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Why WCASY and NIPC are powerless to shut down www.adishakti.org

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> So you can see that the Adi Shakti took care of everything to

> ensure that the evidence will be presented. i had to write the book

> to prevent these negative forces within the SY organization from

> destroying Her Advent and Message to humanity. WCASY and NIPC are

> powerless because SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD is personal,

> not collective intellectual property. Had that not been the case i

> can assure all that WCASY and NIPC would have shut the sites.



[Jagbir, that you " had to write the book to prevent these negative

forces within the SY organisation from destroying Her Advent and

Message to humanity " is becoming increasingly evident! You say that

WCASY and NIPC are powerless, because SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF

GOD is personal, not collective intellectual property! Can you

perhaps explain in more detail so forum readers can understand, how

what you have written is " personal " and not " collective intellectual

property " ? Also, i know NIPC have litigated against you, but is it

possible how you came by this knowledge, that " WCASY and NIPC are

powerless " to shut down www.adishakti.org?]



Dear Violet and all,


WCASY and NIPC are powerless to shut down www.adishakti.org because:


i) " I hope many people write books. I am sure books can be written by

every doctor. Everybody can publish a book with their experiences and

understanding of Sahaj Yoga. It will help yogis also. All those who

have such ideas should make an effort to create new books, some new

ideas, new creations. It is very important, because in these modern

times, people want to do something new; something novel. Under these

circumstances I am sure it will work out. "


Shri Mataji

21st March 1993, New Delhi, India



ii) www.adishakti.org is based mainly on SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM

OF GOD, a book that was written entirely by me. As the author i have

exclusive rights that cannot be infringed upon by WCASY or NIPC.


Moreover, SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD is almost exclusively

about the Devi in the Sahasrara. No human or organization has any

right or power to dictate to Her how, where and when it can be used.



iii) Shri Mataji's repeated permissions were sought by me to write the

book, and She granted it each and every time. WCASY knows that:


" Copyright clearance should be established at the beginning of a

project. If clearance is denied after the work has been included in

the collection, it will require additional effort to remove it and

may result in legal action from the author. "



iv) " Dear Sahaja Yogis,


Jai Shri Mataji!


Our American leader Manoj at the Virata Puja, Cabella, gave Shri

Mataji the text of this book. She was very pleased and said that it

will help to spread Sahaja Yoga. We have now Her blessings for its

publishing, which is already in progress, and a limited number of

copies may be available by the end of December. We are thus offering

this spiritual research over the Internet to all the devotees of Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi for a collective examination since it will take

quite a while for everyone to have their own copies. "


Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 December, 1999



v) " RE: Editing of book

Mon, 10 Apr 2000 15:29:29 -0400

" Kumar, Manoj (MMRX) " <manoj_kumar

" 'Jagbir Singh' " <jagbir,

" 'Arun Goel' " <mother

CC: " Kumar, Manoj (MMRX) " <manoj_kumar


Dear Jagbir,


I presented your book to Shri Mataji when I was in India. She spent

almost half an hour to go through the book. Overall, She was very

pleased with the book and especially with your effort in compiling

the information. She Mataji felt that it needs some editing. She

asked me to convey to you " Tell Jagbir now to leave it to Her " .


She suggested that She will get it published in India in 4 volumes

because the print is very small in its existing format which will be

made bigger and will than be more readable. She suggested that since

it is going to be a priced item that you should remove it's free

availability from the web.


You can contact the leader of India Arun Goyal who was present at the

time of my discussion with Shri Mataji to get further status. Shri

Mataji will be India till the 18th and then will come to Europe. Arun

Goyal's email address in India is mother.



!jai Shri Mataji!



Your brother,



Manoj "



Thus i-v are the reasons why WCASY and NIPC are powerless to shut

down www.adishakti.org.


But Manoj Kumar and company thought they had executed a brilliant coup

and began high-fiving each other in unrestrained glee. After all,

they secured Shri Mataji's permission to prevent publication of the

book subject to some editing, .... and 2,200 pages could take forever

if they had their foxy way.


However i never felt in any way that Shri Mataji wanted me to stop

spreading Sahaja Yoga as i knew best. So i complied by taking down

the entire book and just continued with bits and pieces here and



Over time i realized a significant improvement over the previous

works. Furthermore, new and invaluable contributions have come from

Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. And if we add articles from the forum and

affiliated sites SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD may soon double

in volume. All this would not have taken place had i completely shut

down www.adishakti.org after April 10, 2000. (Without question Shri

Mataji's Advent, Identity and Divine Message would never have seen

daylight! What a fool i would have been had i listened to SY leaders!)


But that was exactly what the SY leaders expected me to do. And when

they realized their brainstorming plot did not work as planned, Shri

Mataji was again approached to shut down www.adishakti.org. She just

told them that i was not doing anything wrong and should be left

alone. Rather than regarding it as sound advice it probably was taken

as a slap in the face.


This humiliation always retained the sting of revenge. NIPC reminded

me of the bad blood when they sent a lawyer's letter threatening

severe legal penalties should i ever trespass again on their recently

acquired prized property - the early talks of Shri Mataji.


Confucius advises, " Never kill a mosquito with a cannon. "



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