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There need be no fear; the Ganas, Devatas, Deities, and Shaktis are here!!!

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Part I


There need be no fear; the Ganas, Devatas, Deities and Shaktis are here!!!


Dear All,


The 'so-called War on Terror' is more like a War on Terra, a war on Earth, as

someone has coined it. There is no doubt that there is a war going on, and this

war is a struggle between the forces of light and darkness, the forces of good

and evil. It is described in the Bible as a war that is not one of flesh and

blood, but of one that is against the rulers, the powers, the world forces of

darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places:


" For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,

against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the

spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. " (Ephesians 6:12)


According to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in Sahaja Yoga, that is, in union with

the Divine, we have all others working in unison with us:


" All the other Ganas, DEVATAS, Deities, Shaktis, are one in unison in Sahaja

Yoga. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk " Sahasrara Chakra " - Hanuman

Road, New Delhi, India - 4 February, 1983)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains very clearly that it is " Her, the Goddess "

that one must please. The Goddess is not in any external office, but She is the

Highest Presence Within each of us. We just have to find Her there, in our

Sahasrara, where She resides. She is the Divine Feminine of all religious

traditions. She is the Holy Spirit!]:


" So the first thing You must do is not to trouble me much, by any chance. You

have to keep Me Prasanna (pleased). This is what we always say that: " Keep the

Devi Prasanna. " Yesterday the music was on, and I was very Prasanna. You should

have been happy that the music was on, Mother is Prasanna, that is all [that is

needed.] But no! You wanted it to be your way. You hurried Me up. You said:

" Come along now, we have to go! " [if] that is all [there is], then your ascent

is not going to be alright, if you [are just] a big administrator or anything

that is in the office, [it's] not here! I am the One! You have to leave things

into My hands! Don't try to play tricks with me, because apart from My Mother's

heart, there are many other Ganas, you see? Many other Deities, many other great

things which are waiting, and they may try to trouble you [if you do the wrong

thing]! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk " Sickness and Its Cure " -

Jangpura, New Delhi, India - 9 February, 1983)


[it is through our Kundalini awakening, or Baptism of the Holy Spirit, as the

Christians call it, that our innocence comes back, and we start to experience,

that we are looked after by the ganas of Shri Ganesha]:


" But when the Kundalini starts rising and She starts blessing our chakras,

automatically we start thinking our innocence has come back. Now we have got an

innocent heart, an innocent mind and an innocent love. This simple innocent

personality is the sign of a good Sahaja Yogi. And then he also knows for

definite through his experience that he is looked after by the ganas of Shri

Ganesha. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Puja - Kalwe, India - 31 December



[shri Mataji says that these Ganas are watching us, guiding us, and helping us]:


" Whether you are in Russia or in England or in India, they [the ganas] are all

over and are watching you, guiding you, and helping you! So many people have

written about these experiences, that we cannot even compile them all in a book!

But all these ganas are there, and they are so kind and so nice. But apart from

that, they are also watching you, seeing your behaviour. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Ganesha Puja - Kalwe, India - 31 December 1991)


[shri Mataji further states that it these forces that may punish you, if you try

to take advantage of Sahaja Yoga, for your own personal advantages or



" If you try to take advantage of Sahaja Yoga by any chances it may punish you.

It may act against you. I warned you many times not to exploit Sahaja Yoga for

your [own] advantage. It is for the advantage of others, and not for your [own]

advantage. You already have got your own realisation. But exploitation should

not be there at all! On the contrary, the enjoyment of Sahaja Yoga is the best

way to know Sahaja Yoga! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Puja - Kalwe,

India - 31 December 1991)


" So far we have had some bad experiences but very very few. Surprisingly people

who have not even known the first word of 'Ganapati' have become such devoted

bhaktas of Shri Ganesha and they have understood the importance of innocence and

of purity. I am rather sad today that all the Sahaja yogis are now going away to

their [different] countries and I wish [for] them that they carry this purity of

Shri Ganesha with them which is very much required in your countries. Very much

to be spread out. Only you have to desire and it will spread. I am sure things

will change very soon and we will have a much better, much better time. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Puja - Kalwe, India - 31 December 1991)


" There are many, many things which are false in this world. Lots of things are

full of falsehood. [it] doesn't matter. All this falsehood, everything can

easily be cleared out by the Truth, the light of the Truth. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Puja - Kalwe, India - 31 December 1991)


[in 1985, at Chelsham Road, England, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi told something

quite quaint and delightful to the Sahaja Yogis about the American idea of

'Smurfs'! Shri Mataji explained how every Sahaja Yogi needs to be like a Smurf

[sMILE], that is, to use their God-given talents, that the Divine Within

bestows, which can be used in God's Work, regardless of whatever physical work

the person may be involved in! In other words, just sitting down and letting the

others do all the work, is not the way the 'Smurfs' do it!]:


" The other day I told them that in the land of Sadhashiva, Ganas are there, and

as the Americans got the ideas of the Smurfs they are the Ganas and you won't

find any Smurf sitting down he's so active, not one Smurf you will find he's

sitting down, either he'll be a barber or a washerman or he'll be a beginner or

he'll be a fiddler or he'll be something, doing. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Formal Talk - Chelsham Road, London, England - 06-08-85)


" See all the Ganas are here. If the Ganas start fighting with each other what

will happen? Supposing the anti-bodies in our body start fighting with each

other then what will happen to our body? So you are like the Ganas, you are

specially blessed people to be born in this special country [Australia] and

after all these achievements that you have made, if you are going to take these

absolutely nonsensical things of the countries which are over developed, have

lost their balance, then what's the use of being born in this Ganesha's land?!

In this Ganesha's land you have to have a complete balance within yourself!

That's what I expect from the Sahaja Yogis of Australia, that they have to give

to the whole world the sense of balance of Shri Ganesha. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Ganesha Puja - Perth, Australia - 9 February, 1992)


" On the contrary, it has been reported to me that every time we have our

programme in Ganapatipule, people have noticed that there are groups in

Australia, that people are not clean hearted, that they talk ill of others and

they told me, warned me, 'Mother be on the look out why this is happening.' They

say something behind their backs and try to convince the people of other

countries about it. Of course [others] being so clean, they don't like it! They

don't want to hear [this sort of thing] from Sahaja Yogis. They don't want to

hear [anything] against any Sahaja Yogis! So they informed me, 'Mother, this is

a very serious thing, and certain things they have told me are really very

serious. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Puja - Perth, Australia - 9

February, 1992)


[Regarding the above behaviour, i have personal experience of this same

behaviour happening more than a decade later, when i first communicated openly

on this forum. i was informed by a FEW Australian yogis, who thought that they

had some kind of 'political power in Sahaja Yoga', that Jagbir and his children

are possessed of evil, and that Jagbir (in their opinion) was not a Sahaja Yogi!

(Of course, i was initially shocked and a bit speechless!( Yet when i questioned

these few 'politically savvy Sahaja Yogis' as to the reason for their opinion,

expecting some scriptural backup or backup from Shri Mataji Herself, there was

no sound spiritual doctrine forthcoming, upon which they based their opinion.

All that they could inform me, was that this was the 'basic political stance of

WCASY' and because WCASY followed that stance, so did all the Sahaja Yogis need

to follow that stance! That is what is called 'following the leader' instead of

being your own guru, master and teacher, let alone being a Gana of the Adi

Shakti.... of the Mother! Sahaja Yogis are not going to be the Ganas of the

Mother, if they believe in man made doctrines, that are not based upon all the

scriptures (including Shri Mataji's teachings). These Sahaja Yogis will find

that these 'man-made doctrines' are going to change over the years, and what

they thought was 'solid ground' is going to be a 'shifting sand'! That is

because only God's Laws are constant, and don't change or shift, as it says



" Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down

from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. "

(James 2:17)


Those Sahaja Yogis who have built their house on the 'shifting sands' of

man-made doctrine, rather than on the 'solid Rock' of God's Absolute Truth, are

not going to be spiritually strong. Their house will shift with every shifting

wave or wind of doctrine. People like Jagbir and his children are needed in the

body of Christ; so are people like Brother Tiger and Unnamed Brother, and all

the rest of us, who have built our house on the Rock of Christ! These are the

ones who the Divine can have confidence in, that they are not going to shift

with every murmuring voice. These are the ones we can depend upon! The

Scriptures 'put it very well':


" And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists,

and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work

of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the

unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to

the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ. As a result,

we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried

about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in

deceitful scheming: but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all

aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being

fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the

proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the

building up of itself IN LOVE. " (Ephesians 5:11-16)


Getting back to the apparent 'political power' of some few Sahaja Yogis, (after

all, they are few in comparison to the total numbers of Sahaja Yogis

worldwide).... this kind of 'assumed man-made power' is exactly the kind of

power that Shri Mataji warned Sahaja Yogis in Australia about! 'Political power'

is no where near the power of love, which is the real Sahaja Yoga power! In

fact, this is a good scriptural description of any 'assumed political power in

Sahaja Yoga'!:


" If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have

become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.' (I Corinthians 13:1)


The thing is, political power has nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Sahaja

Yoga!!! Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi could not explain this fact any clearer!!!]:


" You must have the balance. You must have the softness of nature. You should

talk very softly to others, and be kind and nice. Just find out if you are doing

that or not?! Then between the group [of Sahaja Yogis] it's a question of using

the power of love! We have no other power! We have no money power! We do not

have this political power, or economic power, nothing!!! What power we have got

is the power of love! For that, when you talk to each other, one has to talk in

a soft manner, an extremely soft and kind manner. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Ganesha Puja - Perth, Australia - 9 February, 1992)


[so even when others 'do us wrong' and 'speak evil of us', we still can use this

power of love, that overcomes evil with good, that replaces the darkness with

the light!]:


" So now we have to first decide that we should bear no grudge to anyone. How can

you bear grudge to anyone, we have to be forgiving. All the time forgiving,

something, somebody has said it, all right doesn't matter. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Ganesha Puja - Perth, Australia - 9 February, 1992)


" We should be extremely, extremely gentle to show that we are Ganesha's special

Ganas. That's what I feel about Australians. We have had some mishaps I know,

doesn't matter but that's all right, a few of them were like that but all of you

should really learn to be very loving, gentle, kind and concerned. Small, small

things can make people happy, very happy you see. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Ganesha Puja - Perth, Australia - 9 February, 1992)


" So you stand on your own gravity point and nobody can disturb you, you should

have no fear, nothing, nothing to bother in Sahaja Yoga. As it is you are all

saints, what is there to bother, the whole Ganas, all the angels, all this

all-pervading-power is looking after you. Yesterday we saw a kind of a light,

which we [saw]; a miraculous light [was] following us on both the sides of the

car, especially on my side there was such a lot of light following. [it was]

just giving [us] the indication that it's all right, that this is Ganesha's

place and here things are going to work out. So you are placed so well! You have

so many powers within yourself, which you can express very well! 'Fearlessly you

can have it' within yourself. Anybody who tries to trouble you will be looked

after by this all-pervading-power. You [yourself] don't have to do anything

about it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Puja - Perth, Australia - 9

February 1992)


[so folks, this is all for Part I. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi said quite a lot

about the Ganas, Devatas, Deities and Shaktis, and to make this post reasonably

short, there will be other parts. i hope you have enjoyed it]!


i hope this helps Sahaja Yogis to recognise the greatness of their spiritual

power of love!


love to all,



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