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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's 1981 Horoscope

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Dear All,


When i researched Shri Mataji's Horoscopes on this forum, i found that we had

not deleted all the fake 'messages of the mother' from I.G. of Russia. Since his

fake 'message of the mother' was attached to Jagbir's comments with regard to

Shri Mataji's 1981 horoscope, i have divested it, and repost only Jagbir's

comments here, with the deleting of the old forum message to occur after that.

(i know you will be pleased, Gerlinde.}


The 'concerned devotee' Jagbir refers to below, is I.G. Even though I.G. was

sending fake 'messages of the mother' - he did describe accurately the situation

in Sahaj collectives today. Only today, i received an email and here is an

excerpt that shows the conditioning and fear that is indicative of the SYSSR

system - that is not the same as the balanced system that Shri Mataji has given,

which includes Her Spiritual Teachings " in full " and not just the way WCASY et

al like to " interpret it " into their narrow focus of a SYSSR!:


" Before, my common sense would have easily shown me that something like, if you

fast for health you'll get bhoots, or the ashram is really protecting you'

[etc.]. Now these things seem to come up and control me to a degree, set fear in

me, and really stop me from following what i know inside myself or that

guidance. "


Appended then, is Jagbir's post, which begins with Shri Mataji's 1981 Horoscope.







Jagbir's Post:


Appended below is possibly the earliest horoscope reading of Shri Mataji which

appeared in the Jan-Feb 1981 issue of Nirmala Yoga.


" MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 p.m., I.S.T. (noon time) on 21st March 1923.

At this moment, taking into consideration the local time of Nagpur, the Sun was

exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and being in the zero degree of Aries or

the 30th degree of Pisces, the Sun in that position made a Rajayoga (i.e. an

aspect for leadership and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the

Sun's glamour and power.


Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascendent is in the 8th degree. The Ascendant

in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata, as the Ascendant is

strongly aspected by five planets, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars and the Moon,

while it is occupied by Pluto, which itself forms grand trines with three of the

five planets and sextiles with the other two. Her spiritual powers arise mainly

from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, also, the position

of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the second house indicates that

her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It is interesting to note that the current

position of Neptune in the transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This

shows that her main work in the years to come will be solely in this field.


The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is exalted in Taurus strongly posited in the

11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi-Yoga and invest her with divinity.

She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is destined to live richly like a

Goddess. Her aristocratic origin is further indicated by the exalted Saturn in

the 4th house, who being the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has brought her

into matrimonial union with an eminent official. This same Saturn makes for

vairagya, i.e. distaste for worldly life and renunciation.


Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th house, makes her a Mother-Teacher and as he

is trined by three powerful planets and squared by two and opposed by two,

Mataji will have a most eventful life as a World Teacher. It will all bring a

great renown, an enormous following all over the world, a lot of conflict with



Saturn, strong in the 4th house, gives much longevity, great distinction towards

the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual and temporal, although it

inclines her to some solitude also in old age.


International fame is indicated by the presence of a strong Uranus in the 9th

house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto and sextiled by Mars and Moon. Also, the

Mercury-Uranus conjunction gives Mataji great eloquence and invincibility as a



The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune,

indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered by obstructive

activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji might have to steer through

conflicting loyalties and aims of some of her so-called followers who are

enemies in disguise. But despite all this, she will find her way to the goal of

her life, viz., universal Self-Realisation!


Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. "


Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981 (end)



It was reprinted in the Australian Sahaja Newsletter of 21 March, 1998, at a

time when none knew who were the " so-called followers who are enemies in

disguise " of Shri Mataji.


But today it is clear that Her so-called followers and enemies in disguise are

those who not only have suppressed Her Advent and Divine Message but also

usurped Her Will. They are the Alan Wherrys and John Noyces within the

organization working day and night to destroy the Truth at http://adishakti.org

and this forum. They are those who help WCASY run the organization today.


i keep repeating again and again - DO NOT EMPOWER THEM IN ANY WAY. Very few

really understand what i am trying to say and why. If you really knew you would

immediately stop attending any SY collective meditation, program or puja and

seek Her sanctuary within. You will cut all links with the " so-called followers

who are enemies in disguise " because they are destroying all She stood for. i

just received this email from a very concerned devotee which gives us ample

warning of what is happening in some collectives worldwide. If we remain silent

and paralyzed by fear to do something more and more SYs will be affected in



[End Quote]

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