Guest guest Posted December 23, 2007 Report Share Posted December 23, 2007 > > The Imam Mahdi is never mentioned in the Qur'an. Thus the Qur'an > must take precedent over whatever the hadiths say about the coming > of the Mahdi, of which there are many. We also have to realize that > many of these hadiths are confusing, at times contradictory, or > just plain ridiculous. So which hadith is to be believed and how > much faith should we have, notwithstanding the fact that the Imam > Mahdi has no backing of the Qur'an? How can such an exclusion be > the fountain of deep Shiite faith? > Main Entry: mahdi (Arabic: " divinely guided one " ) In Islamic eschatology, a messianic deliverer who will bring justice to the earth, restore true religion, and usher in a short golden age before the end of the world. Though the mahdi is not mentioned in the Quran and is questioned by Sunni theologians, he is important in Shiite doctrine. Merriam-Webster Unabridged Collegiate Encyclopedia Islamic eschatology: Main Entry: es·cha·tol·o·gy 1: a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind 2: a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind; specifically : any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment a messianic deliverer; Main Entry: mes·si·an·ic 1 : of or relating to a messiah Main Entry: de·liv·er 1: to set free <and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil — Matthew 6:13(Authorized Version)> 2 a: to take and hand over to or leave for another : convey <deliver a package> b: hand over, surrender <delivered the prisoners to the sheriff> <delivered themselves over to God> restore true religion: Main Entry: re·store 1 : give back, return 2 : to put or bring back into existence or use 3 : to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : renew Main Entry: true 1 a: steadfast, loyal b: honest, just carchaic : truthful 2 a (1): being in accordance with the actual state of affairs <true description> (2): conformable to an essential reality (3): fully realized or fulfilled <dreams come true> b: ideal, essential c: being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed <the true dimension of the problem> d: consistent <true to character> usher a short golden age: Main Entry: usher 1 : to conduct to a place 2 : to precede as an usher, forerunner, or harbinger 3 : to cause to enter : introduce <a new theory ushered into the world> Main Entry: short 1 a: having little length b: not tall or high : low 2 a: not extended in time : brief <a short vacation> Main Entry: golden age : a period of great happiness, prosperity, and achievement before the end of the world Main Entry: be·fore 1 : in advance : ahead <marching on before> 2 : at an earlier time : previously <the night before> <knew her from before> Merriam-Webster Dictionary --- Jai Shri Mataji. Dear Jagbir, I'm living in Turkey and have a muslim background. I have been reading the site for some time, and would like to thank you for all your efforts for such websites declaring the truth. Although I have not yet finished reading the, I have two questions in mind which I would like to ask you. I would be very happy if you can answer my questions. I have read this page " " and in all the hadiths the mahdi is referred as " he, him " as a male person. I know mahdi is also " ma adi " , but why do you think is mahdi called as " he " in the hadiths? In islam, there is a common belief (I mean %100), that Hz. Muhammad is the last prophet (for muslims, also last incarnation) that will come to this earth. But as we know, there are others (for ex. Shirdi Sai Nath) as the incarnation of Adi Guru. And of course, as the incarnation of the Adi Shakti, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. What do you think about this belief? Thank You, Adem ------------------------------- Dear Adem, Jai Shri Mataji, Before i begin i would like to inform you that site is yet to be completed and has link issues, though the main Sure Signs are in place. The Sure Signs themselves should be sufficient to confirm that the Mahdi has the blessings of God Almighty. There is absolutely no way these pre-ordained Sure Signs can manifest without Allah's (SWT) power. Winds Of Qiyamah Are Blowing (Fatir) Your Hands Will Speak (Fussilat) Angels Sent Have Arrived (Al Mursalat) Regions Within Revealed (Fussilat) Sun And Moon Joined Together (Al-Qiyamah) Allah's Iron Has Been Delivered (Al Hadid)'s_iron_delivered_al_hadid.htm Revelation Of Light Completed (Al Saf) Mighty Blast On Earth Announced (Qaf) Mighty Blast In Sky Has Occurred (Qaf) Children Of Israel Gathered (Al Isra') Hidden Imam Mahdi Has Emerged (Qaf) Kitab Al Munir Identified (Al Hajj) Thus to debate about the sex of the Imam Mahdi is a moot point. But we will anyway. > > I have read this page " > qaf.htm " and in all the hadiths the mahdi is referred as " he, him " > as a male person. I know mahdi is also " ma adi " , but why do you > think is mahdi called as " he " in the hadiths? > The Imam Mahdi is never mentioned in the Qur'an. Thus the Qur'an must take precedent over whatever hadiths say about the coming of the Mahdi, of which there are many. We also have to realize that many of these hadiths are confusing, at times contradictory, or just plain ridiculous. So which hadith is to be believed and how much faith should we have, notwithstanding the fact that the Imam Mahdi has no backing of the Qur'an? How can such an exclusion be the fountain of deep Shiite faith? But for some reason Muslims, both Shiites and Sunnis, do not want to touch the only surah the prophesies the coming of such a figure: And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place quite near. The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in Truth: That will be the Day of Resurrection. . . . We know best what they say; And thou are not one to overawe them by force. So admonish with the Qur'an such as fear My Warning! surah 50:41-45 Qaf (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.) It is obvious that this Caller will have to appear from within humans! i.e, His Spirit (Ruh/Adi Shakti) in their Sahasraras! The Qur'an never mentions that this Caller must be a male! So why can't His Spirit (Ruh/Adi Shakti) or Ma (Mother) Adi (Primordial) be feminine? After all, She is one and the same i.e., the Divine Feminine. > > In islam, there is a common belief (I mean %100), that Hz. Muhammad > is the last prophet (for muslims, also last incarnation) that will > come to this earth. But as we know, there are others (for ex. > Shirdi Sai Nath) as the incarnation of Adi Guru. And of course, as > the incarnation of the Adi Shakti, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. What > do you think about this belief? > It is hypocritical of Muslims to deny other incarnations since they all believe Prophet Muhammad to be the last prophet, and yet wait for their own incarnation i.e., the Imam Mahdi, to usher the golden age of Islam. Why this collective hypocrisy that hundreds of millions have been so blind and oblivious for centuries? (The entire site is about exposing such collective Muslim falsehood.) However, there is a solution to this apparent hypocrisy, not that Muslims are embracing it wholeheartedly: " Verse 3:81, among many other verses, provides the definitions of " Nabi " (Prophet) and " Rasoul " (Messenger). Thus, " Nabi " is a messenger of God who delivers a new scripture, while " Rasoul " is a messenger commissioned by God to confirm existing scripture; he does not bring a new scripture. According to the Quran, every " Nabi " is a " Rasoul, " but not every " Rasoul " is a " Nabi. " Not every messenger was given a new scripture. It is not logical that God will give a scripture to a prophet, then ask him to keep it exclusively for himself, as stated by some Muslim " scholars " (2:42, 146, 159). Those who are not sufficiently familiar with the Quran tend to think that Aaron was a " Nabi, " as stated in 19:53, who did not receive a scripture. However, the Quran clearly states that the Torah was given specifically " to both Moses and Aaron " (21:48, 37:117). We learn from the Quran, 33:40, that Muhammad was the last prophet (Nabi), but not the last messenger (Rasoul): " Muhammad was not the father of any of your men; he was a messenger (Rasoul) of God and the last prophet (Nabi). " [ 33:40 ] . . . The mission of God's Messenger of the Covenant is to confirm existing scriptures, purify them, and consolidate them into one divine message. The Quran states that such a messenger is charged with restoring God's message to its pristine purity, to lead the righteous believers - Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, and others - out of darkness into the light (5:19 & 65:11). " [1] But what does the Qur'an say about His Spirit? They ask thee concerning the Spirit. Say: " The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: Of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you. " If it were Our Will, We could take away that which We have sent thee by inspiration: Then wouldst thou find none to plead thy affair in that matter against Us. surah 17: 85-86 Al Isra' (The Night Journey) Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.) Thus whatever was revealed of the Spirit of Allah to Prophet Muhammad was the barest minimum in order to contain a volatile situation. But the fact remains that Allah made it a point to mention His Spirit without revealing anything about it's nature. This seemingly frivolous act 14 centuries ago has today burst forth in all splendor as the incarnation of His Ruh (Spirit) proclaims and explains Al- Qiyamah to all humankind. The little information 1400 years ago is now an Oasis of Knowledge for all Believers to drink. The Holy Qur'an, an indisputable revealed book, literally breathes with precise prophecies and fulfilled promises for all His children of various traditions. They say that the mission of God's Messenger of the Covenant is to confirm existing scriptures, purify them, and consolidate them into one divine message. The Quran states that such a messenger is charged with restoring God's message to its pristine purity, to lead the righteous believers - Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, and others - out of darkness into the light (5:19 & 65:11). Shri Mataji has done exactly that. She has also declared that the Last Judgment and Qiyamat has commenced, also exactly as prophesied in the Bible and Qur'an. The challenges the entire Ummah to respond to the same. Adem, i hope i have answered your two questions to your satisfaction. i hope " Fundamental Principles of Qiyamat' by Jamshid will silence you into submission to His Call to commence Qiyamat based on your daily experiences of the Cool Breeze (Winds of Qiyamat), and not have any more petty issues/questions still creating doubts: " Fundamental Principles of Qiyamat Qiyamat is the spiritual resurrection. It is to resurrection before dying. The world is a world of birth and death, it is samsara. To resurrect in this life is a gnostic event. It is nirvana in this life. Though the body goes on to die, one's consciousness does not go on to rebirth. All beings have a spark of the Real inside of them. This is what goes on from birth, death and rebirth. It is pure consciousness. This spark of the real within is the imam-of-one's-own-being. When the internal imam comes into contact with the Imam of the Time and puts into practice his teachings, then the spark within lights up. This is a gnostic awakening and is the Qiyamat. The Imam brings beings to Qiyamat and no one is exluded, save those who exclude themselves. Even those given time will come to Qiyamat. When one awakens one realizes the fundamental unity between the Imam of the Time and the imam-of-one's-own-being. Qiyamat is practiced in the life of the momin [follower] by faith in the Imam's word and guidance. It is not based upon external laws or ritual. Though many who are brought into Qiyamat do so to provide moral examples for the community. The person of Qiyamat recognizes that liberty is not license. People of Qiyamat do not put down other faiths and ways. They know that the Real can bring others to into union with Reality by other ways. Since all gnosis is one, people of Qiyamat learn from the gnostic ways of other peoples and teach others about their faith. People of Qiyamat do not expose themselves to those who are of little understanding. People who delight in the laws and rites are like those who mistake the finger pointing towards the moon with the moon. They mistake the outer forms of faith [laws and rites] with the object of faith. These people feel that gnostics are heretics and oppress them. Therefore, people of Qiyamat conceal themselves from situations which could lead to oppression and create their own free spaces to practice. As a means of compassion for others, gnositics carefully bring in others who they feel are ready. And when one is ready the Real brings them into contact with teacher who will teach them according to their level (ultimately leading to Qiyamat). " [2] LAA UQSIM BI-YAWM AL-QIYAMAH; WA-LAA UQSIM BI-AN-NAFSAL-LAWWAAMAH I do call to witness the Resurrection Day; And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit. May you also begin calling all Believers to bear witness to the Resurrection, jagbir [1] Mahmoud M. Ayoub, World Religions: The Islamic Tradition [2] Fundamental Principles of Qiyamat by Jamshid Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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