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John Noyce: As Sahajist ... my comments are occasional and always concise.

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> When I do venture onto Wikipedia it is as sahajhist,

> and my comments are occasional and always concise.



The issue is not so much the edits as the editing behavior. Pro-

Sahaja editors, you and Sfacets in particular, add unsourced

information and remove sourced info. Regarding the 'Shri Adi Shakti'

if it is incomplete then why did you delete it instead of adding to

it? The repeated deletions of sources and external links without

adequate explanation I requested this mediation. Is that an adequate

source or not, and if not then why not?

-Will Beback • † • 03:04, 27 January 2007 (UTC)


This discussion should be on the relevant talk page.

-Sahajhist 07:30, 27 January 2007 (UTC)


No, only discussion of content should be held on article talk pages.

This is a discussion of the editing behavior that is the subject of

this mediation.

-Will Beback • † • 08:01, 27 January 2007 (UTC)


We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. If I can widen this

slightly: I would suggest that the Nirmala Srivastava page be a

straight-forward biography, leaving matters of theology such as 'Shri

Adi Shakti' to be dealt with on the Sahaja Yoga page. What is your

view on this?

-Sahajhist 00:07, 28 January 2007 (UTC)


The editing problems that we need to address here are that you

deleted that assertion without comment, and what sources we can use

to reference the theology. Why did you delete it? A complete section

on theology, whether in the Srivastava article or the SY article

would have to include using " Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God " as

a source, but that link has been removed countless times from the

articles. Can we agree to use that as a source for Sahaja Yoga's

theology and for views of Srivastava?


Also, I gather from your statements that both you and Sfacets are

residents of Melbourne, and hence members of the Melbourne

collective. There have been problems with several unregistered

editors from Melbourne. (most recently user: Is there

a discussion of Wikipedia articles among the Melbourne Collective? Do

you know the individuals who are editing? They are a part of the

problem and their editing behavior reflects poorly on all pro-Sahaja


-Will Beback • † • 22:50, 28 January 2007 (UTC)


Why not ask them directly: symelb[at].au

-WikiPossum 11:26, 29 January 2007 (UTC)


OK, let's start with you. Are you responsible for any of the

unregistered edits? What is your involvement here? Would you like to

participate in a useful manner in this mediation?

-Will Beback • † • 12:07, 29 January 2007 (UTC)






Dear Violet and All,


John Noyce is indeed telling the truth when he declared with bristled

indignation that:



> When I do venture onto Wikipedia it is as sahajhist,

> and my comments are occasional and always concise.



although most of the energy is spent trying to delist

www.adishakti.org in public and defame/demonize myself and my

children in private. John Noyce tends to become delirious with

unrestrained glee if he ever as much as finds a fullstop parked two

tabs late. That is his nature folks - to find the slightest faults of

others and examine them under a microscope.


And he has an ego as huge, protruding and obvious as Tasmania:


> My time is spent researching and writing books, the

> third of which has recently appeared on the Sapiential

> tradition in Europe.


He is a very important and highly qualified academician (who stooped

low enough to sell his two-bit articles for $1.00 on the internet.) Er ...... i

mean he pretends to be a very important and highly qualified academician whose

much sought books have appeared on the Sapiental tradition. And if you think

that is a book fair you are wrong. Sapiental tradition is Christian wisdom

expressing the mystery of Christ.


The devil is in the details of sapiental tradition and this Tasmanian

Devil John Noyce puts a crown of thorns on Christ's head and

whispers " I am the one who keeps deleting the links and am as active

as the devil in preventing humanity from receiving your message of

the Last Judgment. As Sahajist ... my comments are occasional and

always concise, as they are to you now. " Yes, we couldn’t agree more







Note: Dear Violet, all your efforts to get any positive information from these

antichrist characters will be in vain. John Noyce will never include the

information (below) at Wikipedia when he actively tried, but failed, to delete

all links of www.adishakti.org which confirms in great detail what Shri Mataji

told SYs at Sydney Airport, Australia in 1994.



, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


Dear All,


Wherever there are at least two sahaja yogis working together, it is a

collective effort. John Noyce, according to Wikipedia media, is not accepting

that Shri Mataji said at Sydney Airport that there would be children who would

give evidence to verify Her Incarnation, from Montreal, Canada, which is why

Uncle Michael Fogarty and all, shifted the puja to Montreal:








i was there in person, and my ears heard what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi said

about these children. i witnessed the whole thing. So did a room full of sahaja

yogis witness it. Why is John Noyce not including this information at Wikipedia?

All he has to do is give a link to http://www.adishakti.org/. It's very easy to

give the link and make it a part of Sahaja Yoga, which it is, without a doubt!





> Dear All,


> i received this email from John Noyce:


> Violet,


> sfacets is the wikipedia username of a Sydney-based

> yogi. NOT me!


> I have neither time nor inclination for those

> extensive exchanges he has with SDM.


> My time is spent researching and writing books, the

> third of which has recently appeared on the Sapiential

> tradition in Europe.


> When I do venture onto Wikipedia it is as sahajhist,

> and my comments are occasional and always concise.


> regards


> John


> Release 26/11/2007 10:50 AM




Dear All,


Corruption which is negativity, will be exposed everywhere, even in the Sahaja

Yoga Organisation. The symptoms of the corruption in the SY organisation is

coming out in the play of words between Simon D M (talk) and Sfacets (John

Noyce). (Remember how Shri Mataji used to say that things work out 'like a

play'?) Meanwhile, the majority of sahaja yogis likely remain oblivious to what

is really happening at Wikipedia, or alternatively, think that the 'Emperor

WCASY' is wearing clothes, because the Emperor and his cohorts, have told them

so! One must always believe the Emperor , regardless. But we know he is not

wearing any clothes, and is actually naked. LOL!


So in this 'play' Simon D M (talk) who is actually a foe of the Adi Shakti, is

nevertheless stating the truth that " Sahaja Yoga " and " Meditation " cannot be

separated! However, Sfacets is trying every trick he can think of, to separate

" Meditation " from " Sahaja Yoga " , even though we all know very well that they

have always gone together, like a horse and a carriage, and that without Sahaja

Yoga [union with the Divine], there is no meditation, whereas other groups can

have meditation apparently, without Sahaja Yoga.


But this 'conquer and divide' routine, has millennially been the way of

religious emperors, who are stark naked, yet expect others to believe by blind

faith, that they are fully dressed! The big question is, will WCASY Cohort

Sfacets, really pull the same stunt off at Wikipedia, as he has done in the

organisation of Sahaja Yoga, with the full backing of 'Emperor WCASY'? Or will

Wikipedia require source backup from what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has actually

taught, and not what 'Emperor WCASY' and 'WCASY Cohort Sfacets' would like

Wikipedia to think that Shri Mataji has taught!


Just for the record, these are the tactics that Sfacets uses, according to Simon

DM (talk), who states:


" [You] repeat your POV, introduce red herrings, set up straw men, but never,

never, actually provide one single source that backs up your POV. And so it goes

on and on while you and your co-religionists go full steam ahead into

reorganising the page, replacing neutral wording and removing sourced content.

--Simon D M (talk) 19:22, 25 November 2007 (UTC) "


Simon has clearly pinpointed Sfacet's 'method in his madness', but the mad

Emperor WCASY, stil condones this method of madness in Cohort Sfacets at

Wikipedia! Incidentally, this is the same 'method of madness' used by Emperor

and 'clone' (as Sfacets once referred to himself), to con-vince sahaja yogis to

" just " give self-realisation, when it is very clear to any contemplative sahaja

yogi, to any " real " sahaja yogi, that She said to do much more than " just " give

self-realisation! How can Sahaja Yogis take a sahaja yogi seriously who refers

to himself as a clone?:




Yet, it can be clearly read at Wikipedia, that Sfacets and company are

manoeuvering hard to continue their dis-integration of Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi's Divine Message, which they have already done in the Organisation of

Sahaja Yoga, but they also want the world-at-large, through Wikipedia to witness

it also, by diminishing Her Message, by making Sahaja Yoga Meditation become the

'be-all' and 'end-all', with the organisation being divided from that. Yes,

WCASY want to put themselves up there in their own Special Group for others to

look up to i guess, while SY Meditation gets put up as the 'Main Thing' that is

actually over and above Sahaja Yoga itself, while Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

becomes just a spiritual scientist, while Her Divine Message is not being

explained, but is edited out. If that is not spiritual corruption, folks.....!!!


Sahaja Yoga is about integration, not dis-integration. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is

a part and parcel of Sahaja Yoga - not that Sahaja Yoga is a part and parcel of

Meditation. Without the connection of Sahaja Yoga, which means Union with the

Divine, according to Shri Mataji, real meditation is not possible. That is why

" Sahaja Yoga " and not " Sahaja Yoga Meditation " has to be the 'Main Article'.


Sfacets is without mercy, recklessly splitting up Sahaja Yoga. Collectively, he

and fellow cohorts and WCASY are effectively stripping " Sahaja Yoga " of its

spiritual and eschatological assets, thereby making it mainly only " Sahaja Yoga

Meditation " . They are also separating the Organisation of Sahaja Yoga from

Sahaja Yoga, which is a strange thing to do. It would be like Christian

Denominations splitting themselves off from Christianity. All should be on the

same location, seeing Sahaja Yoga is all about integration. The site of

http://www.adishakti.org/ shows how this integration can be done.


By splitting everything up, the strong thrust of Her Message that She has given

for the last 30 years or more, is lost. The Organisation of Sahaja Yoga can

never recover from these disintegrating forces in the organisation, because it

is against the Devi, and Her integrating principle/force that is within each of

us. It is the ultimate corruption in this Kali Yuga, to corrupt what is the

Saving Grace for humanity! As sahaja yogis know, She had us burn all the

negativity of these corruptions in the fire, known as 'havan'. Negativity

preventing Her Message from going out, was burned in the havan. Negativity

preventing Sahaja Yogis from giving Her Message, was also burned in the havan.

Negativity preventing people from not understanding Her Message, was burned in

the havan. Every possible negativity or obstruction, preventing the Satya Yuga

from coming in, was burned in the havan!


Still Her gutless, cowardly, and hypocritical leaders still cannot cope with

what Sahaja Yoga is, in its fulness. Shri Mataji says to them (and all of us):


" And they should know that Sahaja Yoga is only Spirit-oriented, nothing but

Spirit-oriented! That you have to have your spirit enlightened, that your spirit

has to work everything, that you are not this body, this money, this position,

this power, nothing! But you are the spirit! This is what one has to know. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Athena Puja - Athens, Greece - 26 April, 1993)


So WCASY members are not anything but the Spirit, and they have to be

Spirit-oriented. They are not the position. They are not the meditation. They

are not the money. They are the Spirit, and nothing but the Spirit, and Sahaja

Yoga is nothing but " Spirit-Oriented " . So is that why Sfacets is trying so hard

to divest everything from the Main Article that should be " Sahaja Yoga " , because

Meditation is about Practices, and because Organization is about Organization,

but Sahaja Yoga is nothing but Spirit-oriented?! And what can they gain

materially, politically, organisationally, from something that is just Spirit



regards to all,



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