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DEVI and Her incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi are two different personalitie

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" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:42 am

Re: The truth that subtle system SYs and WCASY conveniently

forgot about Shakti adishakti_org


, " michalis_9 "

<michalis_9> wrote:

> Dear Jagbir,


> I agree with you that it is the Spirit within that matters but you

> exaggerate about Mother. She is nothing close to " mere " . Can I ask

> you when She said She is not doing anything? I know She's said

> that She works even during Her sleep. That She absorbs all our

> negativity, and Her attention is on us when we do puja. As far as

> I'm concerned we are lucky to have Her with us and claiming She is

> a mere incarnation does Her disservice. Moreover I've read talks

> where she wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges... What are

> you talking about.


> Please state whether you go along with Shri Mataji's teachings or

> you differentiate when you think it is proper.


> Regards, Michalis



Did it ever occur to you that She is referring to the Shakti within,

of whom She is an incarnation? If you understand how the Shakti

operates you will regard Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as Her mere

incarnation and not the One who " works even during Her sleep. That

She absorbs all our negativity, and Her attention is on us when we

do puja " . That is what the previous posts were trying to tell you, a

very important essence and aspect of the Shakti you have missed or

failed to properly grasp despite my better attempt:





Shri Mataji " wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges " so that

others will ask and know about Her. Let's not try to make it into

something spectacular that some SYs may have impressed upon you.


If you do not understand Her Mahamaya role (Illusion) it will take

you a long time to meditate on " the Spirit within that matters " . Do

you meditate on Her temporary, physical external image or on Her

internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and

omnibenevolent Reality? The DEVI can never ever be reduced to an

incarnation because countless incarnations have issued forth from

Her since time immemorial.


Even DEVI enlightened in the Sahasrara that She and Her incarnation

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi are two different personalities. This

occurred when Her physical limitations became obvious to me during

the early days ........... and i was racked by doubts and delusion

for weeks. In the end She told my son to tell your father that She

and Shri Mataji are two different persons ............. even when

i did not ask so and my doubts were mere thoughts. Below are my

original notes regarding that incident:


" On September 14, 1994, Kash came back from meditation and told his

father that Shri Mataji had told him that the Shri Mataji on Earth

and the Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara were two different persons.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Mother Earth represents the single drop

of the Divine Ocean. She had to manifest Her Infinite Form as an

earthly creature so that humankind could know Her with all their

senses. She had to manifest as a human being and, even then, had to

be covered and camouflaged by layers of illusions. She had to be the

physical guru representing the inner Divine Guru. She had to.


The father was silenced into surrender — the Spirit of the Living

God had again answered a question that was not even asked! The

Spirit of the Living God in his Sahasrara knew that he had nagging

doubts. The Spirit of the Living God in Kash's Sahasrara also

know that he had nagging doubts. The Spirit of the Living God in the

Pope's Sahasrara, the Ayatollah's Sahasrara, the Dalai

Lama's Sahasrara also knew that he had nagging doubts. The Spirit

of the Living God in every Tom, Dick and Harry's Sahasrara also

knew that he had doubts. The Universal Mind is linked to all human

minds — This Revealed Truth is Absolute. The Primordial Spirit of the

Living God knows everything that is happening right now, happened

yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last century, last

millennia, last eon, and so on right back to the primordial Creation,

and beyond.


The physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is just another human being

among the 6,000,000,000 humans, just another snowflake in the winter;

just another leaf in the forest; just another raindrop in a monsoon;

just another wave in the ocean. Then She is also the entire winter,

the entire forest; the whole monsoon, the ocean itself: “If you

understand that although My physical Being is here, I am all over.”

It is impossible to comprehend even Her mundane form as Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi, the latter admitting that “if I want to analyze or

think about Myself, I get lost — It’s beyond Me.” Put simply, when

the physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi meets the spiritual Shri

Nirmala Devi in Her own Sahasrara what can She deduce from it? Can a

cresting wave describe the mighty Ocean? Can a leaf describe the

forest? Can a flake reflect the entire winter? Can a raindrop express

the monsoon? O foolish mind! Meditate on this Truth and merge with



She is everywhere and within everything, from the single atom to the

countless swirling universes. She is all the atoms; all the

Sahasraras; all the Universes; all the Beyond and the entire Unknown.

She is Matter, Time and Eternity. She is the Creator, Sustainer, and

Destroyer. She is also you and me. We are part and parcel of the

Holistic Whole, individual cells of the Creator. " [1]


Michalis, you asked me whether i " go along with Shri Mataji's

teachings or you differentiate when you think it is proper. " i go

along with Shri Mataji's teachings and enlighten when i think it is

proper. It will take you weeks/months to grasp what i just told you.

If you do not believe then it will take you years to understand Her

internal, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and

omnibenevolent Reality.


However it is only today that i realize why " She told my son to tell

your father that She and Shri Mataji are two different persons " .

After that i should not have spent so many years meditating on Her

external image. But despite all She revealed in the Sahasrara i

still did until recently. Michalis, have you any idea what false

knowledge and collective conditioning does to those joining Sahaja

Yoga? i too was afraid that i would " differentiate when you think it

is proper " and ignorant management SYs would pass judgment and 'burn

me at the stake'. But only some time back that i truly began

following Her advise to be your own master. After all i have learnt

far more from within the Sahasrara than i ever could from all the

collective knowledge of management SYs and WCASY combined. What

really helped trigger all this into a resolute stand was irrefutable

evidence obtained recently that WCASY has absolutely deleted the

Divine Message from their agenda ........ er, i mean Will. Now i

will never return to be subjected again to their dishonest, ignorant

and conditioning nature.








[1] Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 951-2





Dear devotees of the Primordial Mother,


Namaskaar - i bow to the DEVI who resides in you!


The http://adishakti.org site is all about the Divine Mother within -

Devi/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Aykaa Mayee. On the other hand, the SYSSR is

the self-destructive corruption of the teachings and message of Her

incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. i assure you that Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi is not your Self, and all claims of Self-realization by

SYs is rudimentary at best. Your Self is the Divine Mother, your own

individual Mother who resides within - Devi/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Aykaa

Mayee - and evidence have been/will be given at:




http://adi-shakti.org/ — Divine Feminine (Hinduism)

http://holyspirit-shekinah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Christianity)

http://ruach-elohim.org/ — Divine Feminine (Judaism)

http://ruh-allah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Islam)

http://tao-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Taoism)

http://prajnaaparamita.org/ — Divine Feminine (Buddhism)

http://aykaa-mayee.org/ — Divine Feminine (Sikhism)

http://great-spirit-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Native Traditions)


It will take years to complete all these sites, even the main and

most important www.adishakti.org site. The deepest realization from

them will be that only Silence on your Self will resurrect you into

the eternal spirit. It does not matter what you call your Self - Tao/

Devi/Ruh/Holy Spirit/Aykaa Mayee/Lalita/Prajnaaparamitaa/Mother - as

with _complete_ knowledge of that consciousness you are assured of



In the Devi Gita the Devi proceeds to describe her essential forms.

The Devi declares that prior to creation, She is the only existent

entity, the one supreme Brahman and is pure consciousness. The Devi

Gita is clear about salvation and attainment of eternal life: " Even

when a person performs bhakti, knowledge need not arise. He will go

to the Devi's Island. Till the _complete_ knowledge in the form of my

consciousness arises, there is no liberation. "


The Devi Bhagavata Purana, 7.37 declares:


" Now listen attentively about the supreme devotion (parabhakti)

which I will now describe to you. He always hears my glories and

recites my name. His mind always dwells in me, like the incessant

flow of oil, and he is the receptacle of all good qualities and

gunas. But he does not have the least trace of any desire to get the

fruits of his actions (karma). Indeed, he does not want the various

levels of release (moksha), including being on the same plane as God

(salokya), nearness to God (samipya), having the form of God

(sarsti), union with God (sayujya) and other forms of release.

Devi continues noting that true worshipers abandons all concepts of

themselves, completely identify themselves with Devi, and make no

distinctions between themselves and anything else. Worshipers find

Devi in everything, including other souls:


He becomes filled with devotion for me alone, worships me only,

knows nothing higher than to serve me, and he does not even want

final release. He does not like neglecting the notions of " serving "

(sevya) and the " servant who serves " (sevaka). He always meditates

on me with a constant vigilance, actuated by a feeling of supreme

devotion. He does not think of himself as separate from me, but

rather thinks to himself, " I am the Lord (Bhagavati). " He considers

all souls (jivas) as myself, and loves me as he loves himself. He

makes no distinction between the souls and myself since he finds the

same pure consciousness (caitanya) everywhere and manifested in all.

He does not quarrel with anyone since he has abandoned all ideas of

separateness. He bows down and worships the pure consciousness and

all the souls. He becomes filled with the highest love when he sees

my place, sees my devotees, hears the scriptures, describes my

deeds, and meditates on my mantras. His hairs stand on end out of

love for me and his tears of love flow incessantly from both of his

eyes. He recites my name deeds in a voice that is choked with

feelings of love for me. With intense feeling he worships me as the

mother of this universe and the cause of all causes. " [Devi Bhagavata

Purana, 7.37]


So what hope of liberation is there for the vast majority of SYs

following the SYSSR of WCASY? As the Devi has declared " Till the

complete knowledge in the form of my consciousness arises, there is

no liberation. " All of us must never forget this clear, explicit and

uncompromising requirement.


regards to all,




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