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“Lord Jesus, who is your Father?” Shri Jesus immediately replied ...

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" Kash agreed to pass these suggestions to the Great Divine Mother.

He meditated and the energy of the Holy Spirit of God, residing at

the roots of the Tree of Life within him traveled all the way up and

blossomed into the Thousand Petalled Lotus. He emerged through the

clouds and slowly floated into his ethereal body that was meditating

beside the Great Primordial Mother. He stood up and, after exchanging

greetings with the Supreme Mater Sanctissima, told Her that he wanted

to see Shri Jesus. She agreed and both traveled through the universe

to His place.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi slowed down as they approached His abode. A

short distance away Kash could see that Shri Jesus was in deep

meditation, His massive spiritual body poised magnificently on the

soft cloud cover. It was a sight to behold, a Divine Being powerful

beyond all human imagination, sitting in utter peace and egoless

humility. The entire atmosphere was charged with spiritual Energy,

Silence and Bliss.


When they came near Shri Jesus came out of meditation and got up to

receive them. He was dressed in a one-piece light gray dress that

extended to His ankles, like a robe. There was another piece of

cloth, also light gray, that was draped across His right shoulder

down to the left waist.


After exchanging greetings all of them sat down. Kash then asked the

Spirit of the Living God again if he could ask Shri Jesus some

questions. The Great Holy Spirit smiled and told him to go ahead.

Kash first posed this question to Shri Christ, " Lord Jesus, who is

your Father? " Shri Jesus immediately replied, " The Spirit is My

Fatherer. " "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 1566



" In his nature God is pure spirit. Very early in his self-disclosure

as the author of the created universe, God is represented as the

Spirit who brought light out of darkness, and order out of chaos (Gn.

1:2-3). Christ made this disclosure of God as the object of our

worship to the woman of Samaria: " God is spirit, and those who

worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. " (Jn. 4:24).

Between these two affirmations there are frequent references to the

nature of God as pure spirit and as divine spirit. He is called the

Father of spirits (Heb. 12:9), and the combination `the Spirit of the

living God' is frequently used.


In this respect we must distinguish between God and his creatures

that are spiritual. When we say that God is pure spirit, it is to

emphasize that he is not part spirit and part body as man is. He is

simple spirit without form or parts, and for that reason he has no

physical presence. When the Bible speaks of God as having eyes, ears,

hands and feet, it is an attempt to convey to us the senses that

these physical parts convey, for if we do not speak of God in

physical terms we could not speak of him at all. This, of course,

does not imply any imperfection in God. Spirit is not a limited or

restricted form of existence, it is the perfect unit of being.

When we say that God is infinite spirit, we pass completely out of

the reach of our experience. We are limited as to the time and place,

as to knowledge and power. God is essentially unlimited, and every

element of his nature is unlimited. His infinity as to time we call

his eternity, as to knowledge his omniscience, as to power his

omnipotence. "


Aaron-Golan, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Part 3,

Tyndale House Publishers, 1980, p. 569.





The substance of God is spirit, His Word speaking, which is also the

true cause and substance of all things visible. All else is futile.

Chapter 4 in Systematic Theology by Ian B. Johnson


God is spirit. This defines His substance.


A Samaritan woman once asked Jesus where her people should worship

God - on Mount Gerizim, as had been their custom, or in Jerusalem.

John 4:20. The underlying question was whose religion was correct,

stated in terms of the proper place for worship. To this question,

Jesus replied:


Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor

in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father. You worship that which you

don't know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the

Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will

worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to

be his worshippers. God is spirit, and those who worship him must

worship in spirit and truth. John 4:21-24 (WEB).


Thus, Jesus answer to the question in what place God should be

worshipped was not a physical place at all. Rather, it was a

spiritual place or condition - in spirit and in truth. Further, the

reason God seeks to be worshipped not in a physical temple but in

spirit is that God is spirit. This defines God's substance.


Spirit is like wind or breath


In order to understand what it means that God is spirit, a linguistic

observation should first be made. The Hebrew word commonly

translated " spirit " has as its primary meaning " breath. " (2) Indeed,

the King James translators render this word as " breath " in twenty six

places. (3) Further, in three passages(4) this Hebrew word, as

applied to God, is stated in direct parallel to another word which is

rendered " breath " or & wind. " (5) Moreover, in John 4:21-24, quoted

above, the Greek word pneuma(6) , the primary meaning of which

is " breath, " " breeze " or " wind, " is rendered " spirit " three times.

Pneuma is, indeed, the only word used to refer to the spirit of God

or of a man in the New Testament(7). The spirits of both God and men

are directly compared to the wind in John 3:5-8 (WEB):


Jesus answered, " Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of

water and spirit, he can't enter into the Kingdom of God! That which

is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the (8) Spirit

is spirit. Don't marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'

The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don't

know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is

born of the Spirit. "


Ian B. Johnson



End notes:


[2] This Hebrew word, in lexical form, transliterated is rûwach. (My

computer does not speak Hebrew).


[3] Genesis 6:17, 7:15; 2 Samuel 22:16; Job 4:9, 9:18, 12:10, 15:30,

17:1, 19:17; Psalm 18:15, 33:6, 104:29, 135:17, 146:4, 150:6;

Ecclesiastes 3:19; Isaiah 11:4, 30:28, 33:11; Jeremiah 10:14, 51:17;

Lamentations 4:20; Ezekiel 37:5,6,8,9,10; Habakkuk 2:19.


[4] Job 33:4; Job 34:14; Isaiah 11:1-4.


[5] The word is neshâmâh.


[6] This, too, is a transliteration. My computer also does not speak



[7] The word phantasma is also rendered " spirit " in Matthew 14:26 and

Mark 6:49 in KJV, but has more the meaning " specter " or " ghost " .

Otherwise, the only word rendered " spirit " in the KJV New Testament

is pneuma, although in John 3:8 this word is rendered " wind. " Pnoe, a

closely related word, is rendered " wind " in Acts 2:2 and " breath " in

Acts 17:25.


[8] The definite article here is not found in the Greek texts, but

was supplied by translators, presumably either to make this clause

parallel the last half of verse 6 (in which the definite article is

found) or to make plain their interpretation that " spirit " in this

verse means " the [Holy] Spirit. " The definite article in this

location may be unnecessary.

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Shri Jesus clearly admitted that His Father is the Spirit. So He is

definitely the Son of His Father, the Spirit.


But why do all - Shri Ganesha, Jesus, Hanuman, Sita, Rama, Buddha,

Radha, Krishna, Shiva, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and others -

meditate only on the Holy Spirit/Shakti/Ruh? The answer is the

Spirit/God Almighty/Brahman and His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti are

one and the same.


The Spirit/God Almighty/Brahman exists within us as The Light which

is always above His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti. At all times Shri

Ganesha, Jesus, Hanuman, Sita, Rama, Buddha, Radha, Krishna, Shiva,

Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and others meditate on the Spirit/God

Almighty/Brahman (Father) and His Holy Spirit/Spirit/Shakti (Mother).


This Truth has been witnessed hundreds of times over the years. It

is part and parcel of the Divine Message to humanity. One day even

the purely monotheistic Muslims will realize why the Qur'an

addresses the Divine as " We " , " Us " and " Our " . This duality is

constantly repeated throughout the Qur'an but even this black and

white scriptural evidence has been twisted into a most grotesque

untruth. Like Christians, Muslims too have used all the theological

tricks at their disposal, and blatant lies as well, to con-vince

themselves that His Ruh is Angel Grabriel! We will cross this bridge

when it comes, and all others over the years. There is indeed a lot

of ground that needs to be covered and challenges issued to the

fundamentalist guardians of religious regimes who keep their

followers as spiritually ignorant, theologically indoctrinated

and religiously narrow-minded as themselves.






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> " Kash agreed to pass these suggestions to the Great Divine Mother.

> He meditated and the energy of the Holy Spirit of God, residing at

> the roots of the Tree of Life within him traveled all the way up and

> blossomed into the Thousand Petalled Lotus. He emerged through the

> clouds and slowly floated into his ethereal body that was meditating

> beside the Great Primordial Mother. He stood up and, after


> greetings with the Supreme Mater Sanctissima, told Her that he


> to see Shri Jesus. She agreed and both traveled through the universe

> to His place.


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi slowed down as they approached His abode. A

> short distance away Kash could see that Shri Jesus was in deep

> meditation, His massive spiritual body poised magnificently on the

> soft cloud cover. It was a sight to behold, a Divine Being powerful

> beyond all human imagination, sitting in utter peace and egoless

> humility. The entire atmosphere was charged with spiritual Energy,

> Silence and Bliss.


> When they came near Shri Jesus came out of meditation and got up to

> receive them. He was dressed in a one-piece light gray dress that

> extended to His ankles, like a robe. There was another piece of

> cloth, also light gray, that was draped across His right shoulder

> down to the left waist.


> After exchanging greetings all of them sat down. Kash then asked the

> Spirit of the Living God again if he could ask Shri Jesus some

> questions. The Great Holy Spirit smiled and told him to go ahead.

> Kash first posed this question to Shri Christ, " Lord Jesus, who is

> your Father? " Shri Jesus immediately replied, " The Spirit is My

> Fatherer. " "


> Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 1566



> " In his nature God is pure spirit. Very early in his self-disclosure

> as the author of the created universe, God is represented as the

> Spirit who brought light out of darkness, and order out of chaos


> 1:2-3). Christ made this disclosure of God as the object of our

> worship to the woman of Samaria: " God is spirit, and those who

> worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. " (Jn. 4:24).

> Between these two affirmations there are frequent references to the

> nature of God as pure spirit and as divine spirit. He is called the

> Father of spirits (Heb. 12:9), and the combination `the Spirit of


> living God' is frequently used.


> In this respect we must distinguish between God and his creatures

> that are spiritual. When we say that God is pure spirit, it is to

> emphasize that he is not part spirit and part body as man is. He is

> simple spirit without form or parts, and for that reason he has no

> physical presence. When the Bible speaks of God as having eyes,


> hands and feet, it is an attempt to convey to us the senses that

> these physical parts convey, for if we do not speak of God in

> physical terms we could not speak of him at all. This, of course,

> does not imply any imperfection in God. Spirit is not a limited or

> restricted form of existence, it is the perfect unit of being.

> When we say that God is infinite spirit, we pass completely out of

> the reach of our experience. We are limited as to the time and


> as to knowledge and power. God is essentially unlimited, and every

> element of his nature is unlimited. His infinity as to time we call

> his eternity, as to knowledge his omniscience, as to power his

> omnipotence. "


> Aaron-Golan, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Part 3,

> Tyndale House Publishers, 1980, p. 569.





> The substance of God is spirit, His Word speaking, which is also the

> true cause and substance of all things visible. All else is futile.

> Chapter 4 in Systematic Theology by Ian B. Johnson


> God is spirit. This defines His substance.


> A Samaritan woman once asked Jesus where her people should worship

> God - on Mount Gerizim, as had been their custom, or in Jerusalem.

> John 4:20. The underlying question was whose religion was correct,

> stated in terms of the proper place for worship. To this question,

> Jesus replied:


> Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain,


> in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father. You worship that which


> don't know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the

> Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will

> worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to

> be his worshippers. God is spirit, and those who worship him must

> worship in spirit and truth. John 4:21-24 (WEB).


> Thus, Jesus answer to the question in what place God should be

> worshipped was not a physical place at all. Rather, it was a

> spiritual place or condition - in spirit and in truth. Further, the

> reason God seeks to be worshipped not in a physical temple but in

> spirit is that God is spirit. This defines God's substance.


> Spirit is like wind or breath


> In order to understand what it means that God is spirit, a


> observation should first be made. The Hebrew word commonly

> translated " spirit " has as its primary meaning " breath. " (2) Indeed,

> the King James translators render this word as " breath " in twenty


> places. (3) Further, in three passages(4) this Hebrew word, as

> applied to God, is stated in direct parallel to another word which


> rendered " breath " or & wind. " (5) Moreover, in John 4:21-24, quoted

> above, the Greek word pneuma(6) , the primary meaning of which

> is " breath, " " breeze " or " wind, " is rendered " spirit " three times.

> Pneuma is, indeed, the only word used to refer to the spirit of God

> or of a man in the New Testament(7). The spirits of both God and men

> are directly compared to the wind in John 3:5-8 (WEB):


> Jesus answered, " Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of

> water and spirit, he can't enter into the Kingdom of God! That which

> is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the (8) Spirit

> is spirit. Don't marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born anew.'

> The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don't

> know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who


> born of the Spirit. "


> Ian B. Johnson



> End notes:


> [2] This Hebrew word, in lexical form, transliterated is rûwach. (My

> computer does not speak Hebrew).


> [3] Genesis 6:17, 7:15; 2 Samuel 22:16; Job 4:9, 9:18, 12:10, 15:30,

> 17:1, 19:17; Psalm 18:15, 33:6, 104:29, 135:17, 146:4, 150:6;

> Ecclesiastes 3:19; Isaiah 11:4, 30:28, 33:11; Jeremiah 10:14, 51:17;

> Lamentations 4:20; Ezekiel 37:5,6,8,9,10; Habakkuk 2:19.


> [4] Job 33:4; Job 34:14; Isaiah 11:1-4.


> [5] The word is neshâmâh.


> [6] This, too, is a transliteration. My computer also does not speak

> Greek.


> [7] The word phantasma is also rendered " spirit " in Matthew 14:26


> Mark 6:49 in KJV, but has more the meaning " specter " or " ghost " .

> Otherwise, the only word rendered " spirit " in the KJV New Testament

> is pneuma, although in John 3:8 this word is rendered " wind. " Pnoe,


> closely related word, is rendered " wind " in Acts 2:2 and " breath " in

> Acts 17:25.


> [8] The definite article here is not found in the Greek texts, but

> was supplied by translators, presumably either to make this clause

> parallel the last half of verse 6 (in which the definite article is

> found) or to make plain their interpretation that " spirit " in this

> verse means " the [Holy] Spirit. " The definite article in this

> location may be unnecessary.


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