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For endless eons, there was only utter darkness ... O Nanak, the Lord, the Supreme Soul, is in all.

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib



For endless eons, there was only utter darkness. There was no earth

or sky; there was only the infinite Command of His Hukam. There was

no day or night, no moon or sun; God sat in primal, profound

Samaadhi. || 1 || There were no sources of creation or powers of

speech, no air or water. There was no creation or destruction, no

coming or going. There were no continents, nether regions, seven

seas, rivers or flowing water. || 2 || There were no heavenly realms,

earth or nether regions of the underworld. There was no heaven or

hell, no death or time. There was no hell or heaven, no birth or

death, no coming or going in reincarnation. || 3 || There was no

Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva. No one was seen, except the One Lord. There

was no female or male, no social class or caste of birth; no one

experienced pain or pleasure. || 4 || There were no people of

celibacy or charity; no one lived in the forests. There were no

Siddhas or seekers, no one living in peace. There were no Yogis, no

wandering pilgrims, no religious robes; no one called himself the

master. || 5 || There was no chanting or meditation, no self-

discipline, fasting or worship. No one spoke or talked in duality. He

created Himself, and rejoiced; He evaluates Himself. || 6 || There

was no purification, no self-restraint, no malas of basil seeds.

There were no Gopis, no Krishna, no cows or cowherds. There were no

tantras, no mantras and no hypocrisy; no one played the flute. || 7

|| There was no karma, no Dharma, no buzzing fly of Maya. Social

class and birth were not seen with any eyes. There was no noose of

attachment, no death inscribed upon the forehead; no one meditated on

anything. || 8 || There was no slander, no seed, no soul and no life.

There was no Gorakh and no Maachhindra.


There was no spiritual wisdom or meditation, no ancestry or creation,

no reckoning of accounts. || 9 || There were no castes or social

classes, no religious robes, no Brahmin or Kh'shaatriya. There were

no demi-gods or temples, no cows or Gaayatri prayer. There were no

burnt offerings, no ceremonial feasts, no cleansing rituals at sacred

shrines of pilgrimage; no one worshipped in adoration. || 10 || There

was no Mullah, there was no Qazi. There was no Shaykh, or pilgrims to

Mecca. There was no king or subjects, and no worldly egotism; no one

spoke of himself. || 11 || There was no love or devotion, no Shiva or

Shakti - no energy or matter. There were no friends or companions, no

semen or blood. He Himself is the banker, and He Himself is the

merchant. Such is the Pleasure of the Will of the True Lord. || 12 ||

There were no Vedas, Korans or Bibles, no Simritees or Shaastras.

There was no recitation of the Puraanas, no sunrise or sunset. The

Unfathomable Lord Himself was the speaker and the preacher; the

unseen Lord Himself saw everything. || 13 || When He so willed, He

created the world. Without any supporting power, He sustained the

universe. He created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; He fostered enticement

and attachment to Maya. || 14 || How rare is that person who listens

to the Word of the Guru's Shabad. He created the creation, and

watches over it; the Hukam of His Command is over all. He formed the

planets, solar systems and nether regions, and brought what was

hidden to manifestation. || 15 || No one knows His limits. This

understanding comes from the Perfect Guru. O Nanak, those who are

attuned to the Truth are wonderstruck; singing His Glorious Praises,

they are filled with wonder. || 16 || 3 || 15 || MARU, FIRST MEHL: He

Himself created the creation, remaining unattached. The Merciful Lord

has established His True Home. Binding together air, water and fire,

He created the fortress of the body. || 1 || The Creator established

the nine gates. In the Tenth Gate, is the dwelling of the infinite,

unseen Lord. The seven seas are overflowing with the Ambrosial Water;

the Gurmukhs are not stained with filth. || 2 || The lamps of the sun

and the moon fill all with light. Creating them, He beholds His own

glorious greatness. The Giver of peace is forever the embodiment of

Light; from the True Lord, glory is obtained. || 3 || Within the

fortress are the stores and markets; the business is transacted

there. The Supreme Merchant weighs with the perfect weights. He

Himself buys the jewel, and He Himself appraises its value. || 4 ||

The Appraiser appraises its value. The Independent Lord is

overflowing with His treasures. He holds all powers, He is all-

pervading; how few are those who, as Gurmukh, understand this. || 5

|| When He bestows His Glance of Grace, one meets the Perfect Guru.

The tyrannical Messenger of Death cannot strike him then. He blossoms

forth like the lotus flower in the water; he blossoms forth in joyful

meditation. || 6 || He Himself rains down the Ambrosial Stream of

jewels, diamonds, and rubies of priceless value. When they meet the

True Guru, then they find the Perfect Lord; they obtain the treasure

of Love. || 7 || Whoever receives the priceless treasure of Love -

his weight never decreases; he has perfect weight. The trader of

Truth becomes true, and obtains the merchandise. || 8 || How rare are

those who obtain the true merchandise.


Meeting the Perfect True Guru, one meets with the Lord. One who

becomes Gurmukh realizes the Hukam of His command; surrendering to

His Command, one merges in the Lord. || 9 || By His Command we come,

and by His command we merge into Him again. By His Command, the world

was formed. By His Command, the heavens, this world and the nether

regions were created; by His Command, His Power supports them. || 10

|| The Hukam of His Command is the mythical bull which supports the

burden of the earth on its head. By His Hukam, air, water and fire

came into being. By His Hukam, one dwells in the house of matter and

energy - Shiva and Shakti. By His Hukam, He plays His plays. || 11 ||

By the Hukam of His command, the sky is spread above. By His Hukam,

His creatures dwell in the water, on the land and throughout the

three worlds. By His Hukam, we draw our breath and receive our food;

by His Hukam, He watches over us, and inspires us to see. || 12 || By

His Hukam, He created His ten incarnations, and the uncounted and

infinite gods and devils. Whoever obeys the Hukam of His Command, is

robed with honor in the Court of the Lord; united with the Truth, He

merges in the Lord. || 13 || By the Hukam of His Command, the thirty-

six ages passed. By His Hukam, the Siddhas and seekers contemplate

Him. The Lord Himself has brought all under His control. Whoever He

forgives, is liberated. || 14 || In the strong fortress of the body

with its beautiful doors, is the king, with his special assistants

and ministers. Those gripped by falsehood and greed do not dwell in

the celestial home; engrossed in greed and sin, they come to regret

and repent. || 15 || Truth and contentment govern this body-village.

Chastity, truth and self-control are in the Sanctuary of the Lord. O

Nanak, one intuitively meets the Lord, the Life of the World; the

Word of the Guru's Shabad brings honor. || 16 || 4 || 16 || MARU,

FIRST MEHL: In the Primal Void, the Infinite Lord assumed His Power.

He Himself is unattached, infinite and incomparable. He Himself

exercised His Creative Power, and He gazes upon His creation; from

the Primal Void, He formed the Void. || 1 || From this Primal Void,

He fashioned air and water. He created the universe, and the king in

the fortress of the body. Your Light pervades fire, water and souls;

Your Power rests in the Primal Void. || 2 || From this Primal Void,

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva issued forth. This Primal Void is pervasive

throughout all the ages. That humble being who contemplates this

state is perfect; meeting with him, doubt is dispelled. || 3 || From

this Primal Void, the seven seas were established. The One who

created them, Himself contemplates them. That human being who becomes

Gurmukh, who bathes in the pool of Truth, is not cast into the womb

of reincarnation again. || 4 || From this Primal Void, came the moon,

the sun and the earth. His Light pervades all the three worlds. The

Lord of this Primal Void is unseen, infinite and immaculate; He is

absorbed in the Primal Trance of Deep Meditation. || 5 || From this

Primal Void, the earth and the Akaashic Ethers were created. He

supports them without any visible support, by exercising His True

Power. He fashioned the three worlds, and the rope of Maya; He

Himself creates and destroys. || 6 || From this Primal Void, came the

four sources of creation, and the power of speech. They were created

from the Void, and they will merge into the Void. The Supreme Creator

created the play of Nature; through the Word of His Shabad, He stages

His Wondrous Show. || 7 || From this Primal Void, He made both night

and day; creation and destruction, pleasure and pain. The Gurmukh is

immortal, untouched by pleasure and pain.


He obtains the home of his own inner being. || 8 || The Saam Veda,

the Rig Veda, the Jujar Veda and the At'harva Veda form the mouth of

Brahma; they speak of the three gunas, the three qualities of Maya.

None of them can describe His worth. We speak as He inspires us to

speak. || 9 || From the Primal Void, He created the seven nether

regions. From the Primal Void, He established this world to lovingly

dwell upon Him. The Infinite Lord Himself created the creation.

Everyone acts as You make them act, Lord. || 10 || Your Power is

diffused through the three gunas: raajas, taamas and satva. Through

egotism, they suffer the pains of birth and death. Those blessed by

His Grace become Gurmukh; they attain the fourth state, and are

liberated. || 11 || From the Primal Void, the ten incarnations welled

up. Creating the Universe, He made the expanse. He fashioned the demi-

gods and demons, the heavenly heralds and celestial musicians;

everyone acts according to their past karma. || 12 || The Gurmukh

understands, and does not suffer the disease. How rare are those who

understand this ladder of the Guru. Throughout the ages, they are

dedicated to liberation, and so they become liberated; thus they are

honored. || 13 || From the Primal Void, the five elements became

manifest. They joined to form the body, which engages in actions.

Both bad and good are written on the forehead, the seeds of vice and

virtue. || 14 || The True Guru, the Primal Being, is sublime and

detached. Attuned to the Word of the Shabad, He is intoxicated with

the sublime essence of the Lord. Riches, intellect, miraculous

spiritual powers and spiritual wisdom are obtained from the Guru;

through perfect destiny, they are received. || 15 || This mind is so

in love with Maya. Only a few are spiritually wise enough to

understand and know this. In hope and desire, egotism and skepticism,

the greedy man acts falsely. || 16 || From the True Guru,

contemplative meditation is obtained. And then, one dwells with the

True Lord in His celestial home, the Primal State of Absorption in

Deepest Samaadhi. O Nanak, the immaculate sound current of the Naad,

and the Music of the Shabad resound; one merges into the True Name of

the Lord. || 17 || 5 || 17 || MARU, FIRST MEHL: Wherever I look, I

see the Lord, merciful to the meek. God is compassionate; He does not

come or go in reincarnation. He pervades all beings in His mysterious

way; the Sovereign Lord remains detached. || 1 || The world is a

reflection of Him; He has no father or mother. He has not acquired

any sister or brother. There is no creation or destruction for Him;

He has no ancestry or social status. The Ageless Lord is pleasing to

my mind. || 2 || You are the Deathless Primal Being. Death does not

hover over Your head. You are the unseen inaccessible and detached

Primal Lord. You are true and content; the Word of Your Shabad is

cool and soothing. Through it, we are lovingly, intuitively attuned

to You. || 3 || The three qualities are pervasive; the Lord dwells in

His home, the fourth state. He has made death and birth into a bite

of food. The immaculate Light is the Life of the whole world. The

Guru reveals the unstruck melody of the Shabad. || 4 || Sublime and

good are those humble Saints, the Beloveds of the Lord. They are

intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord, and are carried

across to the other side. Nanak is the dust of the Society of the

Saints; by Guru's Grace, he finds the Lord. || 5 ||


You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. All beings belong

to You. You are the Great Giver; I am Your slave. Please be merciful

and bless me with Your Ambrosial Naam, and the jewel, the lamp of the

Guru's spiritual wisdom. || 6 || From the union of the five elements,

this body was made. Finding the Lord, the Supreme Soul, peace is

established. The good karma of past actions brings fruitful rewards,

and man is blessed with the jewel of the Lord's Name. || 7 || His

mind does not feel any hunger or thirst. He knows the Immaculate Lord

to be everywhere, in each and every heart. Imbued with the Lord's

Ambrosial essence, he becomes a pure, detached renunciate; he is

lovingly absorbed in the Guru's Teachings. || 8 || Whoever does the

deeds of the soul, day and night, sees the immaculate Divine Light

deep within. Enraptured with the delightful essence of the Shabad,

the source of nectar, my tongue plays the sweet music of the flute.

|| 9 || He alone plays the sweet music of this flute, who knows the

three worlds. O Nanak, know this, through the Guru's Teachings, and

lovingly focus yourself on the Lord's Name. || 10 || Rare are those

beings in this world, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad,

and remain detached. They save themselves, and save all their

associates and ancestors; fruitful is their birth and coming into

this world. || 11 || He alone knows the home of his own heart, and

the door to the temple, who obtains perfect understanding from the

Guru. In the body-fortress is the palace; God is the True Master of

this Palace. The True Lord established His True Throne there. || 12

|| The fourteen realms and the two lamps are the witnesses. The

Lord's servants, the self-elect, do not taste the poison of

corruption. Deep within, is the priceless, incomparable commodity;

meeting with the Guru, the wealth of the Lord is obtained. || 13 ||

He alone sits on the throne, who is worthy of the throne. Following

the Guru's Teachings, he subdues the five demons, and becomes the

Lord's foot soldier. He has existed from the very beginning of time

and throughout the ages; He exists here and now, and will always

exist. Meditating on Him, skepticism and doubt are dispelled. || 14

|| The Lord of the Throne is greeted and worshipped day and night.

This true glorious greatness comes to those who love the Guru's

Teachings. O Nanak, meditate on the Lord, and swim across the river;

they find the Lord, their best friend, in the end. || 15 || 1 || 18

|| MARU, FIRST MEHL: Gather in the wealth of the Lord, O humble

Siblings of Destiny. Serve the True Guru, and remain in His

Sanctuary. This wealth cannot be stolen; the celestial melody of the

Shabad wells up and keeps us awake and aware. || 1 || You are the One

Universal Creator, the Immaculate King. You Yourself arrange and

resolve the affairs of Your humble servant. You are immortal,

immovable, infinite and priceless; O Lord, Your place is beautiful

and eternal. || 2 || In the body-village, the most sublime place, the

supremely noble people dwell. Above them is the Immaculate Lord, the

One Universal Creator; they are lovingly absorbed in the profound,

primal state of Samaadhi. || 3 || There are nine gates to the body-

village; the Creator Lord fashioned them for each and every person.

Within the Tenth Gate, dwells the Primal Lord, detached and

unequalled. The unknowable reveals Himself. || 4 || The Primal Lord

cannot be held to account; True is His Celestial Court. The Hukam of

His Command is in effect; True is His Insignia.


O Nanak, search and examine your own home, and you shall find the

Supreme Soul, and the Name of the Lord. || 5 || The Primal Lord is

everywhere, immaculate and all-knowing. He administers justice, and

is absorbed in the spiritual wisdom of the Guru. He seizes sexual

desire and anger by their necks, and kills them; He eradicates

egotism and greed. || 6 || In the True Place, the Formless Lord

abides. Whoever understands his own self, contemplates the Word of

the Shabad. He comes to abide deep within the True Mansion of His

Presence, and his comings and goings are ended. || 7 || His mind does

not waver, and he is not buffeted by the winds of desire. Such a Yogi

vibrates the unstruck sound current of the Shabad. God Himself plays

the pure music of the Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds to hear.

|| 8 || In the Fear of God, in detachment, one intuitively merges

into the Lord. Renouncing egotism, he is imbued with the unstruck

sound current. With the ointment of enlightenment, the Immaculate

Lord is known; the Immaculate Lord King is pervading everywhere. || 9

|| God is eternal and imperishable; He is the Destroyer of pain and

fear. He cures the disease, and cuts away the noose of death. O

Nanak, the Lord God is the Destroyer of fear; meeting the Guru, the

Lord God is found. || 10 || One who knows the Immaculate Lord chews

up death. One who understands karma, realizes the Word of the Shabad.

He Himself knows, and He Himself realizes. This whole world is all

His play. || 11 || He Himself is the Banker, and He Himself is the

Merchant. The Appraiser Himself appraises. He Himself tests upon His

Touchstone, and He Himself estimates the value. || 12 || God Himself,

the Merciful Lord, grants His Grace. The Gardener pervades and

permeates each and every heart. The pure, primal, detached Lord

abides within all. The Guru, the Lord Incarnate, leads us to meet the

Lord God. || 13 || God is wise and all-knowing; He purges men of

their pride. Eradicating duality, the One Lord reveals Himself. Such

a being remains unattached amidst hope, singing the Praise of the

Immaculate Lord, who has no ancestry. || 14 || Eradicating egotism,

he obtains the peace of the Shabad. He alone is spiritually wise, who

contemplates his own self. O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of

the Lord, the true profit is obtained; in the Sat Sangat, the True

Congregation, the fruit of Truth is obtained. || 15 || 2 || 19 ||

MARU, FIRST MEHL: Speak the Truth, and remain in the home of Truth.

Remain dead while yet alive, and cross over the terrifying world-

ocean. The Guru is the boat, the ship, the raft; meditating on the

Lord in your mind, you shall be carried across to the other side. ||

1 || Eliminating egotism, possessiveness and greed, one is liberated

from the nine gates, and obtains a place in the Tenth Gate. Lofty and

high, the farthest of the far and infinite, He created Himself. || 2

|| Receiving the Guru's Teachings, and lovingly attuned to the Lord,

one crosses over. Singing the Praises of the absolute Lord, why

should anyone be afraid of death? Wherever I look, I see only You; I

do not sing of any other at all. || 3 || True is the Lord's Name, and

True is His Sanctuary. True is the Word of the Guru's Shabad,

grasping it, one is carries across. Speaking the Unspoken, one sees

the Infinite Lord, and then, he does not have to enter the womb of

reincarnation again. || 4 || Without the Truth, no one finds

sincerity or contentment. Without the Guru, no one is liberated;

coming and going in reincarnation continue. Chanting the Mool Mantra,

and the Name of the Lord, the source of nectar, says Nanak, I have

found the Perfect Lord.


|| 5 || Without the Truth, the terrifying world-ocean cannot be

crossed. This ocean is vast and unfathomable; it is overflowing with

the worst poison. One who receives the Guru's Teachings, and remains

aloof and detached, obtains a place in the home of the Fearless Lord.

|| 6 || False is the cleverness of loving attachment to the world. In

no time at all, it comes and goes. Forgetting the Naam, the Name of

the Lord, the proud egotistical people depart; in creation and

destruction they are wasted away. || 7 || In creation and

destruction, they are bound in bondage. The noose of egotism and Maya

is around their necks. Whoever does not accept the Guru's Teachings,

and does not dwell upon the Lord's Name, is bound and bagged, and

dragged into the City of Death. || 8 || Without the Guru, how can

anyone be emancipated or liberated? Without the Guru, how can anyone

meditate on the Lord's Name? Accepting the Guru's Teachings, cross

over the arduous, terrifying world-ocean; you shall be emancipated,

and find peace. || 9 || Through the Guru's Teachings, Krishna lifted

up the mountain of Govardhan. Through the Guru's Teachings, Rama

floated stones across the ocean. Accepting the Guru's Teachings, the

supreme status is obtained; O Nanak, the Guru eradicates doubt. || 10

|| Accepting the Guru's Teachings, cross over to the other side

through Truth. O soul, remember the Lord within your heart. The noose

of death is cut away, meditating on the Lord; you shall obtain the

Immaculate Lord, who has no ancestry. || 11 || Through the Guru's

Teachings, the Holy become one's friends and Siblings of Destiny.

Through the Guru's Teachings, the inner fire is subdued and

extinguished. Chant the Naam with your mind and mouth; know the

unknowable Lord, the Life of the World, deep within the nucleus of

your heart. || 12 || The Gurmukh understands, and is pleased with the

Word of the Shabad. Who does he praise or slander? Know yourself, and

meditate on the Lord of the Universe; let your mind be pleased with

the Lord, the Master of the Universe. || 13 || Know the One who

pervades all the realms of the universe. As Gurmukh, understand and

realize the Shabad. The Enjoyer enjoys each and every heart, and yet

He remains detached from all. || 14 || Through the Guru's Teachings,

chant the Pure Praises of the Lord. Through the Guru's Teachings,

behold the lofty Lord with your eyes. Whoever listens to the Lord's

Name, and the Word of His Bani, O Nanak, is imbued with the color of

the Lord's Love. || 15 || 3 || 20 || MARU, FIRST MEHL: Leave behind

sexual desire, anger and the slander of others. Renounce greed and

possessiveness, and become carefree. Break the chains of doubt, and

remain unattached; you shall find the Lord, and the Lord's sublime

essence, deep within yourself. || 1 || As one sees the flash of

lightning in the night, see the Divine Light deep within your

nucleus, day and night. The Lord, the embodiment of bliss,

incomparably beautiful, reveals the Perfect Guru. || 2 || So meet

with the True Guru, and God Himself will save you. He placed the

lamps of the sun and the moon in the home of the sky. See the

invisible Lord, and remain absorbed in loving devotion. God is all

throughout the three worlds. || 3 || Obtaining the sublime ambrosial

essence, desire and fear are dispelled. The state of inspired

illumination is obtained, and self-conceit is eradicated. The lofty

and exalted state, the highest of the high is obtained, practicing

the immaculate Word of the Shabad. || 4 || The Naam, the Name of the

invisible and unfathomable Lord, is infinite.


The sublime essence of the Beloved Naam is utterly sweet. O Lord,

please bless Nanak with Your Praise in each and every age; meditating

on the Lord, I cannot find His limits. || 5 || With the Naam deep

within the nucleus of the self, the jewel is obtained. Meditating on

the Lord, the mind is comforted and consoled by the mind itself. On

that most difficult path, the Destroyer of fear is found, and one

does not have to enter the womb of reincarnation again. || 6 ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, inspiration for loving

devotional worship wells up. I beg for the treasure of the Naam, and

the Lord's Praise. When it pleases the Lord, He unites me in Union

with the Guru; the Lord saves the whole world. || 7 || One who chants

the Lord's Chant, attains the Wisdom of the True Guru. The tyrant,

the Messenger of Death, becomes a servant at his feet. In the noble

congregation of the Sangat, one's state and way of life become noble

as well, and one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. || 8 ||

Through the Shabad, one crosses over this terrifying world-ocean. The

duality within is burnt away from within. Taking up the five arrows

of virtue, Death is killed, drawing the Bow of the Tenth Gate in the

Mind's Sky. || 9 || How can the faithless cynics attain enlightened

awareness of the Shabad? Without awareness of the Shabad, they come

and go in reincarnation. O Nanak, the Gurmukh obtains the support of

liberation; by perfect destiny, he meets the Lord. || 10 || The

Fearless True Guru is our Savior and Protector. Devotional worship is

obtained through the Guru, the Lord of the world. The blissful music

of the unstruck sound current vibrates and resounds; through the Word

of the Guru's Shabad, the Immaculate Lord is obtained. || 11 || He

alone is fearless, who has no destiny written on His head. God

Himself is unseen; He reveals Himself through His wondrous creative

power. He Himself is unattached, unborn and self-existent. O Nanak,

through the Guru's Teachings, He is found. || 12 || The True Guru

knows the state of one's inner being. He alone is fearless, who

realizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad. He looks within his own inner

being, and realizes the Lord within all; his mind does not waver at

all. || 13 || He alone is fearless, within whose being the Lord

abides. Day and night, he is delighted with the Immaculate Naam, the

Name of the Lord. O Nanak, in the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, the

Lord's Praise is obtained, and one easily, intuitively meets the

Lord. || 14 || One who knows God, within the self and beyond, remains

detached, and brings his wandering mind back to its home. The True

Primal Lord is over all the three worlds; O Nanak, His Ambrosial

Nectar is obtained. || 15 || 4 || 21 || MARU, FIRST MEHL: The Creator

Lord is infinite; His creative power is wondrous. Created beings have

no power over Him. He formed the living beings, and He Himself

sustains them; the Hukam of His Command controls each and every one.

|| 1 || The all-pervading Lord orchestrates all through His Hukam.

Who is near, and who is far away? Behold the Lord, both hidden and

manifest, in each and every heart; the unique Lord is permeating all.

|| 2 || One whom the Lord unites with Himself, merges in conscious

awareness. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, meditate on the

Lord's Name. God is the embodiment of bliss, incomparably beautiful

and unfathomable; meeting with the Guru, doubt is dispelled. || 3 ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is more dear to me than my mind, body

and wealth. In the end, when I must depart, it shall be my only help

and support.


In this world of love and attachment, no one is anyone else's friend

or companion; without the Lord, without the Guru, who has ever found

peace? || 4 || He, unto whom the Perfect Guru grants His Grace, is

merged in the Word of the Shabad, through the Teachings of the brave,

heroic Guru. O Nanak, dwell upon, and serve at the Guru's feet; He

places those who wander back on the Path. || 5 || The wealth of the

Lord's Praise is very dear to the humble Saints. Through the Guru's

Teachings, I have obtained Your Name, Lord. The beggar serves at the

Lord's door, and in the Court of the Lord, sings His Praises. || 6 ||

When one meets the True Guru, he is called into the Mansion of the

Lord's Presence. In the True Court, he is blessed with salvation and

honor. The faithless cynic has no place of rest in the Lord's palace;

he suffers the pains of birth and death. || 7 || So serve the True

Guru, the unfathomable ocean, and you shall obtain the profit, the

wealth, the jewel of the Naam. The filth of corruption is washed

away, by bathing in the pool of Ambrosial Nectar. In the Guru's pool,

contentment is obtained. || 8 || So serve the Guru without

hesitation. And in the midst of hope, remain unmoved by hope. Serve

the Eradicator of cynicism and suffering, and you shall never again

be afflicted by the disease. || 9 || One who is pleasing to the True

Lord is blessed with glorious greatness. Who else can teach him

anything? The Lord and the Guru are pervading in one form. O Nanak,

the Lord loves the Guru. || 10 || Some read scriptures, the Vedas and

the Puraanas. Some sit and listen, and read to others. Tell me, how

can the heavy, rigid doors be opened? Without the True Guru, the

essence of reality is not realized. || 11 || Some collect dust, and

smear their bodies with ashes; but deep within them are the outcasts

of anger and egotism. Practicing hypocrisy, Yoga is not obtained;

without the True Guru, the unseen Lord is not found. || 12 || Some

make vows to visit sacred shrines of pilgrimage, keep fasts and live

in the forest. Some practice chastity, charity and self-discipline,

and speak of spiritual wisdom. But without the Lord's Name, how can

anyone find peace? Without the True Guru, doubt is not dispelled. ||

13 || Inner cleansing techniques, channeling the energy to raise the

Kundalini to the Tenth Gate, inhaling, exhaling and holding the

breath by the force of the mind - by empty hypocritical practices,

Dharmic love for the Lord is not produced. Only through the Word of

the Guru's Shabad is the sublime, supreme essence obtained. || 14 ||

Seeing the Lord's creative power, my mind remains satisfied. Through

the Guru's Shabad, I have realized that all is God. O Nanak, the

Lord, the Supreme Soul, is in all. The Guru, the True Guru, has

inspired me to see the unseen Lord. || 15 || 5 || 22 ||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib, pages 1035-43

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