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Shri Mataji told about all the corruptions in this passing Kali Yuga

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji spoke extensively about the corruption of this passing Dark Age,

'Kali Yuga'. And She speaks 'plainly'. There is no sugar-coating. There is no

mincing of words. The Light is here, and is filtering out the evil tares from

the good wheat. It is the Resurrection and Last Judgment Time.


regards to all,






Shri Mataji told about the corruptions in this passing Dark Age:


" These are modern days of corruption and delusion (Kali Yuga). When falsehood

becomes the nature of human beings, they destroy all higher values in the mud of

money and assumed powers. These money-blinded people believe in satanic methods

of harming good people with lies, false scandals and vulgarity. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chapter 1, " Sahaja Yoga " )


" Now they are mugging and even killing people who are only slightly more

affluent than themselves. So, as these developed societies become richer and

richer, by another action of the Law of Polarity, they also create increasing

numbers of thieves and more and more sophisticated Mafias, who make money by

kidnapping rich people who have made money and spread corruption and misery

wherever they spring up. These alternative Empires of the Mafia cannot be

controlled, but can (and do) themselves control everyone, even governments and

politicians. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era - Chapter 1,

" Modernism and Rationality " - 29/9/95)


" The modern Western world places such importance on making money that money has

become a hanging rope around the neck of everyone born under the unlucky star of

modernism. However, we should understand that all these thieves and the Mafias

are there simply to give a counterbalance according to the Law of Polarity. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era - Chapter 1, " Modernism and

Rationality " - 29/9/95)


" But theft is not confined to a criminal class! Every conceivable category of

people, from the top to the bottom of American society, is either indulging in

corruption, thieving and looting without any sense of decency or honour, or

silently suffering the atrocities of these thugs and vagabonds. They thrive and

build up their tribal kingdoms. Violence has reached such a level, that if one

has to travel to America one should not wear any watch or jewellery, not even a

wedding ring! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era - Chapter 1,

" Modernism And Rationality " - 29/09/05)


" Then we have also politics, Rajkaran Dharma. This also Dharma is there, now

taking bribes, I mean the kind of things that are going on, corruption, all

kinds of things that are going on, competition, fighting and all that! They are

falling from their Dharma of Rajkaran. Education, same thing; we call it Shiksha

Dharma. All such things are Dharmas; there is a kind of a principle which we

have to keep, otherwise you can topple down from the lotus and that's what

happens. Now we have also Rashtra Dharma. The Rashtra Dharma is that your

country, there is a Dharma of your Rashtra. When you have to fight for your

country, you should, but you should not be aggressive on other countries, it's

not right to dominate other countries nor should you bring a bad name to your

country. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Diwali Puja - Sintra/Lisbonne, Portugal -

2 November, 1997)


" Specially in the politics everywhere I find is too much of corruption, because

perhaps they don't understand that politics is the only way they can get fame.

Fame in the future, even after their death. If they have money like business

people, this, that, nobody is going to have respect for them. Also some of them

marry their secretaries and things like that, you see. It's absolutely; I can't

understand! Even the level of their thinking is so low, so what can they guide

other people? What can they do for others because they are so self-centred, and

they are making money and taking bribes and this and that; it's a bit too much! "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk at Sydney Airport - 28 February, 1995)


" Italy is the worst. But now it has come to some trial now. Let's see what

happens. But it's very corrupt; a very, very corrupt place. I have never seen

such corruption! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk at Sydney Airport - 28

February, 1995)


" Even in India you can't think of the corruption that exists there! We bought a

plot of land and they took Me to a Rotary to see the officer, and he had a big

calculator. He did something and he told Me that so much black money was to be

paid! I said, " I've no black money. How can I pay? All the money is in the bank;

white money. What to do?! " He said, " Alright, tell me your bank. What is your

bank? " He telephoned the manager. He organised. I don't know how he organised

it! I said, " But how can you do it?! You are Rotary! " He said, " Nobody wants to

pay income tax openly, you see! " ... That's the limit! I was so shocked! How

could he do it like that? So it's gone to such a level now, that it had to come

out, and now corruption in Italy is completely exposed, and everywhere it should

be exposed. Everywhere! Otherwise, the situation in any country cannot

improve. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk at Sydney Airport - Sydney,

Australia - 28 February, 1995)


" India is also very bad, but I'm sure now something will happen, and maybe this

corruption which is so much now grown up... . When My husband was a collector

and all that, I never knew anybody who was corrupt. Not one person except for

these pews (?) and something like, I can say, very low level, but he used to pay

2 rupees or 1 rupee to them. But now it's so openly they ask. So it has to go

now, and it has to work out that they should know that they have to do public

service, and they have to have a name and a fame. Even I've seen very few simple

people like a police inspector or something, becomes very famous if he is

honest, and can reach very great heights. So you have to pray that this

corruption should go, and it will work out I am sure. But the more difficult

thing is immorality. Marrying your secretary ... I mean it's too much immoral, I

think she's like your servant because she is paid by you. She's under you and to

marry her means that you are using her helplessness. Thus I am sure you can all

pray for it and work it out. I'm sure it will work out, in this country. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk at Sydney Airport - Sydney, Australia - 28

February, 1995)


" So now I'm off to Japan where I'll stay I think for only one night, and then I

have to go to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has done well with Alex. I know Alex has done

it very well, and he has really very good influence there. Even China is so

corrupt. Once upon a time they were so honest. When we were there, when Mao was

sick I think, one of My toe rings came out while I was walking or whatever it

is. In Peking. And they sent it to Shanghai. They sent it - one toe ring of

silver - to Shanghai! They were so honest out of fear, and just the fear went

away. They have become mad now! That's how they are becoming rich, they think!

But how long will it last, this kind of riches?! It's very sad, that when the

Sahaja Yoga is prospering so much, and so many countries are accepting, and at

the same time corruption is growing very fast. It's very sad. So Sahaja Yogis

have to know they have to be very honest about money. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

- Formal Talk at Sydney Airport - Sydney, Australia - 28/02/95)


" Every country is competing with each other in all kinds of corruption - Mafia,

in every country, you suddenly discover! You have faith in one country, suddenly

you discover, " Oh, no! " - they were supporting a certain person secretly. So

whether they are democratic, anything, there is a kind of a Mafia working

everywhere under some name. So the so-called " laws " are only for the simple,

gullible citizens, and not for the people who put those laws on them! They take

bribes, they take all kinds of things, but still they are supposed to be in

charge of the law! They are doing all kinds of illegal things, because they have

made the laws, and they know how to be illegal. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 13 October, 1991)


" Our country [india] is poor because these politicians are putting the money in

their pockets. If you have such a kind of a thief as a politician, then the

result is clear! In the next election, you should not [give the] vote to any

thief! Sahaja Yogis have to take the initiative. These politicians have emptied

our treasury. The country has no money in the treasury. I'm not doing any

publicity for one particular political party, but you have to vote for those

political parties who are honest.


My father was doing a lot of sacrifice. He had a lot of costly suits. When he

came to the Congress party, he burned everything. They were very different

people [then]. Today, we can't see that. Most of the political people today,

think how to cut the pocket of others. This really hurts Me! I can't understand

how this difference has come in these 50 years! They have millions of rupees,

but they don't have satisfaction. They are behind collecting money and power.

The men have to understand that: " What kind of sacrifice have they done for

their family? What have they sacrificed for their country? What have they

sacrificed for this world? "


Our politicians are doing all kinds of corruption, but they don't know that this

is very big sin! This life on earth is very small, but after that there is a big

life and they will know that after! Our country is poor because these

politicians are putting the money in their pockets. If you have such kind of

thief as a politician, then the result is clear. In the next election, you

should not give a vote to any thief! Sahaja Yogis have to take the initiative.

These politicians have emptied our treasury! The country has no money in the

treasury. I'm not doing any publicity for one particular political party, but

you have to vote for those political parties who are honest. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Shakti Puja - Kalwe (Maharashtra, India) - 31 December, 1997)


" Because you must know that democracy is money oriented. And you know Greeks are

very money oriented people also, as well! Of course, they are not as bad as

Americans, but they are quite money oriented. Also, Italians are money oriented.

But the worst is the corruption. Now Italy is getting exposed - I'm sure your

country will also get exposed - all these countries are to be exposed! But first

of all, the Sahaja Yogis are to be firm people. They have to be very, very firm.

And they should know that Sahaja Yoga is only Spirit-oriented, nothing but

Spirit-oriented! That you have to have your spirit enlightened, that your spirit

has to work everything, that you are not this body, this money, this position,

this power, nothing! But you are the spirit! This is what one has to know. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Athena Puja - Athens, Greece - 26 April, 1993)


" Sahaja Yoga is the pure love of God which is living and invaluable. No money

can be charged for this cure or for Kundalini awakening. It makes one very

dynamic and one is not afraid of standing for the truth, and no one can

manipulate them. Sahaja Yogis have met even some honest, intelligent journalists

who came to Sahaja Yoga. They have been extremely positive and are standing only

for real truth and not just for sensational falsehood. These are modern days of

corruption and delusion (Kali Yuga). When falsehood becomes the nature of human

beings, they destroy all higher values in the mud of money and assumed powers.

These money-blinded people believe in satanic methods of harming good people

with lies, false scandals and vulgarity. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first

small English book - Chapter 1, " Sahaja Yoga " )


" In the Puranas, the modern times we are now living in are called Kali Yuga, the

Age of Confusion and Conflict. Yugas are periods of time, thousands of years

long, that recur in a cyclic or spiral progression. Dwapara Yuga is the second

age, when people begin to lose some of the great qualities they had in the first

or Golden Age, and Kali Yuga (modern times) marks the lowest point of moral and

spiritual development in each cycle. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book, Meta

Modern Era - Chapter 1, " Modernism and Rationality " - 29/09/95)


" Now, to all the critics of Hitler, he looks like an idiotic foolish and

maniacal type of a person. Actually, if you listen to any ego-oriented person or

see him, you will definitely witness the idiocy of his talk or of his behaviour

very clearly, if you are not ego-oriented yourself, of course! If you are an

ego-oriented person, then you will protest by saying he [Hitler] is trying to

assert his ego. An egoist can always find the ego of another person very easily.

But if you are a person who is afraid and frightened of egoists, you will either

accept his value system or accept the tyranny and subjugation of such a tyrant.

An evolved soul would witness the babbling of an idiot and may get into the

enjoyment of this stupid drama.


Hitler's ideas impressed none of these two types, but he captured the minds of a

third kind which was innocent, simple, raw, and absolutely immature: the young

teenagers whom he groomed for years! For these people, killing became a great

natural enjoyment. In the olden days people used to go to forest to kill

animals, especially tigers. As a result the tiger became a man-eater or a lion

that attacked human beings, and this killing had to be accepted. Even when

eating the flesh of animals when sufficient food was not available was quite

justified, but most of the people who went to the forest for hunting, did it

just for the pleasure of killing. This horrible desire can lead to a very

dangerous ending: A horrendous war in Germany broke out against the Jews who

according to Hitler, had to die in gas chambers, because they were very greedy

and cruel and had killed Christ. There are so many [other] ways, by which one

could have controlled these greedy people [rather than by killing them].


After gaining complete control of the young people by the Nazi movement, the

only solution Hitler announced was to kill the Jews. One cannot see how these

Germans became so blind! People like Hitler develop a special fire in their

speeches. Whatever they say explodes in the minds of people who are already

filled with hatred. Moreover, it is a very contagious disease.


Once it moves it progresses in such a prolific way that one cannot have time to

even think! The speed with which the power of hatred spreads is very remarkable

compared to the power of pure Love.


Further, the people who thought they had every right to occupy all the

territories of the world under their own country's name believed that this was

their duty to their country. To fly the flag of their country became a symbol of

sacrifice for patriotic endeavours. Hitler also gave the very deep colour of

patriotism to his devilish work. It is surprising how he was born specially in

Germany where he could get such a decadent society to work with and to influence

the young people who were open to his tactics. All ego-oriented people develop

their I.Q. very fast. They know how to work out their plans by dominating

others; how to justify their behaviour and how to propagate their own

ego-oriented thoughts to the multitudes. Thus their I.Q. develops tremendously

and cheats their intelligence. As one starts cheating oneself by

self-justification the person glows with great radiance due to the burning heat

of his own ego. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era - Chapter 4,

'Racialism' - 29/09/95)


" Indians in Italy speak only Italian and live in the same modern style of Italy.

They have accepted the restless life-style of the Western people. It is a crisis

for them if they cannot go for a holiday like all Italians. But I must say, that

in general they have not taken to the very licentious life of the Western

people. On the contrary very traditional North Indians now living in Italy

torture their wives and ill treat them just like the their counter-parts do in

India. In Canada there are many Gujaratis who have openly accepted that they are

homosexuals. They form big processions to compete with other homosexuals in this

absurd behaviour. This was advertised by the media as a very great advancement

of the Indian people in Canada. These immigrant Indians have no self-respect.

They have brought great shame to other Indians. They have no sense of decency

and prestige. When all these non-resident Indians come to India, they look down

upon their parents and their countrymen because India does not have the same

facilities of good bathrooms or clean roads and clean houses as they have

abroad. Instead of dominating people with their false ideas, they should

identify themselves with the Indian problems and try to help them by presenting

the right example of cleanliness to their families who are still in India. For

example a man told me that India is full of corruption and also of great

violence especially in Punjab, so he does not want to go back to his native

land. If everybody runs away from the problems of his country and escapes the

responsibility of looking after his own country, he will surely have no respect

in other countries. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meda Modern Era - Chapter

4, 'Racialism' - 29/09/95)


" People talk of global peace. But we have to understand that so far people have

not developed any sense of global awareness. To most of them it is nonsense. We

have the United Nations which talks of peace and global life but one finds

largely that it is just a job-oriented organisation which has developed under

the great principle of global oneness. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta

Modern Era - Chapter 4, 'Racialism' - 29/09/95)


" Today the world is much worse, because all the religions are fighting among

themselves, firstly. All the politicians are trying to be very badly corrupt,

competing in their corruption. Nobody has the sense of truth and honesty.

Everybody is involved in the advertisement, newspapers, media, this, that which

is the most corrupting influence today. With all this background, I know by the

year 2000, Sahaja Yoga will come out in the whole world as something very

great...(applause) you did not allow me to complete the sentence, IF you people

become real Sahaja Yogis. All of you. All of you who are attending to Me here.

Even this much group if it becomes real Sahaja Yogis. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

- Christmas Puja - Ganapatipule, India - 25 December, 1996)

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