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I Am That; We Are That!

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Dear Jagbir and All,


All that Shri Mataji said and gave needs to circulate through the whole Body of

Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given that not all Her children are strictly inside

the organisation of Sahaja Yoga. Some of Her children are outside of Her

organisation - a case in point being the " special personalities " She talked

about in 1994, whom She said would give evidence to support Her Incarnation from

outside of the organisation of Sahaja Yoga:





Then there is the other occasion at Sydney Airport in the 1990's when She said

that there would be " those who would give Her Message from outside the

organisation if Her Message were not given from inside the organisation " . I and

a room full of yogis were present when She said this. At that time, i had no

idea why these things were said by Her. A decade or so later, i now understand

why She said these things.


i know now that She was informing us, that Her Identity, Mission, Message and

Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation - Her Advent, in other words, would not be

confined within the boundaries of any external organisation (that counts

membership numbers), but would be part and parcel of a Living Organisation of

Sahaja Yoga, which includes Sahaja Yogis inside the organisation called Sahaja

Yoga, and also includes Sahaja Yogis who would be doing Her Work, outside of the

organisation called Sahaja Yoga.


An organisation usually has restrictions, but a Living Organisation cannot have

restrictions like an organisation does. I am talking about real spiritual

liberty to follow one's Spirit, rather than making a cult following out of a

particular leader. As a Mother, Shri Mataji never tried to make a cult following

out of Herself. She always pointed seekers to their individual Mother Within,

that She said She incarnated, to introduce us too. Her Words as recent as 17

January, 2008 still point to that Individual Mother Within!:


" But on the day of Sankranti we should know that we should appease the Devi

residing within us and should know how to please the Devi. (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Sakshat Sankranti Puja in Pratishthan - 17 January, 2008)


Christians call the 'Individual Mother Within' the Holy Spirit. Lesser spiritual

leaders than our Mother have often failed in true spiritual leadership

qualities, making Her children follow them, resulting in a cult following of a

leader. Shri Mataji says though, that we must " appease the Devi residing within!

After all, She spent so many pujas, so that we can meet that Devi that resides



Sahaja Yogis cannot just simply and smugly (or snuggly!) settle themselves

inside the confines of Her organisation and think that Shri Mataji also has to

confine Herself in the same way! Shri Mataji has embodied us in the Living

Organisation of Sahaja Yoga. For example, i may have left Her organisation

called Sahaja Yoga, but i have never left Her Living Organisation of Sahaja

Yoga! What is the difference? In an organisation you can be taken off a

membership list and be ex-communicated from the Sahaja Yoga Newsletter for doing

nothing wrong, but in the Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga, there is no

membership and as long as you please the Devi that resides within, you are a

part and parcel of that Living Organisation!


i hope this comforts Sahaja Yogis who may be feeling that the organisation

called Sahaja Yoga is not all it was made out to be. They may therefore be quite

disappointed. They may have difficulties when there are contradictions between

what Shri Mataji gave and what is actually happening. i hope these person are

heartened, knowing that Shri Mataji talked about a " Living Organisation of

Sahaja Yoga " where there is truth, honesty, and sincerity. My hope is that with

the help of the Sahaja Yogis from outside the organisation, the Sahaja Yogis

inside the organisation will be able to take stock and change things so that the

organisaton of Sahaja Yoga will become all it has promised Shri Mataji to be!

Shri Mataji said that we are all past masters who have returned at this special

time. A lot of Sahaja Yogis have their Self-realisation connection, but still

don't have the full confidence to express their Self-Mastery. Sahaja Yogis from

without the organisation want to use their unique freedom from organisational

restrictions, to help Sahaja Yogis gain confidence in their Self-Mastery, and

transform the organisation from within, so that it will be what Shri Mataji

dearly wanted it to be. And besides we need just such an earthly organisation to

help spiritually emancipate humanity-at-large!


If you remember i wrote about how Christian ministers call their whole

congregation 'Christians', though not everyone who is called a Christian is

necessarily a sincere, honest follower of Christ. Likewise, Shri Mataji

addresses all attendees as 'Sahaja Yogis' but that does not mean they are all

sincere, honest Sahaja Yogis. It depends upon what is in the person's heart.

Just being recorded on an organisation's membership list does not make them a

Sahaja Yogi. The true recording as to whether a Sahaja Yogi is a sincere,

honest, truthful yogi or not, is recorded by their own Kundalini that has been

awakened. Just because someone attends the organisation of Sahaja Yoga does not

therefore guarantee that they are sincere, honest, and truthful yogis. They may

only be 'skin-deep' Sahaja Yogis, in other words, not " deep " yogis, just like

there are shallow and deep Christians, who attend the Christian religion.


i am hoping that a bridge will be created to close the gap between Sahaja Yogis

inside the organisation of Sahaja Yoga, and Sahaja Yogis who are working for

Shri Mataji as She predicted, from outside of the organisation. If the Living

Organisation of Sahaja Yoga can work together, and ignore the spike in the

system that was initially forged by Yogi Mahajan then i do believe that Her

Message would more speedily go out from Montreal, Canada as She predicted. Here

is Jagbir's description of that " spike in the system " :


" But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle, silent

conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan in the

mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her incarnation. i quote:


" He Is A Child Of Darkness


The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to continued

its destructive path.


At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the International

Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash and Shahwinder reached New

Delhi, India, they were in for a shock. The school authorities told them to go

back because they could not find their names in the registration book, and that

they did not realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent

in English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must return

home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby Janak Puri and

rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian leader Jay Chudasama and SY

Steve Gulati were unable to remove this petty problem. The school authorities

were determined to send them back and demanded they return home!


Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and begged that they

be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they were given a one-month



Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly switch from

French to English, study new subjects and pass the required exam within a month,

the Truth had to be told to secure their stay for a few years. He sent fifty

pages of Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world

leader, Yogi Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that

something phenomenal had happened: a young SY child had confirmed that the

Golden Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


At this time 'Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY Mahajan. Kash

was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki', who was sure that Kash was possessed

by the same demons that tormented him, probably did not have much kind words.

Evil spirits had possessed this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary

powers. This child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with

quickly. The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made matters worse.



[Jagbir i have a question]:


Is this 'Shri Kalki' that you say Yogi Mahajan approached re your children, the

same 'Shri Kalki' that innundates our forum? If that is the case, it is

unbelievable that they still support this crazy 'Shri Kalki's' advice to YM,

instead of accepting the Evidence that Shri Mataji said would confirm Her

Incarnation! The evidence to confirm Her Incarnation, is obviously the Jewel in

the Crown, otherwise the Adi Shakti's Adversary would not be working so hard to

demonize that evidence, which means that Sahaja Yogis really have to wake up and

see what is happening right in front of their noses!





The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and sanctuary

until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in Montreal was harsh and

against spiritual development.


But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he thought about the

whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The Ascent, and believed by most

Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in darkness and deserved no special attention or

protection — or even be exorcised of the 'demons' that 'possessed' him.


Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive explanation as it

contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction that " Only those who go deep in the

source discover the Golden Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and

enthralls the total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the

saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent, Motilal Banarsidass

Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old brother,

Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same Reality. Yogi Mahajan

offered no explanation. On the contrary, he rejected one of the greatest

spiritual enlightenment in the history of humankind as the work of evil spirits

and refused to listen to any further explanation!


Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and spiritual

arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions. Fifty pages of proof

was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help found no compassion! [bREAK




[Dear Sahaja Yogis who are in the organisation of Sahaja Yoga especially - this

is why you need to have compassion for Jagbir and his children, and realise that

any criticisms from Jagbir about the organisation of Sahaja Yoga are directly

related to the wrong direction that Sahaja Yoga took, when Yogi Mahajan

approached this false 'Shri Kalki' for his advice re the children, whom Shri

Mataji said in 1994, would give Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation - and ran

with that. In fact, Shri Mataji has since revealed that these " special

personalities " are special because they are angels who have incarnated as human

beings and Shri Mataji has also revealed, that it is unprecedented, that two

angels have ever incarnated into one household! We have seen this 'Shri Kalki'

on this forum, and he is an absolutely crazy fellow. It is the case of a crazy

fellow calling the " angels " of Shri Mataji as " possessed of evil " ! There is your

spiritual fight between the forces of Light and darkness, right within Her own

organisation of Sahaja Yoga! But the forces of Light will win in the end. The

question is, will Sahaja Yogis be found to be on the Light's side (supporting

Her angels) or will they be found to be on the dark's side (supporting the dark

one's schemes) and therefore continuing to demonize the very angels that have

given the Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation?!]





Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was no shelter

from the fast approaching storm! "


Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114


Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false charges against the

children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's wishes. Then he set about

influencing leaders and those able to inflict maximum damage. Since he was the

undisputed power broker in Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were

most welcome and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.


Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members like Alan

Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi Mahajan left. And

they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad to poison and turn SYs

against the websites and forum of those giving evidence of Her incarnation. The

ghost of Yogi Mahajan still walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and

continues to frighten SYs. Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation

will outlast each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and SYSSR will

survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New York,

London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,








[sahaja Yogis might feel that Jagbir is being harsh when he says that:


" There is no way WCASY and SYSSR will survive, as it is coming clear in

Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers. "


i remember that Shri Mataji said that Her Message will go out from Canada to the

rest of the world! i feel this can only successfully happen when there is a

Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga. This means that there needs to be a Unity

among all Sahaja Yogis - those from within the organisation of Sahaja Yoga, and

those doing Her Work from outside the organisation as She said may happen, and

which has happened! To achieve that, everyone needs to try to come to an

understanding so that they can work together. It is not unforeseeable that we

can all work together. That is what a Living Organization of Sahaja Yoga is

capable of. i know it! Please believe it too!


In conclusion, i give my Sahaj Love to all my brothers and sisters, wherever you

may be. May we truly be united, against all odds, against all negative forces

that work against that Unity! Appended is an important Message given by our

Ever-Loving Divine Mother, given on 17 January, 2008. Enjoy!


love from violet



Sakshat Sankranti Puja in Pratishthan


Shri Mataji expressed the desire to have a Puja today and in a short time

preparations were done and a few Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yoginis were invited

for the same. After the customary Puja ceremony ended with the Aarti all present

were pleasantly surprised when Sir C.P. asked Shri Mataji if She wished to



Shri Mataji spoke on the microphone and announced that today is Sankranti. She

said that Sankranti meant the happening of something new. That with the

awakening of the Kundalini within us we have become new.


But on the day of Sankranti we should know that we should appease the Devi

residing within us and should know how to please the Devi. Referring to the

customary ritual of Makar Sankranti when we give Til & Gud sweets (sweets made

of Jaggery and sesame seeds) to others She said that this is for spreading love

amongst ourselves.


She said we should thank the Sun a lot. Because of the Sun's grace so many

things happen.


Today everyone should Namaskar the Sun. The Sun's energy, knowledge & light

should come within us.


Mother further said that we are all awakened. We have chaitanya flowing within

us. Now we should use this Chaitanaya.


Bring energy within yourself and bring peace within yourself and tell the world

that within us only is this energy and that we should get it. From your

qualities and from your truthfulness you should increase this and grow this.


Today's occasion is special because of the Sun's special grace on us. For this

there should be thankfulness. You have got a lot and you should be getting more

and will be getting more. This should be increased.


Shri Mataji said that we have done a lot of Puja to Her and She wondered that by

doing such Puja what we desired of Her.


She said that She desired that we become good Sahaja yogis and show the right

path to thousands of people and teach them goodness and for ourselves She said

that we should experience the energy that is flowing within us.


Shri Mother said that She was very joyful on seeing all of us and smilingly

asked whether now She may go and then laughed and so did the Sahaja yogis and

Sahaja Yoginis present there. Everyone stood up and clapped. Shri Mataji asked

for the prasad to be given to everyone and then departed from the Hall.


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sakshat Sankranti Puja in Pratishthan - 17 January,





, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet and all,


> i will definitely do so as and when suitable. All of us are going


> benefit, and that includes myself. Future seekers will greatly

> advance spiritually in a much shorter time with all the wealth of

> mystical knowledge based on genuine experiences that helps


> the esoteric secrets/parables/facts of the scriptures.


> regards to all,


> jagbir


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > The way you have related Sri Nisargadatta's quotes in " I AM


> and the mystical knowledge given by Shri Mataji through your

> children - in your own words and with your comments included, is


> helpful for the understanding of this mystical knowledge. i feel


> would be spiritually beneficial if you could do more of these,


> might help to dispel in SY minds and hearts, Yogi Mahajan et al's

> maya that the mystical knowledge Shri Mataji gave through the


> personalities from Montreal, Canada, is possessed of evil.

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> >

> > , " jagbir

> > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear all,

> > >

> > > The postman just delivered the book " I AM THAT " by Sri

> Nisargadatta

> > > Maharaj. Tuesday is indeed an auspicious day to receive


> > > gifts.

> > >


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> [Jagbir i have a question]:


> Is this 'Shri Kalki' that you say Yogi Mahajan approached re your

> children, the same 'Shri Kalki' that innundates our forum?



Dear Violet and all,


There have been a number of Kalki wannabes in Sahaja Yoga. This

particular Kalki came to Montreal from Toronto (and is not Ishmael)

After returning back to Toronto he claimed that Kash was responsible

for his 'madness'. So how mad was he?


" One of them had just undergone the trauma of a failed business,

financial losses, self-abuse and a divorce (and sought refuge in

meditation.) Within days he believed himself to be `Shri Kalki',

endowed with 'supreme powers' that would unleash worldwide

destruction with his laser eyes, and begin Armageddon. He told that

he had already meditated and 'talked' with Shri Mataji about

cleansing the world. He then prepared a statement addressed to all

Sahaja Yogis in North America. In it he declared he was `Shri Kalki'

and gave a list of commands for the Sahaja Yogis to follow. He told

Kash's father to fax copies of this letter to all centers. Being the

incarnation of Shri Kalki, he would lead the Armageddon as Lord Jesus

was about to appear over New York city any time. According to him the

Bible had predicted that only 144,000 were to remain alive. He

admitted it was a heartless task but he had to perform his duty!...


However, this stranger began to get even stranger. The 'voices' in

his head began to make him do crazy things — get down on all four

limbs and bark like a dog, buy hundreds of Lotto 6/49 tickets, hand

money to passersby, instantly analyze character, probe intentions,

read minds, and other peculiarities. Nearly every human being he met

was having a satanic stench, and he was having an extremely hard time

keeping the little sanity he had. Evil was everywhere and he had

nowhere to run!


A few days later he came with about a dozen assorted secondhand books

that the 'voices' had told were for Kash's father. He was taken to

the basement and told to calm down. That only further agitated him.

Suddenly he saw a protrusion in the ceiling, vaguely resembling a

boat's hull, and exclaimed, " This is the ship with the Holy Grail. "


That was the end of the witness state. Kash's father told him to stop

hallucinating, and bluntly told him that all his visions were

figments of his imagination. 'Shri Kalki' got very hurt, started

crying and stomped away, muttering that no one believed him. He never

came back again.


Instead he went into deeper into his own nightmarish world. Just

before going to India he was plotting to kill a priest

because 'voices' within were pestering him to do so. He hung around

the Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, the largest shrine in the

world dedicated to St. Joseph, to familiarize himself with the area,

the movement of priests, and the escape route. A number of times he

was on the verge of committing this heinous act, but for some reason

was unable to carry out the order of the 'voices.' Had he done so the

blame would have been clearly on Kash, his father, Sahaja Yoga and

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The world media would have had a feeding

frenzy and SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD never seen the light

of day.


But for some reason he was just unable to carry out his crazy scheme.

Some power of the Great ADI SHAKTI prevented him from lifting even a

finger from carrying out his demented desire. "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 111



At that time this Kalki was also in Delhi as he wanted to learn Indian

music. Yogi Mahajan approached him to learn more about Kash. And

Kalki must have insisted that his madness was caused by that evil

Kash. And Yogi Mahajan began a long campaign to rid the SY

organization of a most dangerous negativity, and he had no shortage

of rank and file SYs willing to do his bidding.


For a few years i kept quiet as i was busy writing the book. i

thought that Shri Mataji's praise and approval of the book would make

them realize otherwise.


But i was so wrong. The whole of North American was dead against the

book. Yogi Mahajan was especially 'mad' - i was told a few years ago

that he disagreed with Shri Mataji over Her approval of the book,

just before being sacked.


The situation has not changed much today in North America. i still

don't know why and which part of the book they disapprove. They are

even willing to defy Shri Mataji's repeated approval and praise! i am

sure WCASY and NIPC would have legally shut www.adishakti.org down if

it was in their power. They just cannot because Shri Mataji's

permission was sought a few times, and She approved. (i remember

WCASY member Manoj Kumar trying to shut down www.adishakti.org late

1999 by claiming that i did not have WRITTEN PERMISSION to use Shri

Mataji quotes!)


So you can see that the Adi Shakti took care of everything to ensure

that the evidence will be presented. i had to write the book to

prevent these negative forces within the SY organization from

destroying Her Advent and Message to humanity. WCASY and NIPC are

powerless because SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD is personal,

not collective intellectual property. Had that not been the case i

can assure all that WCASY and NIPC would have shut the sites.


Then there is the case of Kash and Lalita's identities. i tried to

delete them but the Devi, having anticipated that move, circumvented

it by declaring to Kash that there were five days when She appeared

to him in Her purest from. i subsequently realized that i had to

state that truth as Christianity and Islam strictly demands that

eschatological evidence. The Great News and Sure Signs of the Last

Judgment and Al-Qiyamah had to be witnessed and delivered by these

intermediaries between the Divine and humans, as has been the case

for these strictly monotheistic religions.


Thus it was absolutely necessary for me to defend against all the

negative forces trying to destroy Her advent and message. i do not

know the nature of this negativity that has overwhelmed the SY

organization since Yogi Mahajan's crusade. It is a very evil and

powerful force that is trying to fight against the Divine. Many SYs

have been unwittingly drawn into and used as pawns in this silent

battle. Most won't believe what i am saying but time will tell.


But things will change for the better, if they are not already. i

have been feeling for a few weeks that people are slowly becoming

conscious of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. They are becoming

confident and encouraged by the huge amount of articles and evidence

presented at www.adishakti.org. We have done well despite all the

negativity working against us. i assure all that the Devi and Her

Divine Message to humanity will triumph. Look around the world and

you will know why. It is only a matter of time.


regards to all,






, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> All that Shri Mataji said and gave needs to circulate through the

whole Body of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given that not all Her

children are strictly inside the organisation of Sahaja Yoga. Some of

Her children are outside of Her organisation - a case in point being

the " special personalities " She talked about in 1994, whom She said

would give evidence to support Her Incarnation from outside of the

organisation of Sahaja Yoga:






> Then there is the other occasion at Sydney Airport in the 1990's

when She said that there would be " those who would give Her Message

from outside the organisation if Her Message were not given from

inside the organisation " . I and a room full of yogis were present

when She said this. At that time, i had no idea why these things were

said by Her. A decade or so later, i now understand why She said

these things.


> i know now that She was informing us, that Her Identity, Mission,

Message and Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation - Her Advent, in

other words, would not be confined within the boundaries of any

external organisation (that counts membership numbers), but would be

part and parcel of a Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga, which

includes Sahaja Yogis inside the organisation called Sahaja Yoga, and

also includes Sahaja Yogis who would be doing Her Work, outside of

the organisation called Sahaja Yoga.


> An organisation usually has restrictions, but a Living Organisation

cannot have restrictions like an organisation does. I am talking

about real spiritual liberty to follow one's Spirit, rather than

making a cult following out of a particular leader. As a Mother, Shri

Mataji never tried to make a cult following out of Herself. She

always pointed seekers to their individual Mother Within, that She

said She incarnated, to introduce us too. Her Words as recent as 17

January, 2008 still point to that Individual Mother Within!:


> " But on the day of Sankranti we should know that we should appease

the Devi residing within us and should know how to please the Devi.

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sakshat Sankranti Puja in Pratishthan -

17 January, 2008)


> Christians call the 'Individual Mother Within' the Holy Spirit.

Lesser spiritual leaders than our Mother have often failed in true

spiritual leadership qualities, making Her children follow them,

resulting in a cult following of a leader. Shri Mataji says though,

that we must " appease the Devi residing within! After all, She spent

so many pujas, so that we can meet that Devi that resides within!


> Sahaja Yogis cannot just simply and smugly (or snuggly!) settle

themselves inside the confines of Her organisation and think that

Shri Mataji also has to confine Herself in the same way! Shri Mataji

has embodied us in the Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga. For

example, i may have left Her organisation called Sahaja Yoga, but i

have never left Her Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga! What is the

difference? In an organisation you can be taken off a membership list

and be ex-communicated from the Sahaja Yoga Newsletter for doing

nothing wrong, but in the Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga, there

is no membership and as long as you please the Devi that resides

within, you are a part and parcel of that Living Organisation!


> i hope this comforts Sahaja Yogis who may be feeling that the

organisation called Sahaja Yoga is not all it was made out to be.

They may therefore be quite disappointed. They may have difficulties

when there are contradictions between what Shri Mataji gave and what

is actually happening. i hope these person are heartened, knowing

that Shri Mataji talked about a " Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga "

where there is truth, honesty, and sincerity. My hope is that with

the help of the Sahaja Yogis from outside the organisation, the

Sahaja Yogis inside the organisation will be able to take stock and

change things so that the organisaton of Sahaja Yoga will become all

it has promised Shri Mataji to be! Shri Mataji said that we are all

past masters who have returned at this special time. A lot of Sahaja

Yogis have their Self-realisation connection, but still don't have

the full confidence to express their Self-Mastery. Sahaja Yogis from

without the organisation want to use their unique freedom from

organisational restrictions, to help Sahaja Yogis gain confidence in

their Self-Mastery, and transform the organisation from within, so

that it will be what Shri Mataji dearly wanted it to be. And besides

we need just such an earthly organisation to help spiritually

emancipate humanity-at-large!


> If you remember i wrote about how Christian ministers call their

whole congregation 'Christians', though not everyone who is called a

Christian is necessarily a sincere, honest follower of Christ.

Likewise, Shri Mataji addresses all attendees as 'Sahaja Yogis' but

that does not mean they are all sincere, honest Sahaja Yogis. It

depends upon what is in the person's heart. Just being recorded on an

organisation's membership list does not make them a Sahaja Yogi. The

true recording as to whether a Sahaja Yogi is a sincere, honest,

truthful yogi or not, is recorded by their own Kundalini that has

been awakened. Just because someone attends the organisation of

Sahaja Yoga does not therefore guarantee that they are sincere,

honest, and truthful yogis. They may only be 'skin-deep' Sahaja

Yogis, in other words, not " deep " yogis, just like there are shallow

and deep Christians, who attend the Christian religion.


> i am hoping that a bridge will be created to close the gap between

Sahaja Yogis inside the organisation of Sahaja Yoga, and Sahaja Yogis

who are working for Shri Mataji as She predicted, from outside of the

organisation. If the Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga can work

together, and ignore the spike in the system that was initially

forged by Yogi Mahajan then i do believe that Her Message would more

speedily go out from Montreal, Canada as She predicted. Here is

Jagbir's description of that " spike in the system " :


> " But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle,

silent conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader

Yogi Mahajan in the mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her

incarnation. i quote:


> " He Is A Child Of Darkness


> The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to

continued its destructive path.


> At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the

International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash

and Shahwinder reached New Delhi, India, they were in for a shock.

The school authorities told them to go back because they could not

find their names in the registration book, and that they did not

realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent in

English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must

return home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby

Janak Puri and rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian

leader Jay Chudasama and SY Steve Gulati were unable to remove this

petty problem. The school authorities were determined to send them

back and demanded they return home!


> Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and

begged that they be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they

were given a one-month extension.


> Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly

switch from French to English, study new subjects and pass the

required exam within a month, the Truth had to be told to secure

their stay for a few years. He sent fifty pages of Shri Adi Shakti:

Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world leader, Yogi

Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that something

phenomenal had happened: a young SY child had confirmed that the

Golden Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


> At this time 'Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY

Mahajan. Kash was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki', who was sure

that Kash was possessed by the same demons that tormented him,

probably did not have much kind words. Evil spirits had possessed

this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary powers. This

child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with quickly.

The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made

matters worse. [bREAK QUOTE]


> [Jagbir i have a question]:


> Is this 'Shri Kalki' that you say Yogi Mahajan approached re your

children, the same 'Shri Kalki' that innundates our forum? If that is

the case, it is unbelievable that they still support this crazy 'Shri

Kalki's' advice to YM, instead of accepting the Evidence that Shri

Mataji said would confirm Her Incarnation! The evidence to confirm

Her Incarnation, is obviously the Jewel in the Crown, otherwise the

Adi Shakti's Adversary would not be working so hard to demonize that

evidence, which means that Sahaja Yogis really have to wake up and

see what is happening right in front of their noses!





> The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and

sanctuary until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in

Montreal was harsh and against spiritual development.


> But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he

thought about the whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The

Ascent, and believed by most Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in

darkness and deserved no special attention or protection — or even be

exorcised of the 'demons' that 'possessed' him.


> Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive

explanation as it contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction

that " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden

Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the

total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of

it, and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


> Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old

brother, Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same

Reality. Yogi Mahajan offered no explanation. On the contrary, he

rejected one of the greatest spiritual enlightenment in the history

of humankind as the work of evil spirits and refused to listen to any

further explanation!


> Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and

spiritual arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions.

Fifty pages of proof was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help

found no compassion! [bREAK QUOTE]



> [Dear Sahaja Yogis who are in the organisation of Sahaja Yoga

especially - this is why you need to have compassion for Jagbir and

his children, and realise that any criticisms from Jagbir about the

organisation of Sahaja Yoga are directly related to the wrong

direction that Sahaja Yoga took, when Yogi Mahajan approached this

false 'Shri Kalki' for his advice re the children, whom Shri Mataji

said in 1994, would give Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation - and

ran with that. In fact, Shri Mataji has since revealed that

these " special personalities " are special because they are angels who

have incarnated as human beings and Shri Mataji has also revealed,

that it is unprecedented, that two angels have ever incarnated into

one household! We have seen this 'Shri Kalki' on this forum, and he

is an absolutely crazy fellow. It is the case of a crazy fellow

calling the " angels " of Shri Mataji as " possessed of evil " ! There is

your spiritual fight between the forces of Light and darkness, right

within Her own organisation of Sahaja Yoga! But the forces of Light

will win in the end. The question is, will Sahaja Yogis be found to

be on the Light's side (supporting Her angels) or will they be found

to be on the dark's side (supporting the dark one's schemes) and

therefore continuing to demonize the very angels that have given the

Evidence to Confirm Her Incarnation?!]





> Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was

no shelter from the fast approaching storm! "


> Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114


> Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false

charges against the children in order to expel them against Shri

Mataji's wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able

to inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker

in Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.


> Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members

like Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad

to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those giving

evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan still walks

the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to frighten

SYs. Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation will

outlast each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and SYSSR

will survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto,

New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


> the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,


> jagbir







> [sahaja Yogis might feel that Jagbir is being harsh when he says



> " There is no way WCASY and SYSSR will survive, as it is coming

clear in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and

other SY centers. "


> i remember that Shri Mataji said that Her Message will go out from

Canada to the rest of the world! i feel this can only successfully

happen when there is a Living Organisation of Sahaja Yoga. This means

that there needs to be a Unity among all Sahaja Yogis - those from

within the organisation of Sahaja Yoga, and those doing Her Work from

outside the organisation as She said may happen, and which has

happened! To achieve that, everyone needs to try to come to an

understanding so that they can work together. It is not unforeseeable

that we can all work together. That is what a Living Organization of

Sahaja Yoga is capable of. i know it! Please believe it too!


> In conclusion, i give my Sahaj Love to all my brothers and sisters,

wherever you may be. May we truly be united, against all odds,

against all negative forces that work against that Unity! Appended is

an important Message given by our Ever-Loving Divine Mother, given on

17 January, 2008. Enjoy!


> love from violet



> Sakshat Sankranti Puja in Pratishthan


> Shri Mataji expressed the desire to have a Puja today and in a

short time preparations were done and a few Sahaja yogis and Sahaja

yoginis were invited for the same. After the customary Puja ceremony

ended with the Aarti all present were pleasantly surprised when Sir

C.P. asked Shri Mataji if She wished to speak.


> Shri Mataji spoke on the microphone and announced that today is

Sankranti. She said that Sankranti meant the happening of something

new. That with the awakening of the Kundalini within us we have

become new.


> But on the day of Sankranti we should know that we should appease

the Devi residing within us and should know how to please the Devi.

Referring to the customary ritual of Makar Sankranti when we give Til

& Gud sweets (sweets made of Jaggery and sesame seeds) to others She

said that this is for spreading love amongst ourselves.


> She said we should thank the Sun a lot. Because of the Sun's grace

so many things happen.


> Today everyone should Namaskar the Sun. The Sun's energy, knowledge

& light should come within us.


> Mother further said that we are all awakened. We have chaitanya

flowing within us. Now we should use this Chaitanaya.


> Bring energy within yourself and bring peace within yourself and

tell the world that within us only is this energy and that we should

get it. From your qualities and from your truthfulness you should

increase this and grow this.


> Today's occasion is special because of the Sun's special grace on

us. For this there should be thankfulness. You have got a lot and you

should be getting more and will be getting more. This should be



> Shri Mataji said that we have done a lot of Puja to Her and She

wondered that by doing such Puja what we desired of Her.


> She said that She desired that we become good Sahaja yogis and show

the right path to thousands of people and teach them goodness and for

ourselves She said that we should experience the energy that is

flowing within us.


> Shri Mother said that She was very joyful on seeing all of us and

smilingly asked whether now She may go and then laughed and so did

the Sahaja yogis and Sahaja Yoginis present there. Everyone stood up

and clapped. Shri Mataji asked for the prasad to be given to everyone

and then departed from the Hall.


> (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sakshat Sankranti Puja in Pratishthan -

17 January, 2008)




> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet and all,

> >

> > i will definitely do so as and when suitable. All of us are going

> to

> > benefit, and that includes myself. Future seekers will greatly

> > advance spiritually in a much shorter time with all the wealth of

> > mystical knowledge based on genuine experiences that helps

> understand

> > the esoteric secrets/parables/facts of the scriptures.

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > The way you have related Sri Nisargadatta's quotes in " I AM

> THAT "

> > and the mystical knowledge given by Shri Mataji through your

> > children - in your own words and with your comments included, is

> very

> > helpful for the understanding of this mystical knowledge. i feel

> it

> > would be spiritually beneficial if you could do more of these,

> which

> > might help to dispel in SY minds and hearts, Yogi Mahajan et al's

> > maya that the mystical knowledge Shri Mataji gave through the

> special

> > personalities from Montreal, Canada, is possessed of evil.

> > >

> > > warmest regards,

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " jagbir

> > > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear all,

> > > >

> > > > The postman just delivered the book " I AM THAT " by Sri

> > Nisargadatta

> > > > Maharaj. Tuesday is indeed an auspicious day to receive

> spiritual

> > > > gifts.

> > > >

> >


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