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What are vibrations, physiologically/scientifically/spiritually?

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Dear All,


Here is a question that somebody asked of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in a

'Question & Answer' period after the 'Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan' formal talk in

London, England on 22 March 1977:


i) What are these vibrations? (physiologically, scientifically, and



Shri Mataji gave a very detailed answer, which i am sure you will all enjoy!






Question: What are these vibrations (physiologically, scientifically and



Answer: " First question is about 'What are these vibrations'? As I told you

yesterday, in our heart is a flicker of light which is burning all the time;

which is Atma; which is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. I will tell

you 'in short'. What happens is that when the Kundalini rises, she opens the

Brahmarandhra, and there is the seat of the Sadashiva, the Pitha. The Pitha

[seat or pedestal] is here at Sahasrara, but Sadashiva is in the heart,

reflected as Atma. The Pitha is created because it receives the subtle energy

which is all-pervading. Inside the gross, is the all-pervading. For example,

this mike collects my voice. The voice is a subtle energy which is collected

through this [mike] and if you have a radio it will catch them [the vocal sounds

of subtle energy].


The Pithas [seats] in the brain, are the same way, and the Pitha of Sadashiva is

higher, 'up here', which is opened out, so that the subtle, 'the Sukshama'

http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Sukshma_Sarira/id/202772 passes into our

heart through a very subtle channel. Just like a gas-light, it has a flicker and

when the gas opens out, the Prakash [vibrations flowing through us] occurs. Now

the vibrations flowing through us, are the Prakash going through us! Now what do

I do? You will say 'Mataji what do you do?' I do nothing but just try to give

you that force, which you can say is the 'gas power'! It is the 'gas power'!

Because the Kundalini knows when I am before you, She rises, opens out and

starts flowing! It is flowing through Me throughout, but unless you are subtle,

you cannot feel it. You can say that I am the finite in the infinite. Or you can

say [that I am] the infinite in the finite. I am both! So the energy

['gas-power'] that is emitted into all the subtle energy is passing through Me.

[it] is the Virat* [Great Primordial Being/Collective Being]. From the Virata,

the whole thing is passing [through]. It is going into the 'All-Pervading' [and]

it is the 'All-Pervading'!


[short pause for definition/meaning of 'Virata'*]:


" The Virata is the Primordial Father within our brains and acts for our

collectivity. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Virata Puja Synopsis - Melbourne,

Australia - 10 April 1991)


" It's all working out like a plan. Perhaps you're not aware of it, that we are

all people belonging to one Virata and that our needs or our work, all of them,

have great significance and connection! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Easter Puja

Talk - Sydney, Australia - 3 April 1994)



Answer: (cont'd)


[To] everybody [and to] everywhere it [the energy or 'gas power' of the Virat or

Primordial Being] is going. It is even in a cell! It is in a carbon atom; in all

the atoms it is there! It is the subtle energy that is emitted through Me! When

you become subtle, you will become like a radio; you will start receiving it.

Now how will you know what is correct and what is incorrect? You ask the subtle,

and the subtle answers you. You get the answers on your hand. It is like this

[giving explanation]:


So these are the vibrations which you receive from the All-Pervading power

[that] is emitted. You receive from Me, of the All-Pervading power. It is just

the same, from everywhere! These are the vibrations!


The Self Realisation is the very subtle point. Now try to understand that it is

so far, an unconscious [thing] for you. It is not [yet] an awareness. It is in

the Achetan [devoid of consciousness of the Self]. It is in your unconscious.

You are not aware about it yet. But once you are realised, it starts flowing

into your awareness! This means that you start feeling it on your central

nervous system, because your nervous system is your Chetana [consciousness]. It

is your awareness. Human awareness is nothing but the central nervous system

[activity], but now [upon Self Realisation] this central nervous system starts

to feel the vibrations or the Light of the Atma through it! That is why it is

known as Samadhi. When the Unconscious becomes the Conscious, it is called



It [the word 'Samadhi'] is not 'Beshudhavstha', [in other words] meaning that

'one becomes aware of the unconscious'. Firstly you become 'Nirvichara', then

'Nirvikalpa' and " then " a complete Self Realisation occurs! So 'Samadhi' is a

confusing word that just means 'the Universal Unconscious'!


Yesterday, Justice Vaidya told you that there are three types of sadhana

[spiritual effort]; Satvik, Rajasi, and Tamasi. Tamasi goes to the left hand

side, leading to the subconscious, the collective subconscious, which is

connected to the libido, on the left hand side [a.k.a. Ida Nadi]. Rajasi goes to

the right hand side, leading to the supraconscious, the collective

supraconscious, which is connected to the Pingala Nadi, which is the will power.

God, Goddesses and Ganas are on this side, and all those who fall into that, 'go

to the hell'.


But the Center [the Satvik], is the superconscious, [the collective

superconscious]. Through the sushumna [central path of spiritual

evolution/ascent], the human being rises above the superconscious. They

gradually start becoming more and more aware, [although] they have the same

body. For example, if you look at a cell of the brain, it looks the same as a

cell of fat, but there is a difference. This difference takes effect from the

time you 'open out' [brahmarandhra opens]. Then there is even a greater

dimension to that cell [in that] your brain then starts receiving the vibrations

and understanding it!


Then in your Nirvikalpa stage, you get another dimension, by which you have the

'abouts' [access] of your knowledge. The last is the Self Realisation where you

just enjoy! [it is] complete enjoyment! [There are] no problems! You do not

catch! Nothing [like that] happens. i would say our Vaidya Saheb is very much

near Self Realisation. The way he got Self Realisation is very remarkable.


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - 'Questions & Answers' - 'Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan' -

London, England - 22 March 1977)

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