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The Message of the Mother - Navaratri Puja - 23 September, 1990

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Dear All,


Here is the Message of the Mother, given by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, on the

occasion of Navaratri Puja, 23 September 1990.


Please enjoy!






Nine are the [number of] days in the night, when the Goddess had to fight the

devils to save Her children from the effects of negativity! On the one side [was

the] Ocean of Love and Compassion, and on the other side, She was protecting

them like a tigress. The Sahaja Yogis [of] today were there in those days! You

were all saved for this day, so that you can achieve your self-realization! So

like the nine months the mother has to keep the child in her womb, these nine

months or nine yugas - [these] nine times, you have all been properly saved [so]

that on the tenth month you can be given your birth! The tenth day of Navatri is

to worship the Adi Shakti. On one side the Adi Shakti is Mahakali [and on] the

other side She is Mahasaraswati. In the centre, She is Mahalakshmi and She is

also 'Umba', the one who is the Kundalini. But She is also beyond that! She is

Paramshakti. She is beyond all the powers, because She is the generator of



The Adi Shakti has never been worshipped before this year! We [now] have to

worship the complete, integrated form of all [the] powers, which have manifested

within us. There is one God, but one God has got a head, a liver, a stomach, and

a nose. He's got everything, just as human beings [do]. He has to run those

different parts and for those different parts, He has to have deities and these

deities are to be understood. And unless and until, you understand and worship

those deities, you cannot awaken those deities within yourself! But, they are

all a part and parcel of the Adi Shakti [Holy Spirit] and under the control of

the Adi Shakti!


Like a turtle withdraws his body into his shell, Shri Mataji has withdrawn Her

powers inside. Only the cameras have been able to reveal the powers and the

deities. We have entered into a new realm of God's magic. Sometimes also you get

lost. Because of your previous problems, you get dragged down. You get tempted.

This is a very sad thing that should happen to any Sahaja Yogi because, perhaps

you do not know your past and how you have struggled, how you have worked hard,

to come up to this level! After coming to this level, if you do not try to go

higher, then either you will remain stuck in the same place, or you may be

thrown down.


To you, I am sitting here quietly, just as you are sitting [quietly]. But it's

not so [simple]. It's something much more! Now when they show a lion or a tiger

as my [vehicle], then you have to understand that they show [what is] actually

there! It's not that they are symbolic. They are actually there! In the same

way, you are evolved, and in the same way are all these navanas [?] [powers???]

there also. [break Quote]


NOTE: [i have researched the word 'navanas' but it does not come up in any

Sanskrit dictionary, or on the world-wide-web, as any recognizable Sanskrit

word, so have had to 'guess' what 'meaning' Shri Mataji had in mind, that would

be 'in context'. Since Shri Mataji was already speaking here about the powers

that She has withdrawn inside Herself, and since She says " In the same way, you

are evolved, and in the same way all these 'navanas' are there also " , i think

She might be referring to 'powers' of a Sahaja Yogi]. [End Note].


[Resume Quote]:


And they work out very quickly all that you want! You desire something - you'll

be surprised how quickly it works out! But there should be a complete dedication

in Sahaja Yoga. When I say 'Sahaj Yog' you know that it is the yoga of your

attention at My feet. That's what it is! But if you are moving with your egos

still on the [linear] lines....!!!


[Folks, please note that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi had spoken about this linear

movement in 1983]:


" For this awareness, as you have very kindly said, Sir, it's important that you

have to be fortunate 'seekers'. The seeking [quality], ultimately has to come to

human beings. Because, all that is done through mental projections and

conceptions has one good point [which] is that it is always exposed and comes to

an end! Every set enterprise of human beings only moves in a linear way and at a

point, it drops down. That is why, all our conceptions and ideas are challenged

after some time. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - 'Concept and Reality' - Birthday

Puja, AIWAN-E-GHALIB, Delhi, India - 28 March, 1983)


You have to give up all [your] problems; otherwise you will not ascend. To keep

your light on, you have to work hard. The Goddess is the only One who gives

Realisation, because She is in charge of all the seven chakras! So there is a

big history - evolution of all those things, even in the Virata's body [Cosmic

body] and also in you people. So, you have to cope with it. If you cannot cope

with it, then it won't work out!


Attachment is a problem. I do not say that you are to give up your children or

wife, but your attachment should be with Sahaj Yog! Once the blessings of Sahaj

Yoga come to you, they will flow to your children, your wife, to everyone - to

your country, to the whole world! You should be attached to the source of the

energy first. That's the only attachment you need.


Now, the Adi Shakti's work is to give you Realisation first. The second is to

give you Life; to Comfort you. If you have physical problems, She will look

after them. She'll go all out! If you have a mental problem, She will try to

solve it. So, She's a Comforter! She gives you comfort. At the same time, She

protects you! [so] why should you be frightened?! There's a tiger standing

[there] and your Mother is so powerful! You have to understand how powerful She

is. The understanding is not in your heads. When you know that your Mother is so

powerful, then She is [verily] your Mother! Then things work out.


We are still worried about many mundane things. This " my " when it drops out -

then I can work. But it should not be taken that you become ascetics. No way!

The saints were not ascetics! But all their attention was at the lotus feet of

the Mother. The boy's attention is on the kite, even though he is talking to his

friends! The lady's attention is on the pitcher of water, even though she is

laughing! So [in likewise manner] our attention should be on the Mother's feet,

as we carry out our lives!


My attention is always on your kundalini. You cannot play tricks in Sahaja Yog.

Take it from Me! On one side, Sahaja Yoga is a blessing; absolute blessing - on

the ascent, you go ahead [just] like that! You go to a height, but you also must

know that you've reached the height, and you have to be very careful there! [if]

once you fall from that height, how deep you'll go - you'll fall very low!


So here you are having the blessings, all the beauty, all the love, all the joy,

all the knowledge, all the friends and all the care! If you want to be here and

play tricks, it is not possible. That doesn't work out. So one has to know that

the deities are extremely alert. And they're watching all of you, because they

have to guard you; they have to look after you, they have to help you, they have

to do everything for you! They are the ones who create flowers for you. They're

doing all kinds of good things for you. But, at the same time, they are only

attached to Me!


Because you are my children, they are looking after you. Once you try to

misbehave, you are finished and you go down. But the compassion of your Mother

is so great, that She always tries to forgive, give chances and tells those

deities to keep quiet! Of course they obey. Up to a point. If you want to be

nasty people, if you want to be cruel, if you want to be sinful and stay in

Sahaja Yoga, you cannot! Such a tremendous power is there; so alert, so

affectionate, so kind. And a mother who is your teacher - a Mother who teaches

Her children with love. Not only that, but you never even felt how I taught you

Sahaja Yoga! You learned it just like that! It's [like] a child's play for you.

It's such a difficult and subtle subject [yet] you picked it up without any

difficulty! So artfully it was done, beautifully it was done, built-in within



Now you know 'this' is Sahaja Yoga - 'this' is not Sahaja Yoga! All this

knowledge came to you so sweetly. You have to trust this power fully. Those days

when people were in difficulty, they were always attacked [because] they had not

gotten their self-realisation. They had needed to put their trust in the Divine

Power. But now that you have got your self-realisation, you have got your

freedom! [You] should never forget that you have to trust this Divine Power to

always look after you!


The deities have worked so much, so sincerely, so earnestly [with] complete

concentration. So don't take things for granted! I have told many of you to

write down 'what have I done for Sahaja Yoga today', how many presents have I

given to others? How many letters have I written to others? What experiences

have written down? Above all, how many times have I felt the love of my

Mother, in my heart? (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Switzerland -

23 September, 1990)

[Written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

gave, being retained]

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