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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains some things about Sahaja Yoga

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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains some things about Sahaja Yoga


As earnest, honest people, one must understand that this [union with the Divine]

is for the transformation of all people who have been waiting for their ascent!

All our problems come from human beings! Therefore if human beings are

transformed into a new realm of reality of 'collective consciousness', whereby

they're aware of themselves (Self-knowledge) and also aware 'within themselves

about others' as 'innate knowledge on their central nervous system', then the

entire problem of our personal, social, economic and political life will be



But for that, one has to become humble and know that science cannot explain how

the living process works. The principles of this power can only be understood

when one feels this power after Self realisation.


Sahaja Yoga is not just a fashion, cult, or alternative method and therefore

there is no organisation in Sahaja Yoga, as such. There is no membership in

Sahaja Yoga except that we had to have a nominal Trust in order to operate

legally, but there is no permanent list of people's names - no dead

organisation, but only a single living Collective Organism!


The body has cells and after Self realisation, the spirits of the cells are

enlightened by Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine]. The seeker's being actually

has to be sprouted by Kundalini awakening, after which 'becoming' is important!


When the Kundalini rises one can easily feel the cool breeze coming out of one's

fontanel bone area on the top of one's head. One can feel it themselves, and

also has to certify it for themselves. One can also feel this cool breeze all

around themselves. This cool breeze is manifested by the all-pervading power of

Divine Love. For the first time in one's life, one actualises the experience of

feeling this subtle divine power!


However, even after feeling this power, one has to understand that the Kundalini

is not fully established as yet. In common terminology, we can say that the

" connection is not yet established, and one has to work it out. " Though the

sprouting of a seed is spontaneous, the gardener then has to look after the

tender sapling! In the same way, a Seeker has to look after his Self realisation

in the beginning. Some people achieve heights very easily, but others have to

work for six or seven months, and are still not alright. Under those

circumstances, it is important to know where the problem is, by understanding

the proper decoding system, and its practices in Sahaja Yoga.


Thus a human being can rise above all the shackles of slavery, not even needing

the guidance of any Guru anymore! One becomes their own master, no longer

groping in the dark. They become an absolutely free person, who no longer can be

intimidated or manipulated. Nobody can intimidate or manipulate a Sahaja Yogi!

Nobody can 'condition' a realised soul, after Sahaja Yoga! People come many

different sects, religious organisations and schools of thought to Sahaja Yoga,

but their conditionings drop off. This freedom is very beautiful. Slowly, one

learns to fly, like a bird on its own, until one masters it and knows all about



After Sahaja Yoga the personality rises so much beyond the average personality.

[For example], the sense of discretion becomes so perfectly sharp that no media,

television, entrepreneurs, fake masters, misguiding and/or modern methods can

deviate that person's mind from the righteous path! No one can lead a Sahaja

Yogi astray, unless and until the Sahaja Yogi himself falls into some

temptation, fear or manipulation. The Sahaja Yogi enjoys his freedom and that of

other Sahaja Yogis. He knows his powers and has knowledge about himself. He

becomes a powerful, free saint, who is leading an angelic life!


At the very beginning of this happening one starts feeling on one's finger tips

the problems on the centres. One has to just decode the feelings that one gets

on one's own finger tips and has to also know the practice that would solve

these problems. The finger tips are the ending of the left and right sympathetic

nervous systems. They become enlightened as they reflect the subtle centres.


By using this method there have been so many people who have been cured

completely of very serious, incurable ailments, like blood cancer etc. There are

two doctors in Delhi University who have already got M.D. degrees for curing

incurable diseases, and there is one more who is also completing her thesis

about Sahaja Yoga. There are seven doctors in London, three in Australia and one

in Taiwan who are trying to record all those who have been cured through Sahaja

Yoga practices. It does not only solve physical problems, but also mental and

spiritual problems.


There are many mental cases who have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. There are some

doctors who are now in charge of mental hospitals because of their expertise in

Sahaja Yoga. We have two psychiatrists very highly placed. One is in charge of

seven hospitals in London, and one is the dean of the faculty of Psychology in

Riyadh. There are many other doctors and Sahaja Yogis who are curing through

Sahaja Yoga all over the world. It must be mentioned that Sahaja Yoga is not for

curing people but for achieving Self-realisation. Thus as a by-product one gets

physical, mental and spiritual well-being in totality.


There are numerous people who have given up their bad habits of smoking,

drinking and drugs; sometimes overnight! So many people who were drug addicts,

have given up drugs which gave reactions and were destructive in the long-term,

because they found the power of the Spirit within themselves, which helped them

enjoy their own being, enabling them to stop running after exceedingly

transitory enjoyments. It is not a rational or mental understanding, but the

light of the Self which gives power and which spontaneously expels the darkness!

Many people who are being harmed by the false gurus, cults and anti cults are

absolutely cured and have become very great people in their own fields. So many

have achieved great heights of accomplishment! The ex-President of the Hague

High Court, the late Dr. Najendra Singh, was a Sahaja Yogi!


Apart from physical, mental and emotional problems, we have much wider problems

in our society. They are caused by a lack of balance and wisdom and no sense of



The first problem is of children and the family. We have many marriages in

Sahaja Yoga, and it is surprisingly noteworthy that in all these years there

have been very few divorces among those people who got married. Moreover the

children of these people are mostly born-realised souls. They are special people

who have come on this earth at this time, and have selected Sahaja Yogis as

their parents! One can feel the cool breeze coming out of their fontanel bone

area or from their body just after their birth! They have a very joyous, serene

expression and their eyes are sparkling at the time of birth!


The divine cool breeze or vibrations, the effects of Sahaja Yoga, also have an

active effect on agriculture. Many farmers and agricultural specialists have

experimented and found that crops grown from non-hybrid seeds that are vibrated

with the divine power of the cool breeze, sometimes grow eight to ten times more

than crops grown from hybrid seeds which have no power to regenerate and the

seeds of which are always very expensive to buy from some organisation. These

experiments were carried out very extensively by Dr. Hamid of Austria and Dr.

Sangwe of Nasik.


lt also helps ecological problems in a big way, because man becomes very well

balanced and doesn't use things which are not required for him, nor does he make

machinery work in such a way that it creates an imbalance and dominates him.

Sahaja Yoga has also been successful in combating acid rain in some forests of



Ordinary Sahaja Yogis can become personalities who are Sahaj doctors and Sahaja

scientists and can also create them out of other human beings, because they have

powers to give realisation to others, also so cure others. As one light

enlightens another light, Sahaja Yoga goes on spreading in all kinds of areas.

As this is a living, invaluable process, you cannot pay for it. Also the

knowledge (Gyana) which makes you a Sahaja Yogi (Gnostic) is given absolutely

free of charge.


Now Sahaja Yoga is followed in 55 nations and all these 55 nations are growing

day by day. There is no money that can be paid for this living process. That is

why so many false gurus, who are making money, and cults and anti cults, who are

trying to project some sort of false image just to make money, are all very much

against Sahaja Yoga. They are not against each other [though]. But they should

also understand that this is the Golden Age of emancipation, resurrection and

last judgement; if we can achieve it, all of us, including them also, we will

have the blessings of the Divine love which has been promised a long time back.


There are some new mushroom organisations called anti cults who have no

knowledge, legal authority and/or legal right that have come up and are just

making money. They are another type of cult! The people who have suffered in

these cults and anti cults have all been helped by Sahaja Yoga in their

thousands! ([first small English book - Chapter 1 Sahaja Yoga]


[written in the English way with the meaning of what Shri Mataji

Nirmala gave being retained]

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