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Christ: Greater works than these will he do!

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Dear Jagbir,


i thought that Christ had given people their Self-realisation, since He told the

woman at the well, that He had " living water " that He would give to Her, if She

wanted it. However, i have just read Shri Mataji saying that He did not give

people their Self-realisation, which comes as a great surprise to me, as i had

been under the perception that He had given people their Self-realisation!:


" Even the disciples of Christ or even Mohammed Sahib's disciples, anyone, did

they do it? Did they have any understanding of Kundalini? Did they have any love

for others that they should give them Realisation? There were some Sufis, they

never gave Realisation to anyone, there were so many saints who never gave

Realisation to anybody. Mohammed Sahib never gave Realisation to anybody, Gautam

Buddha never gave Realisation to anybody, think of it! Christ never gave

Realisation to anybody, anybody! Krishna did not do it, Rama did not do it,

nobody, but you can do it!! You can do it and you know everything about

Kundalini. It's a very big thing because you are children of the Adi Shakti. You

are here and your Mother is here. It's a very, very fortunate thing for Me that

you are here. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le

Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[That is why, at last, i know why Christ said the following - it was because the

opening of the last centre in the Great Primordial Being, which is the last work

of the Divine, had not been accomplished as yet!]:


" Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will

do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

(John 14:12)


[Christ clearly associated these 'greater works' to happen in connection with

the arising of the Kundalini energy within human beings]:


" I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that S/He may be

with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive,

because it does not see Her or know Her, but you know Her because S/He abides

with you, and will be in you! " (John 14:16-17)


[He says He would ask the Father to give us this Helper, and this Helper has

come and enabled the Primordial Kundalini to arise, coming with such tremendous

force on the earth!]:


" As soon as the Sahasrara was opened, the whole atmosphere was filled with

tremendous chaitanya [vibrations] and there was tremendous light in the sky,

with the whole thing coming on earth with the tremendous force of a torrential

rain or waterfall, that I became stupefied and unaware! The happening was so

tremendous and unexpected, that I was stunned and became totally silent at the

grandeur of it!!! I saw the primordial Kundalini rising like a big, silent,

furnace that had a burning appearance, as when you heat up metal and it has many

colors. In the same way, the Kundalini showed up as a tunnel-like furnace, such

as you can see in the plants where they burn coal to make electricity. And the

Kundalini stretched out like a telescope and out came the deities, one after

another: shoot! shoot! shoot! Just like that! And the deities came and sat on

their golden seats, and lifted the whole of the head into the shape of a dome

and opened it. And then this torrential rain completely drenched Me! I started

seeing all that and got lost in the joy. It was like an artist seeing his own

creation, and I felt the joy of great fulfillment. After coming out of this

beautiful experience, I looked around and saw that human beings were so

[spiritually] blind, and I became absolutely silent and desired that I should

get their cups filled with nectar, rather than the stones that were there. "

((Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5

May 1982)


[shri Mataji describes this event as the greatest event of all the spiritual

happenings of the universe!]:


" It is a great day for all of us, the seekers, that the last work of the Divine,

of the opening the last centre in the great primordial being, was done on the

5th of May 1970. It is the greatest event of all the spiritual happenings of the

universe. It was done with very great care and great adjustments. It is not in

the limits of human understanding, how things are worked out in the heavens. It

is your fortune and God's love, that has worked out this wondrous miracle.

Without this happening, there could not have been the possibility of giving mass

realization to people. One could have done it for one or two persons here and

there, but to have given such a mass awakening would not have been possible. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5

May 1982)


[Christ had opened the second last centre of Agnya (Narrow Gate), and Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi has opened the last centre of Sahasrara (Kingdom of God).

Now it is up to us to do the " greater works " that Christ said we would do! Shri

Mataji says that we must know about Sahaja Yoga, talk about Sahaja Yoga and

spread Sahaja Yoga, which is about 'Union with the Divine' that people can have

through Self-realisation! It is about them Realizing who they are!]:


" There must be some reason why you are here. Like in the beginning, Sahaja Yogis

used to ask Me: " Mother, was I this last life? Was I Shivaji in the last life? "

I said: " What's the use? " You might have been anything, but what you are today

is much higher, try to understand! You might be, say, Napoleon, you might be,

say, one of the kings or may be, or may be the queen from somewhere, so what?

What did they do? Did they raise anybody's Kundalini? Did they have any power?

Even the disciples of Christ or even Mohammed Sahib's disciples, anyone, did

they do it? Did they have any understanding of Kundalini? Did they have any love

for others that they should give them Realisation? There were some Sufis, they

never gave Realisation to anyone, there were so many saints who never gave

Realisation to anybody. Mohammed Sahib never gave Realisation to anybody, Gautam

Buddha never gave Realisation to anybody, think of it! Christ never gave

Realisation to anybody, anybody! Krishna did not do it, Rama did not do it,

nobody, but you can do it!! You can do it and you know everything about

Kundalini. It's a very big thing because you are children of the Adi Shakti. You

are here and your Mother is here. It's a very, very fortunate thing for Me that

you are here. I'm very proud of you, but again and again I have to tell you that

the work has to be with a faster speed, we have to move with a faster speed and

get more people to Sahaja Yoga [their union with the Divine]. It is rather,

rather, difficult for Me to say something forcefully. That's not My nature, you

know. Can't get into tempers and cannot get angry and I cannot forcefully say

something to you, BUT if you fail, then the only thing will be that you have

failed Me completely. It means that; nothing less than that. And if you don't

want to do it [i.e. 'fail'], then I would request all of you to take a vow

today, that you spread Sahaja Yoga and you will talk about Sahaja Yoga, know

about Sahaja Yoga. There are many who don't know anything. Also it is very

surprising they are Sahaja Yogis, they don't know anything! " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Adi Shakti Puja, 'Respect Mother Earth', Cabella Ligure, Italy -

25 May, 1997)


regards to all,



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