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[HSS]: Holy Spirit & Last Judgment and Resurrection

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The Holy Spirit and the Last Judgment and Resurrection


The Holy Spirit awakening within, also known as 'Kundalini awakening' is a

divine plan for this special time at the end of the Piscean Age and the

beginning of the Aquarian Age. Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer and

signifies a new mass spiritual awakening among humanity. A person’s first birth,

the physical birth, happens when a mother’s waters break. The Bible calls this

" being born of water " . When a person has their birth of the Spirit, this is

called " being born of the Spirit " . Christ said that we have to have both the

physical birth and the spiritual birth, to enter the Kingdom of God:


" Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he

cannot enter into the kingdom of God. " (Christ Jesus – John 3:5)


[Christ says, that which is born of water is fleshly (reference to physical

birth) and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (reference to spiritual



" That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit

is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you: " You must be born again! " (Christ

Jesus – John 3:6-7)


[Christ associates the Spiritual Birth with a Wind]:


" Do not marvel that I said to you: " You must be born again. " The wind blows

where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes

from and where it is going – so is everyone who is born of the Spirit! " (Christ

Jesus – John 3:7-8)


The wind or cool breeze of the awakened Holy Spirit’s power is a sign that a

person has had their spiritual birth, which is why Christ talked about the

" Wind " in conjunction with having one’s spiritual birth. Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi calls this Wind, the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost:


" First the hands feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, at the fontanel bone

area, and on the fingertips. The hands are steady; they do not shake. They look

normal but the Seeker feels the ripples of cool breeze. For the first time, he

feels the existence of the all-pervading power!” (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

first small English book – Chap. 1 ‘Sahaja Yoga’)


[shri Mataji equates this Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost to the " real " Baptism of

the Holy Spirit]:


" The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that you can feel

in Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine]. In the Gospel of St. Thomas, [it] very

clearly describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate of our religious life.

Also it says we must look after our centres. This Kundalini [Holy Ghost’s power]

has to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres, which are placed in the

spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the actualisation of the

" Baptism " as one feels the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost emitting out of one's

fontanel bone area. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – first small English book –

Chap. 1 'Sahaja Yoga')


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the Christian Comforter that Christ promised He

would send. Shri Mataji says that there is a time given to human beings to

rectify themselves, for them to enter in the kingdom of God. She explains about

the " rider on the white horse " , mentioned in the Book of Revelations]:


" Today’s subject is the relationship between Kundalini [Holy Ghost's power] and

Kalki [the Rider on the White Horse]. The word 'Kalki' is actually an

abbreviation of the word 'Nishkalank' [which] means the same as my name,

Nirmala. That means it is spotlessly clean. Something that is spotlessly clean

is 'Nishkalank' - without any spot or marks.


Now, this incarnation has been described in many Puranas [indian Scriptures] [1]

and will be coming on this earth on a white horse, in a village of Sambhaipur,

as they call it. It is very interesting how people take everything literally.

The word 'Sambhal' means 'Bhal' - it is the forehead; it means at that stage,

Kalki is situated on your Bhal (Forehead) and here He is going to be born. That

is the real meaning of the word!


For us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu called

as 'Kalki' [Rider on the White Horse], there is a time given to human beings to

rectify themselves, for them to enter in the kingdom of God, which in the Bible

is called as the Last Judgment - that you will be judged, all of you will be

judged on this earth. The population of the world is maximum, say, because

practically all those who have aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God are

born in the modern times or are going to be born very soon. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk, 'Shri Kalki', Bombay, India – 28 September, 1979)


[Note: [1] " Purana (Sanskrit: meaning " belonging to ancient or olden times " , is

the name of an ancient Indian genre (or a group of related genres) of Hindu or

Jain literature (as distinct from oral tradition). They primarily are post-Vedic

texts containing a narrative of the history of the Universe, from creation to

destruction, genealogies of the kings, heroes and demigods, and descriptions of

Hindu cosmology, philosophy and geography. " ]




[shri Mataji explains that the Mother’s Love [Holy Spirit being the Divine

Feminine] has made the Last Judgment into something beautiful, tender and

delicate that will not disturb a person]:


" This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine] is

the Last Judgment! It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the

truth! Though, you can understand – that Mother’s Love [the Holy Spirit's Love]

makes it very easy for you to get through your realization and the whole story

of the Last Judgment [which] looked such a horrifying experience, has been made

very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you. But this

is the Last Judgment, I tell you! And you are all going to be judged through

Sahaja Yoga - [as to] whether you can enter into the Kingdom of God, or not. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk, 'Shri Kalki', Bombay, India – 28

September, 1979)


[Christ said]:


" But now I am going to Him [the Father] who sent Me; and none of you [disciples]

asks Me: " Where are you going? " But because I have said these things to you,

sorrow has filled your heart. But I tell you the truth; it is to your advantage

that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper [God the Mother, the Holy

Spirit] shall not come to you. But if I go, I will send Her to you. And S/He,

when S/He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and

judgment. Concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; concerning

righteousness, because I go to the Father and you [will] no longer behold Me;

and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged!

(Christ Jesus - John 16:5-11)


[According to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, when the power of the Holy Ghost awakens

and baptizes the person (which is their spiritual birth; their resurrection

while in their physical body - that it is the Holy Ghost's energy/the Word

[a.k.a. " Kundalini Energy " ) that will judge the person. She says that they can

work with that Holy Spirit's energy, and correct themselves, because it judges

them, showing where they need correction! Many Christians believe that it is

Christ who will judge them, but Christ said that He did not come to judge the



" And if anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge them, for

I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world! He who rejects Me, and

does not receive My sayings, has One who judges him - the Word [Holy

Ghost/Kundalini] will judge him at the last day [of Judgment and Resurrection].

For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has

given Me commandment, what to say, and what to speak! And I know that His

commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the

Father has told Me. " (Christ Jesus - John 12:47-50)


[in the Book of Hebrews, the " Word of God " is described as that which is able to

judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart, and is living, active, and

sharper than any two-edge sword! This is a very clear and concise of the

Kundalini Energy, which is " the Word of God!]:


" For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword,

and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and

marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. " (Hebrews



[The Word of God/Kundalini energy) is the " living water " that Christ talked

about, which is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. Firstly,

it is only " with the person " , dormantly residing within the Sacrum (sacred)

Bone. When it awakens, it rises, and like a two-edged sword, pierces the

fontanel bone area, connecting that person to the Kingdom of God]:


" In the process of our evolution we have seven main energy centres on the spinal

cord, and also in the brain. When this fourth energy channel (which is called

'Kundalini' in the Sanskrit language) is awakened like a primule in a seed, it

passes through six centres and ultimately pierces the seventh centre fontanelle

bone area (which is called " Brahmarandra " ) and connects human awareness to the

all-pervading power of Divine Love. Thus one develops the fourth dimensional

awareness. This is how the Kundalini achieves this Yoga [union with the Divine].

When this Kundalini rises, She changes the database of the genes and a

transformation in the personality takes place. The six centres (chakras) are

cleansed, nourished and enlightened which is reflected in the genes [of] which

[there] are three on each [of] the two sides of the loop.


One has to know what is the ultimate goal of our life. The ultimate goal of our

evolution is to become the Spirit, which is the reflection of God Almighty in

our heart. That is " Self-identity " and also " Self-knowledge " ! Also, one becomes

one with the all-pervading Divine power of love. Our awareness is enlightened by

the Spirit and the Divine vibrations start flowing through our central nervous

system, enlightening our being. We also feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost,

which is the all pervading power of Divine love, coming out of our fontanelle

bone area, as well as flowing through our finger tips and our hands. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Meta Modern Era - Chap. 11, 'The Subtle System' -



[Christ says that if the Kundalini energy [ " the Word " ] is awakened in a person,

then they are truly His disciples, and that these persons will know the Truth,

which will spiritually liberate them!]:


" If you abide in My Word then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you shall

know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. (Christ Jesus - John 8:31-32)


[Christ told the people]:


" I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when

S/He, the [Holy] Spirit of Truth comes, She will guide you into all the Truth,

for S/He will not speak of Her own initiative, but whatever She hears, She will

speak; and She will disclose to you what is to come. She [God the Mother] shall

glorify Me for She shall take of Mine [Christ's Message] and shall disclose it

to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that: " S/He

takes of Mine " and will disclose it to you. " (Christ Jesus - John 16: 12-13)


[And Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has done just that! She has taken Christ’s Message

of the Last Judgment and Resurrection and disclosed it]:


" But today the time has come where thousands can get their realization and can

be established because the Last Judgment has started. The Last Judgment is going

to be through Kundalini awakening, as if Kundalini is the pointer in the

balance. It has started! People are not aware it has started! They do not want

to be judged as yet, but time should not be lost. "


" But this Judgment is so beautiful that when you are judged you get powers of

your own, of your love; you enjoy the bliss of your Spirit; you become so

peaceful, all the tensions disappear; you become so dynamic and the blessings of

all the well-beings come on you. As Krishna has said: " Yogakshema " - first is

the yoga, then the kshema. Kshema is [your] well being. If you have not achieved

your yoga, the kshema is not bothered. "


" People say I am preaching Advaita of Shankaracharya. Of course, it is the same,

whether it is Shri Shankaracharya or anybody. I am doing that; he was only

preaching - I am doing it! "


" What Christ said, what Krishna said, and what Muhammad said is nothing but

Advaita, that " you have to become One with God " . But there are many who do not

like it, they want to have dvaita, they want to keep their personalities,

so-called, with them. I asked the other day one gentleman who was a minister and

all that. I said: " What do you want to keep? What, which part? " He said " Not my

ego. " I said: " What is it then? It is that only. You want to keep back your

ego! "


" Unless and until you become big you cannot evolve. And how do you become big? –

By becoming the Ocean yourself! A small drop becomes an ocean, as long as he

becomes One with the Ocean! You become One with the awareness of God. This is

what Christ has said, " You have to be born again. " It is said by everyone. Moses

has said it, everyone has said it, but people are telling you: " No, no, no, no.

That should not be done, because these middle agencies will be losing their

income. How will they exist without it? "


" Try to see these points. Achieve your own powers of Love; achieve your Self,

become your Self. If you want it you can have it! But if you don't want it,

nobody can force this; nobody can take away your freedom. If you want to remain

as you are, you are left with that. Then you face it up and live with it. "


" But if you want the ultimate, the absolute, it is there. That's the only way

you can get rid of your confusions and get rid of all your ideas of relative

existence – political, economic and everything can be only dissolved through

achievement of your absolute. Because after realization you can feel, you can

ask any absolute question. For example, if you want to ask the question " Is

there God? " , immediately the cool breeze starts coming out. Tremendous! The

answer comes as if like a computer you start working out because you are put to

the mains! "


" So it is necessary for the whole humanity to pay attention today because the

time is coming when the sorting out will take place. That time nobody is going

to persuade, or tell you and fill the halls and request you. The sorting out

will be there. Better get it now and establish it. The whole humanity has to be

saved! No use doing patchwork. Do something substantial. Substantial is only

possible if you go to the roots of this Tree of Life and nourish it, enlighten

it. That is the only way one can work it out. May God bless you all. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Achieving Truth, May 25, 1980





" But they should also understand that this is the Golden Age of Emancipation,

Resurrection and Last Judgment; if we can achieve it, all of us, including them

also, will have the blessings of the Divine love which has been promised a long

time back. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself, through

the light of the Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel

oneself and can judge oneself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the " Last Judgment " and in

the Koran as " Qiyamah " , the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it is also called

the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on

the Earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one

need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent

or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with

an open mind like a scientist. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" In my opinion, every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to understand the

vital role he has to play in this great Age of Transformation and of the Last

Judgment! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Thus, the establishment of global peace can only come through people who have

achieved this state in modern times which is very special and I call it a

Blossom Time. In the Bible, it is described as the Last Judgment, also in the

Koran it is called as Qiyamah (the Resurrection time). "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" This is the Last Judgment. Either you will go to heaven or you will go to hell.

It's already working out like that. So let's see. Where are you? So I have to

again and again to tell you as your Mother, I have to correct you and tell you

that remember this is the Last Judgment and please, don't take anymore to the

activities which are antichrist! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ

has said, " You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I will not recognize you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" So in this Last Judgment a new race, new race of great people is created. It is

your own. It is your own power. Only to know how glorious you are. How great you

are. [You become] absolutely free, because you get that superior intelligence.

In the light of the Spirit, you know what is constructive for you. You know

absolute knowledge. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" So, as it is, you are already marked, you have already been chosen by Christ in

his Last Judgment, and you are there. But still one should know that there is

also the possibility that you are hypocrites that you are playing with only

words. Could be that we still have to cleanse ourselves, so just put your mind

into yourself, and just see for yourself: " Where have I gone wrong? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" People do not know what time has come! It is the last chance; you won't get any

more chance. In the Bible, it has been described as the Last Judgment. Your Last

Judgment is in Sahaja Yoga [union with Divine] and how it will be done can be

judged by yourself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


This is the Last Judgment. Let us see what happens. Whatever people come is all

right for me. Even if they do not come, it's still all right. Remember, God will

not bow before you! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" For us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu called

as Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them

to enter in the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as the Last

Judgment. That you will be judged, all of you will be judged on this earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is

fantastic to have this but that's a fact and is the truth. Though you can

understand, that Mother's love makes it very easy for you to get through your

realization and that the whole story of the Last Judgment [which] looks such a

horrifying experience has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate

and does not disturb you – but this is the Last Judgment I tell you! And you are

all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether, you can enter into the

kingdom of God or not. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here, because Sahaja Yoga is the

Last Judgment – [it’s] not only that you will be judged, that you are entering

into the Kingdom of God, but [that] you become the citizens of God, is correct. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" I am here to work for you day and night. You know that I work very hard for

you. I spare no efforts, to help you, and do everything that is possible to make

you all right; to make you pass this examination of Last Judgment; but you have

to cooperate with me, and you have to go headlong about it, and devote most of

your time for Sahaja Yoga and for imbibing all that is great and noble. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" This is the greatest of the greatest things which can happen to anyone that you

know. Also you know, this is the greatest happening, which was prophesied long

time back as the Last Judgment! You know that this is the way that you are going

to be judged. So we have to work very hard. We have to work! It is effortlessly

given to you, all right! But to maintain it, keep it up to go high, we have to

religiously work it out. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" And that your Last Judgment is also now. Only through Kundalini awakening God

is going to judge you. How is he going to judge you, otherwise? You think of

somebody now, a person comes in now. Here is somebody sitting to judge you. How?

By how many hairdressers you have been to? Or how many suits you have stitched

for Christmas? Or what presents you have bought or how many cards you have sent?

And to how many people you have sent some other things, which may not be very

palatable. That's not the way. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment today. We are

not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come out like the wolves in

sheep's clothes. And they are trying to attract you and you do not judge them.

You only sit down and judge the Reality. It has started! It is a fact; it has

started. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" That Krishna has said once you get your realisation your problems are solved,

physical, emotional, mental, all problems are solved and you become absolutely

relaxed. That goes without saying. But I'm not here to sort of cure people and

go to hospitals; nothing of the kind. It's just who are the seekers will be

blessed because this is the reward of this Last Judgment! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Christ has said very clearly in the second chapter of Matthew 2nd verse:

" You'll be calling me Christ! Christ! and I won't recognize you. " That's very

true. It is not a question of who recognises Him, but He should recognize you

because the advent of Christ is going to be absolutely terrible. He is not going

to talk to you, convince you or comfort you or give you any council as I am

trying my level best, but He will just come for the Last Sorting out because I

declare that the Last Judgment has started! The Last Judgment takes place only

through Kundalini awakening. There is no other way out. God is going to do it

through the living process. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" But, logically, you must understand. Where should we reach? What should happen

to us? As seekers, what are we expecting? This is a very, very precarious and

important time, is more to say. The Last Judgment has started. That has started.

That's how you are all here and you are seeking! The way it will judge, is the

Kundalini has to rise. You have to become self-realized. Then you start feeling

your centers on your fingers. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every level. Once we

have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it will start triggering

understanding of real righteousness, religiousness and our love for God, and

enlightened faith in God. This is how the Resurrection time is going to be

worked out. This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or

herself through the light of the Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people from

complete destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is only possible when

the brain is enlightened by Kundalini. This is what is very important today,

when we see that this world is on the verge of destruction. Of course, the

Creator himself is very anxious to save us and that is why he has in these

modern times which are called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power

activated! "


" So, now a new age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius, (Kumbha)

meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of

Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of the tree that rises

and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get stuck at one flower

(centre). Moreover these are special times. This is the resurrection time! The

Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel oneself

and can judge oneself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which human beings

have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this great happening of

the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not,

believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should

treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind, like a

scientist. Of course, if a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically

minded modern person has to accept it! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ

has said, " You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I will not recognize you. "

So understand you have to become the Spirit as Christ has said, " You are to be

born again. " You may have faith in Me or not - doesn't matter. You must have

faith in yourself to begin with. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" But in a way it is good because this is Last Judgment. If by marriage, by

temptations, by wrong doings, by conditionings if you have to go out, you have

to go out.


I must tell you that also there's very little place in the Kingdom of God;

unless and until you prove to be good Sahaja Yogis, there is no place for you;

for the mediocre there is no place. You have to be serious, deep, seeking,

dedicated Sahaja Yogis otherwise you have no place. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" So this is the Last Judgment and you will be judged for everything that you do

for Sahaja Yoga. One has to be very careful as to how you behave, what is your

attitude and how you should change. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Shri Krishna, as I have told you, was the incarnation of diplomacy. So He plays

around quite a lot and ultimately He brings forth the untruth and the falsehood.

But in doing that He judges people so it's very important that Shri Krishna's

powers of His diplomacy were to be manifesting at this time when it is the Last

Judgment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Have full confidence, if you want to have your realisation, you all will get

it. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" I cannot force on you, because I respect your freedom. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Immediately we'll know those who are not capable of knowing the Truth. " (French



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" All such people should leave the hall. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" It is not civil to disturb others if they want to have their ascent everybody

has this right, legal right. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" If you want to miss your own ascent, you can go ahead, you can choose, the

choice is yours, this is the Last Judgment. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" And with this Last Judgment, you have to judge yourself. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" In the Koran it is very clearly said at the time of Resurrection, your hands

will speak and will give witness against you. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" There is a very big chapter on Resurrection, but the fundamentalists don't want

to look at it. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" They believe their religion is the best. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" But what has done to anyone? " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" It is so much misinterpreted... so much misinterpreted! " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Now the time has come, this is a special time which is the time of

Resurrection, this is the Qiyamah! " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" It is the special time of Last Judgment! " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Where you have to judge yourself! " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Even Christ did not have so many people who asked that what is the Truth? "

(French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Mohamed Sahib never had so many people to support him! " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Their lives were full of struggle and that's how the whole exposition of their

inner being was not given. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" This exposition I am going to give you today was known to Indians thousand of

years back. " (French translation)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Of course there are some absurd things which grew with misinterpretation and

interference from unholy people, which are common in these religions. For

example, Jews, Christian and Muslims believe that when they die their bodies

will come out of their graves and they will all be resurrected at the Time of

Resurrection, at the Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is

illogical to think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred

years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the soul

that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human beings and be saved

through Qiyamah and Resurrection. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" We have to understand the Message of Christ. There are many people in this

world who try to show off that they are very great rationalists and they have a

right to pass any remark they like about Christ. I was reading the newspapers

today. I was surprised where they are all saying one by one that, " I reject this

part of Christ that He was born with Immaculate Conception. I reject that He was

resurrected. I reject this and I reject that. Who are you? Because you can

write, because you have a flair, how can you say such things? Just without

finding out, you are a scholar, maybe you are very well read, maybe that you

think you are capable of saying whatever you like about any subject, but the

subject of spirituality cannot be dealt by people who are not even

Self-Realized! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Resurrection; Helping Each Other,

Easter Puja Talk Sydney, Australia, April 3, 1994)


" The Message of His life is not the Cross but the Resurrection. He was

resurrected. That was one of the things He did so that now you can be

resurrected. Every Incarnation is something unique. But the end of it was the

Resurrection. He did it because He had to die. Otherwise how can you resurrect

yourself? There are lots of things which look difficult but which are not. There

are some who say that Christ never resurrected Himself. (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Christmas Puja, India - December 25, 1993)


" The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come for you to

get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in the Bible but all the

scriptures of the world! The time has come today that you have to become a

Christian, a Brahmin, and a Pir, through Kundalini awakening only. There is no

other way. And that your Last Judgment is also now. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are all going to be judged

through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter into the Kingdom of God or not. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-masse

evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma. It is the way the

Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all

the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to

achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


[spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings]

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