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, " igulik " <igulik




> ii) do you believe that brother Tiger meets Shri Mataji and is Her

> mouthpiece, which obviously contradicts WCASY's claim of being the

> same i.e., officially authorized communicators of Her Will?



> 2. Yes.

> I believe that brother Tiger and that unnamed brother met Shri

> Mataji in the Sahasrara. He and that unnamed brother simply wrote

> down the words that She told in the Sahasrara. Being asked a

> question 'how it occurs' he (brother tiger) told me about some

> details of it and put a stress that it was his individual

> communicating.



i remember a SY from Europe who embarked on the same a few years ago.

He said he will begin writing a book about messages from Shri Mataji,

stressing too that it will be his individual communication ..... just

like tiger. His wife wanted to help and he told her to communicate

with Lord Shiva. And he wanted his son to join too, and encouraged

him to liase with Shri Ganesha.


i am not making this up. There were three of us sitting beside the

Lachine lakefront when i listened to this preposterous 'individual

communications' idea in stunned silence. What frightened me was that

the SYogini (who later ended up in a mental hospital) was telling him

her vibrations were " so cool " to whatever he was speaking about! (Hui

Hua, this is one of the many incidents that convinced me SYs were

messed-up as far as vibrations were concerned ........ and that their

judgment cannot be trusted.)


i have no idea what came of the book or his 'Messages of The Mother " ,

'Messages of Shri Shiva " , and 'Messages of Shri Ganesha " . The fact

that this mentally unbalanced person had the same mode of

communication as brother tiger makes me wonder - how many of them are

there out there? For all we know he may be brother tiger.


Igor, that there is yet another unnamed brother, other than tiger, is

news to me. So after some re-checking i found this:


" P.P.S. i just received the letter from brother tiger. He sent a

message from that brother who wrote The Messages of The Mother. That

unknown brother said: " There is nothing to add what you [brother

tiger] wrote about the language " . "


So we have two guys who are making up 'The Messages of The Mother'.

It is just illogical that Shri Mataji needs two guys! This whole thing

is becoming more ludicrous as we go along.


And Igor, you are contradicting brother tiger's statement that he has

NEVER met Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara? How come you now know what he

has never claimed, as your own appended email confirms?:


Jul 22, 2007 7:14 AM


Dear Jagbir, it's me, Igor.

Send you brother's tiger message answering your question:


Hi, Igor, Jagbir, Violet, Nicole and all my brothers and sisters!


My brother, who wrote the first letters, can't communicate at the

moment. So i make bold to answer this simple question [ " Does Shri

Mataji talk to him in Russian in the Sahasrara? " ].


In fact, God speak the language you can understand or anyone can

understand - whether he is Arab or Hindu, or Russian.


When God talks to you, you can't hear the words and you feel no

necessity to speak or hear the voice, you understand everything

without any words.


It just seems He talks to you, but in reality you know what He wants

to say to you, i.e. the process itself goes in usual way, but no

words are needed.


It looks like you ask a question and get the answer in your

understanding immediately. And there is no border separating you and

God, you just can " feel " His " thoughts " and take it as a

communication at the same time, but in reality you can see

picture/image - how the Mother raises Her hand or smiles.


You perceive the Mother's words as if they were translated into

language you understand. That is why i'm telling there is no such

notions/ideas as Russian or English or... - only one language the

Mother talks exists - that is language of Spirit; and anyone knows

and understands this language in the moment of true communication

with God.


If the Mother had told an Englishman something in his Sahasrara, he

would say She talked to him in his language, that is English. And we

would translate the Messages from English.


I tried with all my might to explain it in the language you

understand .


Sincerely yours,

brother tiger


You all are so much dear to my heart!


Now i can see how the Mother connects us by Her Love, how invisible

threads are running fast to you, to Jagbir, to our sisters and

brothers, connecting us together, as if stringing beads on the Devi

Mother's necklace.


We are becoming united through Her desire to unite and make us happy

because we are Her decoration that She created having transformed us

into beautiful pearls.


Once again with love that i give back to you all!

Be loving - give yourselves to each other!

Make your Mother happy!


P.S. In his other letter brother tiger says: " i'll inform you all as

i get an answer from our brother " .

P.P.S. i just received the letter from brother tiger. He sent a

message from that brother who wrote The Messages of The Mother. That

unknown brother said: " There is nothing to add what you [brother

tiger] wrote about the language " .



Warmest regards to all.





It is obvious that neither does Shri Mataji not meet him in the

Sahasrara nor communicate in Russian ......... nor any other language!

Igor, have you any idea what you are trying to say in the face of

evidence presented by yourself? On the contrary, you are putting

words into brother tiger's mouth and affirm that he meets Shri Mataji

in the Sahasrara when obviously he has never ............ and never

ever will. In the first place, do you understand my simple questions?




> " Shri Mataji showed Brother Tiger that I am the " LIGHT that powers

> Shri Mataji LIGHT. " "


> i) do you believe in the above statement, which is even more

> blasphemous than Sir CP's claim that WCASY's are representatives of

> Shri Mataji's Will?


> 1.No.

> First of all, richard and brother tiger are different people. No

> doubt. And i can't logically explain why he (tiger) sent the raw

> translation to that person. And let's leave them (richard, mohit)

> alone and won't waste our time on them here, on the forum.



But this is the jewel in the crown Igor, and we must admire it with a

critical eye. Maybe you do not see, or want to admit, these flaws:


i) Kalki confirms that " Shri Mataji showed Brother Tiger that I am

the " LIGHT that powers Shri Mataji LIGHT. " " Only a mentally

unbalanced person will say such things, and brother tiger does have

some disturbing commuications with himself;


ii) brother tiger has never denied this claim by Kalki. In fact

brother tiger continues to be part and parcel of the Kalki godhead of

Richard Embleton, himself and Mohit. Your not believing hardly makes

any difference. In fact it insults intelligence to think that your

denial has absolved bother tiger of making that statememt.


iii) This quote, " Shri Mataji showed Brother Tiger that I am the

" LIGHT that powers Shri Mataji LIGHT. " " , has been edited out of the

messages. We have no idea what else has been edited out in privious

messages. And who really edits the so-called messages? Indeed, there

is something sinister about this whole operation!


iv) Since Shri Mataji talks with brother tiger why didn't she warn

him about Kalki? Why has she allowed brother tiger to join forces

with Kalki, and make a fool of himself? OR WAS THAT THE ONLY WAY TO



In conclusion only fools and the metally-challenged will now continue

to support/believe these messages. But i am not discouraging anyone

from enjoying the memoirs of mentally unbalanced minds.



> iii) do you want to continue empowering brother Tiger to spread his

> own messages, just as SYs are continuously empowering WCASY to

> spread the message of their Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion?


> 3. 'No'. 'Yes'. And 'No' again. (smile)


> First 'No'

> because i don't consider 'the Messages' to be brother tiger's or

> someone else's messages. He and another sahaja yogi simply wrote

> down the words of Shri Mataji. It is Her Messages.


> 'Yes'

> I am going to talk about 'the Messages with anyone who ask me about

> them. The messages now are 'living their own life'. They exist.

> Quite many SYs know about them. ...


> 'No'

> 'Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion' is a rather narrow view on the

> Sahaja Yoga.



Guess birds of a feather will flock together.


regards to all,




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