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And the Saviour who sent the Comforter will know that His crucifixion was not in vain.

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> Nobody talks about the perfect full moon anymore. Nor does anyone

> talk about Shri Mataji's speech at the Sydney Airport. This

> negativity has always existed to work against Shri Mataji's Advent

> and Divine Message. This is because " for the SYSSR and WCASY, they

> will never need this evidence, because the SYSSR is not about the

> Christian Comforter and Her Message of the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection. They can just continue on, divorced from any

> eschatological necessity. All they need is the Subtle System,

> Chakra, and Meditation Information, which other groups also have,

> similar to that. " That is why it is so vital to expose them openly

> without fear or favour, and permanently archive the evidence. At

> least then we can all return Home, assured that Shri Mataji's

> Divine Message will never be erased by antichrist elements within

> the Sahaja Yoga organization. And the Saviour who sent the

> Comforter will know that His crucifixion was not in vain.





Truth is the state or quality of being true. The word true is derived

from the Sanskrit word dhru meaning to be fixed. As metaphysicians,

we seek to know and live by Truth that is Universal, being applicable

to and throughout creation.


Universal Truth is the epitome of truth. The Greek philosopher Plato

said, " Truth is the beginning of every good thing, both in heaven and

on earth; and he who would be blessed and happy should be from the

first a partaker of truth, for then he can be trusted. " It is the

responsibility of each spiritual aspirant to expand his or her

thinking beyond the limits of the physical self; to commune with his

Creator. This Truth is timeless, extending throughout the ages. This

Truth is not found in transient judgement of opinion which, being

rooted in individual physical experience, is temporal and constantly

changing. For centuries mankind believed that the earth was the

center of the universe. When Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

presented his radical theory in the early 1500's that the sun was the

center of our universe, he was reviled, ridiculed, and excommunicated

from the predominant religious faith of his time and area, the

Catholic Church. Not until 1993, did the Church make attempts to

reconcile its error by recanting the injustice toward Copernicus

perpetuated by centuries by its refusal to expand its consciousness

to include a new awareness of Truth.


When something is deemed to be true it is conformable to fact

therefore free from falsehood. For Truth to be realized, the

consciousness must transcend the boundaries of our finite existence

to discern the fact of our spiritual existence. It is an egoic error

in man's discriminating faculty to hold onto the erroneous belief

that Truth changes. The reality is that man's belief changes allowing

a revelation of Truth to occur in his consciousness. The spiritual

aspirant embraces these transformations in his consciousness

realizing each new grasp of Universal Truth enables him to cross the

threshold of a spiritual revelation.


English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) said, " To love truth is

the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-

plot of all other virtues. " The Truth a metaphysician is asked to

discern is that which exists beyond physical existence. " Great truth

and mighty above all things, " states the Bible. When the mind is well

acquainted with and filled by what is true, that " truth will set you

free. " In the 6th century B.C. the great Eastern master Confucius

said, " They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it,

and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it. " One

who delights in truth manifests the qualities of being true:

genuineness, faithfulness, honesty, exactness, correctness, and

righteousness. He is legitimate; firm or steady in adhering to

promises. He is worthy of trust. "


Dr. Barbara Condron

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