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Humanity is the greatest challenge (BBC Viewpoint)

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Humanity is the greatest challenge


John Feeney



The growth in human population and rising consumption have exceeded

the planet's ability to support us, argues John Feeney. In this

week's Green Room, he says it is time to ring the alarm bells and

take radical action in order to avert unspeakable consequences.


We humans face two problems of desperate importance. The first is our

global ecological plight. The second is our difficulty acknowledging

the first.


Despite increasing climate change coverage, environmental writers

remain reluctant to discuss the full scope and severity of the global

dilemma we've created. Many fear sounding alarmist, but there is an

alarm to sound and the time for reticence is over.


We've outgrown the planet and need radical action to avert

unspeakable consequences. This - by a huge margin - has become

humanity's greatest challenge.


If we've altered the climate, it should come as no surprise that we

have damaged other natural systems. From deforestation to collapsing

fisheries, desertification, the global spread of chemical toxins,

ocean dead zones, and the death of coral reefs, an array of

interrelated declines is evidence of the breadth of our impact.


Add the depletion of finite resources such as oil and ground-water,

and the whole of the challenge upon us emerges.


Barring decisive action, we are marching, heads down, toward global

ecological collapse.


Web of life


We're dismantling the web of life, the support system upon which all

species depend. We could have very well entered the " sixth mass

extinction " ; the fifth having wiped out the dinosaurs.


Though we like to imagine we are different from other species, we

humans are not exempt from the threats posed by ecological



Analysts worry, for example, about the future of food production.

Climate change-induced drought and the depletion of oil and aquifers -

resources on which farming and food distribution depend - could

trigger famine on an unprecedented scale.


Billions could die. At the very least, we risk our children

inheriting a bleak world, empty of the richness of life we take for



Alarmist? Yes, but realistically so.


The most worrisome aspect of this ecological decline is the

convergence in time of so many serious problems. Issues such as oil

and aquifer depletion and climate change are set to reach crisis

points within decades.


Biodiversity loss is equally problematic. As a result of their

ecological interdependence, the extinction of species can trigger

cascade effects whereby impacts suddenly and unpredictably spread.

We're out of our league, influencing systems we don't understand.


Any of these problems could disrupt society. The possibility of them

occurring together is enough to worry even the most optimistic among

rational observers.


Some credible analyses conclude we've postponed action too long to

avoid massive upheaval and the best we can do now is to soften the

blow. Others hold out hope of averting catastrophe, though not

without tough times ahead.


One thing is certain: continued inaction or half-hearted efforts will

be of no help - we're at a turning point in human history.


Though few seem willing to confront the facts, it's no secret how we

got here. We simply went too far. The growth which once measured our

species' success inevitably turned deadly.


Unceasing economic growth, increasing per capita resource

consumption, and global population growth have teamed with our

reliance on finite reserves of fossil energy to exceed the Earth's

absorptive and regenerative capacities.


Getting a grip


We are now in " overshoot " ; our numbers and levels of consumption

having exceeded the Earth's capacity to sustain us for the long-term.


And as we remain in overshoot, we further erode the Earth's ability

to support us.


Inevitably, our numbers will come down, whether voluntarily or

through such natural means as famine or disease.


So what can get us out of this mess? First comes awareness. Those in

a position to inform must shed fears of alarmism and embrace the



More specifically, we need ecological awareness. For instance, we

must " get " that we are just one among millions of interdependent



It's imperative we reduce personal resource consumption. The

relocalisation movement promoted by those studying oil depletion is a

powerful strategy in that regard.


We need a complete transition to clean, renewable energy. It can't

happen overnight, but reliance on non-renewable energy is, by

definition, unsustainable.


But there is a caveat: abundant clean energy alone will not end our

problems. There remains population growth which increases consumption

of resources other than energy.


We have to rethink the corporate economic growth imperative. On a

finite planet, the physical component of economic growth cannot

continue forever.


In fact, it has gone too far already. As a promising alternative, the

field of ecological economics offers the " steady state economy " .


We must end world population growth, then reduce population size.

That means lowering population numbers in industrialised as well as

developing nations.


Scientists point to the population-environment link. But today's

environmentalists avoid the subject more than any other ecological

truth. Their motives range from the political to a misunderstanding

of the issue.


Neither justifies hiding the truth because total resource use is the

product of population size and per capita consumption. We have no

chance of solving our environmental predicament without reducing both

factors in the equation.


Fortunately, expert consensus tells us we can address population

humanely by solving the social problems that fuel it.


Implementing these actions will require us all to become activists,

insisting our leaders base decisions not on corporate interests but

on the health of the biosphere.


Let's make the effort for today's and tomorrow's children.



John Feeney PhD is an environmental writer and activist in Boulder,

Colorado, US. His online project is growthmadness.org


The Green Room is a series of opinion pieces on environmental topics

running weekly on the BBC News website








Do you agree with John Feeney? Are the growing demands of an

expanding population too much for the planet? Do we face unspeakable

consequences if we fail to act now? Or will humans and the Earth find

ways to cope when the need arises?



As a species we have been defying population control for a long time.

Drugs and medical treatments cure the diseases that would normally

limit us. Technology allows us to provide for many more people than

in the past. And in the background there is this goal of populating

the earth as much as possible. There is a basic evil to the way the

world has become and continues to develop, and how anyone cannot see

it I do not know.

Aaron, Bloomington, IL


Not only is he correct I think he might be understanding the severity

of the problem. The crux of the problem lies in human nature, our

tendency to use our rationality to justify our baser instincts. Our

baser instincts will rule in this situation as in all others: Consume

until nothing remains. Logic cannot prevail even in this life or

death scenario. We, and this entire biosphere, are are irrevocably

doomed. Jess Friedlander

Jessica Friedlander, Eureka, CA USA


Amen and Amen, for years I have tried to explain to my head-in-the-

sand friends that we aren't just trying to save the planet, we are

ultimately trying to save ourselves. It is critically important not

to wait for governments to get behind it, it is the individuals. Ride

a bus, start a compost bin, buy used, buy less. And while it is true,

as rss of Cambridge said, that we waste amazing amounts in this

country, population control is just as important as consumption

control. Otherwise we will find ourselves back here again in the very

near future.

Katrina Hawley, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA


it's about time somebody brought this grave issue to the fore. seeing

all these pictures of malnourished kids. all 8 or 12 of them, their

mothers looking haggard and depleted...? economic growth at what

cost? more consumers to buy more unnecessary plastic junk like we so

unfamously do here? I truly believe the tipping point is gone and

some major global pandemic of other upheaval is in the offing.

howard nelson, portland, oregon USA


Gloomy thoughts indeed, but what I want to know is: what can I

really, honestly do? There is so much information available that my

head spins... where do I start? How do I start? Why is there no

definitive guide to help individuals? I suppose, once the individuals

know what to do, they will help larger groups and then eventually

corporations and government to... well, what?

Dvarkholm, Newport


I do agree, but try getting the politicians to get off their butt and

do something to change anything that doesn't involve money, power, or

other types of personal gain. The problem is that most politicians

are dinosaurs who don't expect to be around when the stuff really

hits the fan, and therefore, will not have to see their

children's/grandchildren's suffering. Why should they care? Instead

of being known for saving the world (or at least attempting to do

so), they'd rather go down in the history books as the one who made

the most money for his retirement nest egg, or the one who dragged

out a stupid, senseless, retarded, war the longest. The Earth is over

populated, yes, but no one would dare tell people to stop having

kids. This is up to the individual to exercise some common sense and

stop at one kid. Or even two. Not breed an army and think it's cute.

Even if you can afford to have a large family, the time for such has




It is good to know that I am not alone in my prognostications.

Sometimes I feel as if I have been shouting at deaf people. As Ian

Anderson once said, " My word's been a whisper your deafness a shout " .

Predictably I see a nay sayer.

Peter Hood, Somewhere in the south of England.


I agree with John Feeney, and you don´t have to go too far to see the

effects of over population and over consumption. The fact is that the

human being doesn´t want to stop destroying his environment, for he

is moved by economic interests that have given him some momentaneous

wealth and pleasure. But in the near, very near future, this same

environment will prove him and his descendants that this world is


Charleston Abreu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


BOI-YOI-YOI-YOINNNNNGGGGGGG!!! (Sound made when ones eyebrows arch

and their eyes pop wide-open as the realization hits them of what the

true meaning of the Charlton Hesston movie " Soya Green " really was)

L. Nichols, West Texas, USA


Anyone who thinks that continued popoulation growth at current rates

is sustainable is clearly living on a different planet! It is time

that our politicians recognised the reality that is described here.

Green policies and control of increasing consumption will be quite

futile whilst the overall population continues to grow. The pressures

on resources, particularly fuel and water will, I believe, be an even

greater source of conflict as the century goes by than the

current 'religion based' ideological struggles. Every biological

empire will grow until it outstrips its resources, (and then die back

to a level of sustainability if it is lucky!). Humanity is the only

species capable of influencing its own destiny, but to do that it has

to open its collective mind to the issues raised here and control

population growth. Unfortunately it is probably 50 years too late. We

need to create societies with stable population numbers, and with

good standards of living for all members. A Utopian ideal perhaps,

but when we fail the final result of outstripping the global

resources will be a shrinking population. Shrinking through

starvation, thirst and conflict. Not a pleasant prospect.

Russell Millner, Blackpool UK


John Feeney presents a very plausible analysis of the current state

of our planet and the inherent consequences. I am also heartened by

the number of correspondents who agree with his thesis and appear

willing to adapt to more sustainable lifestyles. I am alarmed,

however, by the minority of apparently ignorant and self-deluding

reactionaries who still claim that the analysis is merely alarmist or

just wrong. What makes these reactionaries so sure of their own

beliefs - or are they just too scared to face the facts? The present

situation of the planet may be more than just the problem - but the

start of 'nature' finding a solution. In addition to the direct

effects of climate change (more energetic and extreme weather - local

variations on the themes of hot, dry, wet or windy) the near future

is likely to see the rapid spread of diseases (carried by pesticide-

resistant migrating insects etc) and wars, as people fight over the

remaining resources. This denouement may no! t happen instantly - it

may take decades - but it would certainly look like 'instantaneous'

from some hypothetical future perspective.

Dr Peter Laity, Cambridge UK


For those, thankfully very few, doubting thomas's. Try reading the

United Nations Geo4 Report. 576 pages clearly stating that we are

over utilising resources world wide. We live in a consumer society,

with more and more economies becoming consumer orientated. You could

say we are becoming consumer based planet. In reality we are

CONSUMING the planet. For those that say nature is self correcting -

I fully agree. Just do not forget that Mother Nature is not

selective. Things will correct themselves over millennia, in the mean

time humans will suffer greatly. This needs to be on the Political

agenda worldwide, and now. Unless we curb population, set targets for

2050, 2075 etc, we will have famine / global conflict etc. What is

more humane? Ignore it, and let billions die, and suffer greatly in

the process. Or retrict growth now. Human rights complaints over

population restrictions now should not stop discussion / action. It

is not our right to ignore issues and put billions at peril.

Mark Williams, UK


Indeed. However, you only have to broach this subject to be decried

as a racist, or whatever mud that it's fashionable to sling this week.

Ade, Dudley, UK


I couldn't agree more, most of the western world appears to be

slowing in its population growth perhaps due to infertility or

choice. However, there are others who have opt or happen to have for

other reasons large families, which is causing even more more over

population, perhaps China has it right. We are all living too long

and too well, over eating, over consuming the earths resources. Some

of are not respecting this planet and most of these individuals seem

to be the ones people like us are trying to protect the planet for..

the youngsters, the next generations as these are the people who will

be directly affected by our actions or lack of. I really hope we can

get it together before we destroy this planet. I would like to point

out, that the earth goes through cycles and we are over due the next

ice age. The main Ozone layer in the stratosphere repairs itself The

main problem with ozone is that all the waste gases we release are

trapped in the troposphere (first atmosphere) and this is causing the

photochemical smog, breathing problems and acid rain we hear so much

about. As I said we need to respect our planet, its animals, plants

and our own lives.

Tracey, Redditch


It distresses me that so many people agree with Feeney without

looking critically at what he is saying. Environmental degradation

has more to do with government and corporate priorities than over

population. Distribution is the greatest challenge - not population.

Industrialized nations use around 70% of the worlds energy even

though they only make up roughly 25% of the world population. As for

his argument that population growth increases consumption of other

resources, I agree. However, these resources already exist and are

quite productive (I'm thinking export oriented commercial

agriculture). We will 'face unspeakable consequences' ONLY if we do

not find an equitable way to allocate them.

Hannah Doherty, South Hadley USA


It's so easy to point the finger at population growth (how very

Malthusian, which has been thoroughly discredited by scholars!),

especially since it involves a subtle blaming of the Third World

where the population growth is the fastest. What about the hyper-

consumption and over-wastages in the First World?? It's about mal-

distribution of resources, and unsustainable lives of a few, not the

starving masses globally! Please stop trying to revive the ghost of

Malthus, again.

Farhana Sultana, London, U.K.


The veil is being lifted from the face of humanity. I do not wish it

to be a black veil. As a trained ecologist it is painful to watch the

demise of organic systems that we barely have come to understand in

the simplest of ways. Yes, cascades are enviable given the

alterations already underway. We still have a chance to save some of

what is part of who we are as sentient, highly evolved, hominids. We

need to exercise all the wonderful " higher " brain function that has

taken in excess of 10 million years of evolution to develop. Thank

you Dr. Feeney.

Mead, Olympia/Washington, USA


Human population growth and the mad consumption of this planet's

resources is directly responsible for the extinction of many species

of animals and plant life and this extinction rate will grow

exponentially until it will eventually cause our own demise. Too many

religious factions, totally against birth control, are hell bent on

racing towards this armageddon that is, according to some religions,

our eventual fate. It is in our hands to prevent it.

W J Andrews, London England


I wholeheartedly agree! The largest danger to this planet and all

life on it comes from profligate human reproduction and consumption.

30 years ago I took the decision not to reproduce, and to consume as

little as possible, as even then I could see the world was

overpopulated. I have tried, with varying degrees of success and

failure, to persuade my peers to do likewise. I hope those who did

not heed my call now realise the consequences.

Ian Prior, Storrington, West Sussex


I totally agree. John Fenney may well be stating the obvious but this

is a taboo subject as far as politicians and reporters are concerned.

Evan Davis seems to think there is plenty of room for more and Mick

Hume in the Times believes that people who talk about this sound like

Daleks. Rowan Williams, the Catholic Church and rss in Cambridge (see

above) believe that it has nothing to do with population but with

consumption. There are plenty of people who are in denial so nothing

will actually change. The simple and undeniable fact is that the more

people there are then the more people there are who be consuming.

There is absolutely no point in talking about reducing consumption

unless that half of the equation is dealt with. Until then we may as

well as consume as much as we like as all our efforts to recycle, go

green or reducing consumption will amount to absolutely nothing.

Jason Mead, Bristol


Population growth is the fundamental cause of all the world's social,

economic, political and environmental problems. It seems that no-one

is willing to address this most basic fact.

Brontus Horace, Truro UK


I agree that population growth has to be stopped and reduced. We will

have to deal with the ageing population when it happens, but it's not

like we can't do that, it will just take sacrifice. We also seriously

need to think about our " need " for the products we buy and how

important they really are for our lives and happiness. A start for

governments would be to start looking at the economy on a per capita

basis. A declining economy is not a problem in a declining population

(as long as the reat of decline is proportional). I would go a step

further and say that " the economy " is not the most critical thing to

us as a species anyway and shouldn't always be number one on

politicians agenda.

S Bennet, London


Great, so you've managed to dig out an article which you think

supports your twisted ideas on a population cull ( " kill them all,

they are just a drain on natural resources " ). Perhaps if you neocons

simply stopped using your depleted uranium to bomb anyone you fancy,

the environment wouldn't be in such bad shape.

Pete Cameron, london


I suggest banning use of cars for a year. Public services only. Or

something less dramatic, get the other countries in the world

interested. One hand gives another hand takes, for every action

people take, something will eventually change lets hope it's a good

reaction. I suggest banning selling useless food in UK and any

Western country, or ban trade with the East, which economically would

be destructive, but it would create jobs over here as we'd have to

make our own clothes and metal. At the very least kick the Chinese

government in the backside and tell them that economic advance is

only a good thing if you're alive to enjoy it they clearly create

huge amounts of pollution why can't the larger countries sort out the

problems of the environment instead of relying on the West to aid

them. The article is right population is a major problem, ironic

really the one survival technique that stayed humans through harsh

times works against them, i wonder when the world will end. who knows

what to do, i suppose one extreme thing to do would be to annihilate

as many people as possible in a nuclear apocalypse but that might

increase levels of depression, perhaps a miracle would be a good idea

if there really is a god now would be a good time for one

Peter, Dundee


Hopefully there is room here for a counter opinion and not just " me

too " comments. John's concerns are the old Malthusian ones cast in a

modern light. Since the population has increased by many times since

Malthus without his predicted catastrophe, why is a catastrophe more

imminent now? What Malthus underestimated is our creative ability to

find new ways to solve difficult problems. Unless our ingenuity

suddenly disappears we will continue to solve problems. Malthus also

was not aware of the demographic transition, which by itself leads to

a plateau of population. In many European countries TFR is already

below replacement ratio (excluding immigration). The most likely

scenario, especially now that we are alerted to the problems, is that

we will find ways to solve the difficult problems of climate change,

energy, water etc, without requiring draconian measures, or

undergoing a catastrophe.

Bob Cousins, London, UK


you grow micrbes in a petri dish they will eventually use up all of

the nutrients and poison themselves with their own waste products.

the earth is our petri dish. we are some unstoppable disease..

although the earth will survive... we probably wont.

mark, london


Perhaps he can say how many billions he is proposing to cull.

David Bennett, Swindon


The main problem is the pyramid selling version of economics that all

governments espouse. To keep that going they need new

markets/population to sell to. What we need is steady state or even

reducing demand economics. Either that or find another planet!

Richard N Taylor, Pegeia, Paphos, Cyprus


I just don't think that capitalism will be able to deal with

population decline. Just imagine the world economy contracting,

smaller markets and reducing stock markets. Also everybodies beloved

house prices going down because of gross oversupply. Having said that

i'd much rather this outcome than the mad scramble for resources and

the survival of the fittest (or the most populated!) that would ensue.

Adam Walker, Nice, France


This is pure hogwash. What the world desperately needs is 5,000 coal

fired power plants, and 1,000 big nuclear power plants. I have

engineered scores of both. Mr. Feeney is ignorant of basic technical

and economic laws. It is a tragedy that responsible news organization

print such claptrap. His only valid point is that each of us should


R. L. Hails Sr. P. E., Olney MD


i did not like the tone of karan's response. it is all very well to

blame india and china to begin with and say they are adding to the

pollution but just to let you know, in the whole of england, there

isnt 1 single recycling plant that can recycle plastic bags and all

the bags are shipped to india for recycling. this was told to my by

my local council if you please. i cannot believe that a developed

nation like the uk cannot even recycle its own rubbish. the wastage

here is phenomenal. if you thro a bag of old food into a bin here, it

will just sit and rot but the same bag of food in a dustbin in india

will be eaten either by dogs or some really poor rag pickers. nothing

really goes to waste in india. its educated people and developed

nations which have to set a trend for others but thast is sadly not

happening so dont blame other countries

satya krishnan, aberdeen


It's a simple problem with a simple solution. There are far too many

people on this planet and we're asking for more than the planet can

give. Unfortunately, certain individuals and nations are obsessed

with making money and don't seem to care at all about the

consequences of their selfish behaviour. We should do what China have

done and instigate a 1 or maybe 2 child policy for a couple of

generations. If we can bring the population down our problems will

begin to ease.

Mark, London, UK


Surely this is all part of the natural evolution of planet earth.

When we have destroyed the planet's capability to sustain our 'span',

earth will enter a fallow period before the next life form emerges.

Why should we humans be so arrogant as to think that we have the

earth for all time?

alan slater, london, uk


Agree 100% with this article. The only thing it doesn't say is just

how far into overshoot we are. The global economy is on the brink of

collapse, because our economy is predicated on exponential growth of

energy consumption, and our premium energy supply, oil, is already in

global decline. The only positive thing is, the sooner the collapse,

the fewer people will eventually die prematurely, It will be brutal,

but it will curtail CO2 and other pollution damage faster than any

other way. There will be more resources and biodiversity remaining

for any future civilisation to build on towards a sustainable society.

Ralph Williams, Cambridge


I don't know what depresses me most - the fact that this is true or

the fact that this is the first mainstream article I've read on it.

This points in this article are and have been so manifestly obviously

true, yet ignored for so long now that I frankly beleive humanity

deserves what it gets. Basic GSCE biology covers the web of life, and

straightforward concepts such as population growth and decline based

on resource (usually prey) availability. How is it that people think

it doesn't apply to us? Radical new technologies, or their unpleasant

alternative (population growth controls and legislation) need to be

rolled out NOW, not in ten year's time if we hope to mitigate, let

alone prevent, the effects of our species uncontrolled greed. The

third alternative is completely unattainable at the moment, to the

point that its pretty much laughed at as an alternative, and that is

to implement a diaspora to other worlds. Our technology and society

is in no way ready for that yet. We therefore must control our

population growth or get some new science - sharpish.

Jez Lawrence, leeds, uk


Absolutely I agree with John Feeney, it's about time someone publicly

stated that it's overpopulation of the human species (for we are

animals as much as we'd like to think we're above it) that's the root

cause of our planet's plight. It amazes me that we're willing to cull

other creatures for environmental damage, but we can't stop popping

out hungry and resource needy offspring ourselves.

James, London, UK


It was touching. Indeed population growth is the main issue. I have

allways thought like that, but people are angry when this view

arises. It was so well written and explained. Kindly, Samuel

Shay Ben-menachem, Karmiel, Israel


going back to my euthanasia solution; it sounds far out but if you

put it to every parent that the only way to ensure the survival of

their offspring and their family line was to take a pill at the age

of 80 and end it all, the vast maority would sign up straight away.

richard jones, kent


the only feasible way of stopping a catastrophe in my mind is

compulsorary euthanasia. One could use an age... say 80... as, let's

face it, the return on the earth's resources used up by the aged is

minimal... but the better way would be after the birth of your first

great grandchild or when your first grandchild reaches the age of 21;

in the latter cases you would see less people having kids in their

teens as it signs their death warrant and there is a chance

that 'selfish' humans would get bred out. it'll never happen though,

so we are doomed

richard jones, kent


I agree completely. We cannot expect to have economic growth all the

time. To reduce the population we need to expect a downturn in

economic growth. I try to live without extras in my life.

rick moore, bandon, oregon


John is 100% correct. Here in the UK we have transplanted all our

manufacturing industry out of the country to third world or growing

ecconomies such that our carbon footprint looks far better than it

actually is. Add to this the deceit of carbon trading and it is clear

to me at least that UK politics remains a slippery customer on the

green issue. Further, unless we address the over population issue not

only in our own countries but right across the world we will very

quickly come to the end of the road and it is the likes of the

religious leaders who really need to step into the frame to decry

anything other than safe sex rather than promoting life from the

point of conception. This goes not for just one particular race but

all colours, creeds, races and religions. Unfortunately Politicians

bury their heads in the sand at the very thought of population


Dave T, Chatham UK


Excellent, its about time we had someone acknowledging the underlying

problem with climate change. Its never been about emissions, its

always been about the amount of emissions and this has a direct link

to the planets population. The only problem I see with this article

is that no politician will pick up this issue, to discuss limiting

birth numbers in a 'free world' is tantamount to political suicide.

Bill, Midlands


Whilst I do not profess to have all of the facts it's not hard to

conclude that as our population has more than trebled in the last 80

years, a living persons current lifetime, we (humans) can be

considered a plague of biblical proportions. Whilst admirable in

principal, reducing individual consumption by some small quanta is an

irrelevance if we continue to multiply the number of consumers.

Education is key, I suggest. If we can educate the population to

control the population human kind may have a foreseeable future. In

the end, whatever we do, nature will take it's course however. The

Sun will cool and engulf the Earth and life on Earth will end for all

species. If humans suffer mass or total extinction prior to this

apocalyptic inevitability then nature will carry on down some other

evololutionary branch without us and I doubt she could care less. We

can't expect any help from nature; as my, and probably your, mother

always said: 'you make your bed, you lie in it!'

Glyn Buckler, Stratford upon Avon


We know how we should be living. We have the knowledge. Just wake up

people. You will feel better once we are all living at least somewhat

in harmony with the environment on which we rely. The point is that

the Earth will recover in millions of years. We, however, will just

be extinct. It isn't about 'Saving the Earth' it is about saving us.

M. Ryan, Berlin, Germany


I agree that we are facing many problems in the coming decades and

century. Many more problems than what we usually tend to think about.

Although John Feeney's artical does seem to truthfully point out many

of the problems that we as a species are facing and what would need

to be done about the problem; He, like many others, hasn't really

mentioned how we actually implement real solutions to them. Like how

do we 'end world population growth' or 'have a complete transition to

clean renewable energy'? I mean how do we really do that? Ask every

one to stop reproducing? Pull energy out of thin air? Yes we need to

identify the problems we are up against but then we need practical,

implementable, ethical solutions.

Chris Burton, Newcastle


I have read many articles of this nature some more recent, some

warning of the coming problems decades ago. I am lucky (or maybe

unlucky) enough to study the real issues every week on my

Environmental science course. We get real facts and real examples

that relate the big issues with local effects. I realise that

something drastic needs to be done but, often feel like a little fish

in a big ocean. Part of process i have no control in changing. Where

do I go and how do I get there when others, particularly the big

players seem to be pushing me in a direction i dont want to go. I

would like action, action and more action but not sure if anyone is


James, Plymouth, England


What a bunch of Malthusian Chicken Lickens. The sky is not going to

fall in.

Andrew, London


Perhaps you could make people smaller? Could genetic engineering make

future generations 60 cms high? They would take less space, consume

less, pollute less. Its a permanent solution too. As the number of

people on the planet increases further, then human height can be

reduced in inverse proportion, to 30 cms, 15, 10, even 5, ad

infinitum. Obviously potential predators like cats and ferrets would

need downsizing at the same time. They say that there is a lower

limit on brain size below which people are not so clever but that

might not be a bad thing. How is it that humans with their huge

brains are an endangered species, yet seagulls with their smaller

brain are not? Why is it that seagulls are already top dog in many

Atlantic seaside towns. For those attracted by the idea, further

genetic research could turn us all into seagulls... No worries then

about planes and their carbon, no need for body searches at

airports.... No problem about heating houses. Yes, I know, seagulls

don't pay taxes so that would ruin government budgetary planning, and

of course there's the impact of a seagull population bubble on fish

stocks... Well nothing is 100 percent pefect. Anyway, downsizing may

be the only piskey solution Making the planet bigger would be a

logistical nightmare. Getting everyone to volunteer for negative

growth (in the sense of consuming less) shows no sign of working. And

reducing population numbers by drawing straws, euthanasia for the

over 20s, bombing the **** out of other countries, etc., is unfair,

unjust, immoral and wrong and would create an uncontrollable

backlash. Downsizing people may be the only equitable option. There

are plenty of communities of Elves, Korrigans, fairies, spriggans,

hobbits, etc where I understand it has been tried with success.

Alan Trevarthen, Brittany


I can't have children or adopt AND I agree with John Feeney.Please we

all need ALL women to embrace ONE WOMAN ONE CHILD ONE WORLD.

Sarah, Leeds UK


WWF's Living Planet Report 2006, shows that we are currently using

planet Earth's resources far faster than they can be renewed. On

current projections, this means that as a whole, humanity will need

at least two planets' worth of natural resources by 2050. " There's

enough for everyone's needs, but not for everyone's greed. " (Mahatma


Andrew Deutsch, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


To the foolish who think the planet cares about humans or feels pain

from our actions. This planet recycles its surface, continents move

around, combine, and split. New land is created at tectonic rifts and

the process continues until the sun engulfs us all. The earth's long-

term natural state may not even include life on the surface. We are

extremely fortunate not to have had the oceans boiled recently by

cosmic collisions. Raising surface temperatures by 20 degrees and

reducing fresh water supplies by 30% are worse case projections for

us and those are small events when compared what the planet has done

and can do to itself without our interference. Unless we can move our

orbit this planet will outlast all life on it.

Zane, Tennessee, USA


I fully agree. Two main social problems: increasing population and

their demands.

Kim Sour, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


I agree wholeheartedly that human overpopulation is the " elephant in

the living room " of environmental concern. Nobody likes to mention

it, but solve it and many of the other environmental problems will

simply go away. However, this would precipitate a demographic crisis

with an increasingly elderly human race, supported by a reducing

number of young people. The situation is beginning to emerge in Japan

and will only get worse if the size of the human race is ever to


Ian, London, UK


I absolutely agree we all face 'the end of the world', if you like,

with only few surviving, if at all. Systemic global efforts by the

best religious, scientific, political, business and grass-root forces

are desperately needed to avert this situation. For that, an

international governance, higher in status and capacities than the

United Nations, with a well-balanced strategy and adequate resources

is needed. Otherwise, each individual country will continue to pursue

own interests and ambitions until the planet resources depletion

becomes irrevocable. It will then be too late to stand together in an

effort to save ourselves from extinction. It is 'a project' we should

launch and effectively manage now. The overlapping steps might be,

first, to get all aware, second, to rally, third, to get efficiently

organized to meet this challenge, fourth, to develop and lead to a

consistent implementation, being ready to sacrifice our present

comfort and well-being, if required. !

Serguei Burundukov, St Petersburg, Russia


Yes, I agree with Feeney. We are over consuming, over manufacturing,

over packaging.. it seems that humans will only learn their lesson

when we have an enviromental collaspe..

Davd, Canada


I totally agree with Dr. Feeney. Massive consumption, driven by

economic growth, leads us blindly into a path of no return. We must

act individual and collectively to regain a proper perspective on our

position as one species interdependent on all others. If we regain

our humanity enough to celebrate life for all our fellow inhabitants,

we have a chance to stop the destruction. Live simpler. Give thanks

to the plants and animals on whom you depend for sustenance. Live

more comfortably with less instead of endlessly driving for more.

Danielle A. Engle, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA


I agree completely, holocaust by famine and war cannot be avoided.

Hopefully the survivors will strive to build a better future.

Richard Schargel, Guanare Venezuela


In the past wars and plagues kept the human population under control.

What the earth needs is a good pandemic to wipe out really lot of the

humans but that is not a good thing for the humans.

Henry, London


I agree wholeheartedly but I cannot see a resolution whilst there are

too many national and business interests to accept change. What

worries me, is that this planet has a habit of being able to purge

itself when required-it just requires a tipping mechanism and we are

creating that mechanism that could inevitably end in disaster for our


john sunderland, portsmouth


Yes, certainly i agree with the writer. Looking at the unabated

growth in the population of my country...i could not agree more with

him. It is just too sad, that because of the teachings of the Roman

Catholic religion (majority here belong to this sect), the go forth

and multiply and fill the earth instruction is still being followed.

Yes, up to the point that a lot of people already exist in sub-human

conditions. The educated certainly know what to do, how to live their

lives better and even think about the future of the earth...however,

these are just a few...a drop in the bucket, so to speak. If only the

govt officials lead the way...but for now, they have other things

they are pre-occupied with.

mercy admana, paranaque, Philippines


Any animal will breed and consume until it reaches equilibrium with

the factors that tend to reduce it's population - then it's poulation

will stabilise. Our intelligence allows us to sidestep most of these

factors - although as you imply this is not something that can

continue indefintely. We have already used some 300-400 billion tons

carbon equivalent fossil fuels, we have some 5000 (yes thousand)

billion tons carbon equivalent fossil fuels to go (mainly coal).

That's about 14 times as much to go. So fossil fuel avaliability is

not a limiting factor. If we can carry on emitting a re-run of the

Permian-Triassic extinction event seems within our grasp. I had

previously thought that Global Warming (and the resultant climate

change) would not be a limiting factor on our CO2 emissions. However

after this year's Arctic " collapse " and the pattern of reduction of

ocean uptake of CO2 I am not so sure. It could be much later than we

think and the IPCC could be wrong - massively understating future

impacts. However despite such evidence the majority of people I know

and work with still don't have this issue " on their radar " , and seem

committed to " Plan A " - carry on regardless. It seems to me that we

face the gravest test of our right to the term " sapiens " in our

species designation " Homo Sapiens " . It's a test I think we will fail,

I hope I am proven wrong.

Chris Reed, Blackpool UK.


There has to be a sea change in attitudes to man's ever increasing

population/demands on finite resources mainly water/fossil

fuels/food. How can progress be made to curb excesses when all

economies are based on continuous growth?Our efforts should be

directed at reducing population and consumption;not increasing them!

will our benighted short sighted Goverment have the guts to propose

susch measures or even discuss them?I doubt it;think of the reduction

in revenues!

k.a.brett, Hampstead London


Yes, yes and yes. Categorically. We now have a heard of elephants

sitting in the middle of the room. Cognitive dissonance reigns. We

have engineered this situation with astonishing efficiency. Imagine

what we could do it we all actually tried to put it right? We might

even manage it...

Manda Brookman, Cornwall


John Feeney is entirely right. Human population growth is the most

siginificant factor contributing to all our environmental problems.

It seems impossible that any of the contributors to global warming,

desertification, species extinction, and water shortages will be

anything but dramatically increased with a projected doubling of the

human population over the next 40 years. As John notes, however, our

numbers will come down. The real question is whether it will be the

result of an unprecedented correction that will cost billions of

lives and follow an equally tragic loss of natural resources or

whether it will be a consequence of some less-dramatic shift. I'm

afraid I can't envision what a gentle route will be. I'd love to be

convinced there is one. I work in biodiversity science and I grew up

immersed in the natural world. The wild places and wild things that

we took for granted will be gone when my children (2 boys) are my

age. In it's place will be a rather u! npleasant scramble for what's

left that I fear will dwarf the human tragedies of the 20th century.

David Remsen, Copenhagen, Denmark


I agree with John, he has hit the nail on the head. Many politicians

are ignorant, do not do not want to acknowledge that population

growth is fully out of control. Certain politicians for demographic

reasons, taxes, economic growth even want to raise the birth

rate " help we need more children " but technological advances will not

need excess " workers " . What's the fun in having an over-populated

world, with its resource wars and hunger? Let's colonize the seabed

the Moon, Mars and eat algae! Who can control population growth? Who

can save mankind from itself?

Antony Hewitt, Cologne Germany


Dear John Feeney, An amazing piece of article. I usually read a lot

of stuff on the net but I rarely write any comments, but this article

really has made me write my thoughts. The article is absolutely

amazing and educative of the whole issue. I really hope that people

around the world understand the concerns that you pointed out. But

this is not what is happening. An economist (forgot the name) has

said that people are more concerned with what is happening to their

personal life rather than what is happening to the world. Look at

India and China, when people said that both these countries are

making a lot of pollution and they should also curb their pollution

levels. Both countries have declined on the subject. China even

stated that pollution and global warming is the problem of the

western world. China also stated that Global warming was caused by

Western world as they grew economically and now when China is growing

rapidly, they can't stop us. Talk of some ****!!!. China has become

the bi! ggest polluter in the world. Come on people, Global warming

is a crisis on a global scale and countries should realise it. This

blaming game is not the answer but rather thinking of a solution

before our world ends up in a big crisis.

Karan, Delhi, India


Absolutely spot on! Changing all the lightbulbs in the world wont

matter a bit if the population continues to grow so quickly and

unsustainably. More people = more demand = more energy used.

Unfortunately we're going against humun nature where most people

believe the meaning of life is to procreate. Maybe the Chinese way is

too extreme for Western tastes, but something has to be done. It's a

whole new meaning to the word " sacrifice " when you're telling people

they shouldn't be having children though. I'm not confident about our


Stephen, Plymouth


The green movement are starting to sound like fundamentalists who

want to impose their views on others, by force is necessary. This

goes against the recognition of human rights. We have seen the

results of this fanaticism with population in the forced abortions in

countries such as India and China and the anti-child and anti-family

policies supported by green politicians in Europe. Given the choice

of living under a totalitarian green state and the results of global

warming I prefer the latter.

Sue Eaton, London, UK


Sadly, your probebly preaching to the converted here. On another

note, prehaps Global Warming is our, and the Earths way of solving

all these problems. If the Earth becomes unsuitable to support us we

will die in the billions, thus correcting the problem. After all the

Earth has been here for 4 Billion Years. Humans? About 100,000 years

in our current form. We could have a war using atomic weapons,

eradiating the planet for 10,000 years and the Earth would carry on

merrily, after all 10,000 years is nothing in a lifetime of 4 Billion.

Andy G, Leeds


I see our species akin to organisms that infest their habitat, a

parasite of sorts. We're infesting the planet and being on top of the

social pyramid, it's sad that we aren't doing much to bring the

situation under control although we possess superior faculties.

Perhaps, the situation is beyond our control. But it isn't too late

to reverse the situation by each playing an active role in boycotting

commercialization and such. If nothing is done, we'd either blow

ourselves & the planet to bits (through ensuing conflicts which has

all probability to turn into nuclear wars) or go extinct, whichever

happens earlier.

Diana F, Mumbai, India


Absolutely agree. It's about time we woke up to the cold, hard

realities facing us all, but what's really needed is a shift in

[global] consciousness. It's not enough for people like John Feeney

to make noises - we need action from our governments, united action

from all governments. We desperately need to move on and act as One

World rather than bicker & fight over what resourses are left. Time

is very short. Perhaps the Mayans were right afteral.

Ralph Davies, Woking


An excellent article. Something that politicians and most

environmentalists are unwilling to talk about is to encourage people

in developed countries to have smaller families. It is the developed

nations resource consumption per capita that is more significant than

those in developing nations. Provide incentives through taxes or

benifits for people to have less children and educate as to why it is

of benefit to the population as a whole.

bruce phillips, bristol U.K.


John Feeney Welcome to the top of the hill. I have waited 14 years

for you to get here; my God I have never been so glad to see another

human being in my life; Because now we can mend this !! Thank you for

climbing up; I know how tough it has been, and I know how tough it is

to look down and wonder why nobody else is looking up here. But they

will come. They have to. Climbing up here, is the only way they can

climb down from this precarious place. Thank you; I have waited 14

years; you have made my day; and you have made life for all of us.


steven Walker, Penzance


John Feeney states the obvious, but politicians will not acknowledge

the truth as they think that more population equals more support for

them. Thats the case in the UK and this country is more overpopulated

than the States. We in the developed world cannot expect the third

world, as they develop,to forgo all the amenities that we enjoy, so

we should all be made to curb our fertility, especially fertility

treatment. It is sad when a desired baby is not forthcoming but

previous generations had to cope with disappointment and so should

we. There are more than enough babies being born elsewhere on the


S.A. Hall, Hants UK


I thank John Feeney for raising some controvertial truths. Thanks to

decades of ignoring environmentalists, we now face a huge problem:

resource depletion and climate change. There is no doubt that the

global population would never have reached 6+ billion without the

energy from conventional oil entering our agricultural system. Those

who should be ashamed are those who built this society on non-

renewable resources without any sensible debate over what might

happen when this energy ceased to be available so cheaply. Global

population will fall - the choice is how we manage the transition.

Mandy Meikle, West Calder, West Lothian


I agree, Over population is the largest problem, yet there has been

no attempt at addressing this. Unfortunately I think the vast

majority will just scream about there human right to spawn more and

more instinct driven ignorant breeders. We are lost, and as Nietzsche

said 'The Mediocre will inherit the earth.'

Toran Lee, London


Finally someone with the guts to say the truth. The human population

is out of control. Years ago disease kept the population size under

control, now with medical breakthroughs on an almost daily basis and

the longer life expectancy it brings means we are headed into

oblivion as a planet. All problems in the natural world today are

down to the greed and selfishness of the human race. Maybe it's time

we introduce a limit on the number of children a couple can have. In

the past childhood mortality rates were higher so people had more

children as they weren't all expected to survive to adulthood, with

survival rates now being so high it's time to limit the number of

births. Drastic times need drastic measures.

Alan, Anglesey


The world is a finite resource; just like oil, it's demand will

eventually overbalance supply and we will be faced with a decision on

what road to take. when that time comes, world leaders should be

ready for the problem. My point being; leaders of major world

countries should make commitments right now, instead of taking

emergency measures in the future. for example, a limit on water

consumption, similar to what is going on in Australia, but on a more

global. This problem facing us is becoming more and more apparent,

but since EMDCs need more workers right now in any case, I imagine

that leaders wont be willing to try and cut down on birth rates. I

doubt that humans will be ready for this matter, since we are

seemingly sluggish with the reaction to global warming. World leaders

wont be quick at making urgent desicions, therefore the people will

have to take matters into their own hands and make commitments.

Kieran Miyamoto, Yokohama, Japan


The problem we face has to be tackled at all levels - individual,

businesses and governments - because it affects all of us in all

aspects of our lives. As we are the cause for the mess, we cannot

rely on things sorting themselves out eventually but have to take the

responsibility for it and do so now. The biggest single issue is

recognising that we are part of nature and need to live in a

sustainable and equitable manner. I say equitable not just when

referring to other lifeforms with which we share this planet, but

also with other humans. The inequality that exists within our species

in particular is not the result of food shortages or lack of wealth.

It's political, plain and simple. The disgraceful overconsumption and

waste in the world is a prime example of why some people go hungry

while other die of obesity. UK households alone waste £10s billions

per year due to overconsumption and unnecessary wastage of food. This

is poignantly indicative of the inappropriate attitude we have to our

own wellbeing and our place here on Earth.

David, Congleton


Inactivity is the biggest enemy that we face. In the year since the

Stern report was published - which urged urgent action - what exactly

has happened? Politicians have wrung their hands, and repositioned

themselves to display their " green credentials " while doing very

little to prove that those credentials are not just a smokescreen

designed to win more votes.

Peter Stevenson, Dalry, Scotland


Oh my word. Looney Tunes. Sounds more like a Bibble Bashing preacher;

boiling seas - land turning to dust - rivers of blood 'cause you're a

sinner boy. Lets get back to informed discussion not pseodo-science


Dr.M.W.Pharaoh, Cov / UK


yes agree with John Freehy's account of population growth and

industrial growth as being a major factor in the lack of awareness in

people about sharing the planet with the plants and animals. Our

ignorance is the level to which we ignore this and allow the

continued growth of companies to take the lead on creating an

unsustainable future for us, without questioning their motivations

and using our buying power as a way of saying stop. The population

question is not being faced because no one has the guts to address it

and the issues that it raises. I think it will be addressed when the

situation has caused the problems it will cause, then it will be


Jacqueline Redmond, Glastonbury


Feeney's argument is surely just a form of Green Fascism, since the

logic what he proposes is that a substantial proportion of the

world's population should just shuffle off - or alternatively that

draconian measures such as one child per family be adopted. Why

should I believe him, when his predecessors told me 40 years ago

that " growth " was unsustainable and catastrophe would strike in


Al, Southampton, UK


Complete agreement and good to see some clear thinking for a change.

We collectively need to change to an economic system that is based on

resource efficiency and not year-on-year ongoing " growth " . It is that

very economic growth that is killing us, ever so slowly, but killing

us it is. Thank you Dr Feeney and thank you BBC for publishing it.

Hans Schreuder, Ipswich, UK


When the oil runs out other technologies that are already available

will be used. The oil giants want our money first though. The

projected food shortages of the future are another myth. If we can

set aside millions of hectares for the production of 'bio-fuels' then

there is scope for much greater food production. Population is self

regulating. Take the UK for instance. If it were not for increases in

immigration the UK population would still be stable as it has been

for the past 40 years! Compared to the UK India and China are vast

countries therefore their population hasn't peaked yet. I do agree

that recycling is the way forward. Stop the 'use and throw away'

society. With a proper recycling system we can sustain ourselves

indefinately. Mr Feaney you talk about population control in the same

way Hitler did! Your views are dangerous and misguided.

R Taylor, Chesterfield, UK


I totally agree with John. We definitely face unspeakable, even

unimaginable consequences. But we can't do anything now. Infact this

is an inevitable scene in this world drama. No one should be blamed

for this, not even we as human beings! This is the very law of

entropy, where everything in order has to come in a state of

disorder.We are facing an unimaginable destruction by natural

calamities and the nuclear third world war which is not too far away!

After the massive destruction there will be a new begining,with a

completely pure atmosphere and life. The new golden age . Time is a

cycleand is repeted as it is. Just visit any branch of Brahma Kumaris

near by your place or visit a web site of same name for further

clarification and detail knowledge which is given by no oher than

incorporial GOD Shiva through physical medium of Prajapita Brahma.

Brahma Kumaris is a spiritual university with head quarter in Mount

Abu in India, with branches all over the world. It is an NGO

affiliated to United Nations. About 800000 B.K. practice Rajyog

Meditation for world peace. Om Shanti.

Dr. Samir Bhavsar, Anand, Gujarat state, India


I totally agree with you John, but unfortunatly there is so much

apathy around us. Most of the population are caught up in their own

life circle and cannot see outside of it. As long as they can get in

their car, go to work, come home and watch tv, they are happy.I have

recently started to travel by public transport and I am appalled at

the behaviour of my fellow specis.We have become a very selfish

uncaring society here in the Uk ,I think the expression is " Im

alright Jack " , How we turn this around I cant hazaed to guess, But

hopefully more people will start to understand that Mother Nature

will take so much before kicking back.Anyhow good luck with your

projects, there are people out here that do understand, we will do

whatever we can to try to help yours faithfully g.Kemp

garry, Hayes,London,UK


Whistling in the dark will not help - Dr Feeney is quite right. It

ought to be obvious to even the densest and most obtuse optimist that

there are simply too many people. People do reduce the size of their

families - this has a great deal to do with economic status. If H.

sapiens is really not just sapiens, but also cogitens, then we have a

chance. If H. sapiens is just wise (in his/her own estimation), but

takes no action, then the wisdom does rather disappear, doesn't it?

D. Fear, Heidelberg, Germany


I am so pleased that there are people out there dedictaing themselves

to discussing and bringing this issue to the forefront of political

and environmental realms. Knowing what I know about the Human Race,

it sadly seems to me we won't be able to control ourselves enough to

save ourselves. but thats no excuse not to try. But can we please

stop celebrating framilies who have ten or more children in the UK?

It's hugely irresponsible. Thanks Elly

Elly Ward, Norwich


It's very easy to say " We must end world population growth, then

reduce population size " , but how exactly is this to be accomplished?

Mr. Feeney claims that 'expert consensus' claims that this problem

can be solved humanely, which is good to know. But how exactly? What

are the 'social problems' that drive population expansion, and how

can they be countered? China, for example, has a largely successful 1-

child policy but even then its population conitnues to grow, and will

not begin to decline for decades to come according to the latest

poulation forecasts.

Rory Mitchell, Hong Kong


Very good article. 99% of the articles like yours on Globle Health

focuses on issues other than percapita consumption. Being in one of

the poorest countries in the world and with one of the lowest

consumer of natural resourses (nonrenewable)I see it quite obvious

that percapita consumption of the natural resourses are more

important than the population number.An example: The international

school I work at consumes roughly the same amount of electrical

energy as 1000 same size other rural schools in Nepal!!!! Thanks

suman koirala, Kathmandu Nepal


I total support Johns comments, their does seem a reluctance to

discuss the impact of out of control population growth. It is a

subject that cuts to the core of human existance. Essentially if we

don't take the political decisions to control population size, then

the natural systems and multipling interdependant problems will

control our growth for us. Unfortunately this could be a very painful

process. Historically its interesting to note that civalisations have

reached a crises when inter-connections reach a certain level of

complexity. One break in a chain and the whole complex edifice comes

crashing down.

Melanie Blizard, Brisbane Qld Australia


At last a rational article on the Earth's true environmental ills -

but it's probably too late, Mother Earth will look after itself.

Crowcatcher, Shropshire


John Feeney is right for the most part, and in fact his tone is very

gentle. The crisis is already far worse than all but a small group of

specialists can grasp. Certainly, the idea of infinite growth was

dead-wrong: embedded within it was self-destruction. And population,

indeed, must be reduced. So why do we offer " treatment " for

infertility, and life support for the not-quite-dead? Is it cruel to

deny someone children they are not readily conceiving? Isn't it more

cruel to speed up & intensify the suffering those children will face?

The counterpoint to Mr Feeney's argument on reducing total population

is one that also must be articulated explicitly: mere numbers won't

do the trick unless we also begin to teach ways of living better with

less. Consider the latest fad, 'guyliner.' Instead of doing with less

make-up (to reduce consumption), some propose we extend cosmetic use

to the male half... What this tells me is that we are not really

serious about trying to ensure huma! n civilisation survives. We just

hope it will be someone else having to die, to endure the discomfort

we are choosing to avoid having to prevent through intelligent action.

Maria Amadei Ashot, London, the UK


I agree with John Feeney but unfortunately am very pessimistic about

our will or desire to curb our habits which have put us on this

course. I totally agree that overpopulation is a big part of the

problem but religion enters the picture and torpedoes any efforts to

control population growth. The idea that " be fruitful and multiply "

is no longer appropriate has not sunk in. And many people will say

they want to help curb consumption, but not if it affects their life

style. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so.

Raymond Day, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA


Absolutely! I have a degree in Ecology and once you study the subject

and realize that the earth is built upon a delicate balance of

interdependent species which all have a niche that creates a living

organism of the earth. Anything that spreads like humans have is a

cancer on the planet and Mother Nature or Gaia is about to destroy us

when the weather patterns change world wide and more than half the

worlds population lives within a few miles of the world's oceans and

less than 100 ft above sea level. They will all be destroyed very

quickly when one domino falls and a cascade event, propably the

release of tons of Methane into the air when siberia heats up. Did

you know there are three rivers in Siberia larger than the nile?

Methane will throw the delicate balance into unbalance. Droughts,

floods, supercyclones, supertornadoes, and disease create food

shortages, cities will experience riots for food and water and mass

migration to northern latitudes to escape the heat. This is hist! ory

repeating itself, only nothing in history has ever been more serious

than the situation we face as a result of our greed, stupidity, and

the genocide of all life on the planet as we cleared the way

for " modernization " and the Industrial Revolution was our demise.

Sweet dreams mankind... as you join the dinosour!

Kyle Neville, Reseda, California


I agree with Feeney. Finding ways to make resource recovery part of

capitalism is long overdue. The world was already over-populated in

the 1960s if you work out any sort of model of sustainability, that

becomes apparent. It is unfortunate that people and their country's

economies are gridlocked into the have babies, consume to keep up

with the Jones way of life, or have babies as a method of having

someone to take care of you when you are old... Developing nations

could follow Thailand's (very sucessful) model for decreased

population growth. Developed nations could do so much by implementing

real cost pricing of consumer goods which whereby the actual cost of

goods is arrived at by including toxicity costs to the environment,

additional cancers, costs to the land, disposal, etc. I think there

are hidden costs everywhere now that people have to drink bottled

water (which yes pollutes more), and need air filters just to

alleviate asthma that they wouldn't normally have! . And cancer...you

may not be able to but a price tag on it, but really the polluted

environment/cancer link is just a obvious and just a ignored a global

warming. Polluters should pay, and consumers who buy products from

polluters should pay more of a real cost. Exporting the pollution to

Countries like China, Korea, Mexico is what the U.S. does...maybe

that concept would be more acceptable if our trade partners were mass-

producing solar panels, compost bins, parts for mass-transit systems,

and grey water irrigation components.

p. michael, los angeles, ca


This is real and it is here now. In areas of the south, 45% bee hives

have been destroyed by an Israeli virus. Without pollinators, crops

yield little or no food. The system is being uprooted from the bottom

up. Why? Because pesticides weakened the immune systems of the bees.

Pesticides used to protect the very crops wasting away without


Bryon Drown, North Easton, MA, USA


This is alarmist crap. Even he knows it its why hes so defencive

about alarmism. People have been predicting the end of the world for

hundreds and hundreds of years and this guy is no different. He can

use as many buzz words as he wants and dress them up as fact but it

won make it any more real. Climate change isnt happening that fast

and humans are doing fine, people in developed countries have too

much food so how can he predict famine? Simply he cant and is either

a little nuts or just wants some attention.

Nick, England


With respect, I think Mr. Feeney has been reading too much of his own


Walter Moore, Indianapolis U.S.A.


Yes it is absolutely. If birth-rates and fertility-rates are not

curbed world population will reach to an unsustainable level

Syed, Troy


I agree with Mr. Feeney. It would be nice if all of the religious

conservatives around the globe, would preach a little common sense

about things like family planning. Unfortunately, since that might

cause a reduction in their 'coffers' in the long term, it is unlikely

to happen in any chuch with the exception of those who

actually " practice [ & comprehend the original intention of the

messages] they preach " . s mine. Thank you for the excellent

article, Keith

keith stengl, santa rosa/united states


I agree with Feeney, that the Earth is too crowded, but with

billionaires, not with people in general. Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen

and UN studies all show that populations stabilize with elimination

of poverty and empowerment of women in society. To be sure, radical

changes must be made in the way we live, but they will realize the

goal of global sustainability that Feeney claims is impossible to

attain. Only rapid solarization of our energy infrastructure,

demilitarization and conversion of industrial and GMO agriculture

into agroecology can prevent global warming ecocatastrophe looming in

a few decades. The real challenge is political and economic, not the

global population size. Another world is possible if the " excess "

population of the planet is sufficiently organized to force it into

being, starting with constraining the rule of capital enriching the

few and immiserating the many. David Schwartzman Professor Department

of Biology Howard University Washington, DC 20059

David Schwartzman, Washington DC, USA


This is an extremely well written article, clear and to the point. I

could not agree more with the facts presented.

Alex Godfrey, Phitsanulok, Thailand


All living populations expand and contract in tune with resources, we

are not exempt. Unfortunately the Judeo-Christian tradition has

taught that we are outside nature and a special case, and some still

cling to that primitive world view derived from a long gone

situation. " When I was a child, I thought as a child .. now it is

time to put away childish things " summarises it perfectly. If we

don't get ourselves under control we will be rudely put back a few

millenia by disease, starvation, and WAR.

Geoffpv, Calgary, canada










From what I have read on the internet and from what I have seen in

films such as " The Corporation " and " An inconvinient truth " , people

like John Feeney have a point. One part of my mind says fight the

current global (and largely economic) institution´s method of

government. It says lets protest and make as much noise as possible.

Lets hope that a change comes about and that humanity can prove

itself as humane and resonable. Overcoming this crisis would put my

faith back in humanity. The other part of my mind asks why not let

humanity continue on it´s current course? Why not just let our

politicians and minders continue to wreak their havock? Why not

continue and let our current problems escalate to the " sixth mass

extinction " event that some predict? The dinosaurs died out but the

Earth survived. Life survived. Even if we are all gone what does out

life mean in the billions of years long history of the planet? Not


William Buenos Aires Argentina


Glad soneone finally said it.

Dale Barnhart, Howe, Oklahoma 74940 USA


Too bad most of us find it easy to overlook this inconvenient truth.

Dan, NY, US


Kudos to John Feeney for his fascinating article. I would like to add

that emergence of organized religions devoid of animastic foundation

have lead to uncontrolled human population increase. Women held in

slavery as baby making machines in Christianity and Islam. Humanity

trying to defeat the natural law of " Survival of the fittest " . These

are major parts of the conundrum of life.

E.Bruce Wolff, Pusan, So. Korea


I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, the things John mentions aren't

even remotely on anyone's radar screen - tropical forest continue to

be cut down to the last bit here in Borneo, and nobody of those

responsible seems to either understand or care for their own

children' future.

Franz L Kessler, Miri, Malaysia


WOW congratulations John Feeney, that is the most articulate and

powerful analysis of our current situation that I have read to date!

Let us all strive to break the inertia and accelerate action on this,

our greatest challenge.

David Power, Sydney


I agree with John, nice to hear this view get published, it's not

often. However, this view is contentious and needs scientific

validation and quantification to be fully backed. But can you find a

scientist with these views who hasn't been silenced? And I doubt

you'll ever hear a politician or company director entertain the idea.

And how do we stop/reduce population growth? Create a 2.1 family

policy (with a 0 pension policy for free)? Kick off shows like the

running man (how about " I'm a drain on this planet, get me out of

here " )?

Joe, Oxford, UK


John Feeney has highlighted several unpalatable truths. First, there

are far too many of us. I recently completed an ecological

'footprint' survey which indicated that we would need 3.9 earths for

everyone to sustain a lifestyle such as mine - which is one I do not

consider too extravagant. So how could it be possible for those in

developing nations to enjoy the lifestyle of the " West " even while

the advanced economies strive for an economic development of 2-3% per

year. The short answer is that it won't happen. Second, the climate

changes already adequately highlighted by the IPCC are frightening

and recent data shows that even the worst case scenarios in their

models are too optimistic. Anthropomorphic changes are occurring

faster than modellers feared and yet many deny there is even a

problem. While I am not a pessimist by nature, I am rapidly becoming

convinced that within a couple of lifetimes from now the human race

will start to become the victim of its own success and will join

those species destined for extinction - not necessarily very soon but

certainly inexorably. In the grand scheme of things there is nothing

special about homo sapiens as a species to suggest that it is


Richard, Montpon, France


The world is already telling us that it's reaching its limit. Natural

catastrophes are just some of the ways it is reacting towards our

abuse and inconsideration. We have to stop waiting for others to take

action and solve the problem; this is something that involves the

understanding and cooperation of everyone. Let us unite for once in

this common cause: To save our home, our only home, and that of

millions of other creatures.

Elisa, San Juan/Puerto Rico


Aldo Leopold, one of the founders of the wildlife management

profession, once said, " To be an ecologist is to live in a world of

wounds. " For anyone with a background in ecology, the answer is

obvious: Of course our growing demands are too much for the planet.

Will the consequences be unspeakable? That depends on what is meant

by " unspeakable. " The consequences are already significant and

mounting, and are on their way to being unprecedented, dire. It is

hard to believe that one really needs a background in ecology to

recognize these trends and causes. Common sense should suffice.

Unfortunately, however, there has been so much rhetoric spewed out by

corporations and their politicians that the common sense of citizens

has been suppressed. For decades, citizens have been intoxicated by

claims that " There is no conflict between growing the economy and

protecting the environment. " Now comes the dreaded hangover. It is

commendable that BBC posted Mr. Feeney's insights. BBC could have

done a better job with its questions to the readership, though.

Feeney's article wasn't all about an " expanding population, " but

rather the combination of growing population and per capita

consumption. This combination is called economic growth. Economic

growth gauged by increasing GDP and is a primary, perennial policy

goal of virtually all nations. Feeney suggested the only sustainable

alternative: the steady state economy. As a visiting assistant

professor who teaches ecological economics at Virginia Tech, I am

encouraged to see some macroeconomic sanity entering the mainstream


Brian Czech, Arlington, Virginia, USA


Humanity is the greatest challenge


John Feeney


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