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'The Ocean of All That' is experienced by Going Within

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Dear All,


The connection of self-realisation enables a person to " go within " and find the

absolute truth for themselves. The actual realisation of the Self actually takes

time to realise. This realisation is the peace, the beauty, the glory of our

being.... and the 'Ocean of All That', as Shri Mataji coins it.




regards to all,





Only thing is that you have to introspect and _go within_ and deep down, and

find out what is the absolute truth! (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Shri Buddha

Puja Synopsis - Shuddy Camps, England - 31 May, 1992)


(76) Now you have all realised by this time that within us lies the peace, the

beauty, the glory of our being. There’s an ocean of all that. We cannot seek it

outside. We have to _go within_ .... what they call 'in the meditative state';

you seek it, you enjoy it. Like when you are thirsty you go to a river, or you

go to an ocean, and try to quench your thirst. But even the ocean cannot give

you sweet water. So how can anything that is spread outside, give you that deep

thing that is within you? You are trying to find it outside where it does not

lie. It is within us, absolutely within us. It is so simple, because it is your

own. It is within your reach! Just there! (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - V.5.28.Jul

82. p39)


(77) Try to meditate. Meditate more so that you reach that inner being. And this

inner being is the vast ocean of bliss that exists in every one of us. In that

vast flood of light that floods everybody is inner beauty. So to approach it you

have to _go within_ yourself - by denying things which are against it, against

your movement. Sometimes, the wind can be very, very strong for you not to

understand that the glory of God is within – but turn back. Every moment

remember, that your movement has to be inward. When you move inward, you forget

the ideas of your outer glories. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - V.5.28.Jul 82. p39)



When you are inside – you are in thoughtless awareness


Everybody was feeling very nice when they came here, happy and they felt their

vibrations were alright. But it was not so. We cannot meditate. We only can be

in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning. We have

to be in meditation. Either you are inside the house or outside the house. You

cannot be inside the house and then say that, " Now I'm outside the house " . Or

when you are outside the house, you cannot say, " I'm inside the house " . In the

same way, we… you are moving in three dimensions of your life, of emotional and

physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself. But when you are inside,

then you are in thoughtless awareness, then not only that you are there, but you

are everywhere - because that is the place… that is the point where you are

really in universal being. From there you are in contact with the principle,

with the shakti, with the power that permeates into every particle that is

matter, into every thought that is in motion, into every planning and thinking

of the whole world. You permeate into all the elements that have created this

beautiful earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into 'Akasha'

[Hindi/Sanskrit word meaning sky/ether], into 'Teja' [meaning light], into

sound. But your movement is very slow. Then you say, " I'm meditating " – that

means you are moving in permeation with the universal being. But you are not

moving yourself. You are just unloading yourself, to be free from the weight of

things that do not allow you to move.



In thoughtless awareness the unconscious takes charge


When you are in meditation, you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless

awareness. There, the unconscious itself will take charge. You will start moving

with the force of 'Atita' [Hindi/Sanskrit word meaning 'beyond']. The

unconscious is going to work it out. It is going to take you there, where it

wants you to go. You keep to thoughtless awareness all the time. Try to keep to

thoughtless awareness as much as you can. When you are in thoughtless awareness,

you must know that you are in the kingdom of God and His people, His

arrangements, His consciousness, is going to look after you. Even when you are

giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in

thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will

not catch anything. Because, all these entities that enter into you, all these

material problems that come into you, come when you are in those three




Keep attention towards our weaknesses - to repair ourselves


Through Sahaja Yoga, you have opened your gates of your own being; you have

entered into your own kingdom. But you do not keep there: you come out of it and

again you go back and settle down – doesn't matter. You should not feel so

disappointed about it, so frustrated. You know people have worked for thousands

of years and they could not separate themselves from themselves. Only you people

– the Sahaja Yogis, whom are made after the pattern of Shri Ganesh himself – are

so powerful, that they can give awakening and realization to other people. Even

if you are caught up, you have seen you have powers. Even if you feel that the

vibrations are not coming, you know you have powers. You can give realizations

to others. In your presence people get realization. But you have to be that

power completely. Supposing there's something wrong with your car but it... as

long as it is moving, it's all right. You have to repair it. You have to repair

all the time all our moods, which we have caused ourselves by our foolishness,

by our lust, by our greed, by so many false identifications we carried with

ourselves. We must have a complete attention towards our weaknesses and not

towards our achievements. If we know what are our weaknesses, it's better - that

we can really swim across better. Supposing, on a ship there is a hole and the

water is coming in through that hole, the attention of all the crew, of all the

staff and the captain itself will be on that hole from where the water is coming

in and nowhere else. In the same way, you must be on the watch-out.



Everybody is ascending individually – shadows of the past working in the present


There are so many pitfalls for a Sahaja Yogi, I have seen it. Of course, even

the past is over... even the past can be overcome. In the present also they have

many shadows of the past working. For example, when you are sitting in a group,

you are involved with each other. Those who are involved with each other, by any

relationship whatsoever, must know that this kind of involvement is not going to

help them to attain their individual ascent. Everybody is ascending

individually, though you are collectively contacted with each other and in

communication – but the ascendance is individual, absolutely individual. So

whether he is your son, brother, sister, wife, friend, you must remember that

you are not responsible for their ascendance. You cannot help them for their

ascendance. Only Mother's Grace and their own desire, their own effort to give

up all that is three dimensional, will help them. So whenever a thought comes

like that, you must know that you have not attained the thoughtless awareness in

its full extent. And that's how you have problems, which are three-dimensional.

Sometimes, a Sahaja Yogi will find, an emotion will come into his mind – it will

be an emotion of dejection or frustration – and he will be disgusted with

himself or with others. Both things are just the same. I have seen some Sahaja

Yogis get very disgusted with others. There should be no disgust that is

lasting. Of course for a short time you might feel disgust, it's all right –

it's a passing phase. Or you might feel disgusted with yourself – may be a

passing phase. But if you go on hankering on to it, or if you go on clinging to

it, that means you are conditioning yourself; that means you are not in

thoughtless awareness. That means that you are in your past. You are making your

past a solid mass on your head. In the present everything is fleeting.

Everything is fleeting that is not eternal. In the present the eternal stays,

the rest all drops out. It's like a moving river which doesn't stop anywhere,

but the moving river is eternal – the rest of the things are all changing. If

you are on the eternal principle, all that is not eternal changes and drops out,

dissolves and becomes nonexistent.



Understand our essence - emitting Divine into nature – into others universally

connected with you


We have to understand our own dignity, our own essence. The first and foremost

is that all the Sahaja Yogis are the chosen ones. They are the people whom God

has chosen. All over the world there are so many people that we are suffering

from overpopulation, but in Sahaja Yoga there are very very few people. And when

you are chosen the first, you must also realize that you are the foundations.

You are the stones that are to be laid down and have to be strong, have to be

forbearing. And that's why it is necessary that all of you who are now few, who

are the first lamps that are going to enlighten other lamps in the world, you

have to enjoy the strength of eternity, the strength of Divine Love, the

strength of this universal being that you are. This is what meditation is. So

when Sahaja Yogis ask me, " What should we do for meditation? " - you be in

thoughtless awareness. That's all. Don't do anything. At that time... not only

that you are moving towards the goal, or that the unconscious is taking charge

of you. Not only that, but also that you are emitting – for the first time – the

divine into the nature, into your surroundings, into other people who are

universally connected to you. Meditation is the most Sahaja method.



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