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Sahaja Yoga is the Truth that can’t ever be organised!

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Dear All,


This message is for my brother and sister SY whether you are inside or outside

of the organisation called Sahaja Yoga. I know that being inside the

organisation called Sahaja Yoga, does not necessarily make a person a Sahaja

Yogi. I also know that being outside the organisation called Sahaja Yoga, does

not necessarily make a person a non-Sahaja Yogi. i know it depends on things

other than just attending an organisation, whether a person is, or is not, a

Sahaja Yogi.


Shri Mataji taught that Sahaja Yoga is nothing but Love. She also taught that

Sahaja Yoga is the Absolute Truth! Sahaja Yoga is in fact the Love and the

Truth, and through this Sahaja Yoga, which is this Yuga's Dharma, humanity will

be tranformed, if they wish it. Shri Mataji said that you cannot organise the

Truth, but that you can just live it! Shri Mataji even said that there is no

membership in Sahaja Yoga. We all know there is a membership list in the

organisation called Sahaja Yoga, but in Sahaja Yoga there is no membership! The

reason that there is no membership in Sahaja Yoga is because Sahaja Yoga is your

Union with the Divine. It is a spiritual relationship.


Shri Mataji sometimes talked about groups, and how people can form groups and

that these are divisive. What we are doing at adishakti.org and associated forum

cannot be considered as such, although the organisers of the organisation of

Sahaja Yoga may be saying that very thing about us. If they are, i can tell you

it is misinformation. It would be misinformation because Shri Mataji predicted

and inaugurated this to happen, as surely as She also inaugurated the

organisation She calls 'Sahaja Yoga' to happen! Shri Mataji planned for

Witnesses, separate from Her organisation of Sahaja Yoga, to give independent

evidence to confirm Her Incarnation. Witnesses are only valid witnesses, if they

are not so-called 'interested parties'. Any SY in the organisation would

automatically be considered as an 'interested party' and would not qualify as a

Witness. That is why Jagbir's children qualify as independent witnesses. As far

as i know they haven't even met Shri Mataji in the flesh! If that is the case,

and it seems to me it is, that makes their Evidence confirming Her Incarnation,

even more impressive! These things just don't happen by accident, folks - they

happen by design, by a Divine Plan! We are talking about the greatest Divine

Incarnation here, and not about any Tom, Dick, or Harry. i don't think most

Sahaja Yogis really understand the necessity of the eschatological proof that

has been needed to confirm Her Incarnation!


Another thing that Shri Mataji told Sahaja Yogis about at Sydney Airport in the

1990's and i know, because i was a Witness to that (as well as Her talking about

the children from Montreal in 1994) is that She revealed that if Sahaja Yogis

did not give Her Message from inside Her organisation of Sahaja Yoga, that it

would be given from outside Her organisation of Sahaja Yoga - so that was also

part of Her Divine Plan! It was arranged that if a certain thing did not happen,

then this other thing would happen. Shri Mataji left nothing to chance! The

emancipation of humanity was too important, to leave to what we now can see are

dithering leaders, who have no conviction to give Her Identity, Mission,

Message, and Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation to the world!


It has now happened that the organisers that rose up in the ranks of

Her organisation of Sahaja Yoga, could however not accept what did not come

under their control. Being the control freaks that they have shown themselves to

be (some of them anyway!), they have demonised the children, and have called us,

whom Shri Mataji said would give Her Message from outside the organisation of SY

(if they failed to do it from inside the organisation)---- they have now called

us non-Sahaja Yogis! As if that changes anything! The thing is, we are all One,

there is no power that can come between SY and SY and their Union with the

Divine. It can only happen in an external organising of it, but in Sahaja Yoga,

there is only Unity! Even though i am not attending the organisation of Sahaja

Yoga, because of this unique postion i am in, which Shri Mataji predicted about

would happen regarding Her Message, i consider Sahaja Yogis in the organisation

as my brothers and sisters. i don't see any separation. i only see Unity. Maybe

that is because i now see things with the eye of the Spirit. If i were to see

things with the physical eyes it would perhaps be discouraging, but i don't. i

know that only the eyes of the Spirit, give the Reality, and the Reality is

Unity! In Sahaja Yoga there is not divisiveness, because it is a spiritual

relationship with myself, others, and the Divine. Organisational control through

politics, doctrines and dogmas are not really Sahaja Yoga, because is one's

Union with the Divine! It is the same for any Sahaja Yogi.


The fact is that Jagbir has tried and tried to communicate with the leaders,

with WCASY, but they either refuse to communicate back, or do it in a very

unsatisfactory manner, very unlike what a person would expect of a Sahaja Yogi,

and they gang up too, like in a group, so that what one says, they all say, as

if they do not have their individual spiritual intelligence, to see what is

going on here. I think rank and file Sahaja Yogis are far superior to those who

have these leadership ambitions, especially those who are control freaks along

with these leadership ambitions! So as I have said, Jagbir has tried and tried

to communicate with them, to come to a mutual understanding, but they even

refuse to listen. What can one do, with shut ears like that? One might as well

bang their head against a brick wall! Because that is what they are like – a

brick wall, that refuses to listen, to understand, and to realise that Shri

Mataji is behind all this, otherwise it would not be there! The adishakti.org

website would not be there if it were not for Shri Mataji wanting it there!

That's the Truth, though most Sahaja Yogis in the organisation don't know. And

the Sahaj Media has now been controlled by control freaks, who do not allow the

free voice of the Sahaja Yogi, for fear of what that SY might say. Imagine that!

It's a nightmare really, of epic spiritual dimensions.


But we know the Adi Shakti will overcome all obstacles. We have seen all Her

miracles, and have faith in Her!


love to all,



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