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Dear Violet, your innocence has exposed what i always suspected

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Dear Violet (and All),


i wish to thank you in exposing a great fraud that i had always

suspected but had no proof, till today. Let me explain.


i) i was so happy when i first heard that a SY had managed to pierce

the Sahasrara and met Shri Mataji there, just like my children. i

wanted this to be true as that would provide further evidence that

other souls are also capable to meeting the Adi Shakti in the



ii) On further enquiries from Igor and company the vagueness of their

replies raised some red flags. However, i did not want to reject it.

After all, who am i to reject others who claim to reach Shri Mataji

in the Sahasrara? .......... while accepting the testimonies of Kash,

Arwinder and Lalita.


iii) i continued looking for evidence to confirm my suspicions. That

came when i asked Igor to ask the person if Shri Mataji spoke in



Brother Igor, does Shri Mataji talk to him in Russian in the




On July 22, 2007 I got a answer directly from brother Tiger

through Igor.




Igor Gulik <igulik

reply-to Igor Gulik <igulik

to Jagbir Singh <s.jagbir

date Jul 22, 2007 7:14 AM

subject from Igor

mailed-by list.ru


Dear Jagbir, it's me, Igor.

Send you brother's tiger message answering your question:


Hi, Igor, Jagbir, Violet, Nicole and all my brothers and sisters!

My brother, who wrote the first letters, can't communicate at the

moment. So i make bold to answer this simple question [ " Does Shri

Mataji talk to him in Russian in the Sahasrara? " ].


In fact, God speak the language you can understand or anyone can

understand - whether he is Arab or Hindu, or Russian.


When God talks to you, you can't hear the words and you feel no

necessity to speak or hear the voice, you understand everything

without any words.


It just seems He talks to you, but in reality you know what He wants

to say to you, i.e. the process itself goes in usual way, but no

words are needed.


It looks like you ask a question and get the answer in your

understanding immediately. And there is no border separating you and

God, you just can " feel " His " thoughts " and take it as a

communication at the same time, but in reality you can see

picture/image - how the Mother raises Her hand or smiles.


You perceive the Mother's words as if they were translated into

language you understand. That is why i'm telling there is no such

notions/ideas as Russian or English or... - only one language the

Mother talks exists - that is language of Spirit; and anyone knows

and understands this language in the moment of true communication

with God.


If the Mother had told an Englishman something in his Sahasrara, he

would say She talked to him in his language, that is English. And we

would translate the Messages from English.


I tried with all my might to explain it in the language you

understand .


Sincerely yours,

brother tiger (end)



I was really disappointed as it was obvious he was NOT meeting Shri

Mataji in the Sahasrara. But there was still no evidence of fraud and

i thought maybe he had a way of meditating and merging with the Adi

Shakti, and that may be how She communicates with him. i always

believe that despite doubts and inconsistencies i still have no right

to reject the spiritual experiences of others.


Then came this Mohit character last month who also claimed that

Richard Embleton was indeed Shri Kalki. This is my reply to him:



Dear Mohit,


i am sorry for the mistake. i have been really busy the past few days

and neither had the time nor lack of intelligence to study your email.


Now i know better Mohit and my comprehension of your email made me

Claritin-clear, though not as Viagra-invigorated . i should have

asked " Mohit Deopujari, are you the madman who claims Mr. Richard

Embleton to be Shri Kalki? "


BTW, you are going to make Ishmael very, very, very, very, very angry

because he claims to be Shri Kalki too. And there are other Shri

Kalkis vying for the same title. Do you want me to give you their

resumes and email addresses?






/message/8402 (end)



Yesterday Shri Kalki (aka brother Tiger/Richard Embleton) made a

mistake that set off a chain of events exposing the entire fraud. As

a moderator i received this email of his two pending posts. Despite

his elaborate cunning scheme brother Tiger was stupid and deluded

enough to expose himself:





A message has been sent to the group from




The message summary:


FROM: pahana_caveman

DATE: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 23:57:58 -0000

SUBJECT: Here I am


Jai Shri Mataji.So here I am to settle this personally. My name is

Richard Embleton and here is My website:


I urge you to be in a decent footsoak meditation before you attempt

to determine what your Kundalini is telling you. Truly, Kalki will

only be born when the Incarnation of Mahavishnu becomes completely

realised, so it should be stated clearly. There is a picture on

this site with a simple phrase to ask your Kundalini. There are many

who would mislead, but your Kundalini would not let you believe

otherwise if you have calmed your mind down with its conditionings

and suspicions before asking this Most important, sensitive and

pivotal question. It would be a real shame if the real Incarnation

that is to be Kalki was disregarded because the rakshasas and

egotistical humans managed to whitewash the minds of innocent Yogis.

See the site for more... Thank you for the opportunity to be heard.

Jai Shri Mataji. Richard.



This message requires your approval for one of the following reasons:

* Your group is set to moderate all messages from this user, OR

* Your group is set to moderate messages from all users


To approve or reject this message using the web, please visit:


view=1 & msg=4946




Shri Kalki (aka brother Tiger/Richard Embleton) is one and the same

personality. Igor is part and parcel of this great deception and he

played along, all the while knowing that brother Tiger was actually

his friend Richard Embleton who claimed himself to be Shri Kalki.

Igor is just a little less crooked and deceptive as his guru Richard

Embleton. They are all raksashas in disguise. For all we know Igor

may be Shri Kalki (aka brother Tiger/Richard Embleton) ………… and

Mohit as well. i will not hesitate now to include Ishmael as well.

Yes, they are all raksashas in disguise.


And here is the evidence (in the form of a FYI from Violet to me in

response to yesterday's post # 8469 Re: Message or " pahana_caveman " )

that Igor is exactly what I claim him to be - just another raksasha. This vital

evidence is the final nail in the coffin and Igor, so used

to Violet's simple nature, let his own gurad down too:





---------- Forwarded message ----------

Igor Gulik <igulik

Oct 11, 2007 3:02 AM

Re: Igor, someone has sent the 16th Message of the Mother on

the forum, for approval...

violet tubb <violetubb


Dear Viole,

yes, i know what it is. Everything is alright. Brother tiger phoned

me and said that he is feeling that it would be good to have the

Messages of the Mother translated a bit sooner. So i adviced him to

give 2 Messages of the Mother to be translated by one of the yogi who

he and i know well. But i requested them to send the translated

Messages Of The Mother to me first as we (you and i) are doing that

being in concert. So it's OK, Violet. I think, they sent the 16

Messages to you by mistake (or may be not - smile). Anyway, let's

finish what we are doing now and then we begin to translate the next

one. Alright?

I'll send brother a message and ask him to send translated Message to

me first. So, Violet, please, feel no worries or something like that.

A bit later i'll send you one more letter!

Igor. (end)




i am glad they have been exposed, and mainly by Violet's innocent,

trusting nature. i will delete all messages of Shri Kalki (aka

brother Tiger/Richard Embleton) from the forum and sites. If the

moderators can help doing that i would be obliged. Thanks.


Regards to all,






BTW, Igor, we do not need your letters anymore. Please leave this

forum immediately or i will ban you permanently.

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