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1975 Miracle by Amma is a staged con job

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5od7Kk0OmNA & mode=related & search=amma%20durga%20de\



Dear All,


As i was updating " Re: Devotees steal Sri Lalita title under noses of subtle

system SYs twiddling thumbs! " i came across a 1975 video touted as " Miracle by

Amma " where she claims to turn water into milk.


After checking the video i realized it is a con job. There are three main

characters who aid her - i) conman #1 with light grey shirt; ii) conman #2 with

light purple shirt; and iii) conman #3 with stripped light blue shirt.


The miracle is supposed to happen from 01.40 onwards i.e., when conman #1 hands

over a bowl of water to Amma to be turned into milk. But on closer examination

it is apparent that the conman is actually handing her a bowl of milk!!! Check

video and view 01.41-44. Pause it at 01.43 and it becomes clear that she was

given a bowl of milk ............ to be turned into a bowl of milk! And then

her conmen began claiming that she has turned water into milk, and the crowd

translates that into 'milk pudding'!


i also believe the tape is edited and re-arranged. It is not a continuous flow

and is definitely edited. i think Amma was given a bowl of water first (01.52)

that remained as water as there is no reaction from the onlookers/conmen. Then

video is cut to show a devotee falling at Amma's feet. i believe this happened

after conman #1 had handed her a bowl of milk i.e., the video is doctored to

give the effect that she was given a bowl of water (01.52) that turned into milk

(01.41-44). So it is all an elaborate con job staged to show Amma turned water

into milk when in reality she was later handed a bowl of milk by conman #1, and

naive onlookers believed she had turned water into milk. (Maybe prior to that

they were first shown a bowl of water, which was then replaced with milk by

conman #1 and handed back again to Amma, to be changed into milk.)


You also have to check the purple shirt conman #2 at 01.58 as he waits for a cue

in the staged 'miracle'. Just pause and observe his eyes and facial expression.

Since the video is cut there, i cannot give more details as to what cue he was

waiting for.


Pause at 02.08 and you will see conman #1 prostrating at Amma's feet, not

forgetting that he was the guy who had given her a bowl of milk (to be turned

into milk).


This 1975 video must have been used over the years to dupe the gullible to

become her devotees. Since then they have elevated and publicly proclaimed her

to be the Divine Mother/Durga/Lalita/Adi Shakti. In contrast, SYs continue

roaring like lions in private but can hardly even squeak like mice in public.


And today we have tens of thousands of Amma's devotees, far more than SYs, and

their numbers are going ............ while WCASY members and their subtle system

SYs twiddle their thumbs and wait for a miracle to take place. Maybe CEL will

take the world by a storm and Ban Ki-Moon will address the United Nations about

the health benefits of Sahaja Yoga. We SYs must be eternally optimistic.


regards to all,



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  • 6 years later...
Guest Kris Zurek

Hello to all seekers of truth.


I just stumbled upon this page when checking something else. I felt to write a comment/reply to a description of the Milk Miracle of Amma. I met Amma on two occasions in Ireland. and I felt her heart. She is offering herself day after day, with hardly any breaks, nearly 24/7. People can question what she does and how she does it, but the person is always judged by the fruit of their actions. Actions speak for themselves. When a Tsunami of 2004 damaged many towns and villages of India and Sri Lanka, Amma was the first to generate and to donate 22,000,000 mln dollars to support the victims. Her compassionate heart has no limits. This is a real 'turning of water into milk' or devastation of tsunami into flood of love.


But lets return to the film footage now. If anybody is making statements based on this particular footage, than he/she will not be able to go too far with exploration of truth. Why is that one could ask. The answer is simple. The brief footage shown on this page is part of 78 min long film made in 1999 and titled "The River Of Love". I have this film in original DVD and I definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to learn about early years of Amma. It is beautifully made and it has a potential to touch the hearts of many people.  ... And it is worth mentioning here, that this film is not a live documentary but only a reconstruction of events from early years of Amma's life, played by actors. The This is widely known and clearly stated on the video cover.

Amma herself did not act in this movie. The only movie she ever 'played in' is loosely called Maha Maya, the very same 'movie of life' in which you and I are playing to this very moment.


... So if anybody draws the conclusions and makes judgements based on the material, source of which they don't really know, what can come out of such?!


And just to set the records straight, I am not a devotee of Amma, although I bow to her as I would bow to you. God is in every person. I have a natural respect for all traditions and masters. Truth alone, which resides inside is the final Guru.


By the way, alchemical transmutation of elements (of one substance into another) is a real fact. Gold has been already manufactured in minute amounts by transmuting certain elements by some scientists. Even plants are doing it on a daily basis during the process of photosynthesis. If plants can do it so can we inside of our bodies, is it not so?. The external transmutation is more rare, and it is one of the siddhis (powers, perfections) of the self-realised being. Amma was not the first, nor the last one to demonstrate the reality of the power of the soul in such manner. Yeshua (Jesus) did it, Buddha did it, Milarepa, Ramalinga and Agastyar, they all did it. Though, the greatest miracle is the miracle of love, compassion and offering oneself for the purpose of propagating the wave of spiritual liberation for all the people. 


With Kind Regards


Kris Zurek

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