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Thank You, Shri Mataji ... for the opportunity to carry Your Divine Message to people

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S.W.A.N. Sahaja Worldwide Announcements and News


Self-Realization Tour In Germany

Thursday, November 01, 2007


On September 21-30, there was held a Sahaja Tour in Germany. Five

Sahaja Yogis from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, went to Berlin to conduct

Self-Realization Programs. Upon the whole, 13 concerts were held

there where about 700 people got their Second Birth. Many people got

interested in Sahaja Yoga; several people visited more than one

concert. According to the visiting Sahaja Yogis, the vibrational

atmosphere at each concert was very good....


Music is one of the strongest transmitters of vibrations. And

especially in Germany it seems to be useful to open the hearts for

Shri Mataji's message! Thank You, Shri Mataji, for this Tour, for the

opportunity to carry Your Divine Message to people!





International Support Program Held By The Russian Council Of Sahaja

Yoga Advancement

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Jai Shri Mataji!


Since March 2007, Russian Council of Sahaja Yoga Advancement has been

holding an International Support Program in the field of Sahaja Yoga

advancement in other countries. During this time, with the help of

Russian speaking Sahaja Yogis who live abroad several international

tours organized and financed by the Russian Council were realized.


From August 21 till September 1, there was held a joint Tour about the

cities of Kazakhstan and Kirghizia by Russian Sahaja Yogis. Public

programs were conducted in such cities as Alma-Ata, Bishkek, and Issyk



In September 21-28, a Sahaja Tour was organized in Germany. Thirteen

concerts were held in German cities. About 700 people got their



In October 17-24, a Sahaja Tour was conducted in Mongolia. Six public

programs were held there. Those were the first public programs in this

country. After the Tour in Mongolia, about 100 new-comers came to

Sahaja courses.


On September 29, Russian Sahaja Yogis organized and conducted the

first program for Russian speaking emigrants in Washington DC, the

capital of the USA. About 60 Russian emigrants got their

Self-Realization on that day.


In September, several representatives from Russia visited Uzbekistan

and Tadjikistan. Many people got Self-Realization at the programs in

these two countries.


At present, Russian Council is preparing the following International



November-December 2007: carrying out of Public Programs in Tbilisi,

the capital of Georgia. Those will be the first public programs in

this country.


February-March 2008: realization of the International Tour about the

cities of Israel. In Australia, Shri Mataji blessed this Tour. Shri

Mataji said, " My attention will be with Russian Sahaja Yogis in

Israel " .


In 2008, we are also planning to conduct a Russian language Tour about

the USA. There will be many programs for Russian immigrants in

American cities.


Russian Collective is ready to organize joint tours in other parts of

the world. To accomplish this, the representatives of the countries

should contact Dmitry Miroshin, the member of the Russian Council

responsible for international support. His telephone number is + 7 909

363 3437; e-mail: mlv7


With much love,

Dmitry Korotaev

Russian Coordinator





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> adishakti_org

> Friday, November 2, 2007 8:36:03 AM

> Are you not pushing christianity?


> Dear Jagbir,


> as I am reading your last topics on telling the Americans how

> Christianity fits into the religious part of SYM, it sounds to me

> you are in that same boat with the Hinduism pushing sahaj yogi's.



i am not telling Americans how Christianity fits into the religious

part of SYM. Are you sure? If you mean am i explaining again and

again how all religions/holy scriptures fit into Sahaja Yoga? - YES!


> How do you tell people about the main point of receiving your self

> realization and what it will do for you without ever having to

> compare it to any religion?



You can easily do that by first deceiving yourself in order to

blissfully deceive honest religious folks without any conscience.

Since this is what SYs have been doing for decades the abysmal

failure of tens of thousands of public programs and overwhelming

rejection by hundreds of thousands of seekers over the years should

have cautioned you against asking such an absurd question. After all,

you have been in SY for umpteen years.



> Why is there so much attention on getting people to stay in SYM once

> they are self realized?



It took me more than a decade to realize my Self. It will easily take

new people ten times more to achieve the same with the official SYSSR.

So they need to stay in SY meditation that long by perhaps taking

another rebirth or two. They may opt to remain in great health and

become centenarians. (i am only trying to be helpful folks.)


But the most viable alternative would be to make them realize in 10

mins. what took me 10 years. That can be easily achieved by thoroughly

comprehending these Silence on Self topics.





Related Articles:

Self as Spirit: " Jesus answered them ... "

Theosis is a state akin to 'enlightenment'

Look deep within

God (Brahman) exists in every living being

Aim of being reborn known to almost every religion

All Holy Scriptures uphold the Self as Spirit, for Self is God

Allâh is " closer to him (the human) than [his] jugular vein. "

Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana) by Georg Feuerstein

Has Yoga strayed from its core?

Yoga is an art of living and not a religious practice

A Christian practicing sahaja yoga meditation


i really would not want them to follow/listen to all the mundane,

petty and shallow knowledge, rituals and external attention of the

official Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. Neither do i want them

to be conned by official hypocrisy and deceit. The latest is " Thank

You, Shri Mataji ... for the opportunity to carry Your Divine Message

to people " .


In the response below to Isha i have outlined what the Divine Message

is all about and how long it will take official Sahaja Yoga bodies

like SWAN and WCASY to spread it at the present rate.


So am i hopeful that the Divine Message will triumph despite all the

negativity against it? Absolutely! When will this spreading commence?

Shri Mataji's horoscope reading predicts that after 21 February 2013

the Shri Kalki power will begin to manifest.


Shri Mataji's Horoscope And The Coming Age Of Transition




We must have the faith, consciousness and conscience that Shri

Mataji's promised Blossom Time will begin blooming worldwide then.







shriadishakti , " Isha " <shanti442> wrote:


> " But for how long will this chakra charade continue before the

> common sense of WHY prevails - 5, 10, 20 years? "


> Unfortunately there is no longer that kind of time. Now I've been

> hearing that in the states people are getting their self

> realization like that's all there is to it. I'm happy on one side -

> because that means less insanity walking the streets. But on the

> other end, you have awakened their Kundalinis to still be in the

> Dark about what is going on in our world today.


> So what do we do?



i remember the days of the Vietnam War, an event that consumed quite

a lot of my attention. At that time war was justified by the

Americans drumming up the fear of the domino affect, which may have

had an element of truth. It was argued that other countries - Laos,

Cambodia, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore - will fall in quick

succession to the Communist tide unless a determined stand was made

in South Vietnam. Those were the days when the Cold War was at its

height and i became concerned that if Vietnam fell to the Vietcong,

it would only embolden their ambition to spread communism to the rest

of South-East Asia.


So i started looking for an exit out of Malaysia. The closest

sanctuary was Australia. The only problem was that at that time

the " whites only " immigration policy was in place, and i could only

dream of their apples, pears and cheese constantly advertised in Asia

Magazine to lure tourists and students. Colored folks were only

welcomed to spend money in Angle-Saxon Australia to benefit

the " white " economy. The most insulting of this discriminatory policy

was that apartheid-mentality South Afrikaans were given red carpet

welcome in a land seized by hunting down aborigines with the same

zeal and respect given to dingoes.


i realized that there was little chance of seeking refuge overseas.

Worse come to worse i would flee to India and live off the few acres

of my father's land in Punjab. So i paid special attention to the

progress of the Vietnam war.


The B-52s were raining bombs like nothing else in history. More bombs

were dropped by American planes in the Quang Tri province in Vietnam

than in the whole of Europe in World War II. As the United States is

the most advanced industrial nation in world it made full use of the

latest developments in technology in its war against North Vietnam. B-

52 bombers, that could fly at heights that prevented them being seen

or heard, dropped 8 million tons of bombs on Vietnam between 1965 and

1973. This was over three times the amount of bombs dropped

throughout the whole of the Second World war and worked out at

approximately 300 tons for every man, woman and child living in



By all counts America should be having the upper hand and achieving

victory soon.


After a few years of body-counting i begun to realize that there was

something wrong with the numbers. By my calculations the almost daily

sorties, coupled with American search and destroy missions, would

have killed a disproportionately far higher number of Vietcong.

Search and destroy were missions aimed at flushing the Viet Cong out

of hiding, while the body count was the measuring stick for the

success of any operation. Competitions were held between units for

the highest number of Vietnamese killed in action, or KIAs. Army and

marine officers knew that promotions were largely based on confirmed



But there was one major flaw.


The pressure to produce confirmed kills resulted in massive fraud.

One study revealed that American commanders exaggerated body counts

by 100 percent. No wonder my calculations stopped making sense.


So how is this Vietnam search and destroy missions even remotely

related to giving self-realization and Sahaja Yoga? Well, we SYs are

happily counting the number of people trying self-realization, and

keep hyping about the number of people attending health fairs etc.,

and getting free services at SY stalls. What we fail to see is that

those visiting such fairs will try anything that is free. Why not

just check out this free self-realization, whatever it might be, when

others stalls charge money.


So SY organizers have kept counting the number of bodies receiving

kundalini awakening, and are quite pleased with the success of their

operations. And they keep reporting their " successful operations " to

those in charge of spreading Sahaja Yoga.


But there is one major flaw.


The desire to produce confirmed self-realized bodies has resulted in

massive self-delusion. No matter what SYs do no amount of figures is

going to change anything, and the night of Kali Yuga just gets ever

darker. Those hundreds of thousands given self-realization over the

years have not been transformed at all because none have any idea

what happened and why they have to continue doing Sahaja Yoga. They

have had a brief fling with kundalini awakening and, not knowing why

they should carry on meditating, have just disappeared ..........

........... and continue to do so. And Shri Mataji thus remains as

obscure as ever.


There has to be a way to stop this huge loss of souls who have come

so tantalizingly close to moksa in the promised Blossom Time. This

unforgivable waste must end.


My only suggestion would be that we SYs must announce that the Last

Judgment and Resurrection has begun, an approach that has never been

attempted. It will only take a single paragraph or page on all SY

websites, a miniscule investment of time that will pay incalculable

dividends far in excess of all our efforts over the last three

decades. The benefits are just too overwhelming to comprehend at this

early stage. Seekers must know why they should sustain their self-

realization for the rest of their lives.


As long as this truth is deliberately kept away from the public

Sahaja Yoga will never spread. More than 30 years have passed since

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi opened the Sahasrara and less than 0.001% of

the world knows about Sahaja Yoga. (i have been liberal and presume

that 6,000,000 people have received self-realization.) But this

generous figure falls to 0.0005% if we speculate on the number who

know it is the Last Judgment.


If it takes 30 years to announce Shri Mataji's message to a mere

0.0005% of humanity, how long will it take to reach just 1%?


6,000,000,000 X 0.001% = 6,000,000 received self-realization over 30


6,000,000,000 X 0.00005 = 300,000 remain in Sahaja Yoga and know

about Last Judgment over 30 years.

6,000,000,000 X 0.00005% X 200 = 60,000,000 (1% of world population)


Right now 0.00005% of humanity know about the Last Judgment. So it

will take another 200 X 30 years to reach 1% of humanity and we can

all celebrate this milestone in AD 8003. Do my calculations make

sense that we SYs must tell what Sahaja Yoga is all about and why

they must stay on to sustain the self-realization?



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