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Shri Mataji: All the people laugh at us, nobody believes us.

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> Yes, only highly evolved SYs souls practising the awesome SYSSR can

> reach such states of enlightenment. Yogikumund has his work cut out

> for him to reach those levels. And myself, having only reached 2%

> of enlightenment, should not even consider to be the dirty salt of

> their daily foot-soaked feet.



Dear all,


Recently i received a partial transcript of Shri Mataji's 2007 Diwali

talk where She was critical of SYs:


" So the first thing you have to do is never be a dishonest person nor

let others become or be dishonest. This is very important and all of

you should together make it possible.


The milk is adulterated, ghee is adulterated. Where ever I see

everything is adulterated. All the people laugh at us, nobody

believes us....


And second point is you don't have to tell any lies. What is the need

to tell any lies? You tell the truth! The person who will always tell

the truth, he will be a special and if he is a Sahaja Yogi then he

will be magnificent. " (Shri Mataji)


But my point here is not to beg SYs to be honest as i am both tired

and ashamed of myself having to be associated with cowards and liars.

(Maybe there should be no reason for me to be ashamed of the actions

of others, but you have to since tens of thousands are involved in

this collective deceit - TENS OF THOUSANDS!)


Instead i want them to realize why " All the people laugh at us,

nobody believes us. " i doubt Shri Mataji knows that sheer scope and

penetration of the nonsense that is now the mindset of many SYs. The

general public has no inkling of the immensity of misinterpretation

and corruption of Her teachings that has taken place all over the

world. It is their misfortune that they are barred from reading the

hundreds of articles written by SYs at the official divinesahajayoga

group. The insult to intelligence is that these SYs think they are

highly evolved souls ready to enlighten the world.


Appended below are a few of the many posts and articles stored in the

private, password protected vault of divinesahajayoga. If Shri Mataji

ever reads the divinesahajayoga posts i am very sure She will need to

change the statement that " All the people laugh at us, nobody believes

us. " It will be an absolutely disaster if the public ever does so.


But do not worry as the divinesahajayoga feast is not meant for

public consumption. You need to be given self-realization and pass

some rigid screening before you are allowed to freely consume all

that garbage. i had my small share. They cut my rations when i

protested loudly that it was rubbish. i doubt the present 1154 members

think so.


You have to wonder why Shri Mataji thinks that " All the people laugh

at us, nobody believes us. " If only She knew what is hidden from them.


regards to all,









" haavardbergsagel " <h.b

Thu, 08 Jul 2004 21:36:17 -0000

DivineSahajayoga regarding cats





Dear brothers and sisters.


Please forgive the ignorance of asking this silly question here. It

regards the issue of cats. We have heard from various sources that

cats are very left sided, that they do not evolve and may attract and

carry negativity; in other words be quite bhootish.


If this is the case it would probably not be advised to have cats too

much inside houses and probably not around Ashrams??


This information comes from various yogis, but though we have looked,

we can not find any sayings of Shri Mataji on this subject. Does

anyone have any knowledge of this? (preferable coming from Shri









" Äìèòðèé Ìèðîøèí " <d_m

Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:18:30 +0400

DivineSahajayoga regarding cats



Dear Haavard,


The myth that cats are bhoots exists and supports by many yogis.

I just want to tell you the story I heard earlier from one SY.


It happened in one SY Ashram. I don't remember which one but I 'm

sure eyewitnesses will conform the truth of the story.


There lived a cat in SY Ashram. Many yogis didn't approve its

presence because of the above reason. Moreover many of them

insisted on its living the Ashram blaming it in bhootish nature

and spreading negativity.


When the situation became really tense one of yogis suggested all

to gather around the cat. After collective meditation hi asked

everyone to hold one hand over cat's head. After doing so many

yogis risen and left confused. None of them ever said a word

against the animal since then.


The matter is that everyone who was holding hand over cat's head

felt such a strong stream of Kundaliny, none of them ever felt.


Do not harry up to release your accommodation from a cat.

What if it is not a bhoot but a god given to you for help?


Jai Shri Mataji!







" rabi ghosh " <ghosh_rabi

Tue, 27 Jul 2004 13:34:35 +0000

RE: DivineSahajayoga spiders



Dear Family,


Jai Shri Mataji,


In fact I was amused to read this beautiful mail. But I also desried

to reserve my personal understanding on this issue . May be someone

could highlight on this issue. I just would like to refer to certain

techincal funny points.


Bats and cats are really mystic as even the myth says. If we analyse

its age old myth as the movies are also framed keeping these two

animals in the evil spirit carrier. One sees 'dracula' or see

the 'Catwoman'. Its all horror movies and so it s established. AS FAR

AS spiders are concerned it could be true that they are scarry and

just not freak of nature. May be a pass in the evolution process to

get evolved to a higher phylum or species. Even horror movie is also

screened and played upon this animals (Spider)...it is scarry I tell

you....the spiderman..etc etc..


its good to talk on these issues as it gets cleared what and what not

are to be cared for, especially in Sahaja. At times there are

startling revelation from the family . But only that these animals I

hope were an evolutionary process that came and went to make us the

super Human today. In fact a few days ago I was wondering about the

Cats and the bats. What came to me is..... I recollect once Shri

Mataji in one of the talk spoke that the Asuras came up in

competition with the incarnations or the Gods. Like Narasimha in

Egypt....if one looks at it closely....they wanted to defy the good

existance. So humanity who knew about the great ncarnation of Shri

Krishna as Half Lion and half man (Narasimha). The upper half was of

lion and the body was of human. The Rakshasaas who came as

the 'Asssrians' built sphinx like objects/things reversing the model

of the incarnation of narasimha ... with half human on top while the

body of lion (Just the opposite of Narasimha).


Similarly, the Lion /Tiger family is.... if we see is the vehicle

carrier of the Goddess...So the rakshasa must be imitating and chose

the CAT as their vicious vehicle carrier in that competition with

Gods. So, the Evil Spirits must be travelling with Cats. (What do we

say?......it is just a statement and no research please), which falls

on the Tiger family or you may say the reverse. So We may correlate.

While again see the birds although Bats are supposed to be mammals,

but lives like a link between the 'Aves' and the 'Mammals'. Like wise

the spider in the invertebrate group with phylum arthropodas (Jointed

Foot) could be a just a freak or may have certain significance for

the reason to be loathed by human......


But as the history goes it is said every two species were represented

and carried by GOD's desire in the Noah's Arc. And Darwin also

probably has some thing to say about it. (Ha Ha ...I was just










, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Hi Kumud and all,


> The impression i am getting is that you are quite unbalanced and


> some serious mental problems. You do not seem sane enough even to

> answer simple questions.


> And if " this time is different " and is the new way you guys are

> spreading Sahaja Yoga in " Calcutta , Chhatisgarh , Orissa and other

> parts where every day SY programme is going on " i have bad news for

> you - few seekers will want to become SYs like you. i have stopped

> wondering why SY is not spreading a long time ago, thanks to SYSSR

> freaks like you:


> " , " yogikumud "

> <yogikumud@> wrote:


> Please guide.

> How to solve financial problems in real life with SY help.

> How to cure problems of Left Swadhisthan catch.

> Constant hot or presence of something in and around right ear and


> on back agnya is there? What does this mean? please comment.

> I also often get catch with left heart and have a sinking feeling


> long. What to do?

> Some SY say my home is possessed and some occult practices are going

> on there to harm us ?

> Recently elder brother died of Heart attack and I dreamt of some

> person warning me it my time to die now ? what does this mean.

> I am not afraid being in SY but always have a left sinking heart.


> Please enlighten. "



> So please go and join the official divinesahajayoga forum where


> can shoe-beat the insanity out of you ............. or schedule a

> marathon matka treatment to bring sanity back.


> And while you are there please update us on this promising, cutting-

> edge SY enlightenment and research that may became the rave in


> Imagine what it will do for the fortunes of SY if animal-lovers all

> over the world just get a whiff of it. i heard the experiments are

> almost complete and our hyper-excited WCASY leaders are waiting


> abated breath, and are already stepping on one another's toes to be

> the first to make the grand announcment:


> -----------------------------


> Another beautiful article forward from " toni "

> <toni on animals


> Cats ....Bats and Spiders.......


> Namaste !




> Collected Insights about


> " cats and vibrations "


> Lisa from Kathmandu told me that cats can absorb Spirits. This is

> all. Some will do it, but some won't like it.


> *******



> cats are said to lie down and sleep on places with " bad vibrations "

> inside the house, they can absorb these " bad-ies " and when they go

> out in the garden Mother Earth is going to purify the cat again.


> *******



> When we were living at Shudy Camps we had a house cat for the mice.


> Mother one day asked us to move her dining room to the hallway and

> the cat ran into and under mothers chair.


> The yogi's there ran around and tried to catch the cat and mother

> told them to stop because actually the cat wanted to go there


> of the vibrations.


> Mother named the cat Narashima and also told us a few things about

> their evolution.


> Evolutionally they are at a dead end and that is why the cat is

> attracted to all types of vibrations bad or good.


> Mother also said that the reason why the cats come and sit in our

> laps is because they feel the bad vibrations and suck them up.


> *******



> Cats are not bhoots, I only heard that about the following animals:


> wasps (Aggressive Nazi bhoots), spiders (are able to even absorb


> side negativity from their surrounding), mosquitos and probably


> a few other insects...


> Truth is, that cats and dogs both can see bhoots but their reaction

> is usually different. Dogs bark and get rid of the bhoots where


> may welcome them. An average stray cat carries one or more of those

> filthy creatures usually.


> I tested that myself (Don't try it at home :-) ) by feeling and

> trying to give vibrations to street cats. They would turn very

> aggressive and bite/scratch me. Dogs usually always enjoy


> and have a very deep sense for a person with gravity.


> Nevertheless a cat living in a Sahaj environment will not do so and

> on the contrary enjoy vibrations. Our cat for example stretches out

> in the meditation room paws up (!) when we meditate. The dog I took

> care of before in an ashram did the same.


> Finally we should not forget the high impact on the pets by their

> owner's behaviour / state. If the human is crazy, mostly his


> will be, too :-)



> *******



> Here is a small story which happened in Graz, a city in Austria,

> during Shri Mataji's first visit to Graz, I believe in 1986 or 1987.


> Prelude:


> We too by then had heard about bhootish cats and had even learnt to

> distinguish between different categories. When we gave a bandhan to


> cat and the cat continued purring without any other reaction we


> the cat was OK. But sometimes cats reacted quite violently to our

> bandhans, with all tail hair at and disappearing with loud shrieks,

> then we knew we had encountered a cat which was possessed.


> The story:


> We lived in a very nice ashram in the outskirts of the city, right

> next to a forest. Since we had moved there a small young kitten

> visited us almost daily, and she loved to have a small bowl of milk

> and then fall asleep right in front of the picture of Shri Mataji's

> feet in the meditation room.


> We enjoyed these visits and got used to them, considering the


> cat as a legitimate member of our ashram.


> Then Shri Mataji's visit was announced! In preparation of Her visit

> we turned the whole house upside down and soon we had forgotten


> the cat.


> When Shri Mataji finally arrived and was standing in the entrance

> during the welcome aarti, the cat turned up and went straight to


> feet of Shri Adi Shakti! I noticed it and tried as much as I could


> lure the cat away from there, so as to not to disturb the

> auspiciousness of the aarti.


> Shri Mataji noticed my attempts, as well as the cat at Her feet,


> smilingly said: " Just let her, she knows where to get the coolest

> vibrations from! "


> This closed the discussion about cats for me.


> :)


> PS: About giving realization to animals: While some animals are

> definitely very receptive for vibrations (just remember Shri


> dogs in Cabella!), I still believe it is much more important for us

> to remember the billions of humans who still haven't had a chance


> hear about the advent of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga.


> --------------------------------



> Yes, only highly evolved SYs souls practising the awesome SYSSR can

> reach such states of enlightenment. Yogikumund has his work cut out

> for him to reach those levels. And myself, having only reached 2%


> enlightenment, should not even consider to be the dirty salt of


> daily foot-soaked feet.


> regards to all,



> jagbir



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