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(HSS) New Heading - Holy Spirit Reincarnation and Karma

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Dear Jagbir (and All)


Here is New Heading #17 for the Holy Spirit/Shekinah website (HSS). Could you

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warmest regards,






(HSS) New Heading #17

Holy Spirit, Reincarnation and Karma




17. / Heading



Holy Spirit, Reincarnation and Karma


Sowing the seed by the daylight fair,

Sowing the seed by the noonday glare,

Sowing the seed by the fading light,

Sowing the seed in the solemn night:

O what shall the harvest be?

O what shall the harvest be?




Sown in the darkness or sown in the light,

Sown in our weakness or sown in our might,

Gathered in time or eternity,

Sure, ah sure, will the harvest be.


Sowing the seed by the wayside high,

Sowing the seed on the rocks to die.

Sowing the seed where the thorns will spoil,

Sowing the seed in the fertile soil:

O what shall the harvest be?

O what shall the harvest be?




Sowing the seed with an aching heart,

Sowing the seed while the teardrops start,

Sowing in hope till the reapers come

Gladly to gather the harvest home.

O what shall the harvest be?

O what shall the harvest be?






The time we are now living in is what Christians call the " Harvest Time " . The

harvesting time comes when the seed has been planted and has borne fruit.

Depending upon what we have sown in our lives, that is what we will get back as

'our harvest':


" Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will

also reap. " (Galatians 6:7)


[it is common sense to those who are not indoctrinated against the fact of

reincarnation, that reaping what a person has sown cannot possibly happen in one

lifetime! It happens over many lifetimes. Christ Jesus made reference to the

fact of reincarnation, when He said]:


" And if you care to accept it, he [John the Baptist] is Elijah, who was to

come! " (Christ Jesus - Matthew 11:14)


[ " That's reincarnation " that Christ is describing, folks! Christ described the

fact of reincarnation long before modern day Christian ministers have explained

it away by various creative means! The irony of the situation is that the same

Christian ministers that deny the fact of reincarnation, are also the same

people who have reincarnated many times themselves! They are just not aware of

it, because of the 'time of forgetting' that most of us experience, when our

individual spirit incarnates in our individual body. But Christian ministers do

not know this fact, so they try and explain away `reincarnation' by saying that

it was only `Elijah's spirit' that overshadowed John the Baptist. This is not

so! It was Elijah's spirit that came back as John the Baptist! Why would

Elijah's spirit come and hover over John the Baptist, when John had the Holy

Spirit to do the same for him?! When a person has the Holy Spirit with them,

they do not need 'another spirit' to hover over them! That is why it is the

truth that the spirit of Elijah was not hovering over John the Baptist but was

" within " John the Baptist! That is also why Christ Jesus said: " If you care to

accept it, he [John the Baptist] is Elijah, who has come [back]!]


['Reaping what one sows' is the same law that in Eastern teachings is called the

Law of Karma, namely that 'what one sows, one will reap', only in the Eastern

teachings, the fact of reincarnation has not been denied!]:


" If we accept the principle of cause and effect in Nature, and of action and

reaction in physics, how can we not believe that this natural law extends also

to human beings? Once consciousness is understood as basic to everything the

question begs to be asked: Do not humans, too, belong to the natural order? Such

is the law of karma: " As you sow, so shall you reap. " If you sow evil, you will

reap evil in the form of suffering. And if you sow goodness, you will reap

goodness in the form of inner joy. To understand karma, you must realize that

thoughts are things. The very universe, in the final analysis, is composed not

of matter but of consciousness. Matter responds, far more than most people

realize, to the power of thought. For willpower directs energy, and energy in

turn, acts upon matter. Matter, indeed, is energy. Every action, every thought,

reaps its own corresponding rewards. Human suffering is not a sign of God's or

Nature's anger with mankind. It is a sign, rather, of man's ignorance of the

divine law. The law is forever infallible in its workings. " (Karma and

Reincarnation - Paramhansa Yogananda)




" Karma " literally means " deed " or " act " , and more broadly names the universal

principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs

all life. It is believed that only beings that can distinguish right from wrong,

such as adult humans, can accumulate Karma. Animals and young children are not

considered to accumulate Karma as they are incapable of discriminating between

right and wrong. However, all sentient beings can feel the effects of Karma,

which are pleasure and pain. Karma is not fate; humans are believed to act with

free will, creating their own destinies. According to the Vedas, if an

individual sows goodness, he or she will reap goodness; if one sows evil, he or

she will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of mankind's actions and their

concomitant reactions in current and previous lives, all of which determine the

future. However, many karmas do not have an immediate effect; some accumulate

and return unexpectedly in an individual's later lives. The conquest of karma is

believed to lie in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction.


Unkindness yields spoiled fruits, called paap, and good deeds bring forth sweet

fruits, called punya. As one acts, so does he become: one becomes virtuous by

virtuous action, and evil, by evil action. "




[How are karmas created? Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that karmas are created

by the ego]:


" Karmas are done by your ego. You must have observed that after coming to Sahaja

Yoga [your Union with the Divine] that you can clearly see your ego (Ahankar)and

the way it works. In Sahaja Yoga also, you come across many temptations and in

that, your ego dominates and you forget whether you have to go to Sahaja Yoga,

or if Sahaja Yoga is to come to you. Many people, when they succumb to their

ego, turn their backs to Sahaja Yoga, expecting Sahaja Yoga to follow them! "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Advice 'NY14')


[Man 'in reality' is the Atman, but he has identified himself with his gross

body, subtle body or causal body, and therefore remains in spiritual bondage!]:


" Atman (Self) is ever pure and ever free. Man, in reality, is Atman. But he

identifies with the gross body, subtle body or the casual body and remains

bound. By non-identification with these, one becomes liberated. On death, the

gross body falls off. The physical gross body is thrown off like changing

clothes. Atman is never born or is it ever slain. It is only the subtle body,

which stores the desires, hopes etc. which transmigrates from one birth to

another. Only the subtle body enjoys the fruits of the action in the physical

world in the heaven or hell. "




[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that as long as one's ego is enveloping one,

that the person cannot have the glimpse of their Spirit]:


" So long as your ego is enveloping you, you cannot have the glimpse of your

Spirit. But it is useless to fight with your ego. In Sahaja Yoga [union with the

Divine within you] you do not have to fight with your ego, but you just have to

see, because your attention itself gets awakened and your ego cools down by just

seeing, as the seeing is illuminating. In that light you witness the play of

your ego and laugh at it. As you start seeing yourself, your ego starts getting

deflated and as the ego is deflated, you rise in your light. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Advice NY 14)


[However, through Union with the Divine within ['Sahaja Yoga'], the person can

start seeing one's wrong identification and faults through the Light of the

Spirit, and the Shakti or Power of the Holy Spirit, completely removes them!]:


" In Sahaja Yoga, when one is realised, one starts seeing one's own faults. Man

is so identified with himself that he does not want to know his faults, and when

he knows them, he just wants to run away. But it is better that instead of

carrying the burden of your faults from life to life, that you know them and

correct them. There is nothing in it to be scared of. If you make yourself a

little steady, you will understand how powerful the Shakti [Holy Spirit's power]

is, which not only brings into light the faults within you, but also completely

removes them! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Advice 'NY14')


[All sins/karmas are finished!]:


" Whatever are your karma phalas are finished. You're not responsible for your

forefather's karma phalas, your country's karma phalas, your own personal karma

phalas. Whatever wrong we have done is finished, as if you are cut off from your

past completely! Once this is established, then all mistakes, all wrong-doings,

not only of you, your relations, of your forefathers, of your family, of your

country, of this world, anything, doesn't touch you. You are aloof from it. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Hamsa Chakra Puja Synopsis – Vancouver, Canada – 13

September 1992)


" Shankara finally tells that the knower of the Self always rejoices only in

Absolute Bliss of the Self and also quotes from Srutti [the Vedas] and Smriti

[The law books, subsidiary to the Vedas] to back his words. All the three types

of Karma are only for the Jiva [individual soul with ego] and not to the Atman

[The Self]. Atman is never a kartha ['a Doer'] and hence it is not a bhoktha

[person who enjoys] also. When the Jiva realizes his own Self, then the Kartha

[he who does an act] ceases to exist and hence the karmas, which got accumulated

over millions and millions of birth also ceases to exist. To a person who

realized his own nature of Self, nothing can bind him and thus such a person has

crossed the Samsara [repeated rounds of births and deaths]. Self is already

realized and realization is not an event to occur, it is just a clear

understanding of the Mahavakya [highest Vedantic truth or identity between

individual soul and Supreme Soul] of the Srutti [revealed scriptures; Vedas] as

in " Ayan Atma Brahma " – " The Self is verily Brahman " etc. When a person gets

such a firm conviction on these Upanishadic statements without any doubt through

vedantic sadhana [path of vedantic spiritual practice] of Srvana [hearing the

scriptures], Manana [reflection on the scriptures] and Nidhidhyaasana [profound

meditation on the scriptures], he is liberated and has crossed the Samsara. He

gets a firm conviction that " I am neither body nor senses nor mind nor intellect

but Ever Blissful Infinite Atman " . All the Karma phalams are only for the body

and the mind, and since the person got the firm conviction that he is Atman;

different from gross, subtle and causal body, none of the karma phalams affect

him. Therefore such a person goes beyond the temporary happiness and sorrow

which the good and bad phalams respectively can give and always rejoices in the

Absolute Bliss of the Self. "




[shri Mataji explains that at this transitionary time of " Krita Yuga " (or

'critical time' between the Kali Yuga (Age of Ignorance) and the Satya Yuga (Age

of Enlightenment)... that the Brahma Chaitanya, which is the all-pervading

power, has become activated, and it is trying to expose and punish people for

the past karma. That is why the Christian Comforter had to come, to help people

face themselves, that is, their sin or karma, by turning to the Holy Spirit and

having the Holy Spirit awaken within them. When the Holy Spirit awakens within

the person, She, the Kundalini, washes the person's garments (psychosomatic

system) as white as snow, as the Scriptures say! 'Those people' Shri Mataji

says, 'will not be touched']:


" And in this Krita Yuga where this Brahma Chaitanya [activated All-pervading

power] is trying to expose and to punish people for their past karmas,

collectively also, country-wise also, [this] will not even be able to touch you,

because the light of the centre [Hamsa Chakra; centre of discretion located

between the eyes] is extremely powerful, and you will be redeemed of all the

fears of whatever you have done before. You'll just be beautiful, like lotuses

which have come out of the mire, and you'll emit beautiful fragrance all around

the world " . (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Hamsa Chakra Puja Synopsis – Vancouver,



[However, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that all sins or karmas (a.k.a. 'paaps')

and all merits or rewards (a.k.a. 'punyas') are now coming to universal



" So now whatever we have done wrong before, whatever karmas have been done in

ignorance, or deliberately, all of them will be paid back. Those punyas, which

you have done in previous lives, will in this life, also be rewarded. This is

all done through Shri Krishna's principle of collectivity, where He collectively

sees the situation. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis –

Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi did not incarnate to engender any religious, political

or economic favour. Rather, She incarnated as the 'Christian Comforter' to

favour us with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! Shri Mataji calls Sahaja Yoga a

" living organisation " . It is a living organisation where the Absolute Truth must

not only prevail, but be lived in each of our lives. She must have told us at

least a thousand times, that we have to become our own master, or teacher, or

guru! She also talked about the grave moral issues that we are facing today]:


" Columbus luckily went to America, so we were saved. Otherwise we would not have

been here! Then the Spanish occupied the land and killed the poor unarmed

aboriginal people. So now these diseases and drug addiction have started. The

drugs come from Bolivia and Colombia. We drove the people there, and then went

down to help them, and now we are welcoming the drugs back. In all the elite

societies, the discussion is where the best drug is for sale. So all of America

is now worried about how much drugs they can import and kill themselves and

destroy themselves. So this destruction has started from inside. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis - Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji tells what has happened, due to not keeping to the morality or



" Indulgence into Freudian practices, not keeping to morality, has brought on

AIDS, Yuppie's disease, and all kinds of secret diseases, which ten percent of

people have. Many in America, at least one in twenty, are schizophrenic as a

result of making other countries and people nervous. Even the English, who came

to India as traders, plundering and ruling for three hundred years, now have

problems in their own country. They left India divided in three pieces, and now

have become a divided country themselves. The French also tried to sell their

wine and bring their horrible bathroom culture everywhere, and are now suffering

from it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella,

Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji states that all the seeds sown of these non-dharmic ways have

reaped recessions, because people have not used their wealth properly, and every

country is now having to face up to what they have done!]:


" All these countries are paying through recessions. This is also Shri Krishna's

power because He's Kubera. He's the one who is the power of wealth. He gave

wealth to all these countries, and now they don't know what to do with

themselves. All over the world, in the past 50 years, many remarkable things

have happened. All over the world, there has been some sort of a complete

change, or an exposure. In Italy, the Vatican, mafia connections, and government

have all been exposed. [The] Indians are also suffering from their past deeds

involving the caste system. So like that, in every country, you'll see gradually

every country will have to face up to what it has done. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[However, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that many false gurus are now trembling,

because we are standing on the truth!]:


" In this Kali Yuga, He [shri Krishna] is also acting by finishing many false

gurus and exposing them nicely. They themselves are trembling and are very

frightened of us, because we are standing on the Truth. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Shri Krishna Puja Synopsis – Cabella, Italy – 16 August 1992)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that it is best not to discard

Sahaja Yoga, which is our 'Union with the Divine Within', even though we may be

attached to another organisation. She says there is no organisation or

membership in Sahaja Yoga!]:


" So these realised souls are all over and they are helping. They never enter

into anybody, they never trouble you, they guide you, to the proper lines. They

bring their angels and they help you to come to the right path, to the right

conclusions. And they never try to possess you, hypnotise you, or take you to

the wrong side of life. So when you are realised also, you must know that you

have to know 'completely' what is the reality. Go on understanding, trying to

assimilate it, not to discard it because you are attached to another

organisation. There is 'no' organisation in Sahaja Yoga, you know very well.

There is no grouping in Sahaja Yoga. There is no membership in Sahaja Yoga.

'But', it is a living organisation. It is a living organisation! So anything

happens here, the whole body knows! We don't have to have organisation written

for this body! In the same way, Sahaja Yoga works out! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi – Formal Talk 'Agnya Chakra' – Delhi, India – 3-2-83)


[shri Mataji informs that what She has said, has been opposed by some churches

in England and America, but She says that if they want to exist any longer, they

had better take to the truth, knowing that what they know so far, is incomplete.

Shri Mataji says that to understand Christ, you have to have your realisation!]:


" About the Agnya Chakra ['Narrow Gate'] I have spoken many times in England and

America, and was very much opposed by some churches, and things. But I think if

they want to exist any longer, they 'better' take to truth and 'know' that what

they know so far is incomplete. They have to know the full of it. Because Christ

could not talk much and whatever He said, was written down by His disciples, the

way they understood. To understand Christ, you have to have your realisation. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk 'Agnya Chakra' – Delhi, India –



" Now you all know that you have no karmas left. It's all finished. And now you

are beautiful new people. The blossoming time has brought you as fruits now. So

don't pay attention to yourself, to your maladies, and to your troubles, and

things will definitely improve! Somebody was telling me that they got a pain in

the knee. I felt, that I just get a pain in the knee, so many times. I have pain

here, because I absorb it from you. But I never think about it! Never bother!

Because I see [that] my body is alright. Like this machine, if it is spoiled, we

should cure it, finished! But if all the time you are thinking this is paining

here, this is wrong, and I've got no money, I've got to do this business... that

business, finished! (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Diwali Puja – Moscow, Russia –

12 November 1993)


" So now we have to rise into the realm of superconsciousness. I can go on

speaking about everything so sublime, so beautiful. There are many lectures,

which I have given. But lectures have nothing but words. These are the 'web of

words'. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. That is what

is my own vision! And so many have fulfilled it. I am always yours whenever you

want. Whenever you want me to come, I will come. That my life is more than my

own will. But you also must love yourself, and love your self realisation! "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Diwali Puja – Moscow, Russia – 12 November 1993)

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