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Shri Mataji: My actual sign name is Lalita who is the name of the Primordial M

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" Now the name Nirmala itself means immaculate. Means the one who is

the cleansing power and the name of the Goddess also. My actual

sign name is Lalita who is the name of the Primordial Mother. That is

the name of the Primordial Mother. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

" I'm the Holy Ghost " (New York, 30.09.81)

(The DCB, vol.XV, issue 9 & 10, September-October, 2003)



" Shri Mataji, what was your original name? "


It must be emphasized that neither Kash, his brother Arwinder nor

sister Lalita have ever met the physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

All their daily spiritual experiences with Her till today have been

within their Sahasraras. They narrate the Ultimate Reality of the

Sahasrara or Kingdom of God within all humans, where She resides as

the Adi Shakti. It has little to do with Her temporary, illusionary

human form as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who sooner or later will leave

Earth after having completed Her Mission to enlighten and emancipate



It is extremely important to understand this Reality because it deals

entirely with the Spirit World absolutely devoid of any earthly

defect. Thus no comparison whatsoever should be made between the

Great Adi Shakti Shri Lalita Devi and Her earthly incarnation as Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Yet, they are both one and the same. The physical Shri Mataji on

Earth is the drop. The Spirit Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara is the

Ocean. The earthly Shri Nirmala Devi is the single leaf. The Formless

Shri Lalita Devi is the Divine Forest. The human Shri Mataji is the

Teacher without. The Divine Shri Lalita Devi is the Supreme Guide

within. The mortal Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the temporary external

mirage. The Immortal Shri Lalita Devi is the Eternal Inner Reality.


Another important point to remember is that the mystical experiences

of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita are shruti in nature. " Shruti in

Sanskrit means 'that which is heard'. This word, then, is meant to

connote, something that was directly heard from God, by the sages. In

other words, the Shruti stems from the inner, intuitional and

spiritual experience of the ancient seers through years of deep

meditation. They are " apaurisheya " , or authorless, or, to put it more

succinctly, they are superhuman. " 1


Professor Rukumani (Ph.D) points that " at the core of Hinduism is the

synthesis of sat (existence), chit (consciousness) and anant

(infinity) as found in the texts of the Vedas and the Upanishads said

to date back to 2500 B.C. These truths known as shruti (heard) were

revealed to sages in an inspired state of mind, and were handed down

for centuries from teacher to pupil by word of mouth. The techniques

of transmitting the shruti verse were so accurate and precise that

when they were finally written down, manuscripts composed

independently were found to agree syllable by syllable. " 2


According to Deepak Chopra " knowledge about God is of two kinds,

direct and indirect. Indirectly we can read scriptures, listen to

sermons, consult authorities, and from these sources build a

reasonable case that God exists. But such a God transmits no love to

Earth. Therefore nothing substitutes for gyana, which is direct

knowledge of the divine. Instead of having thoughts about God, you

share God's own thoughts. Her thoughts can only be about Herself.

This isn't cosmic self-centeredness, however. It confirms the fact

that spiritual knowledge is essential; truth; trust; devotion, and

love are inside our thoughts. Gyana is the mind in communion with

spirit. " 3


Of all the spiritual knowledge revealed to the children, perhaps the

most priceless of all is the one posed by Kash to the Great Adi

Shakti early 1994:


Kash: " Shri Mataji, what was Your original name? "


Shri Mataji: " Shri Lalita Devi. "


Shri Lalita Devi

Camp Interval, Quebec, Canada — July 23, 1994



It was on June 23, 1994, the eve of the Guru Puja, that Kash

meditated and confirmed that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's original name

was Shri Lalita Devi! It is for this reason that the 1,000 esoteric

names throughout Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom of God are taken from

the Shri Lalita Sahasranama and attributed to Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, the incarnation of Shri Lalita Devi, the Great Goddess.




1. www.indiamine.com

2. The Gazette, April 26, 1996

3. Deepak Chopra, The Path of Love



“As we now move to other ancient scriptures let us not be blinded

by " religious " parochialism. A mind overly conditioned by the

fatherly connotation of the Judeo-Christian tradition will, at first,

have some difficulty at the conception of the Divine in the feminine

form of the Mother. And yet, the cult of the Motherhood of God, from

time immemorial, has been attested by archaeological evidence from

all quarters of the globe. It seems that it is the Indian

subcontinent which presents us with the most elaborate expressions of

this worship.


According to Advaita Vedanta Ultimate Reality is formless

undifferentiated consciousness (Nirguna.) This condition, which is at

the same time the Absolute Being and Absolute Nothingness [1] cannot

be conceived of. Through eons of ages, it goes through alternate

phases of potentiality and manifestation. The alternation of this

cosmic rhythm has been called: " the respiration of Brahma. " When the

ultimate reality rests in its latent phase, the Unmanifested, it is

contained in " IT. " In the activating phase of its manifestation,

the " IT " becomes " HE " and " Her " ; HH Mataji says that the first step

of the Creation takes place when God separates itself into Himself as

a witness and Herself as His power. One aspect is Sadashiva (The

Primordial Existent and Witness, God the Almighty, the Father, the

Purusha); the other is His power, the Adi Shakti, (The Primordial

Energy of Divine Love, the Divine Mother, the Prakriti.) [2] Thus the

Mother is the Primordial Energy . . . The Creation, spiritual and

material, springs from the Divine Mother, the Holy Spirit of the

Christian tradition. She creates various strata of existence, among

which is this phenomenal universe. As this Primordial Energy is the

genitrix of everything we experience, She is worshipped as the Sacred

Mother. We read in the first sutras of the Kama-Kalavilasa:


" Victory to Her the Primordial Power, the seed from which sprouts

hereafter the entire creation, static and kinetic universes, the

eternal, the incomparable, who is of the nature of Her own bliss, and

who manifests as a mirror to His (Shiva) self. "


The Samaya Mata recalls that the distinction between He and Her is

only an apparent one: " There is no Shiva without Shakti nor is there

any Shakti without Shiva. There is no distinction between them just

as there is none between the moon and the shining. " The Shakti

combines in Her person both the manifestation of the Universal

Existence (male form) and the Universal Energy (female form.) She is

thus identified with the One. The actualisation of this primordial

unity within the disciple is the object of the Shakti worship. She is

the central object of worship because She is the manifested dimension

of the Ultimate. She is the Great One who bridges the gap between the

Infinity and the Finite; only through Her compassionate meditation

can the finite human being regain Infinity. And that is indeed the

very blessing that She wants to graciously bestow on Her children.


" Thyself, with a view of manifesting Thyself in the form of the

Universe, inwardly assumest the form of Consciousness and Bliss. " —

Shri Shankaracharya, Saundarya Lahari 35


Let us again remember that the Holy Spirit, as the Primordial Energy,

is the Christian mysterious symbol for the Mother.


We ought to mention, that in the apocryphal Acts of Saint Thomas, the

Holy Spirit is (rightly) invoked as " hidden Mother, " " Mother of all

life. " These statements should help us to recognize the true wisdom

of the early gnostics and Syrian fathers who grasped something of the

identity (Holy Spirit = Mother = Energy.) The esoteric perception

certainly casts a new light on the intriguing dialogue between Lord

Jesus Christ and Nicodemus:


" Truly, Truly, I say to you unless one is born anew, he cannot see

the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to him, " how can a man be born

when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and

be born? " Jesus answered " Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is

born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God " —

John 3.3


The necessity to return to the Divine Mother in order to become a New

Adam, a second born, a Divine Child has been asserted by Lord Jesus.

It is time that those western seekers who have engaged themselves in

intellectual pursuits use their intellect to discover the Unity of

the message of the various mythologies and religions; they had better

realize the greatness of the Christian promise and the value of the

other world religions. HH Mataji has brilliantly exposed those

teachings in a new light which also illuminates the other religious

traditions and contemporary science. It is time for us to discover

that the true object of Knowledge is integration. All the great

religions are one. This is revealed by actualization when our own

integration takes place through rebirth.


Although the Great Goddess (Adi Shakti) is " Truly Formless " (see the

Devipurana) She has been worshipped through millennia in countless

aspects and forms. The three great aspects through which She is

channeling Her own power are Mahalaxshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali.

She is also known to have taken various incarnated forms (avtaras.)


It is thus described in the Scriptures that She is the Primordial

Power, the utterly Holy. It is certainly not easy for the western

reader to face the very serious hypothesis that She can take human

form. To talk about it is even more difficult. This field of reality

only underlines the limitations of ideas and words. "


Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent, The Life Eternal Trust

Publishers, 1979, p. 252-55.


1. In Mahayana buddhism " tathata " (suchness) and " sunyata "

(emptiness) are interchangeable notions.

2. Purusha and Prakriti represent the apparent opposition between the

Father-Spirit and the Mother-Nature.”

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