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Collective SY Soul-Searching Sessions

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Dear All,


We had collective soul-searching sessions in Sahaja Yoga, especially when it was

time to prepare for Shri Mataji's visits. One issue that would come up in the

collective soul-searching session, was the one about 'criticism of others'. i

guess a personal criticism of others was a conditioning that a lot of Sahaja

Yogis had, in one way or another. However, most Sahaja Yogis that were genuine,

worked hard on this, to overcome it.


There is 'constructive criticism' and there is 'destructive criticism'. In the

Sahaj collective context, 'constructive criticism' is when SYs get together to

see how they can work together better as a collective of realised souls, to

achieve the goal of emancipating humanity. These soul-searching sessions often

left a lot to be desired. SYs did not want to get too much into the " nitty

gritty " for fear of offending. That is perhaps why these collective

soul-searching sessions did not have the fully hoped for permanent results,

which many SYs deeply desired.


i did not understand what the real problem was then, though i knew that for some

reason we were not getting to the bottom of 'something'. We are talking about

communication blocks here. The communication was not deep enough. The issues

were not deeply enough considered. Egos seemed fragile. The leaders seemed to

inspire some fear element, instead of encouragement in that department. The

atmosphere was not really conducive to speak freely. That is why many issues are

still not resolved today, and SYs remain stuck in a rut. It is such a waste. The

leaders did not create the space to speak freely. They did not really listen

hard. In retrospect, we can see that they had their own personal agendas,

instead of doing what would have been the best for the whole collective. i refer

to free and open communication on every issue, and the happy resolution of it.

For that, really good leadership is needed.


Being outside the organisation, but still in the organism of Sahaja Yoga, i feel

i can see things from a clearer perspective. i am certain now, that the

over-riding root cause of so many unresolved issues in the organisation of

Sahaja Yoga, is due to the fact that the leaders lacked the courage to fulfil

the Will of the Collective in openly declaring Her Identity, Mission, and

Message to the world. Not doing that, caused many secondary issues to surface

for the Sahaja Yogis. The other problems is that the Sahaja Yogis were made to

feel that it was 'destructive' criticism, instead of 'constructive' criticism -

to insist that the leaders fulfil their collective will to declare. i remember

the subject being brought up over and over again, due to guilty consciences of

Sahaja Yogis. The leaders however were never " quite ready " to declare. Now it

looks like they had different agendas all along.


Unlike the 1990's, today this 'collective will' to declare, has finally been

silenced. It has finally succumbed to the will of the leaders, instead, who have

well and truly convinced them that it is best " not to Declare " . i know though,

that earlier on, the majority of the SYs wanted to declare. i for one, have

never ceased wanting to declare. In large part that is why i am now outside of

the organisation of Sahaj, and am working collectively with other Sahaja Yogis

to declare Her Identity, Mission, and Message. i am most happy about that. i

have no over-riding managerial oppression and silencing. i have complete freedom

to fulfil Her Wishes.


Appended is the knowledge for posterity of a Collective Soul-Searching Session.




Jai Shri Mataji!






A Collective Soul-Searching Session


A Seminar was held over the weekend, November 27th to 28th at the Country

Property [balmoral]. The Seminar provided an opportunity to begin discussions

centred around next year's Tour, while enjoying a few days in each other's

company. While it may have been hoped that more people could have attended,

those present displayed an enthusiasm, eagerness and passion for an auspicious

beginning for the arrangements for Shri Mataji's visit.


During Saturday everyone present made positive contributions towards the Tour

with many people volunteering their services. All ideas were welcomed; a summary

of the discussion are included.


On Sunday discussions opened out and through the will of those present, moved

towards the nature of our behaviour and being able to move beyond some of the

more superficial and disingenuous aspects of the collective. The point was made

that as Sahaja Yogis, our undertaking should be one of committed spiritual

evolution and growth, worship of Shri Mataji, and performing the work of Sahaja



Somehow some may have lost sight of this vision; too much attention and time is

being directed towards criticism, closed heartedness and being unforgiving.

Discussions ebbed and flowed about why we sometimes fall prey to these

weaknesses and how we sometimes miss the point about what it means to be a

Sahaja Yogi.


Many expressed their appreciation that we were mature enough to talk openly

about some of our shortcomings; first we must recognise where we may have lost

our direction before we can begin to steer a new course.


By the end of our discussions it was agreed that recognising the issues before

us was only the start, and that it was good for all of us to converse, however

talk would not institute the sort of changes we collectively felt were needed.

This could only be achieved by collectively bringing Shri Mataji closer to each

one of us.


To this end it was decided that everyone, whether they are resident in an

Ashram, collective house, or are living on their own should rise at 5:00am for

Meditation. If as a collective we are all meditating at the same time,

manifesting our desire for Shri Mataji to come into our lives, then this more

than anything else would help lift our collective in readiness for Shri Mataji's

Tour. It has been over four years since Shri Mataji's last blessed our country.

The prevailing theme is that each Yogi should re-establish a 'back to basics'

approach to Sahaja Yoga including a commitment to clearing ourselves each day.

Those with problems of the left-side should perform three candle treatment;

those with right-sided problems should use ice packs on the liver and footsoaks;

we should also shoebeat ourselves.


If Shri Mataji was to visit our homes then we would leave no stone unturned in

cleaning and preparing our residence. In a similar sense we should spend the

next two months cleansing and balancing our spiritual beings in preparation and

in readiness for Her visit.


Many said they felt that the openness, sincerity, and honesty displayed during

the seminar, had enabled us to turn a new page in the growth, evolution, and

progress of the collective.


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 3rd December, 1999)

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