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Are You really growing?

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Here is an interesting question for all:


Do you still feel the vibrations the way you felt them for the very

first time?

The Answer for most of us is NO!

Does that mean that our state has really not improved even after so

many years of being in Sahaja Yoga ?

The answer to this again is NO!

Our meditation should have become deeper with all the efforts that

we have put in and with all the Pure Knowledge,yet sometimes we find

that we are still stuck at the same place.(ask this to yourself



There is a deeper way how negativity affects us in this world and

its there everywhere to keep us down and struggling for our

enlightenment.(seems frightening but its true! check on the


This is the Maya of this world of Illusion and its everywhere!

Whether its the movies that you see,the newspapers you read,the

lifestyle you lead,'Tis all a misidentification!


You are not who you 'think' you are!You are first Sahaja

Yogis,Children of God!

You are the Spirit,extensions of God Almighty Himself.

He wants to see His Reflection in you and that is why he has created

you so lovingly!


All this nonsense(daily doses of fear in the news,advertisements of

materialistic things,movies,even sports for that matter!) that we

face in our everyday lives is sometimes enough to keep us out of the

state of meditation that we really want to achieve,THE TURYA or


This is when you are always connected to God through Doubtless

awareness through your Sahasrara!

Every HUMAN has a potential to be connected to THE INFINITE AWARENESS

and be that WAY!


This is the state is which Sahaja Yogis actually become GOD!you can

be one with All CREATION! so whether its things like controlling

weather or making things happen in a way you never perceived is all


This is the ultimate aim of Sahaja Yoga my friends,The dream of our

Holy Mother that we may become Universal Beings again......


There is a world beyond this world and its awaiting you!


A Messenger of GOD!

Mohit Deopujari-'Disillusioned God-Worshipper'

(but i am disillusioned no more!!!)



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Dear Rohit (and All),


i would like to respond to what you have said.




" rohit_jailkhani " <rohit_jailkhani wrote:




> Here is an interesting question for all:


> Do you still feel the vibrations the way you felt them for the


> first time?



[Well yes, Rohit! i feel them more than i ever did for the very first time! The

vibrations have increased and not decreased! (smile)]



> The Answer for most of us is NO!



[Rohit, in Message #2847 of 8375, Fri Dec 3, 2004 1:47 am you wrote:



cannot feel vibrations


jay shree mataji



i am a student of first year engg. i am doing meditation for

around three and half years but cannot feel vibrations properly.

the divine flow comes for around 10 days and then stops.this cycle

continues around the year.also the flow is very less, please help me

to improve my meditation. my email id is rohit_jailkhani





[However, you know, i have never concentrated on the vibrations 'per se', i have

always concentrated on the 'author' of my faith, and therein has been my

success, i believe! i had stubborn chakra problems too, but Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi came and cleared me in a very dramatic way, i must say! i depended upon

Her, and She did not fail me! It was Her who had to clear my chakras in the end,

so that the love of God or 'vibrations' could flow freely! (smile)]



> Does that mean that our state has really not improved even after


> many years of being in Sahaja Yoga ?

> The answer to this again is NO!



[Actually if you are not feeling the vibrations, that means there is some

obstacle or obstruction to the 'flow of love' which is what vibrations are. They

are nothing but pure love! Doing external treatments and meditation will not

necessarily give a person this love. It comes from relationship .... union ....

with the Divine within one's Self. When people are doing the externally focused

clearing, cleansing, meditation and soforth, these are all the means to

attaining that. Once the 'Divine Within' is attained, a person remains in the

state of medititation 24/7!!!


For that to happen, i had to surrender each and every thing that was there,

although i 'surrendered in general' also. But i found that i had to surrender

each and every thing, as it came along. That is how i learned that whatever i

surrendered, i got so much more back! It was not a case of 'losing anything' but

i gained so much, that i cannot even tell the whole of it! One day it dawned on

me that i was 'completely surrendered' How did i know? Because everything just

resolved as it 'came up'! It had become a permanent state! This is also the same

time that i realised that i was 'in meditation' on a 24/7 basis, like it is a

natural state! (smile) The focus becomes 'completely within' though a person is

much more able to focus in the world around them also, but he sees the Reality,

not the illusion!


Frankly speaking, in my opinion if a sahaja yogi does not feel the vibrations,

and does not surrender on a daily basis, to the point of complete surrender,

then they still have not really attained the purpose of clearing, cleansing, and

meditation. i believe that is also why Shri Mataji repeatedly stressed

'surrendering to one's Spirit'.


Feeling the vibrations is the same as 'feeling the palpable love of God'! Our

nervous system has become enlightened, and that is when we can feel this

connection of love. If we cannot " feel " that love of God, then we cannot really

talk of Sahaja Yoga, because Sahaja Yoga is all about that love! Sahaj Love! It

makes logical sense then that Shri Mataji would say that if we have not felt the

vibrations (the love of God), then we cannot talk of Sahaja Yoga: " Those who

have not felt the vibrations, should not talk of Sahaja Yoga. They have no

authority. They have to receive vibrations. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Guru

Purnima Day - London, England - 29 July 1980)]



> Our meditation should have become deeper with all the efforts that

> we have put in and with all the Pure Knowledge,yet sometimes we

> find that we are still stuck at the same place.(ask this to >

yourself honestly)


[dear Rohit, you say that the meditation should have become deeper, with all the

efforts a person has put in, but i believe you miss the point here! It is not

our external efforts 'in and of themselves' that bring the pure knowledge of the

Spirit, but it is our surrender to that Spirit, that brings the love, knowledge,

and wisdom of the Spirit!]



> There is a deeper way how negativity affects us in this world and

> its there everywhere to keep us down and struggling for our

> enlightenment.(seems frightening but its true! check on the

> vibrations!)


[sahaja Yogis are those who 'become the Spirit'. They are in union with the Holy

Spirit of God. As such, negativity does not affect them, if they do not allow it

to! We also have all the ganas, deities, angels, shaktis and the Holy Spirit to

protect us. They are all working to help us, and have our best interests at

heart. Therefore we need never fear any negativity! In fact, every negativity

that we can encounter will dissolve in the light of the Spirit! That is the

power of a Sahaja Yogi!]



> This is the Maya of this world of Illusion and its everywhere!

> Whether its the movies that you see,the newspapers you read,the

> lifestyle you lead,'Tis all a misidentification!



[However, Sahaja yogis are those who have come out of that illusion. They have

the pure light of the Spirit, and can see that these 'things of the world' are

'illusory' and not the 'real Reality'. i would like to see more of the truth or

reality in movies, newspapers, television and any other media. At the moment,

'otherwise intelligent reporters' seem mainly to be pendling the agendas of

those who prize money and power above all else! Or, alternatively they are

praising the merits of going to war! Where is the peace, the Reality in that?!

(rhetorical question)]



> You are not who you 'think' you are!You are first Sahaja

> Yogis,Children of God!


[Christ said 'I am that I am'. A Sahaja Yoga realises that 'I Am' also! Their

eternal Self!]



> You are the Spirit,extensions of God Almighty Himself.



[As Shri Mataji said: " I am the Spirit " . This is what we all have to realise,

even those who have not yet come to Sahaja Yoga! According to Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi, we are all 'individual drops' that need to immerse in the 'Ocean'

and become 'One in the Spirit'!]



> He wants to see His Reflection in you and that is why he has

created you so lovingly!



[Yes, Shri Mataji said that God wants to see His Reflection in us. She says that

our 'mirror' must be clean, so that God's Reflection can be seen.]



> All this nonsense(daily doses of fear in the news,advertisements

of materialistic things,movies,even sports for that matter!) that we

> face in our everyday lives is sometimes enough to keep us out of

the state of meditation that we really want to achieve,THE TURYA or




[in my experience, once a person establishes the state of union with the Divine

(by whatever term you may call it) they rise above the 'pull' of external

attractions/distractions. That does not prevent me from enjoying good movies. i

used to enjoy playing sports such as volley-ball and softball, and still enjoy

nature walks, and beach walks and cycling. As far as the news and ads are

concerned, i usually turn them off (LOL!) once they get on the subject of that

'war in Iraq' and a 'possible war in Iran'! i am not 'into war' but 'into

peace'! My goal is to help in spiritually transforming all 'war-mongers' into

peaceful persons, through Self Realisation! 'War-mongers' are also those who

'war within themselves', being of 'two minds'. (smile)]



> This is when you are always connected to God through Doubtless

> awareness through your Sahasrara!

> Every HUMAN has a potential to be connected to THE INFINITE

AWARENESS and be that WAY!



[it is true that 'doubtless awareness' needs to be an element in that

relationship with the 'Divine Within'. Without that element of 'faith', NOTHING

can work! It takes a completely surrendered heart to achieve this, as is taught

in all the religions also.]



> This is the state is which Sahaja Yogis actually become GOD!



[Rohit, i would be very careful when you say 'Sahajs Yogis become GOD', without

qualifying it. Are you talking about Sahaja Yogis 'becoming the Spirit', which

is the way Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi always 'put it'? Or are you talking about

Sahaja Yogis becoming 'Almighty God'? You see, you can confuse people when you

are 'too general' (smile). Jagbir explains it very well though, and i have never

heard him say that " I am God " . Do you get my point? i think it is different to

realise that 'I am Brahman " , but one does not 'say it'; one 'realises it'! The

truth of the matter is, we become 'dissolved in God'. We swim in that Ocean

'that is God'.........but that does not mean we are 'Almighty God', in other

words, the totality of God. If you say it like that, the Christians and Muslims

will come after you! LOL!!!]



>you can be one with All CREATION!



[That is a much better way to say it! (smile)]



>so whether its things like controlling weather



[Wait a minute; i think God does that! And i also think that man has 'technical

ways' of trying to 'control the weather' these days. But why talk of controlling

the weather, when most Sahaja Yogis, as you say, do not even feel the

vibrations? First a person has to be a complete master of themselves, before

they can even think to 'control any weather'! LOL!!!]



> or making things happen in a way you never perceived is all




[Again, that comes from the ganas and deities, and Holy Spirit helping us. We

become 'One' and they cannot help us enough, if we are surrendered to the

'Divine within' which is Brahman! That means we swim in the Ocean of Brahman and

share in His/Her nature, but that never makes us the " totality of God " , which is

why Shri Mataji always said we are " part and parcel " of the Divine, rather than

saying we are the 'totality of the Divine or God.]



> This is the ultimate aim of Sahaja Yoga my friends,


[The ultimate aim of Sahaja Yoga is to spread the love of God to the whole

world, and transform this society (smile)]



> The dream of our Holy Mother that we may become Universal Beings again......



[The dream of our Mother is that we become Universal Beings, who will transform

this world to the new Golden Age! What is the point of being a Universal Being,

if one does not do the 'work of a Universal Being'?!]



> There is a world beyond this world and its awaiting you!



[in the 3rd Message of the Mother, which will be posted as soon as possible, the

Mother says:


" The world is becoming stronger and we are bringing closer the Golden Age when

the gods come down to Earth! "


[The whole 3rd Message of the Mother will get posted as soon as Igor and i have

finished translating it from Russian into English.


until then,







" rohit_jailkhani " <rohit_jailkhani wrote:


> Here is an interesting question for all:


> Do you still feel the vibrations the way you felt them for the very

> first time?

> The Answer for most of us is NO!

> Does that mean that our state has really not improved even after so

> many years of being in Sahaja Yoga ?

> The answer to this again is NO!

> Our meditation should have become deeper with all the efforts that

> we have put in and with all the Pure Knowledge,yet sometimes we


> that we are still stuck at the same place.(ask this to yourself

> honestly)


> There is a deeper way how negativity affects us in this world and

> its there everywhere to keep us down and struggling for our

> enlightenment.(seems frightening but its true! check on the

> vibrations!)

> This is the Maya of this world of Illusion and its everywhere!

> Whether its the movies that you see,the newspapers you read,the

> lifestyle you lead,'Tis all a misidentification!


> You are not who you 'think' you are!You are first Sahaja

> Yogis,Children of God!

> You are the Spirit,extensions of God Almighty Himself.

> He wants to see His Reflection in you and that is why he has


> you so lovingly!


> All this nonsense(daily doses of fear in the news,advertisements of

> materialistic things,movies,even sports for that matter!) that we

> face in our everyday lives is sometimes enough to keep us out of


> state of meditation that we really want to achieve,THE TURYA or


> This is when you are always connected to God through Doubtless

> awareness through your Sahasrara!

> Every HUMAN has a potential to be connected to THE INFINITE


> and be that WAY!


> This is the state is which Sahaja Yogis actually become GOD!you can

> be one with All CREATION! so whether its things like controlling

> weather or making things happen in a way you never perceived is all

> possible!

> This is the ultimate aim of Sahaja Yoga my friends,The dream of our

> Holy Mother that we may become Universal Beings again......


> There is a world beyond this world and its awaiting you!


> A Messenger of GOD!

> Mohit Deopujari-'Disillusioned God-Worshipper'

> (but i am disillusioned no more!!!)




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