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Overcoming false religious teachings, misinterpretations, & indoctrination

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Overcoming false religious teachings, misinterpretations, & indoctrination



" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


i have watched Part I of a two part series, the second part which i also intend

to watch on the ABC on " Compass " . The " Compass " topic is called " Who wrote the

Bible? " . Some very surprising (or not so surprising information, whichever way

you look at it) has come up.


Dr. Robert Beckford is a genuine Christian and a theologian from Birmingham in

England who as a theologian discovered that what he was taught in his

childhood...namely, that God wrote the Bible, is too simplistic an answer. So,

he goes on a journey from Jerusalem to Rome and traces the footsteps of who has

written the Bible.


Through his journey of discovering and the interviewing of numerous people, much

to his shock and contrary to his being taught all along that it was Moses who

wrote the first five books of the Bible, also called the Pentatech (Genesis,

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy)....he finds that in actual fact

there are four different literary sources that underlie the Pentateuch. He comes

to the understanding, that obviously Moses can't have written the first five

Books of the Bible, and that believers have been hoodwinked for centuries!

However, he finds that it is true, that there are FOUR original sources of the

text and that each of them has its own distinctive style and agenda.


According to Dr. Beckford, academics give each of the four versions a letter.

Below is how they differentiate the different sources:-


" J " ( " J " Source is for Jahweh, because God is called the " Jahweh " )


" E " ( " E " Source calls God Elohim)


" P " ( " P " Source is the Priestly source)


" D " ( " D " Source is named after the Book of Deuteronomy)


i have videotaped the program and i have transcribed the information, more of

which i intend to share, so that we can all have a better understanding of this

topic, which is very interesting. " (end quote)






Dear All,


Well i was really surprised to find upon internet research a few days ago, that

what Dr. Robert Beckford said on Compass at ABC is on Google! i recommend that

you do listen to what he has to say, because it is based on firsthand physical

research 'on the ground' and is most interesting! Here is URL to the video at





A point i would like to make is that ministers in general do not tell their

laity [parishioners] about this fact, even though they know about it themselves.

Maybe the problem lies in the fact that ministers have perennially told the

laity that it was Moses who wrote the first five books of the Bible. It does not

serve in the ministers' interests to be wrong, and they do not want to lose

their power base either. Many ministers albeit very genuine Christians,

nonetheless depend upon the laity to provide them with accomodation, living

expenses and therefore need to please them. People will not be pleased, if they

learn that they have been 'hoodwinked' into believing that Moses wrote the first

five books of the Bible, when he didn't! It probably would not 'go down' too



However, truth should not be based on a minister always 'being right'! i feel it

is all quite 'academic' therefore. What i mean is that as long as there is

written literature, although inspired by the Divine, it can have human mistakes

edited into it, through religious misinterpretation and religious indoctrination

that is imposed from 'without'. And as long as it is imposed from 'without' it

remains 'dualistic', that is, the 'Oneness of Spirit' is not ascertained. Unity

of Spirit, one-pointedness or spiritual integration, is only attained when a

person applies the spiritual principles written about. Then they will know the

truth, and the truth will set them free! It will liberate them!


Ultimately, all scriptures are there to lead a person to the 'Union with the

Divine Within', which is a gnostic experience. Once the person has this gnostic

experience, the duality just falls away and they understand the scriptures in

reality, and not as something 'academic'. That is why the faith of a gnostic is

not moved in spite of 'academic inconsistencies' which are all around him in

life also, but he remains unmoved, in his 'divine ground' within him. He is not

swayed by the 'dualistic inconsistencies' as per the following, but accepts that

'yes, they are there':





It takes a seeker of the truth to go through the Bible, which has a lot of

divine inspiration in it, and use that to apply to his own life. For example, in

the Bible, Christ said:


" Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be

opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to

him who knocks it shall be opened. " (Matthew 7:7-8)


With that goal in mind, the seeker of the truth can use the Bible as a guide to

'find' what they 'seek'. Scriptures from other spiritual traditions also need to

be examined, as Divine Inspiration was not just a Christian or Jewish

prerogative! The essential teachings of all the religions are different branches

on the Tree of Life, and help to give the complete picture of the whole Tree of



The Divine Mother who is the Christian Comforter, has come to take the seeker of

the truth beyond all these inconsistencies, called 'maya' by Hindus, thus

leading them directly to the source of truth which can only be found within

themselves! This Christ also taught!


Appended are some poignant words that Jagbir wrote on this subject.


regards to all,






Overcoming false religious teachings, misinterpretations, & indoctrination


Without question narrow-minded religious masses will remain ignorant of their

own scriptures. Due to centuries of false religious indoctrination and

scriptural misinterpretation under priestly domination many today remain blind,

deaf and dumb to the esoteric nature, the true gnosis, of their religions. Even

quoting and explaining their revered scriptures will fail to awaken them from

centuries of collective spiritual coma. The _only_ way left is Self- realization

through Kundalini awakening and daily meditation on the Self, and sustaining

that Self-realization for the rest of your life.


It is obvious that one cannot understand the parables and esoteric truths

without cross-examining the teachings of the founders of various religions and

synthesizing the holy scriptures. Shri Mataji's Divine Message and

Self-realization is collectively based on all messengers and their religions.

The Divine Mother has made it clear that they all have to be unconditionally



To overcome millennia of false religious teachings, misinterpretation and

indoctrination detailed explanations and relevant articles explaining Shri

Mataji's teachings-all grounded in the holy scriptures -have to be made

available to future seekers. It will take many years to accomplish this.


The Truth must have the power to silence all who read it. Religious fanatics

have always opposed anything that went against their indoctrination, all the

more when their religions are turned on their heads. That they too are silenced

is indeed a sure sign that it is the Truth. As this century progresses their

religious regimes will succumb to Shri Mataji's declaration:


" The Truth which is absolute has to express itself in these Modern Times. And

even if it is not accepted it will never die. On the contrary, if it is not

accepted, it will expose all falsehood and destroy it. "


It will also take many years to accomplish this i.e., exposing the falsehood of

the religious regimes. It does not matter if the Truth is accepted or not since

the end result is the assured destruction of falsehood. Every article is part

and parcel of the Truth that the Adi Shakti within has revealed, or Her

incarnation without has spoken. In the end the Divine Feminine will triumph.

Whether it takes 10 years or 10 decades does not matter. Future generations will

gratefully continue where we left. "


Jai Shri Ganapathy,





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" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


i have watched Part I of a two part series, the second part which i

also intend to watch on the ABC on " Compass " . The " Compass " topic is

called " Who wrote the Bible? " . Some very surprising (or not so

surprising information, whichever way you look at it) has come up.


Dr. Robert Beckford is a genuine Christian and a theologian from

Birmingham in England who as a theologian discovered that what he was

taught in his childhood...namely, that God wrote the Bible, is too

simplistic an answer. So, he goes on a journey from Jerusalem to Rome

and traces the footsteps of who has written the Bible.


Through his journey of discovering and the interviewing of numerous

people, much to his shock and contrary to his being taught all along

that it was Moses who wrote the first five books of the Bible, also

called the Pentatech (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and

Deuteronomy)....he finds that in actual fact there are four different

literary sources that underlie the Pentateuch. He comes to the

understanding, that obviously Moses can't have written the first five

Books of the Bible, and that believers have been hoodwinked for

centuries! However, he finds that it is true, that there are FOUR

original sources of the text and that each of them has its own

distinctive style and agenda.


According to Dr. Beckford, academics give each of the four versions a

letter. Below is how they differentiate the different sources:-


" J " ( " J " Source is for Jahweh, because God is called the " Jahweh " )


" E " ( " E " Source calls God Elohim)


" P " ( " P " Source is the Priestly source)


" D " ( " D " Source is named after the Book of Deuteronomy)


i have videotaped the program and i have transcribed the information,

more of which i intend to share, so that we can all have a better

understanding of this topic, which is very interesting. " (end quote)






Dear All,


Well i was really surprised to find upon internet research a few days

ago, that what Dr. Robert Beckford said on Compass at ABC is on

Google! i recommend that you do listen to what he has to say, because

it is based on firsthand physical research 'on the ground' and is

most interesting! Here is URL to the video at Google:




A point i would like to make is that ministers in general do not tell

their laity [parishioners] about this fact, even though they know

about it themselves. Maybe the problem lies in the fact that

ministers have perennially told the laity that it was Moses who wrote

the first five books of the Bible. It does not serve in the

ministers' interests to be wrong, and they do not want to lose

their power base either. Many ministers albeit very genuine

Christians, nonetheless depend upon the laity to provide them with

accomodation, living expenses and therefore need to please them.

People will not be pleased, if they learn that they have been

'hoodwinked' into believing that Moses wrote the first five books of

the Bible, when he didn't! It probably would not 'go down' too well.


However, truth should not be based on a minister always 'being

right'! i feel it is all quite 'academic' therefore. What i mean is

that as long as there is written literature, although inspired by the

Divine, it can have human mistakes edited into it, through religious

misinterpretation and religious indoctrination that is imposed

from 'without'. And as long as it is imposed from 'without' it

remains 'dualistic', that is, the 'Oneness of Spirit' is not

ascertained. Unity of Spirit, one-pointedness or spiritual

integration, is only attained when a person applies the spiritual

principles written about. Then they will know the truth, and the

truth will set them free! It will liberate them!


Ultimately, all scriptures are there to lead a person to the 'Union

with the Divine Within', which is a gnostic experience. Once the

person has this gnostic experience, the duality just falls away and

they understand the scriptures in reality, and not as something

'academic'. That is why the faith of a gnostic is not moved in spite

of 'academic inconsistencies' which are all around him in life also,

but he remains unmoved, in his 'divine ground' within him. He is not

swayed by the 'dualistic inconsistencies' as per the following, but

accepts that 'yes, they are there':





It takes a seeker of the truth to go through the Bible, which has a

lot of divine inspiration in it, and use that to apply to his own

life. For example, in the Bible, Christ said:


" Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and

it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who

seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened. " (Matthew 7:7-



With that goal in mind, the seeker of the truth can use the Bible as

a guide to 'find' what they 'seek'. Scriptures from other spiritual

traditions also need to be examined, as Divine Inspiration was not

just a Christian or Jewish prerogative! The essential teachings of

all the religions are different branches on the Tree of Life, and

help to give the complete picture of the whole Tree of Life.


The Divine Mother who is the Christian Comforter, has come to take

the seeker of the truth beyond all these inconsistencies, called

'maya' by Hindus, thus leading them directly to the source of truth

which can only be found within themselves! This Christ also taught!


Appended are some poignant words that Jagbir wrote on this subject.


regards to all,






Overcoming false religious teachings, misinterpretations, &



Without question narrow-minded religious masses will remain ignorant

of their own scriptures. Due to centuries of false religious

indoctrination and scriptural misinterpretation under priestly

domination many today remain blind, deaf and dumb to the esoteric

nature, the true gnosis, of their religions. Even quoting and

explaining their revered scriptures will fail to awaken them from

centuries of collective spiritual coma. The _only_ way left is Self-

realization through Kundalini awakening and daily meditation on the

Self, and sustaining that Self-realization for the rest of your life.


It is obvious that one cannot understand the parables and esoteric

truths without cross-examining the teachings of the founders of

various religions and synthesizing the holy scriptures. Shri Mataji's

Divine Message and Self-realization is collectively based on all

messengers and their religions. The Divine Mother has made it clear

that they all have to be unconditionally accepted.


To overcome millennia of false religious teachings, misinterpretation

and indoctrination detailed explanations and relevant articles

explaining Shri Mataji's teachings-all grounded in the holy

scriptures -have to be made available to future seekers. It will take

many years to accomplish this.


The Truth must have the power to silence all who read it. Religious

fanatics have always opposed anything that went against their

indoctrination, all the more when their religions are turned on their

heads. That they too are silenced is indeed a sure sign that it is

the Truth. As this century progresses their religious regimes will

succumb to Shri Mataji's declaration:


" The Truth which is absolute has to express itself in these Modern

Times. And even if it is not accepted it will never die. On the

contrary, if it is not accepted, it will expose all falsehood and

destroy it. "


It will also take many years to accomplish this i.e., exposing the

falsehood of the religious regimes. It does not matter if the Truth

is accepted or not since the end result is the assured destruction of

falsehood. Every article is part and parcel of the Truth that the Adi

Shakti within has revealed, or Her incarnation without has spoken. In

the end the Divine Feminine will triumph. Whether it takes 10 years

or 10 decades does not matter. Future generations will gratefully

continue where we left. "


Jai Shri Ganapathy,








Many critics of Christianity point to the Bible's apparent

contradictions when debating the merits of its divine inspiration.

The following are English passages that are apparently in conflict:


Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto

him. " [11]

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own

conceit. " [12]


" If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. " [13]

Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true.[14]


God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all... God is love...

[Love] thinketh no evil[15]

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil:

I the LORD do all these things. ...Do they not err that devise

evil?...I know that thou [God] canst do all things.[15]


Love is not jealous or boastful[16]

I the Lord your God am a jealous God ... for the Lord, Whose name is

Jealous, is a jealous God[16]


[Love] is not arrogant or rude ... it is not irritable or resentful


He is a jealous God, He will not forgive your transgressions nor your

sins. If you forsake the Lord, then He will turn and do you hurt, and

consume you... To him belong both mercy and anger, and sinners feel

the weight of his retribution ... All life belongs to me; the

father's life and the son's life, both alike belong to me. The man

who has sinned, he is the one who shall die.[17]


There is no such thing as Jew and Greek... male and female, for you

are all one person in Christ Jesus. [18]

Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit

a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in

silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. It was not Adam who

deceived; it was the woman, who, yielding to deception, fell into

sin...Man is the image of God, and the mirror of his glory, whereas a

woman reflects the glory of man. For man did not originally spring

from woman, but woman was made out of man; and man was not created

for woman's sake, but woman for the sake of man... Women should keep

silent at the meeting. They have no permission to talk, but should

keep their place as the law directs. If there is something they want

to know, they can ask their husbands at home... Abimelech came up to

a tower and attacked it, and as he approached the entrance to set

fire to it, a woman threw a millstone down on his head and fractured

his skull... he called hurriedly to his armour-bearer and said " Draw

your sword and dispatch me, or it will be said of me: A woman killed

him. " So the young man ran him through, and he died.[18]


If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your

left. If a man wants to sue you for your shirt, let him have your

coat as well.[19]

Whoever strikes another man and kills him must be put to death...

When anyone reviles his father and his mother, he must be put to

death. Since he has reviled his father and his mother, let his blood

be on his own head...But when injury ensues, you are to give life for

life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

burn for burn... If anyone injures and disfigures a fellow-country

man, it must be done to him as he has done... You must show no

mercy... Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones

against the stones[19]


And now, O Father, glorify Thou Me with the own self glory I had with

Thee before the world was[20]

I am Yahweh, that is my name- and my glory to another will I not give



The man and his wife [Adam and Eve] heard the sound of the Lord God

walking about in the garden... The Lord God called to the man, " Where

are you? " [21]

But Jesus knew what they were thinking... he knew what was in their

minds...For Yahweh is an all-knowing God...and Jesus knew what was

going on in their minds.[21].


Love your enemies and pray for your persecutors...There must be no

limit to your goodness, as your heavenly Father's goodness knows no

bounds. [22]

Go now, fall upon the Amalekites, destroy them, and put their

property under ban. Spare no one; put them all to death, men and

women, children and babes in arms, herds and flocks, camels and

donkeys... I [God] polluted them with their own offerings, making

them sacrifice all their firstborn; which was to punish them, so that

they would learn that I am Yahweh.[22]


He [God] is more delighted over that [lost] sheep than over the night-

nine that did not stray. In the same way, it is not your heavenly

Father's will that one of these little ones should be lost.[23]

If you still defy me and refuse to listen.. I shall send wild beasts

in among you; they will tear your children from you.. I shall bring

the sword against you to avenge the covenant...and you will be given

into the clutches of the enemy.[23]


The death of King Saul at the hands of uncircumcised brutes,

portrayed by Gustave Doré.Be on your guard against those dogs, those

who insist on mutilation-'circumcision'...No man whose testicles have

been crushed or whose organ has been cut off may become a member of

the assembly of the Lord... [24]

Circumcise yourselves, every male among you. You must circumcise the

flesh of your foreskin, and it will be the sign of the covenant

between us... On the journey, while they were encamped for the night,

the Lord met Moses and would have killed him, but Zipporah picked up

a sharp flint, cut off her son's foreskin, and touched Moses'

genitals with it, saying, 'You are my blood-bridgegroom,'...'Blood-

bridgegroom by circumcision.'... The battle went hard for Saul and

when the archers caught up with him they wounded him severely. He

said to his armour-bearer, 'Draw your sword and run me through, so

that these uncircumcised brutes may not come and taunt me and make

sport of me.' But the armour-bearer refused...Thereupon Saul took his

own sword and fell on it[24]


If a man divorces his wife for any cause other than unchastity he

involves her in adultery; and whoever marries her commits adultery.


Go, and marry a whore, and get children with a whore, for the country

has become nothing but a whore by abandoning Yahweh.... You [israel]

have been like a she-camel, twisting and turning as she runs, rushing

off into the wilderness, snuffing the wind in her lust; in her heart

who can restrain her? None need tire themselves out in pursuit of

her; she is easily found at mating time... If a man takes both a

woman and her mother, that is lewdness. Both he and they must be

burnt, so that there may be no lewdness in your midst... If a woman

approaches an animal to mate with it, you must kill both woman and

beast. They must be put to death; their blood be on their heads! When

brothers live together and one of them dies without leaving a son,

his widow is not to marry outside the family. Her husband's brother

is to have intercourse with her, he should take her in marriage and

do his duty by her as her husband's brother.[25]


Do you not see that nothing that goes into a person from outside can

defile him, because it does not go into the heart but into the

stomach, and so goes out into the drain? By saying this he declared

all foods clean. [26]

All creatures that swarm on the ground are prohibited; they must not

be eaten... Anything on which the dead body of such a creature falls

will be unclean... The bread you are to eat is to be baked like

barley cakes with human dung as fuel, and you must bake it where

people can see you.[26]


If a man looks at a woman with a lustful eye, he has already

committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes

your downfall, tear it out and flint it away; it is better for you to

lose one part of your body than the whole of it to be thrown into


When you go to battle against your enemies and the Lord your God

delivers them into your hands and you take some of them captive, then

if you see a comely woman among the prisoners and are attracted to

her, you may take her as your wife. Bring her into your house; there

she must shave her head, pare her nails, and discard the clothes

which she had when captured. For a full month she is to stay in your

house mourning for her father and mother. After that you may have

intercourse with her, and be man and wife. But if you no longer find

her pleasing, let her go free. You must not sell her or treat her

harshly, since you have had your will with her.[27]


No one has ever seen God[28]

I [Jacob] have seen God face to face yet my life is spared...Then I

[God] shall take away my hand, and you [Moses] will see my back[28]



Paine, Thomas, The Age of Reason, (orig. 1794), Prometheus Books,

1984 edition: ISBN 0-87975-273-4



11. Proverbs 26:4

12. Proverbs 26:5

13. John 5:31

14. John 8:14

15. See John 1:5b, John 4:16, 1 Corinthians 13:5d / Isaiah 45:7

Proverbs 14:22a and Job 42:2

16. See 1 Corinthians 13:4 / Exodus 34:14 and 20:5

17. 1 Corinthians 13:5 / Joshua 24:13,14; Ecclesiasticus 5:6; and

Ezekial 18:3-4

18. See Galatians 3:28 / 1 Corinthians 11;2-10; 14:34-35; 1 Timothy

2:11-14; and Judges 9:53-54. For further reading see Her Share of

Blessings: Women's religions among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in

the Greco-Roman World. Ross Kraemer, New York: Oxford University

Press, 1992.

19. See Matt 5:38 / Exodus 21:12 23-25; Leviticus 20:9 24:19; and

Deuteronomy 19:21

20. See John 17:5 / Isaiah 42:8

21. See Gen 3:8-9 / Luke 5:22; 6:8; 9:47 and 1 Sam 2:3

22. See Matthew 5:44-48 / 1 Samuel 14:3; Ezekiel 20:25-26;

23. See Matt 18:14 / Leviticus 26:21-27

24. See Philippians 3:2 Deuteronomy 23:1 / Genesis 17:10-11; Exodus

4:24-25; and 1 Samuel 31:3-4

25. See Matthew 5:32 / Hosea 1:2; Jeremiah 2:23-24; Leviticus 14-16;

and Deuteronomy 25:5

26. See Mark 7:18-19 / Leviticus 11.1-29 and Ezekiel 4:12

27. See Matthew 5:28-30 / Deut 21:10

28. John 1:18-31 / Genesis 32:30-31 and Exodus 33:23



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