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Jesus: God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

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The substance of God is spirit, His Word speaking, which is also the

true cause and substance of all things visible. All else is futile.

Chapter 4 in Systematic Theology by Ian B. Johnson


God is spirit. This defines His substance.


A Samaritan woman once asked Jesus where her people should worship

God - on Mount Gerizim, as had been their custom, or in Jerusalem.

John 4:20. The underlying question was whose religion was correct,

stated in terms of the proper place for worship. To this question,

Jesus replied:


Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor

in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father. You worship that which you

don't know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the

Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will

worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to

be his worshippers. God is spirit, and those who worship him must

worship in spirit and truth. John 4:21-24 (WEB).


Thus, Jesus answer to the question in what place God should be

worshipped was not a physical place at all. Rather, it was a

spiritual place or condition - in spirit and in truth. Further, the

reason God seeks to be worshipped not in a physical temple but in

spirit is that God is spirit. This defines God's substance.


Spirit is like wind or breath


In order to understand what it means that God is spirit, a linguistic

observation should first be made. The Hebrew word commonly

translated " spirit " has as its primary meaning " breath. " (2) Indeed,

the King James translators render this word as " breath " in twenty six

places. (3) Further, in three passages(4) this Hebrew word, as

applied to God, is stated in direct parallel to another word which is

rendered " breath " or & wind. " (5) Moreover, in John 4:21-24, quoted

above, the Greek word pneuma(6) , the primary meaning of which

is " breath, " " breeze " or " wind, " is rendered " spirit " three times.

Pneuma is, indeed, the only word used to refer to the spirit of God

or of a man in the New Testament(7). The spirits of both God and men

are directly compared to the wind in John 3:5-8 (WEB):


Jesus answered, " Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of

water and spirit, he can't enter into the Kingdom of God! That which

is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the (8) Spirit

is spirit. Don't marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'

The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don't

know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is

born of the Spirit. "


Ian B. Johnson



End notes:


[2] This Hebrew word, in lexical form, transliterated is rûwach. (My

computer does not speak Hebrew).


[3] Genesis 6:17, 7:15; 2 Samuel 22:16; Job 4:9, 9:18, 12:10, 15:30,

17:1, 19:17; Psalm 18:15, 33:6, 104:29, 135:17, 146:4, 150:6;

Ecclesiastes 3:19; Isaiah 11:4, 30:28, 33:11; Jeremiah 10:14, 51:17;

Lamentations 4:20; Ezekiel 37:5,6,8,9,10; Habakkuk 2:19.


[4] Job 33:4; Job 34:14; Isaiah 11:1-4.


[5] The word is neshâmâh.


[6] This, too, is a transliteration. My computer also does not speak



[7] The word phantasma is also rendered " spirit " in Matthew 14:26 and

Mark 6:49 in KJV, but has more the meaning " specter " or " ghost " .

Otherwise, the only word rendered " spirit " in the KJV New Testament

is pneuma, although in John 3:8 this word is rendered " wind. " Pnoe, a

closely related word, is rendered " wind " in Acts 2:2 and " breath " in

Acts 17:25.


[8] The definite article here is not found in the Greek texts, but

was supplied by translators, presumably either to make this clause

parallel the last half of verse 6 (in which the definite article is

found) or to make plain their interpretation that " spirit " in this

verse means " the [Holy] Spirit. " The definite article in this

location may be unnecessary.




The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost


" The truth is there is a residual power in the triangular bone

Sacrum, called as the Kundalini. She has the power to bring forth the

complete nourishment and adjustment of the disturbed genes. Whether

they are genetic, inherent or acquired. When She is awakened, She

changes the series of genes. Not only that She corrects the gene's

data base but She breaks through the fontanel bone area and connects

the seeker to the all pervading power of Divine Love also called as

the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, Ruh, Ritambhara or Parama

Chaitanya. Thus one, by this second birth, becomes a realised person

as actualisation of baptism takes place. The light of the spirit

which is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart enters into our

attention and enlightenment. The seeker is really born again, not

just a certificate but he changes as the transformation takes place

within. There is a vast difference between an ordinary seeker and a

realised soul. He becomes his own master full of Divine Love. It is a

resurrection process, like an egg becoming the bird. Maybe this is

the reason eggs are presented as a symbol, reminding, that one has to

get resurrected. The genes change and complete transformation takes

place. For some people it takes time if they are sick or egotistical.


Also some of them who feel guilty or cannot forgive others are rather

difficult to perfect their state of self-realisation. If they have a

problem from false Gurus, cults, or fanaticism it also takes time,

but can be established in Sahaja Yoga. People have given up even

drugs over night. They never had withdrawal symptoms or any other

trouble. Self realisation as a result of Kundalini awakening has

exhibited fantastic results. It brings forth new creativity; many

people have become poets; musicians and artists have achieved great

heights in their talents; financial problems are solved; the problems

of psychosomatic diseases get cured, like cancer, myelitis etc. Many

incurable diseases also get cured without any medicines. The seeker

becomes the witness of the drama of life and establishes an inner

peace. He respects all the religions and belongs to Universal

religion which encompasses all the religions of the world. Morality

becomes innate and spontaneous.


After the complete transformation he is averse to do any immoral

acts. In the light of the spirit he knows exactly what is wrong or

right and he is also empowered to stay clean and holy. He enjoys his

virtues which he respects and without any doubt he becomes a moral

human being. First thoughtless awareness is achieved and later

doubtless awareness is established beyond the mind. At this stage the

Sahaja Yogi can give self-realisation to others. The ageing does not

take place, on the contrary the Sahaja Yogi becomes and looks at

least twenty years younger than his age. They become universal

beings. All human enemies of lust, greed, anger, possessiveness,

jealousies, attachments just disappear. Thus a new race of saints are

created who do not have to give up anything to show off their

detachment or asceticism. You cannot pay for Divine Love which is

absolute truth, which the Sahaja Yogi feels on his finger tips as

vibrations of the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The finger tips are

related to the energy centres (the chakras). The chakras are

responsible for our physical, emotional and mental being. If the

Yogis can correct their chakras, they can also correct the chakras of

others. Thus all the physical, emotional and mental problems are

solved. Those who are pure people have the necessary balance of moral

life which ensures a very wide central channel (the Sushumna Nadi) of

ascent for the Kundalini.


In this chapter we have to now understand that there is a subtle

system in every human being, which is fully developed during this

evolutionary process to reach up to human awareness. For example', in

the animals, there is no awareness of sin, dirt, filth, art or

poetry. But among human beings, these sensitivities are manifesting

very clearly as we appreciate and enjoy the birds, fishes and animals

as well. Do they also see the beauty in us? This question can be

answered this way; human beings are at a higher level of evolution

than all the animals for whom we care so much. We love the birds and

we enjoy the fishes dancing, but the best thing is really to have

respect for ourselves, love ourselves as we should keep our body

clean, our mind and our heart should be open and transparent. Because

we are the highest evolved beings in this world it is our birthright

to get our self-realisation....


Now, whatever I am going to tell you has not, to be accepted

blindfolded but treated like a hypothesis. Again and again, I would

request you that you must keep your mind open like a scientist. If

whatever I am saying is proved then, as honest people, human beings

have to accept this beautiful discovery about yourself because this

is for your benevolence, and for the benevolence of your family,

benevolence of your society, benevolence of your nations and

benevolence of the whole world.


The theories created by current scientific conclusions and also the

mental projections are not by any means eternal truths. To know the

reality one has to enter into the realm of Metascience which is only

possible when we enter into the collective super-consciousness

through self realisation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



Cool breeze is the sign of the Holy Ghost


" The Kundalini rises through a very thin line of Brahmanadi. In the

beginning only a hair like thing rises, it pierces through; in some

people ,of course, in a big way it rises also. And then it pierces

this fontanel bone area which is a real baptism, real. Today only

people felt the cool breeze coming out of their heads. Can you do

that by jumping, or by paying money? They felt the cool breeze in the

hand. It's written in the Bible, even in the Bible very clearly, that

it's the cool breeze, cool breeze is the sign of the Holy Ghost. You

start feeling the cool breeze in your hands and you start feeling the

cool breeze on your head. This is the actualization.


Of course, you people don't read other books which are very good,

like Adi Shankaracharya, People don't even like the mention of his

name who has really and clearly said that it is the cool breeze; the

chaitanya is to be felt like cool breeze in the hands. They do not

want that you should know the truth. And this is the truth that when

you get your realization, you have to feel the cool breeze in your

hands yourself. You have to judge yourself. I'm not going to tell

you. It is you who has to see, it is you who has to feel, and then

you have to grow and you have to know all and everything; all the

secrets of Divine Science. You become the master then, you are the



You are the Spirit, and you should get it. It's your own which is

given to you. I have nothing to do about it. I'm just a catalyst. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Maccabean Hall, Australia on March 22, 1981





Shri Mataji: " Achieve your Self, become your Self.... That's the only

way you can get rid of your confusions " .


" But today the time has come where thousands can get their

realization and can be established because the Last Judgment has

started. The Last Judgment is going to be through Kundalini

awakening, as if Kundalini is the pointer in the balance. It has

started! People are not aware it has started! They do not want to be

judged as yet, but time should not be lost.


But this Judgment is so beautiful that when you are judged you get

powers of your own, of your love; you enjoy the bliss of your Spirit;

you become so peaceful, all the tensions disappear; you become so

dynamic and the blessings of all the well-beings come on you. As

Krishna has said " Yogakshema. " First the yoga then the kshema. Kshema

is well-being. If you have not achieved your yoga the kshema is not



People say I am preaching Advaita of Shankaracharya. Of course, it is

the same, whether it is Shri Sankaracharya or anybody. I am doing

that, only he was preaching I am doing it.


What Christ said, what Krishna said, and what Muhammad said is

nothing but Advaita, that " you have to become One with God " . But

there are many who do not like it, they want to have dvaita, they

want to keep their personalities, so-called, with them. I asked the

other day one gentleman who was a minister and all that. I said " What

do you want to keep that? What, which part? " He said " Not my ego. " I

said " What is it then? It is that only. You want to keep back your

ego " .


Unless and until you become big you cannot evolve. And how do you

become big? – by becoming the Ocean yourself. A small drop becomes an

ocean, as long as he becomes One with the Ocean. You become One with

the awareness of God. This is what Christ has said, " You have to be

born again. " Is said by everyone. Moses has said it, everyone has

said it but people are telling you " No, no, no, no. That should not

be done " because these middle agencies will be losing their income.

How will they exist without it?


Try to see these points. Achieve your own powers of Love; achieve

your Self, become your Self. If you want it you can have it, but if

you don't want nobody can force this. Nobody can take away your

freedom. If you want to remain as you are, you are left with that;

then you face it up and live with it.


But if you want the ultimate, the absolute, it is there. That's the

only way you can get rid of your confusions and get rid of all your

ideas of relative existence – political, economic and everything can

be only dissolved through achievement of your absolute. Because after

realization you can feel, you can ask any absolute question. For

example, if you want to ask the question " Is there God? " , immediately

the cool breeze starts coming out. Tremendous! The answer comes as if

like a computer you start working out because you are put to the



So it is necessary for the whole humanity to pay attention today

because the time is coming when the sorting out will take place. That

time nobody is going to persuade, or tell you and fill the halls and

request you. The sorting out will be there. Better get it now and

establish it. Whole humanity has to be saved. No use doing patchwork.

Do something substantial. Substantial is only possible if you go to

the roots of this Tree of Life and nourish it, enlighten it. That is

the only way one can work it out. May God bless you all. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Achieving Truth, May 25, 1980







Question: How does one discard all the organization and useless

activities (of Sahaja Yoga) and seek her (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti)

only in the Sahastrara (Kingdom of God)?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am still unable to rid myself of catches and other chakra

problems despite years of daily (Sahaja Yoga) footsoaking and

treatments. What do I do now?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am far from a Sahaja Yoga collective. How do I continue

practicing Sahaja Yoga?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My collective leader has told me to leave Sahaja Yoga due

to some personal problems. What do I do now?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Despite being years in Sahaja Yoga I do not agree with what

our leaders are doing. I am thinking of leaving my collective. Can

you suggest something that will help me continue on my own?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Muslim who absolutely am against worshipping of any

idol or image. How then is Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji compatible

with Islam?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: We are devout Christians who are very uncomfortable with

Hindu rituals, and see the same in Sahaja Yoga. Is there any way we

can do without such rituals?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: You loudly claim on your website that all religions and

holy scriptures preach the same message. I don't see such evidence.

What have you got to say?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to meditate on anything non-Christian but

agree that the Holy Spirit is feminine. How do I only worship the

Holy Spirit but not the Adi Shakti?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My parents and husband are against worshipping Shri Mataji.

How can I solve this serious family problem but still continue to

practice Sahaja Yoga without their knowledge?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I completely agree with your belief that if you have to

take a single step in any direction to seek the Divine you are going

the wrong way. How and why did you reach this incredible conclusion

only now despite spending so many years meditating, checking the

scriptures and listening to Shri Mataji's speeches?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: How can we spread Shri Mataji's message successfully? So

many have failed all these years and Sahaja Yoga is very slow. Most

of the seekers have never heard of Shri Mataji. Other than Her Divine

Message what can we teach new seekers that will attract them?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to follow any religious organization or yoga

teacher but still am interested in spirituality. You think that is



Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My mother-in-law is totally against Shri Mataji and regards

Her as just another false guru. But I know Shri Mataji is the Adi

Shakti and want to continue. However, i do not want to antagonize my

mother-in-law. Any suggestions?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Sikh. I am completely against any Hindu ritual or

worshipping of their idols and gods. Sikhism is completely against

such practices. But Sahaja Yoga is also so full of such rituals and

gods. What have you got to say, being a Sikh yourself?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am getting somewhat ridiculed for my own spiritual

experiences regarding the crown chakra and the divine feminine.

People think I'm weird by emphasizing that the Devi is the true

nature of brahman and it is creating doubt about my path (despite my

own experiences). Should I continue with my meditations and ignore

them or try to explain to them? What do you suggest?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: There is so much information about yoga and meditation. I

am so confused and do not know which path to take. What then is the

truth? How do I attain it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have been in Sahaja Yoga for years but still do not know

what is Self-realization. Can you tell me in detail what you

understand by it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have been a SY for many years and some of us find shoe-

beating and some rituals quite absurd. You also are against them. How

then can we solve our subtle system problems without such treatments?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Muslim living in Pakistan who want to practice

Sahaja Yoga. But there are no centers here. How can I continue?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What will happen after Shri Mataji passes away? Will She

still be in the photograph? Where will the vibrations come from then?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have just started meditating on Shri Mataji in the

Sahasrara but find it very difficult. Is there a better way?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to join Sahaja Yoga but believe in a number

of Shri Mataji's teachings. Can you help me?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am an established SYogini who am concerned at the way the

organization is heading. However, I still want to spread Shri

Mataji's teachings. What do you suggest I tell others?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I want to practice meditation but find it impossible to

stop the thoughts. I value you opinion. If you don't mind my asking,

but how do you do it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What is the shortest and surest route to realize God?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Some religions claim that humans are divine in nature and

that liberation is from within. Can you tell me how all this is

realized in such a hectic and materialistic world?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: As a SY I am concerned that after Shri Mataji takes

Mahasamadhi there will great grief and sense of loss. How can I cope

with this eventuality and continue my faith and devotion? Do I

continue to meditate on Her photo even though She is not physically

present anymore?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Jagbir, you are already telling us to discard Shri Mataji's

photo and meditate on Her is the Sahasrara. A number of SYs have been

offended by this and have left the forum. What makes you so sure you

are right?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What is the most profound and deepest enlightenment you

have discovered after all these years, based on the teachings of Shri

Mataji? She also claims that all religions teach the same truth about

the spirit. How is that so given all the religious differences and

centuries-old rivalry?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Hi, man-made religions, sects and denominations are wide

spread. So much misdeeds and divisions are committed and blood is

shed in the name of God and religion. Is there a way to make humans

realize that they are all worshipping the One and same Creator, no

matter how different religious organizations have made God to be?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: It seems that religions are all preaching about a God that

is to be found only in their organizations. Why then is it that the

Divine can only be realized through one's own experience? What and

where is God then?


Answer: Silence on Self

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Dear Jagbir,


Could you please add this excellent article to Editor's Choice at Holy Spirit









, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:




> The substance of God is spirit, His Word speaking, which is also the

> true cause and substance of all things visible. All else is futile.

> Chapter 4 in Systematic Theology by Ian B. Johnson


> God is spirit. This defines His substance.


> A Samaritan woman once asked Jesus where her people should worship

> God - on Mount Gerizim, as had been their custom, or in Jerusalem.

> John 4:20. The underlying question was whose religion was correct,

> stated in terms of the proper place for worship. To this question,

> Jesus replied:


> Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain,


> in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father. You worship that which


> don't know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the

> Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will

> worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to

> be his worshippers. God is spirit, and those who worship him must

> worship in spirit and truth. John 4:21-24 (WEB).


> Thus, Jesus answer to the question in what place God should be

> worshipped was not a physical place at all. Rather, it was a

> spiritual place or condition - in spirit and in truth. Further, the

> reason God seeks to be worshipped not in a physical temple but in

> spirit is that God is spirit. This defines God's substance.


> Spirit is like wind or breath


> In order to understand what it means that God is spirit, a


> observation should first be made. The Hebrew word commonly

> translated " spirit " has as its primary meaning " breath. " (2) Indeed,

> the King James translators render this word as " breath " in twenty


> places. (3) Further, in three passages(4) this Hebrew word, as

> applied to God, is stated in direct parallel to another word which


> rendered " breath " or & wind. " (5) Moreover, in John 4:21-24, quoted

> above, the Greek word pneuma(6) , the primary meaning of which

> is " breath, " " breeze " or " wind, " is rendered " spirit " three times.

> Pneuma is, indeed, the only word used to refer to the spirit of God

> or of a man in the New Testament(7). The spirits of both God and men

> are directly compared to the wind in John 3:5-8 (WEB):


> Jesus answered, " Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of

> water and spirit, he can't enter into the Kingdom of God! That which

> is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the (8) Spirit

> is spirit. Don't marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'

> The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don't

> know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who


> born of the Spirit. "


> Ian B. Johnson



> End notes:


> [2] This Hebrew word, in lexical form, transliterated is rûwach. (My

> computer does not speak Hebrew).


> [3] Genesis 6:17, 7:15; 2 Samuel 22:16; Job 4:9, 9:18, 12:10, 15:30,

> 17:1, 19:17; Psalm 18:15, 33:6, 104:29, 135:17, 146:4, 150:6;

> Ecclesiastes 3:19; Isaiah 11:4, 30:28, 33:11; Jeremiah 10:14, 51:17;

> Lamentations 4:20; Ezekiel 37:5,6,8,9,10; Habakkuk 2:19.


> [4] Job 33:4; Job 34:14; Isaiah 11:1-4.


> [5] The word is neshâmâh.


> [6] This, too, is a transliteration. My computer also does not speak

> Greek.


> [7] The word phantasma is also rendered " spirit " in Matthew 14:26


> Mark 6:49 in KJV, but has more the meaning " specter " or " ghost " .

> Otherwise, the only word rendered " spirit " in the KJV New Testament

> is pneuma, although in John 3:8 this word is rendered " wind. " Pnoe,


> closely related word, is rendered " wind " in Acts 2:2 and " breath " in

> Acts 17:25.


> [8] The definite article here is not found in the Greek texts, but

> was supplied by translators, presumably either to make this clause

> parallel the last half of verse 6 (in which the definite article is

> found) or to make plain their interpretation that " spirit " in this

> verse means " the [Holy] Spirit. " The definite article in this

> location may be unnecessary.




> The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost


> " The truth is there is a residual power in the triangular bone

> Sacrum, called as the Kundalini. She has the power to bring forth


> complete nourishment and adjustment of the disturbed genes. Whether

> they are genetic, inherent or acquired. When She is awakened, She

> changes the series of genes. Not only that She corrects the gene's

> data base but She breaks through the fontanel bone area and


> the seeker to the all pervading power of Divine Love also called as

> the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, Ruh, Ritambhara or Parama

> Chaitanya. Thus one, by this second birth, becomes a realised


> as actualisation of baptism takes place. The light of the spirit

> which is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart enters into


> attention and enlightenment. The seeker is really born again, not

> just a certificate but he changes as the transformation takes place

> within. There is a vast difference between an ordinary seeker and a

> realised soul. He becomes his own master full of Divine Love. It is


> resurrection process, like an egg becoming the bird. Maybe this is

> the reason eggs are presented as a symbol, reminding, that one has


> get resurrected. The genes change and complete transformation takes

> place. For some people it takes time if they are sick or



> Also some of them who feel guilty or cannot forgive others are


> difficult to perfect their state of self-realisation. If they have


> problem from false Gurus, cults, or fanaticism it also takes time,

> but can be established in Sahaja Yoga. People have given up even

> drugs over night. They never had withdrawal symptoms or any other

> trouble. Self realisation as a result of Kundalini awakening has

> exhibited fantastic results. It brings forth new creativity; many

> people have become poets; musicians and artists have achieved great

> heights in their talents; financial problems are solved; the


> of psychosomatic diseases get cured, like cancer, myelitis etc.


> incurable diseases also get cured without any medicines. The seeker

> becomes the witness of the drama of life and establishes an inner

> peace. He respects all the religions and belongs to Universal

> religion which encompasses all the religions of the world. Morality

> becomes innate and spontaneous.


> After the complete transformation he is averse to do any immoral

> acts. In the light of the spirit he knows exactly what is wrong or

> right and he is also empowered to stay clean and holy. He enjoys


> virtues which he respects and without any doubt he becomes a moral

> human being. First thoughtless awareness is achieved and later

> doubtless awareness is established beyond the mind. At this stage


> Sahaja Yogi can give self-realisation to others. The ageing does


> take place, on the contrary the Sahaja Yogi becomes and looks at

> least twenty years younger than his age. They become universal

> beings. All human enemies of lust, greed, anger, possessiveness,

> jealousies, attachments just disappear. Thus a new race of saints


> created who do not have to give up anything to show off their

> detachment or asceticism. You cannot pay for Divine Love which is

> absolute truth, which the Sahaja Yogi feels on his finger tips as

> vibrations of the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The finger tips


> related to the energy centres (the chakras). The chakras are

> responsible for our physical, emotional and mental being. If the

> Yogis can correct their chakras, they can also correct the chakras


> others. Thus all the physical, emotional and mental problems are

> solved. Those who are pure people have the necessary balance of


> life which ensures a very wide central channel (the Sushumna Nadi)


> ascent for the Kundalini.


> In this chapter we have to now understand that there is a subtle

> system in every human being, which is fully developed during this

> evolutionary process to reach up to human awareness. For example',


> the animals, there is no awareness of sin, dirt, filth, art or

> poetry. But among human beings, these sensitivities are manifesting

> very clearly as we appreciate and enjoy the birds, fishes and


> as well. Do they also see the beauty in us? This question can be

> answered this way; human beings are at a higher level of evolution

> than all the animals for whom we care so much. We love the birds


> we enjoy the fishes dancing, but the best thing is really to have

> respect for ourselves, love ourselves as we should keep our body

> clean, our mind and our heart should be open and transparent.


> we are the highest evolved beings in this world it is our


> to get our self-realisation....


> Now, whatever I am going to tell you has not, to be accepted

> blindfolded but treated like a hypothesis. Again and again, I would

> request you that you must keep your mind open like a scientist. If

> whatever I am saying is proved then, as honest people, human beings

> have to accept this beautiful discovery about yourself because this

> is for your benevolence, and for the benevolence of your family,

> benevolence of your society, benevolence of your nations and

> benevolence of the whole world.


> The theories created by current scientific conclusions and also the

> mental projections are not by any means eternal truths. To know the

> reality one has to enter into the realm of Metascience which is


> possible when we enter into the collective super-consciousness

> through self realisation. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> Cool breeze is the sign of the Holy Ghost


> " The Kundalini rises through a very thin line of Brahmanadi. In the

> beginning only a hair like thing rises, it pierces through; in some

> people ,of course, in a big way it rises also. And then it pierces

> this fontanel bone area which is a real baptism, real. Today only

> people felt the cool breeze coming out of their heads. Can you do

> that by jumping, or by paying money? They felt the cool breeze in


> hand. It's written in the Bible, even in the Bible very clearly,


> it's the cool breeze, cool breeze is the sign of the Holy Ghost.


> start feeling the cool breeze in your hands and you start feeling


> cool breeze on your head. This is the actualization.


> Of course, you people don't read other books which are very good,

> like Adi Shankaracharya, People don't even like the mention of his

> name who has really and clearly said that it is the cool breeze;


> chaitanya is to be felt like cool breeze in the hands. They do not

> want that you should know the truth. And this is the truth that


> you get your realization, you have to feel the cool breeze in your

> hands yourself. You have to judge yourself. I'm not going to tell

> you. It is you who has to see, it is you who has to feel, and then

> you have to grow and you have to know all and everything; all the

> secrets of Divine Science. You become the master then, you are the

> guru.


> You are the Spirit, and you should get it. It's your own which is

> given to you. I have nothing to do about it. I'm just a catalyst. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Maccabean Hall, Australia on March 22, 1981



> ---------------------------


> Shri Mataji: " Achieve your Self, become your Self.... That's the


> way you can get rid of your confusions " .


> " But today the time has come where thousands can get their

> realization and can be established because the Last Judgment has

> started. The Last Judgment is going to be through Kundalini

> awakening, as if Kundalini is the pointer in the balance. It has

> started! People are not aware it has started! They do not want to be

> judged as yet, but time should not be lost.


> But this Judgment is so beautiful that when you are judged you get

> powers of your own, of your love; you enjoy the bliss of your


> you become so peaceful, all the tensions disappear; you become so

> dynamic and the blessings of all the well-beings come on you. As

> Krishna has said " Yogakshema. " First the yoga then the kshema.


> is well-being. If you have not achieved your yoga the kshema is not

> bothered.


> People say I am preaching Advaita of Shankaracharya. Of course, it


> the same, whether it is Shri Sankaracharya or anybody. I am doing

> that, only he was preaching I am doing it.


> What Christ said, what Krishna said, and what Muhammad said is

> nothing but Advaita, that " you have to become One with God " . But

> there are many who do not like it, they want to have dvaita, they

> want to keep their personalities, so-called, with them. I asked the

> other day one gentleman who was a minister and all that. I said

" What

> do you want to keep that? What, which part? " He said " Not my ego. " I

> said " What is it then? It is that only. You want to keep back your

> ego " .


> Unless and until you become big you cannot evolve. And how do you

> become big? – by becoming the Ocean yourself. A small drop becomes


> ocean, as long as he becomes One with the Ocean. You become One with

> the awareness of God. This is what Christ has said, " You have to be

> born again. " Is said by everyone. Moses has said it, everyone has

> said it but people are telling you " No, no, no, no. That should not

> be done " because these middle agencies will be losing their income.

> How will they exist without it?


> Try to see these points. Achieve your own powers of Love; achieve

> your Self, become your Self. If you want it you can have it, but if

> you don't want nobody can force this. Nobody can take away your

> freedom. If you want to remain as you are, you are left with that;

> then you face it up and live with it.


> But if you want the ultimate, the absolute, it is there. That's the

> only way you can get rid of your confusions and get rid of all your

> ideas of relative existence – political, economic and everything can

> be only dissolved through achievement of your absolute. Because


> realization you can feel, you can ask any absolute question. For

> example, if you want to ask the question " Is there God? " ,


> the cool breeze starts coming out. Tremendous! The answer comes as


> like a computer you start working out because you are put to the

> mains.


> So it is necessary for the whole humanity to pay attention today

> because the time is coming when the sorting out will take place.


> time nobody is going to persuade, or tell you and fill the halls and

> request you. The sorting out will be there. Better get it now and

> establish it. Whole humanity has to be saved. No use doing


> Do something substantial. Substantial is only possible if you go to

> the roots of this Tree of Life and nourish it, enlighten it. That is

> the only way one can work it out. May God bless you all. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Achieving Truth, May 25, 1980

> 1980-05-26_achieving_truth_3-5.mp3






> Question: How does one discard all the organization and useless

> activities (of Sahaja Yoga) and seek her (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti)

> only in the Sahastrara (Kingdom of God)?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am still unable to rid myself of catches and other


> problems despite years of daily (Sahaja Yoga) footsoaking and

> treatments. What do I do now?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am far from a Sahaja Yoga collective. How do I continue

> practicing Sahaja Yoga?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: My collective leader has told me to leave Sahaja Yoga due

> to some personal problems. What do I do now?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: Despite being years in Sahaja Yoga I do not agree with


> our leaders are doing. I am thinking of leaving my collective. Can

> you suggest something that will help me continue on my own?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am a Muslim who absolutely am against worshipping of any

> idol or image. How then is Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji compatible

> with Islam?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: We are devout Christians who are very uncomfortable with

> Hindu rituals, and see the same in Sahaja Yoga. Is there any way we

> can do without such rituals?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: You loudly claim on your website that all religions and

> holy scriptures preach the same message. I don't see such evidence.

> What have you got to say?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I do not want to meditate on anything non-Christian but

> agree that the Holy Spirit is feminine. How do I only worship the

> Holy Spirit but not the Adi Shakti?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: My parents and husband are against worshipping Shri


> How can I solve this serious family problem but still continue to

> practice Sahaja Yoga without their knowledge?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I completely agree with your belief that if you have to

> take a single step in any direction to seek the Divine you are going

> the wrong way. How and why did you reach this incredible conclusion

> only now despite spending so many years meditating, checking the

> scriptures and listening to Shri Mataji's speeches?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: How can we spread Shri Mataji's message successfully? So

> many have failed all these years and Sahaja Yoga is very slow. Most

> of the seekers have never heard of Shri Mataji. Other than Her


> Message what can we teach new seekers that will attract them?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I do not want to follow any religious organization or yoga

> teacher but still am interested in spirituality. You think that is

> possible?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: My mother-in-law is totally against Shri Mataji and


> Her as just another false guru. But I know Shri Mataji is the Adi

> Shakti and want to continue. However, i do not want to antagonize my

> mother-in-law. Any suggestions?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am a Sikh. I am completely against any Hindu ritual or

> worshipping of their idols and gods. Sikhism is completely against

> such practices. But Sahaja Yoga is also so full of such rituals and

> gods. What have you got to say, being a Sikh yourself?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am getting somewhat ridiculed for my own spiritual

> experiences regarding the crown chakra and the divine feminine.

> People think I'm weird by emphasizing that the Devi is the true

> nature of brahman and it is creating doubt about my path (despite my

> own experiences). Should I continue with my meditations and ignore

> them or try to explain to them? What do you suggest?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: There is so much information about yoga and meditation. I

> am so confused and do not know which path to take. What then is the

> truth? How do I attain it?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I have been in Sahaja Yoga for years but still do not know

> what is Self-realization. Can you tell me in detail what you

> understand by it?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I have been a SY for many years and some of us find shoe-

> beating and some rituals quite absurd. You also are against them.


> then can we solve our subtle system problems without such



> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am a Muslim living in Pakistan who want to practice

> Sahaja Yoga. But there are no centers here. How can I continue?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: What will happen after Shri Mataji passes away? Will She

> still be in the photograph? Where will the vibrations come from



> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I have just started meditating on Shri Mataji in the

> Sahasrara but find it very difficult. Is there a better way?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I do not want to join Sahaja Yoga but believe in a number

> of Shri Mataji's teachings. Can you help me?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I am an established SYogini who am concerned at the way


> organization is heading. However, I still want to spread Shri

> Mataji's teachings. What do you suggest I tell others?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: I want to practice meditation but find it impossible to

> stop the thoughts. I value you opinion. If you don't mind my asking,

> but how do you do it?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: What is the shortest and surest route to realize God?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: Some religions claim that humans are divine in nature and

> that liberation is from within. Can you tell me how all this is

> realized in such a hectic and materialistic world?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: As a SY I am concerned that after Shri Mataji takes

> Mahasamadhi there will great grief and sense of loss. How can I cope

> with this eventuality and continue my faith and devotion? Do I

> continue to meditate on Her photo even though She is not physically

> present anymore?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: Jagbir, you are already telling us to discard Shri


> photo and meditate on Her is the Sahasrara. A number of SYs have


> offended by this and have left the forum. What makes you so sure you

> are right?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: What is the most profound and deepest enlightenment you

> have discovered after all these years, based on the teachings of


> Mataji? She also claims that all religions teach the same truth


> the spirit. How is that so given all the religious differences and

> centuries-old rivalry?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: Hi, man-made religions, sects and denominations are wide

> spread. So much misdeeds and divisions are committed and blood is

> shed in the name of God and religion. Is there a way to make humans

> realize that they are all worshipping the One and same Creator, no

> matter how different religious organizations have made God to be?


> Answer: Silence on Self



> Question: It seems that religions are all preaching about a God that

> is to be found only in their organizations. Why then is it that the

> Divine can only be realized through one's own experience? What and

> where is God then?


> Answer: Silence on Self


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