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Organised religion is a closed system that cannot work it out!

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" We cannot organize God. He has to organize us. So, any sort of an organized

thing can not work it out. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk, " The

Significance of Brighton " - Brighton, England, 15 November, 1979)


" People [who say].... 'this is mine'; 'this is mine' - put themselves into

dogmas; into ideas [which will] finish them [off] completely! " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Public Program - Houston, Texas??, USA - 1 May, 1986)


(517) " There is no need for any leader to tell you, there is no need for any

ashram fellow to tell you, there is no need for anyone to tell you! It is you

who is a realised soul, you are your own master, you are your own Guru. Imagine

you are all gurus, great gurus and Sadgurus, respected saints, where all the

angels have to shower you with flowers. Think of it! And here you are,

bumptiously giving lectures, talking bumptiously. Very embarrassing - even for

the deities. They do not know what to do, whether to garland you or to shut your

mouth! Here you are, in such a great position that you have got realisation.

That is the only thing you have to accept, is the beauty of this great Yoga,

that you just enlighten your own powers which are on these seven chakras. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi - V.5, No.26, March 1985)



Dear All,


The organised (systemization of Truth) into a religion becomes a closed system,

that cannot work things out. Only the Truth, which at the same time is Love, can

work things out - it is the Spirit that works things out, the Realisation of

one's Spirit (Self-realization). People can attend churches, temples, mosques or

gurdwaras all their life, and yet not have their Self-realisation.


The dogma and doctrine of a religion (in contrast to the Truth itself) tends to

draw a person's attention away from their Spirit. Doctrines and dogmas are more

about worship of the outer form, than about Realisation of the Spirit. As Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi says:


" People [who say].... 'this is mine'; 'this is mine' - put themselves into

dogmas; into ideas [which will] finish them [off] completely! " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Public Program - Houston, Texas??, USA - 1 May, 1986)


Rather, Shri Mataji explains that the Spirit state is the Witness state:


" The best is to learn 'how to watch yourself'. Just now, sitting here, you just

put yourself into a position, from where you watch yourself. " Now, what am I

doing? " - This is the abhyasa, this is the study. Apart from mantras, apart from

anything, the abhyasa is the practice; practice of becoming a witness, and the

witness is the Spirit state! Then [the] attention will not go.... I mean you

will see everything; it is there, but [the] attention will be inside. Try to

practise this: " Am I a witness? " " (Excerpt from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's

Answer to Rustom - Re: 'Keeping the Attention Where It Should Be')


[The scriptures also refer to the Spirit state as the Witness state]:


" The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of

God. " (Romans 8:16)


So folks.... the Spirit is not concerned with doctrine and dogma, because the

Spirit state is the Witness state! And as such, it cannot conform to any

religion, but only to Itself!


Since, according to Shri Mataji: " any organised thing cannot work it out " .... i

have some questions. Here they are:


1. Did Shri Mataji conform to the religion She was brought up in?


2. Did Shri Mataji conform to any religion at all?


3. Did She receive any backlash because She did not conform to any religion? (If

you don't know; just say " I don't know. " )


4. Does She want us to conform to any religion?


i would like forum members to respond to these questions in a few words or more,

if you don't mind! (smile) What do you know about the answers to these




It would be appreciated if a forum member/s would like to present us with a

short (or long) comparative study with regard to a few Self-realised persons

(like incarnations, prophets, swamis, or saints) of their choice. Included in it

could be how they started out, what direction their life took and what main

spiritual insights they gave to humanity, regarding their Spirit. Here are some

points that would be interesting to include:


a./ the religion or spiritual group the person was brought up in

b./ whether they stayed with that spiritual group or religion

c./ the main spiritual insights they had that they shared with others

d./ whether their original spiritual group or religion still accepted them, were

indifferent to them, or rejected them


If you wish to do this study, it would be fantastic!


with love,




P.S. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!



" Now the time is come for us to prove that. And that truth, whatever you call it

- scientific or divine, whatever is the truth, has to be expressed on our

central nervous system. That means we must feel it. We must see it. It should

happen. Mohammed Sahib has said (they have all said the same thing, only

depending on the times as they were) that at the time of resurrection, when the

humanity will rise, their hands will speak. They talked of resurrection most of

the time, but somehow they never talked of it [but] only as the Doomsday. And

this is the reason why, whatever was important in every religion, was not given

the proper importance. That's why today, the situation is such that we find all

of them, all in different compartments. But they're not! They were all born on

one Tree of Life at different times.... the same energy of Love [was there]

which nourished them, and they flowered. People [who say].... 'this is mine',

'this is mine', put themselves into dogmas; into ideas [which] finish them

completely. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Public Program - Houston, Texas??, USA

- 1 May, 1986)

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