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Shri Mataji's Christmas Message in 1982

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Dear All,


Here is the Christmas Message Shri Mataji gave in 1982. i trust it will be 'of

benevolence' for your resurrection and spiritual ascent.


love to all,






Shri Mataji's Christmas Message in 1982


Before we start the celebrations of the birth of Christ, we have to review a

bit, what we have done after His Birth, so that we understand where we stand in

relation to Him. He was the Son of a Virgin, so even the slightest blot on His

name should not be created, because He was to do the greatest job of creating

for us 'Agnya' awareness, which would help us to suck in all our sins - all our

conditionings and egos. And the great personality [of Christ] was created for

just such a great work within ourselves, but unfortunately, we have spoilt both

these institutions within us, to such an extent, that it is the most difficult

task to give realisation to Christians.


On the one side we have too much conditioning through Catholicism and other

ideas about Christianity, which have created a horrible conditioning in our

superego – which I sometimes think is as solid as a rock, and those who have

been in catholic churches are still getting stuck up with it. Even as they are

facing Me, I find their eyes are blinking and the Agnya is not straight. You

have to completely give up all that conditioning, if you want to get to Sahaja

Yoga [union with the Divine Within].


To that extent we went, that we tried to create 'institutions'. Of course we

collected money, no doubt about that, lots of money and all kinds of drama of

the Papal Order, Arch Bishop Order, all these Arch Bishops and all such

'tomfoolery'. All kinds of nonsensical 'donkey' people were created, who have

absolutely nothing to do with Christ, nothing to do with God! They have no idea

of Divine life and to them, prohibiting people from doing something, is religion

in its fullness! This has taken the West into such darkness, that Sahaja Yoga

has to be worked out with great speed in a very expansive way. Otherwise you

cannot get over the horrible ideas of bishops, archbishops and popes!


The other side is the 'Ego part'. People like Mr. Freud came in, and they put

absolutely anti-God ideas into people – absolutely anti-God! It is against the

Mother and against the Son; it is absolutely absurd! These anti-God devilish

ideas penetrated, and people started saying:


" What's wrong? This is all conditioning. We should remove all conditioning " !


So they became ego-oriented, which is the other side that Christ had to work out

- so after Christ was established in the West, they created all the hurdles

'possible' under the sun, to prevent the Agnya Chakra from opening out.


Despite that [opening out of Agnya], I find that Sahaja Yogis from the West are

still attached to Christianity, rather than to Christ. There is still a

lingering of Christianity within you which has to drop out, while Indians are

very good at dropping all nonsensical ideas, because we have had a lot of

challenges in this country regarding everything. For the conditionings we have

had challenges and for the ego-oriented we have had challenges, so people are

used to this kind of a " giving-up " . But in the West we are still very attached

to the 'non-sense' that is Christianity, that has has absolutely nothing to do

with Christ - believe Me! And this fanaticism, which is still lingering on in

your mind, must be given up. Otherise, you cannot do any justice with regards to



By no chance does that mean that you take to another religion like Hinduism,

non-sensical Jainism, or anything else. The 'Essence' or 'Tattwa' of

Christianity is Christ. But it [Christanity] is so thickly clouded by all these

non-sensical things, that you really have to drop out the 'Christianity' word

completely from your vocabulary - and from your mind, or you can never arrive at

the Essence! It is a fact - take it from Me.


Still, the attention of people is on what Christ or Mother Mary said, which has

come through these horrible people. So to learn about other deities and other

great incarnations, we need to neutralise the [sole] attention on Christ and

Mother Mary and also learn about other deities, like Shri Ganesha, for instance.

If you talk about Shri Ganesha, He is the Essence of Christ, and Christ is the

manifestation of Shri Ganesha's Powers. So if you go to the 'Essence' of most

things, you will see it is the better [way to go].


Of course Christ is there [at Agnya, the " Narrow Gate " ], but we must see Him as

He is, which very few people have seen before, but now in Sahaja Yoga, you

should see Him as He was. Firstly, He was the 'Holiest of the Holy'. You accept

that position, which is why this 'Freud' non-sense has nothing to do [with Him].

Those who call themselves 'Christians' - five days [a week] they do all this

non-sensical 'Freud' [business], on the sixth day they talk about Christianity,

and on the seventh day they go to church! How can they do it like that? I mean,

how can they call themselves Christians? By what standard - tell Me?! I mean

just think of it! And the Indians have asked them to get out [of it] because

they are not understanding that it is so non-sensical. It's filth! We have

brought Him, the Holiest of the Holy, down to such a low level by our

non-sensical ideas.


So one has to understand that these conditionings of Catholicism have made us so

repulsive to ourselves, that we have taken to the other side [of Ego], which is

even worse, much worse, than the conditioning. And even after Realisation, one

comes in contact with these people, morning to evening, who are either Freudian

or so-called Christian, but you must know that you are special people, that

you've risen above them [conditionings and ego] - Christ is awakened! So to do

justice to Christ, if we have them, we must get over all of our conditionings of

Christianity. Or, if you have been a Freudian, you must absolutely get rid of

that horrible fellow.


He was anti-Christ – [he was] sick, sick, sick! We have nothing to do with

Freud's ideas, not even this much that we have to justify him on any point, for

any thing! He took full advantage of the repulsion within people, developed out

of conditionings. Then he built up all these stories because he was himself a

'low-level-man' and not to be counted as a human being, from any standard!


You see Christ came for human beings, not for these 'low-level-people'. Even the

lepers are better than him, I think. [it's] horrible to even think about the

whole thing, which makes me nauseated. It is very unholy, so for all practical

purposes, we have to understand that " we have nothing to do with Mr. Freud " . He

is 'filth', 'dirt', absolutely a 'low-level-man'. We have nothing [of value] to

learn from him, or from his ideas!


The other side of it, is the conditioning of the " church " . There are many Sahaja

Yogis still confused with it. Of course, if you have to save the Christians

so-called, you have to take them out of the conditioning! Luckily, we have

someone who is writing a thesis about these things - how they are dangerous to

society. But still, nobody realises that " to condition " is an anti-Christ



Christ came on this Earth, where Moses had laid down the Dharma [Ten

Commandments]. After it, so many [other laws were laid down]. He thought that

people will be in balance, and He has to give the Message of His Resurrection

and Ascent - that is how He came to Earth. But then, they created even worse

things than 'the Shariat' in the Bible. (All these laws are in the Bible, where

they say that anybody who does 'this thing', should be killed; anybody who does

'like that', should be beheaded. It is all in the Bible. You see, whatever these

Muslims are doing, it is all in the Bible – coming from the Bible!) So, to

neutralise all that, Mr. Freud started another style!


[Note: This sounds like the 'swing of the penduluum' that Shri Mataji often

talked about, i.e. 'swinging from one extreme to another', whereas what is

needed, is the balance.]



For us, the Divine laws are binding, because we know they are the only way, one

can rise. It is not a compulsion, but a voluntary acceptance, that we have to

rise, that we have to be alright. There are no conditionings in Sahaja Yoga, but

this is how we improve. This is how we go further, so we accept the situation,

and we move forward with it – which is why realisation should give you the

strength to fight any anti-Christ activity within your mind.


" You have to face yourself " is the point I am making. Not only that, but you

have to face the so-called 'society' that is around you, and see for yourself

that these conditionings and these anti-Christ activities into which you have

indulged, are completely detrimental to your growth and ascent. As you are

special people who have got realisation, you have to argue it out with your

Self, and reach proper conclusions. There's no use in arguing it out with

others! With the conditioning, people get quiet – they do not talk, but the

conditioning is growing inside. With the ego, people talk too much, aggress

others with their talking, and the ego grows too much. So, one has to be in the

'Witness State', which means that wherever you have to talk, you have to talk,

and wherever you have to keep quiet, you have to keep quiet. This is at the

Visshuddhi [Chakra] level.


At the Agnya [Chakra] level, you have to detest all that is ugly, unholy, that

is filth, because a new sensitivity has developed within you - a new sensitivity

to holiness, to auspiciousness. Try to improve this auspiciousness within you. I

find people get too easily attached to negative people. It is very common. They

think they are 'being sympathetic' - it is the 'sympathy' that is working. It

could be your sister, brother, mother, wife or child – it can be anybody, but by

'getting attached' to such people, you are really harming that person, because

that person will go down to [their own personal] 'hell' and you will go with

them [if too sympathetically attached].


[Note: Shri Mataji told Sahaja Yogis that a person can be in heaven or in hell,

while in their physical bodies, in other words, it is a state of consciousness

that one is in.]



So if you want to do any good to the person, the best thing is not to be

attached to that person, and tell the person that these are anti-Christ

activities. [it is best] to get attached to that group which is doing holy work.

The strength lies in getting attached to such a group, rather than to one

single, negative personality.


[Note: Shri Mataji talked about 'being attached and detached at the same time'.

We have all heard about co-dependancy, which we all know is 'being too attached'

to another person. So 'being attached, and being detached at the same time', is

like loving a person, without any expectations, in other words, a real kind of

love, that gives, without expecting anything in return.]



Now, all of you have had some experience. I will give you an example of

[someone's] wife. She is not here; neither is he here, but it is good to

understand what happened in her case. He was very attached to her. He married

her. He asked Me [for permission]. I was really shocked that he was so

[spiritually] insensitive - why couldn't he [really] 'see' her; why couldn't he

[really] understand her? But I did not know what to say - if I would have said,

" do not marry her " , he would have thought that Mother had tried to force him or

something. I did not know what to say, but was really shocked and for about two

minutes, I didn't say anything. (I am sure she played her cards very well). I

said, " Alright, you can marry - you will get happiness, if you think you will

get happiness. " {That is all I said; I did not say 'Joy'). " If you think you can

get happiness, marry. "


She got married to him. Then he said she must come with him to England. He

brought her. I tried to avoid [it happening]. I told him, " be careful " . Then

they lost their passports. He found his passport – she did not. But he

[practically] got after My life. He said, " Please ask Mr. Shrivastava; somehow

get Her passport; the passport should be there. " I said, " Alright. " Then they

made her passport. Then she came with Me; she was still continuing [on]. I said,

" Please send this lady away. I do not want her to be with Me. It is a headache,

all the 24 hours that she is with me. I must have some time, without these

horrible bhoots [negative type people] around Me. Please get rid of her; she is

bad " , but he could not understand. Still, he was siding with her.


Then one day it happened, that she attacked My heart. The heart got into a 'big

fist'. I said: " Put your hand on My heart, and see. It's throbbing like

anything! " He could not put his hand, could not even bring it near. I said:

" Now, please ask her to get down. " When she got down, it stopped. Then he

realised, 'this is the thing'! But still, he did not give her up - did not give

her up! Went to Los Angeles. Everywhere, she followed Me. The sympathy, you see.

She could have gone away [as] she was quite a robust lady. But in Los Angeles,

she then started to gradually 'show her teeth' to him. And then, ultimately, he

got into trouble, and started getting pains. As soon as I left Los Angelos, she

got epilepsy. Then he realised how dangerous it was to carry her with Me all the

time. Now, because she got epilepsy, he could not send her away. He did not take

her back.


She tried to disrupt all the ashrams, by telling them her 'sympathy stories':

" Oooh! You know my husband, he wants to leave me " - 'this', 'that' nonsense, and

all of them fell for her. Now, she is a bhoot [negative personality] and a bhoot

[plus another negative personality added on] and a bhoot [plus another

negativity personality added on] - the bhoot ['total negative personality']

started increasing! One more bhoot added sympathy to the other - one more bhoot

added, once you've given your sympathy; one more bhoot added! And she was

creating problems: " You see that, this is not good, he is not good, he is

against me, this family is against me, that is against me. " Then someone got a

heart attack - got a heart attack! So then he sent her away.



Negativity is not to be tolerated, not to be carried on with. You do not

" repeat " all that non-sense! " Discretion " , is the better part of balance. One

need not be afraid, but discretion is the better part of balance, alright?!


If you have negativity, better get rid of it. If somebody is so negative, better

have nothing to do with that person, whatever the relationship may be, just have

nothing to do with them, because there is no use in 'going down'! If you are a

seeker, you are a responsible seeker, and a Sahaja Yogi. One has to be careful.

I have to say this on a Christmas Day, because precisely there, at the Agnya

Chakra the fight starts, because if you shift from the principles of Christ, you

start giving arguments in support of the negativity, always in the opposite

direction. And you have all the arguments which work against Christ. The same

Agnya Chakra, when it goes 'funny', you start seeing things 'as reasonable',

which are absolutely false and wrong. So we have to be ON ALERT. We have to be

with Christ.


Now, they will also be saying about getting vibrations:


" Mother, alright! I am also very much there! True! We saw the vibrations! "


Shri Mataji: " Nothing doing! I feel embarrassed! Sometimes, I do not tell [that]

I feel embarrassed! "


And people also try to manoeuver Me by playing tricks on Me, so that I am rather

worried sometimes, how to tell people, because I have seen that ego-oriented are

extremely sensitive. They are not arrogant, which is one thing, but they are

extremely sensitive, and if you tell them anything, they will not accept it.

Yesterday, I lashed ['told off'] all the Poona people [about something], and

they said: " It was for our own good. " Nobody said, " Mother, why did you say

'such and such' a thing? " No, not one! Everybody said: " it was for our good! "

But in the West, if you lash them ['tell them off'], nobody is going to take it

that way. So, I have to tell you one thing, that to have your ego problems

settled - first of all, see that you are not playing to your ego.


And also, see your conditioning, which are now 'bhoots' [negative attitudes

and/or energy] that have gotten into your heads. They are all there. So you must

see that these 'bhoots' are not there, because we have to be holy. We have to be

clean. We have to be resurrected - we are resurrected people! Christ has

resurrected us!


But you have to think how much He has to work for us. The more you try to be in

unison with negativity, the more we harm Him, torture Him, trouble him - the One

who was born in the manger, in the most difficult of circumstances, when

everybody requires comfort, who from the very beginning went through a hazardous

life till His death! His birth itself, you can see was in a cow-shed. None of

you are born in a cow shed. And while Christians are so particular about

comforts, it is most surprising that Christ was born in a cow shed! On a very,

very cold night, Christ was born – nothing much to cover [Him]. Sparkling beauty

it was!


Now we have to keep Him comfortably within ourselves. We are not going to give

Him that manger in our Agnya Chakra – manger of thoughts, and a crown of thought

- that we are not going to give to Him. We are going to make Him comfortable, by

not accepting negativity as sympathy ['sympathetically']. You have to be kind

towards your auspiciousness and holiness, so that Christ enjoys His stay there

in your Agnya - that we do not torture Him by our useless ideas, uncomfortable

behaviours, inauspicious appearances and unholy acceptance of wrong ideas.


Try to respect Him - there He stands [at Agnya/ " Narrow Gate]! Try to make Him

very comfortable. I wish I could do that, but He resides in everybody's Agnya

Chakra. If He was only in my Agnya, I would have given Him the greatest of

comforts, but He wants to be manifested in everybody's Agnya. So I have to

request you, as a Mother, to look after Him. Give Him a nice cradle; give Him a

comfortable time, because He is born to give you your resurrection! He has taken

up such a great responsibility, to suck all your conditioning and ego, but that

does not mean that you put stones on top of it.


It's like - sometimes I find the conditioning of some people in the West is so

great, like a big mountain falling on a little child! And sometimes I find a

big, bad breath - 'horrible breath of ego' which stinks, blowing like a big wind

towards the Agnya. A horrible stench comes out of this terrible type of an ego!

Absolutely not the way to treat the King of Kings, who is born within you.


You are so respected, that Christ is born within your Agnya, but you must

respect your Agnya Chakra. Your attention should be in the Centre, so that

there's no wobbliness there. It's like 'putting a child on wings', as they say.

So this Agnya Chakra is to be kept very clean, healthy and holy. It should be a

'detached' attention. If you start seeing through your Agnya, it should project

a power of 'holiness' so that anybody looking at your eyes, should know that

there is a serenity flowing from these eyes - and not lust, greed and



All this we can achieve, because we have got Christ within our Agnya. Accept Him

there. He is born, yet to grow. I am sure Sahaja Yogis will understand the

importance of the Agnya Chakra. In the East, no problem, because to them He is

only Ganesha. Ganesha is a child, and they know for definite, that childhood has

no contamination, no problems, nothing. So they are still children as far as sin

is concerned.


There is a story. One pastor went to a village and gave a big lecture to them,

and the villagers had to thank [him]. So he [the villager] got up and said:

" Thank you very much for telling us all about it. We did not know what was 'sin'

and thank God you have told us that there is sin! " So this awareness [of sin] is

not in their heads. They do not understand [that]. You will be surprised, you

cannot ask Indians. They won't understand what it means, you know. They may say

'Mr. Freud, this, that'; but they do not understand [that] it is anti-God.

Actually, I did not know till the other day, when Rustom told me with great

hesitation, what it 'really' means. So that is what it is, and we have to

understand this.


Today is the great day of Holiness; let us celebrate the birth of Christ in our

Agnya Chakra, and let us sing praise of it, so that He in His pure essence, in

his holy body, should be there – not 'Christianity', and neither 'Freudian

non-sense'. 'Christianity' is equally as bad as 'Freudian' - there is no

difference at all, whether you kill a child with the mountains falling on him,

or with a horrible stinking, dirty-smelling breeze blowing on him; it is just

the same [end result]! So please get rid of both ideas, absolutely, and " in

purity " respect Him, absolute purity, because He is purity!


Now you may say that, " Mother, if He is pure purity " --- there are some stupid

people, who ask Me: " If He is purity, then how can we make Him impure?! "


What I mean is, if you do not respect Him, why will He be there? He will

disappear! He likes purity. He will disappear from there; it is not good for

you! So better create a cradle, a beautiful cradle of love and honesty, as His

Mother prepared for Him. With all sweetness, kindness and assurance, that you

will nurture the beauty and auspiciousness of Christ.


May God bless you all.


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas Puja, `Christmas Eve Talk' – Pune, India -

24 December, 1982)


[written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave being


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