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GSM: Holy Wind: In the skin at the tips of our fingers we see the train of the wind Part 2

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[This Navajo saying is one of many traditions that refers to the " wind, breath "

felt on the fingertips and on the top of the head, at the time of one's

Spiritual Birth or Union with the Divine.]


It was the wind that gave

them life. It is the wind that

comes out of our mouths

now that gives us life. When

this ceases to blow we die.

In the skin at the tips of

our fingers we see the train

of the wind, it shows us

where the wind blew when

our ancestors were

c r e a t e d.







[A most interesting discussion based upon Holy Wind in Navajo Philosopy



" The Holy Wind

Ních'i is normally translated as wind, although this does not

adequately convey the totality of the concept associated with the

word for the Navajo. Ních'i refers to the air, the atmosphere in its

entirety, when still, and when in motion. It is conceived of as

having a holiness and powers that are not acknowledged by European

based cultures. The term could perhaps as well be translated as Holy

Spirit. The translation Holy Wind Spirit has been suggested{*}.


Because ních'i suffuses all of nature, it is responsible for giving

life, thought, speech and the power of motion to all living things.

Ních'i is also the means of communication between all elements of

the living world. The ních'i enters (and leaves) humans through the

whorls on their fingers and toes and the whorl pattern in the hair

on the top of their heads. It sits on the tips of their tongues

allowing speech, which indeed is carried by air. Small ních'i sit at

the ears of the Diné advising them on the proper actions. Those who

repeatedly ignore this advice are abandoned by their ních'i. These

ních'i also report back to the Holy People [diyin diné] on the

behavior of the earth surface people, therefore enforcing morality.


Ních'i was one of the original Holy People [diyin diné] to emerge

into this World with First Man [Átsé hastiin]. Ních'i lives in the

four cardinal directions [da'níts'áá'góó], as do the light

phenomena, Dawn [Hayíík], Midday Sky [Yák dihi], Twilight

[Nahootsoii] and Darkness [Chahahee]. The Ních'i was instrumental in

the creation of the Holy People [diyin diné] and their instruction.

Ních'i entered Changing Woman [Asdz nádleehé] to give her life.


For the Navajo [Diné], ních'i is believed to enter at the moment of

conception. Its movement and growth produces the movement and growth

of the fetus. When the baby is born, with its first cry, taking in

air by itself, the surrounding Ních'i is added to the child and it

becomes a complete being. The growing child is believed to be under

the influence of the Ních'i all around him. The Ních'i is breathed

in at all times. His growth is governed by the Ních'i. Speech and

the ability to stand upright and to maintain balance are also

attributed to the Ních'i. The Ních'i enters and departs a person

through the lungs and the whorls mentioned before.


The final act in Blessingway [Hózhójí] is to stand up and breathe in

the air at Dawn [Hayíík] to reinfuse the individual with the Holy

Wind. This is true of other ceremonials as well. "





{*}This translation was suggested by Oswald Werner at the 1972 Pecos

Conference in Flagstaff, AZ.



This discussion is based upon Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy by

James K. McNeley © 1981, University of Arizona Press, and The Main

Stalk, A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy by John R. Farella ©1984

John R. Farella. University of Arizona Press.





[An additional view of " spirit, breath, or wind " is expressed by author White

Deer of Autumn.]


" We are all familiar with the soft spot on the top of a newborn's

head. It pulsates, almost like breathing. Many Native Americans believed that

this pulse was a soft-sounding rhythm that allowed the infant to maintain direct

communication with the Great Mystery. Some believed that the spirit which

entered the new body, and which was still part of the Mystery, entered through

this opening. At death, it left through this same door. Of course, for the

child's protection, the soft spot hardened quickly. Later, the Indian child

would discover his voice and would learn that he could reestablish

that same communication with the Great Mystery through prayer and singing. " [1]



[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's explanation follows:]

" When the foetus is about 2/3 months old in the mother's womb, the column of

rays of consciousness emitted through the all-pervading Divine Love, passes

through the brain to enlighten it. The shape of the human brain being

prism-like, the column of rays falling on it gets refracted into four diverse

channels corresponding to the four aspects of the nervous sytem:

1)Parasympathetic nervous system

2)Sympathetic nervous system(right)

3)Sympathetic nervous system(left)

4)Central nervous system


1) The set of rays that falls on the fontanel bone (apex of the head known as

Taloo) pierces in the centre and passes straight into medulla oblongata through

a channel(Sushumna). This energy, after leaving a very thread-like thin line in

the medulla oblongata, settles down in 3 1/2 coils in the triangular bone placed

at the end of the spinal cord (Mooladhar). This is known as 'Kundalini'.

The subtle energy enters through the centre of the brain (Sahasrar

Brahmarandhra)and precipitates on its way in six more centres. The gross

manifestation of this subtle energy in the " Sushumna " channel of the spinal cord

is termed as " Parasympathetic nervous system " and " chakras " are expressed as

plexuses outside the spinal cord....Later when ego and superego bloat up like

balloons and cover our brain at the apex of the left and right sympathetic

nervous systems, the fontanel bone gets calcified and the all-pervading vital

force of the Divine gets cut off completely. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi from a

pamphlet - Sahaja Yoga: A Unique Discovery " .)



[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi tells us that within each human being at the base of

the spine in the triangular bone called " sacrum " is

found a " residual power of pure desire " , called " Kundalini " . This Kundalini,

lying dormant in the os sacrum in three and a half coils, is also called as

" wind, breath, Serpent Power and Holy Ghost " .


At the time of Self-Realization, (also called in various religious traditions as

Baptism or Second Birth, Redemption, Moksha, Mukti,

Enlightenment, Resurrection), the awakened Kundalini rises and " in the skin at

the tips of our fingers we see the train of the wind. " . This wind, breath or

cool breeze is the actual manifestation, sign, or proof of the Holy Ghost.]



[in Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's words, what happens at the time of Baptism, or

Second Birth is that:]


" The Kundalini rises through a very thin line of Brahmarandhra. In the beginning

only a hair-like thing rises, it pierces through. In some people, of course, in

a big way it rises also. And then it pierces this fontanel bone area which is a

real baptism, real. Today only people felt the cool breeze coming out of their

heads. Can you do that by jumping, or by paying money? They felt the cool breeze

in the hand. It's written in the Bible, even in the Bible very clearly, that

it's the cool breeze. Cool breeze is the sign of the Holy Ghost. You start

feeling the cool breeze in your hands and you start feeling the cool breeze on

your head. This is the actualization.


Of course, you people don't read other books which are very good, like Adi

Shankaracharya. People don't even like the mention of his name who has really

and clearly said that it is the cool breeze, the chaitanya, is to be felt like

cool breeze in the hands. They do not want that you should know the truth. And

this is the truth that when you get your realization, you have to feel the cool

breeze in your hands yourself. You have to judge yourself. I'm not going to tell

you. It is you who has to see, it is you who has to feel. And then you have to

grow and you have to know all and everything - all the secrets of Divine

Science. You become the master then, you are the guru.

You are the Spirit, and you should get it. It's your own which is given to you.

I have nothing to do about it. I'm just a catalyst. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Maccabean Hall, Australia on March 22, 1981)



[so is everyone who is born of the Spirit (going to feel the Divine Wind -

Rûach, Qi, Prana, Ruh, Pneuma, Spiritus) John 3.8]


" Jesus answered and said unto him,

Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man born be born again,

He cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Nicodemus saith unto him,

How can a man be born again when he is old?

Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

Except a man born of water and the Spirit,

He cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit,

Marvel not that I said unto thee: Ye must be born again.

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof,

But cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

So is every one that is born of the Spirit. "

John 3:3-8



" The Water of Life is firstly the River of Cool Vibrations emitted from the

Primordial Divine Energy (Adi Shakti.) It has been identified in the scriptures

as the Wind of the Holy Ghost (the breath of the Pneuma of the Greek fathers) or

the Holy River Ganga falling down from Lord Shiva’s head. They are also the

Chaitanya of Shri Shankaracharya. At the moment of Self-Realization, the subject

can indeed feel these vibrations as a cool wind, or, depending upon the force,

as a cool river flowing into the fingertips and later his hands and his whole

being. At the stage of God Realization the Water of Life, referred to as “amrit”

or nectar, is felt as a shower of indescribable bliss pouring down from the

Sahasrara, into the central and autonomous nervous systems.”


Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent

The Life Eternal Trust Publishers, 1979, p. 25-6.



" Even So Will The Winds Of Resurrection Blow


It is Allah who sends forth the Winds so that they raise up the Clouds,

And We drive them to a Land that is dead,

And revive the earth therewith after its death:

Even so (will be) the Resurrection!


surah 35:9 Fatir (The Originator of Creation)

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an


The Koran:Chapter XXXVI. Verse 65 Sura Yasin

" That Day shall We set a seal on their mouths, but their hands will speak to Us,

and their feet bear witness, to all that they did. "





In the Hindu Scriptures:

Shri Gnyaneshwara describes the manifestation of Kundalini awakening:

" The Life-wind emerges out of the Kundalini and creates a cooling sensation in

the body internally and also externally " .





From the Jewish Scriptures:

" The Zohar, too, mentions the sacred " breath " in connection with the subtle body

(sephirotic tree): A breath which comes from the future world shakes the

branches of the Tree of Life which spreads the fragrance of the future world in

this world and brings the holy souls alive.. These souls come up waking each

other...and the Tree of Life rejoices. " ( " The Zohar " III, 173 1 in " Le Livre de

la Splendeur, " pages de livre de Zohar choisies par Edmond Fleg, trad.par J. de

Pauly, ed.J.C. Lattes, Paris,1980, our trans.)





" It is a difficult subject to talk about Adi Shakti because it's not easy to

understand that Adi Shakti is the power of Sadashiva. Sadashiva is the God

Almighty. She is His breath, as they some people call it. Some say She is the

desire and some say that She is the entire power of Sadashiva and Sadashiva

cannot do anything without Her powers. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Adi Shakti

Puja, Cabella Italy, May 25, 1997)



" In many different traditions the perception of the nature of God has been

described by individuals that claimed to have God experiences, as being

accompanied by a breath-like feeling in ways that seem similar to the cool

breeze experience in Sahaja Yoga. Whether it is called Chi (Chinese), Ki

(Japanese), Prana (Hindus), Ruach (Hebrew prophets), Ruh (Sufi saints), Pneuma

(Greeks), or Spiritus, the Latin word from which the English word “Spirit” is

derived, this Breath of Life has the same meaning in all of these languages and

diverse cultures. Chinese, Christian, Arabic, Indian, Greek, and contemporary

writings describe the experience of the divine as a mysterious wind. This daily

Divine Wind (Rûach, Chi, Ki, Prana, Ruh, Pneuma, Spiritus) is proof that you are

now taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, the promised

eschatological salvation which promises both bodily resurrection (kundalini

awakening) and spiritual immortality (moksa).


Now that time has come. The Messiah has delivered the Good News of His Kingdom.

The Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection), the ultimate test of

validity and truth of organized religions, has been declared by the Shakti.

Those who believe and take part in the Great Event ordained for all humanity are

promised both bodily resurrection (kundalini awakening/born of the Spirit) and

spiritual immortality (moksa/salvation). They will begin to feel the Cool Breeze

(Rûach, Chi, Ki, Prana, Ruh, Pneuma, Spiritus) of the Spirit

(Shakti/Ruh/Tao/Mother) flowing out of the hands and head (Brahmarandhra) upon

Self-Realization, which over time becomes a daily experience. Sooner or later,

this Ruach (Breath of God) will be felt daily for the rest of your life, a

constant reminder to those taking part in the Great Event to live righteously on

Earth. "




[1]White Deer of Autumn.The Native American Book of Life.Hillsboro, Oregon

97124-6074.Beyond Words Publishing, Inc.1992.ISBN 0 941831-43-4 (vol.2)p.18


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