purchase votes by flattering the lowest and the most selfish desires of the people (particularly through the Press and other persuasive media like the television). What we actually see in modern times, however, is beyond any prediction and imagination. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " In these centuries, rationality at its height, worked through the medium of the white-skinned races who elaborated a linear area derived from rational thinking that all other skin colours were somehow not made by God, who, it was tacitly assumed, was certainly white and most probably Anglo-Saxon, and had bestowed a different colour upon other races as a kind of Divine punishment. This sort of ignorance may appear very funny to us, but armed with this special kind of rationality, or rather with the rationalisations of imperialism and colonialism, they actually killed thousands and even millions of people, plundering their land and making slaves of the population. As a result, one cannot find a single Red Indian in North America living freely and naturally in the traditional way, because they are all locked up in reservations " generously " given to them by the invaders. One has to go to the museum to see their pictures painted with the head dressed as of Red Indians but, strangely, with the faces of Anglo-Saxons. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) [Note: It might be interesting for those of you who do not know this fact, but Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi told Sahaja Yogis that the feathers in the Indian feather headresses symbolized the Sahasrara, which Christians call the " Gems in His Crown " , though this fact is not generally known today!] " The modern Western world places such importance on making money that money has become a hanging rope around the neck of everyone born under the unlucky star of modernism. However, we should understand that all these thieves and the Mafias are there simply to give a counterbalance according to the Law of Polarity. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " But theft is not confined to a criminal class. Every conceivable category of people, from the top to the bottom of American society, is either indulging in corruption, thieving and looting without any sense of decency or honour or silently suffering the atrocities of these thugs and vagabonds. They thrive and build up their tribal kingdoms. Violence has reached such a level, that if one has to travel to America one should not wear any watch or jewellery, not even a wedding ring. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " The eroding and slow destruction of normal human values (the eternal dharma that all human beings spontaneously respect if they are brought up in contact with traditional values) has reached a terrible peak in America, where it is fast becoming the norm that people indulge in excessive drinking and excessive drug intake as a matter of course. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Even more serious is sexual abuse. Intoxicated by their so-called freedom, people have lost all sense of decency, natural modesty and restraint. More and more reports show that they even indulge in the abuse of their own children. Even animals mother their offspring better than such brutes mother their children. It is beyond human conception and condemnation, but it seems that they have become collectively immune to all normal moral values in this violent culture which is covered in the garb of so-called fun. This " Coca-Cola " culture is full of Halloween style celebrations, drug-oriented discos and music full of bombardment of vulgarity and extreme undecency. How could a poor " primitive " Indian astrologer envisage the future to predict this degraded immoral state in the modern era. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Now recently, we have heard the news that 200 children have been abused by the police in America, that is, by the very people whom they should trust for their protection and well being. In these modern times, children have suffered most horribly, but this is perhaps even worse than a gas chamber death for these abused children, because they have to go on living with such cruel damage done to their young lives. Many Catholic priests in Canada have been destroying innocent children. Recently it was shocking to hear that the top priest of the Catholic Church in Austria has been charged with the offence of abusing children. His dress was all red in colour. I wish he could enter into the arena of bull fights with a very deadly bull facing him. Even the children themselves might feel it preferable to die than to live a life of such devastation. It happened quite recently that a very young girl, who was pushed by her parents in the leading role in a horror film about demonic possession, committed suicide when she reached adulthood. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Such heartless people, who abuse the innocence of children by doing such heinous things, are not described in any predictions, so the West does not have any faith in any Indian predictions. They feel very strongly that the ancient Indian astrologers had no clear insights. What about Nostradamus? It is as if those ancient seers could not bear to relate such stark horrors that no one would have believed until this time, the lowest point of Kali Yuga. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " When I read the news about the abuse of children in America in the newspaper, I was really shocked. An American lady in the next seat, who was also flying to America, was surprised as to why I should be so shocked. She said: " I am not at all shocked, because if you think about it rationally, you will know that similar things are happening all over the world. Only the American media aren't afraid to print such news " . (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Individual rational justification has been taken to its logical conclusion in these new dimensions of collective thought, or rather of collective escape from introspection. Such careless, irresponsible thinking means avoiding the issue of dangerous, destructive earthquakes of humanity. Also, it means complete ignorance of the painstaking, respectfully preserved values of the traditional culture. If Abraham Lincoln were alive, how would he react to this kind of society? Thank God all these great souls are resting in peace. It is only we, the modern people, who have to be shocked all the time by the sensationalism of the modern media. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) " Sahaja Yogis have met even some honest, intelligent journalists who came to Sahaja Yoga. They have been extremely positive and are standing only for real truth and not just for sensational falsehood. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga) Folks, i remember Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi saying that the internet will be the media, whereby Her Message will go out. That it is the gift of Shri Vishnumaya, to the Americas. That also the Americans (USA, Canada, South America) are gifted with the ability for great communication from Shri Vishnumaya! It is by communication of the Message of the Holy Spirit, right from the highest levels of the " Union with the Divine " (which is what Sahaja Yoga means) to the filtering of its Message into all levels of society - into religion, politics and welfare (economics). The implements of war CAN be changed into implements for peace, because the people are at last, fed up with constant wars, within themselves, and without. Isaiah predicts that: " And they will hammer their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. " (Isaiah 2:4) That kind of change is in the air now. i remember Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi saying that George W. Bush would have a greater effect for change than Arjuna. i can see that happening now, in the fact that people are being badly hurt with his policies, that are bringing them a lot of anguish. It is waking people up, to what is happening, so they are not remaining ambivalent anymore, but are being 'brought up short', having to account for what is happening. Perhaps, that is how George W. Bush will have more effect than Arjuna did, if you know what i mean! People wake up spiritually, when they are under great adversity!!! That said, i have found, via the internet, that there is a new person running for President of the United States, who purportedly has courage, insight, vision and morals. However, he is apparently being shunned by the mainstream media: " The mainstream media call his supporters " spammers, " attempting to claim that all his Internet support is really just a few folks pressing a lot of buttons. Nonetheless, his " non-existent " support is growing by leaps and bounds. Oh, the big guys may have the big money, but Ron Paul has the people. " ( In any case, it looks like he has a lot of support, because the people have become fed up with the religious, political, and economic corruption of the Kali Yuga. Lets see what happens! So please enjoy this article from Jennifer Haman, which is very interesting! love from violet Congressman Ron Paul's Secret Revealed by Jennifer Haman DIGG THIS While speaking to a woman the other day that had never heard of Ron Paul, she stated " My goodness, he is amazing. He is the best kept secret of this presidential campaign. " She could not believe there was a contender who represented everything she wanted in a presidential candidate and more. (For those of you who have not yet heard, Ron Paul is running for President.) She talked about wanting to end the war in Iraq. Ron Paul has promised to do that immediately and not leave a soldier behind. She talked about wanting a more secure border. Ron Paul has stated that he wants very strong borders and he was appalled that our government had taken border guards off of our borders to send them to Iraq. She mentioned she is treading water financially and never seems to get ahead. Ron Paul has a solution for that too: end the fiat money system so Congress cannot create monetary inflation. Well, what about privacy she asked? She felt we have moved into an age of Big Brother. Ron Paul wants to protect our privacy by sticking to a strict Constitutionalist policy. He wants to end the Patriot Act that allows the government to enter your home without a warrant and without notifying you so you know they were there. Dr. Paul wants to end the destruction of habeas corpus, the only doctrine we have that lets you see a lawyer if you land in jail. Without it, all other rights are meaningless. Dr. Paul has voted against every attempt to regulate and control the Internet. He believes that the Constitution does not give Congress a right to decide who may or may not marry, or what drugs a physician may or may not prescribe. Ron Paul believes in limited Federal government and limited taxes: he even wants to end the Income tax. (Can you imagine taking home your whole paycheck?) The conversation continued. She wanted to know why she should vote for a person who has no chance. The obvious answer was because Ron Paul offered her everything she wanted. The second not so obvious answer was that he is actually doing much better than anyone knows because the press hides all of his successes. What most people do not know, because the mainstream press is doing its best to manipulate support away from Dr. Paul, is that he won the first debate, he came in second in the second debate, and he came in first in the third debate. In the most recent straw polls Dr. Paul placed second in the Georgetown SC straw poll, he placed second in the Cob County straw poll and he won the Coalition for New Hampshire Taxpayers straw poll at their annual picnic. As of this writing Ron Paul has placed number one in the PajamasMedia straw poll with 70.8% of the votes! Yet, over and over we are subjected to articles that say he has no chance. (This is an oft-used tactic to sway voters away from a candidate because people do not like to " waste " a vote. As if voting for what you want is a waste.) The mainstream media call his supporters " spammers, " attempting to claim that all his Internet support is really just a few folks pressing a lot of buttons. Nonetheless, his " non-existent " support is growing by leaps and bounds. Oh, the big guys may have the big money, but Ron Paul has the people. In one month alone, his Meetup supporters have grown from 16,184 to 25,101 with 4,192 more waiting to join in the fun. He has 643 separate groups. (These figures tend to rise daily; they were accurate at the time this article was written.) These are undeniable signs that the snowball is rolling. When people get through the gauntlet of media attempts to control their thoughts and votes and actually HEAR Ron Paul speak (see videos on YouTube like this one) or read what he has written they become ardent supporters. I dare you to click on that last link of articles he has written and start reading. I double dare you. Ron Paul brings a sense of decency back into the political arena. He is not out to win the nomination so that he can run your life, he just wants to return this country to the basics of liberty and freedom we once enjoyed and used to fight for. The rest of the candidates, on both sides, with the exception of Dennis Kucinich, are willing to use pre-emptive nuclear strikes against other countries. Has it been so long that people have forgotten the horrors of nuclear war? Tens of thousands of innocent civilians die. They get radiation sickness and die horrible deaths. Babies die screaming with burning flesh. Thousands are blinded and left helpless. It is a horrible inhumane thought, let alone action. Incredibly, when asked if they would take the option of a pre-emptive nuclear strike off the table, nearly all the other candidates, Republicans and Democrats alike said no. When Dr. Paul was asked during the last GOP debate on Fox, what he thought was the most pressing moral issue facing our country he stated that it was the idea that all those other candidates were willing to entertain even the thought of pre-emptive nuclear strikes. Even the most optimistic predictions about the effects of a major nuclear exchange predict the death of millions of civilians within a very short amount of time; more pessimistic predictions argue that a full-scale nuclear war could bring about the extinction of the human race or its near extinction with a handful of survivors (mainly in remote areas) reduced to a pre-medieval quality of life and life expectancy for centuries after and cause permanent damage to most complex life on the planet, Earth's ecosystems, and the global climate. Let's be clear here. Pre-emptive warfare means that one country will strike another before they have been attacked. Translated that means that if one of those other candidates becomes President they would consider dropping a nuclear weapon on another country on the thought that perhaps that country could be a threat to us. Where are the headlines? Where is the outrage? Where is the humanity? Well, I can answer that last one, it is with Dr. Paul. It is difficult to get through the morass of disingenuous reporting that insists on calling Dr. Paul names rather than address his policies. But, if you can do it, and if you can find out information about him yourself, you will understand why those of us who support him are so emphatic in our love of this man. He represents all that is good, or was good, about this country. He lives a principled life and will not accept his own Congressional pension even though he has spent ten terms in Congress because he does not want to take one dime away from any American. He sent his children to college but would not let them take out student loans because the government has limited resources and he wanted to make sure that loan money went to small businesses that needed it more than his children. He has been married for 50 years. If that doesn't show commitment I don't know what does. Dr. Paul is the most moral, upstanding, best hope this country has. Those who have read his writings and seen him speak have learned this. I invite all to do the same. Please to see his writings and things people have written about him. Find out WHY his campaign is growing so fast, so exponentially, and with so many undividual supporters. Find out WHY most of his money comes from donations of less than $250 dollars each and almost none from the big players who want government favors. Find out WHY people become so passionate about a silly politician. Have you ever seen such a thing before? Dr. Paul offers us all hope. Hope that things can actually change in this country and we will not get another 4 years of the same. Disenfranchised Democrats, who voted expecting their party to end the war only to see the money handed over to continue it, are supporting Dr. Paul. Why? Because Ron Paul voted against the war the first time it was brought up, he voted against it the second time it was brought up and he wants to end it completely now. You can always trust people: you can trust them to act the way they have in the past. Dr. Paul offers businesses hope out of the morass of paperwork and costs they have had to endure since the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. An Act so heinous, it threatens to destroy the very fabric of our capital markets in this country. He offers hope to the small business owner who just wants to try to make it on his own and not get buried in the costs of complying with section 404. Ron Paul offers hope to the elderly who need to have their Social Security checks. Ron Paul wants to have a separate fund to make sure that Congress cannot raid the money and take it from those who need it most. He also introduced an act to repeal all taxes on Social Security benefits. He offers all hope that their savings will still have value in 20 years by taking us off a fiat money system and eliminating the possibility that Congress and the Fed can create monetary inflation. He offers hope to the young people by devising a plan whereby they will have the option to opt out of the Social Security system completely. He offers those same young people hope by promising to vote against a draft while the rest of Congress contemplates the idea. Ron Paul offers hope to all. Hope that things will change. He is not the " usual " politician. He is known as Dr. No in Washington because he will not take money from one group of people just to give it to another. The lobbyists don't even bother knocking on his door. They know better. We need someone unusual. The usual has brought us, well, the usual. Where else can you find supporters who give up their weekends to make phone calls, spend their Saturdays standing on street corners with signs just so people will hear about their candidate? Where else do you find people willing to meet others and work for hours stuffing envelopes, making DVDs and doing it all on their own dime and their own time? All the other candidates keep asking how Ron Paul has garnered this much support on the Internet. He has done nothing. Dr. Paul is more surprised than anyone. The people are doing this all on their own. It is his message of freedom and liberty that is doing the selling. After all, that is the very foundation of our country: A thing the new breed of politician seems to have forgotten. Freedom has been replaced with cameras on every corner and expected groping at the airport. Liberty has been replaced by sneak-and-peek warrants, an end to habeas corpus, expectations to " show me your papers " and Executive decrees that place the President above the law. By the way, Ron Paul also voted against the National ID card. Ron Paul stands for limited government. For many they think that means he is uncaring. To those who understand, nothing could be further from the truth. Our government does not make anything, create anything or have any means of creating wealth. It has what it has by taking from others by force. When Ron Paul seeks limited government, what he is really asking for is limited coercion over our lives. That is why so many support him. We don't like being coerced. We like liberty and freedom. And we like Dr. Paul. So, is Dr. Paul the best kept secret in this campaign? Perhaps he is. One can only hope that it will not be for long. The people need him and need to know he is out there. They need to know he is a choice. With any luck, and continued exponential growth, Ron Paul supporters will soon be strong enough to overtake the media manipulation machine that has done all it can to silence him. As so many have said, what this country needs is a doctor to fix it, not another politician. If his campaign continues to grow you can expect the negative, fact-voided, name-calling articles to continue and get nastier. They will attack him on his most positive stances. They will call him a nut for trying to stop the counterfeiting Federal Reserve so that Americans will have money that holds its value. They will call him insane for trying to end the war in Iraq when 70% of the people have that wish as well. So fight back. Don't sit there and take it. Don't let the mainstream steal the one hope of getting out of the mess we are in. Think for yourself and do the research. Don't let Ron Paul stay secret any longer. Please read the links in this article. Many of them are to Ron Paul's articles and Acts he submitted to Congress. These should help give you a better understanding of Dr. Ron Paul, Presidential candidate for 2008. " The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted. " - James Madison August 4, 2007 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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