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Prophet Mohammed couldn't have promised literal houris & intoxicants!!!

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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


Re: All three chorus that only on the " Last Day " ... will it be clear that... all

others besides were false!


> The utterly violent and murderous nature of this so-called 'god' of

> the Old Testament spills into the Bible and Quran, albeit to a much

> lesser extend. Look around the world today and you can see religious

> fanatics imitating the same violent and murderous acts of that god.

> What is really scary is that the so-called god will reward such

> murderers with ample mensus-free virgins (houris) and wine i.e.,

> 24/7 fornication and intoxication for all eternity!



Dear Jagbir and All,


Prophet Mohammed couldn't possibly have promised literal houris and intoxicating

drinks to religious warriors in the afterlife, because that would have been a

pandering to the lower self and its illusionary desires of the flesh! Rather, it

must have been the power-mad religious leaders who came after prophet Mohammed,

who made such spiritually outrageous promises to men - that if they fought their

religious wars, that they would have all these houris and intoxicating drinks

available to them in heaven on a 24/7 basis, LOL!


Of course one must realise that such a false promise is quite safe to make,

because once the warrior dies on the battlefield, he cannot complain if the

promise is not fulfilled in the afterlife! But religious leaders are very

cunning when it comes to their own greed for money, power, and whatever serves

their own self-interest! If the religious leaders wanted these men to have

houris and intoxicating beverages as a reward for their courage in battle in the

afterlife - why not at least be honest and provide these for the men while they

were still in their physical bodies, LOL! Because it is a sin? If it is a sin in

the physical body, it is surely a sin in the spiritual body and in Heaven!


Seriously though, there is a very big question mark, exclamation point, and

raised eyebrow too - behind the literal promise of houris and intoxicating

beverages in the afterlife of a religious warrior! For a start, the truly

spiritual man pursues the desires of his Higher Self, the Spirit and not the

fleshly desires of his lower self! The scriptures tell of this war between the

lower self and the Higher Self!:


The Conflict of the Two Natures


For we know that the Law is spiritual; but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to

sin - for that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing

what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. (v.14-15) For the

good that I wish, I do not do; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish.

(v.19) For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a

different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind,

and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. Wretched man

I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? (v. 22-24) (Romans

Chapter 7)


Prophet Mohammed couldn't possibly have promised literal houris and intoxicating

drinks to religious warriors in the afterlife because that would have been

pandering to the desires of the flesh. No prophet, Incarnation or holy person

would do that. It is possible though that the prophet Mohammed was asked to

describe the heavenly state of truth, consciousness and bliss, and in an

endeavour to describe that state in earthly terms, the closest he could come to

was using the earthly objects of houris and intoxicating beverages. A similar

allegory was written about in the Song of Solomon, whereby the union of earthly

love between King Solomon and his bride, has been used to describe the union of

heavenly love. However it must be realised that these are allegories, and not to

be taken literally. Religious leaders though are known to make literal what the

prophet or incarnation meant to be taken allegorically. The houris and

intoxicating beverages, and King Solomon's description of his bride and their

love is all allegorical - an attempt to describe heavenly love in earthly



The heavenly state, is one of Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss (Sat/Chit/Anand).

A person that is in that heavenly state has no need for any literal houris or

intoxicating beverages. Their bliss comes from the source of bliss itself,

within themselves, through their union with the Divine, a.k.a. Self-realisation!

They don't even need any other person to have that bliss! Which is also why

Christ said that there is no marriage in heaven but that we will be like the



" On that day some Sadducees (who say there is no resurrection) came to Him and

questioned Him, saying: " Teacher, Moses said, 'If a man dies, having no

children, his brother as next of kin shall marry his wife, and raise up an

offspring to his brother.' Now there were seven brothers with us; and the first

married and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother; so also

the second, and the third, down to the seventh. And last of all, the woman died.

In the resurrection therefore whose wife of the seven shall she be? For they all

had her. "


But Jesus answered and said to them:


" You are mistaken not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God. For in

the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage but are like

angels in heaven. " (Matthew 23:23-30)


Shri Jesus said that there will be no giving of marriage in the Resurrection -

" resurrection " in this case meaning when the Spirit of the person has left the

physical body. He says that we will be like the angels in heaven - and the

angels in heaven are in the heavenly state at all times; on a 24/7 basis. It is

the state that is called Sat/Chit/Anand (Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss)! This

spiritual state of Sat/Chit/Anand is beyond any comparative earthly physical

pleasures, because it is a state of the Spirit, a state of consciousness. It is

a state whereby a person is spiritually integrated and becomes a whole person

psychologically, mentally, physically, emotionally - in every way.


Religious leaders who literally translated what prophet Mohammed would have

meant allegorically, have done a disservice to human beings. They have reduced

the truth of the heavenly state to a literal 'earthly state' and thereby turned

the truth of the prophet to a lie. But that is the wont of religious leaders to

do. They always like to gain some monetary reward through the teachings of a

prophet, incarnation, or holy person.


It just doesn't make logical spiritual sense that prophet Mohammed would have

promised literal houris and intoxicating drinks in the afterlife! (Btw. in Norse

mythology apparently their warriors also went to a heaven, called " Valhalla " -

where they also had intoxicating drinks and houris, called " Valkyrie " !):






For this scenario to be in more than one culture, it must be an allegory, and

not to be taken as the literal truth! There must be other cultures, with the

same scenario too! What about Hindu heroes? Wasn't there something about the

warriors drinking the Soma, to forget about the horror of the battles?! In all

these legends, is not earthly language used, to help people ascertain the

heavenly. But isn't the heavenly literally unascertainable, except through the

eyes of Spirit. And isn't that why there are so many religious misconceptions in

all the religions today. Which is why Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has had to set

the record straight again!


regards to all,





, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > Even this short list of sadistic acts that are commanded, allowed,

> > or threatened by God and his " righteous " men is unbelievable. i

> > wonder who actually wrote them? i wonder who attributed to 'God'

> > all these things that are actually 'anti-God'? According to this

> > list, God does not even follow the Ten Commandments! The only


> > that can be, is that whoever wrote these things about God - it


> > have been a different 'god' in their own image and likeness - and

> > not the God of Love and of Light! If anyone wanted to destroy


> > reputation, they couldn't have done better than attribute all the

> > crimes to Him that they have done in the first five books of the

> > Bible!

> >

> > i recall that in the Christian church, we were taught that these

> > Old Testament Books were from the " past dispensation " and that


> > were not really relevant to us in our " present dispensation " . i

> > guess the Christian ministers could not deal with the sadistic


> > of God either. It was said that since Christ had come, there is

> > a " new dispensation of Grace " . So all the crimes attributed to God

> > were not really taken seriously. God was taught as a God of Love.

> > He was also taught as a sort of Jealous God - jealous for our love

> > and affection, in a nice way, not a vindictive way. We were also

> > taught that sometimes God is Angry at the sin in people's lives;

> > angry with the sin, but not angry with the sinner. We were taught

> > that 'sin' is anything that separates us from God. That does cover

> > a lot of sins, because just about anything and everything can

> > separate us from God, if we allow it to! But as far as the first 5

> > Books of the Bible is concerned, i doubt if anyone who is truly

> > close to the Divine, can take seriously that God will go against

> > His Own Nature, which is Love. Religious people, but who are not

> > close to the Divine Within, might think that God can disobey His €

> > Own Commandments.

> >

> > Fortunately we now have His Spirit, to set the record straight

> > again!

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >


> Dear Violet and All,


> The utterly violent and murderous nature of this so-called 'god' of

> the Old Testament spills into the Bible and Quran, albeit to a much

> lesser extend. Look around the world today and you can see religious

> fanatics imitating the same violent and murderous acts of that god.

> What is really scary is that the so-called god will reward such

> murderers with ample mensus-free virgins (houris) and wine i.e., 24/


> fornication and intoxication for all eternity!


> " From the first sketchy details, the two Palestinians who blew

> themselves up in Jerusalem this week seem to fit the profile of the

> Islamic bomber — unmarried young men in their late teens or early

> 20s, steeped in the Muslim religion...


> The suicide bomber believes he — the only suicide bombers so far


> been men — ascends directly to heaven as a martyr in the holy war

> against the infidel. And, it is said, he will enjoy the forbidden

> earthly pleasures of wine and 72 virgins. "


> The Daily Telegraph, Friday, 1 August 1997



> " It proclaimed a sensuous heaven and a horrible hell. Its fatalism —

> 'What is written, is written' — encouraged bravery on the

> battlefield. From there, a devout follower of Allah was transported,

> drenched in his enemy's blood, to heaven. `The sword', Mohammed

> said, `is the key of heaven and hell.' One drop of blood shed in

> God's cause was better than prayer and fasting. As Gibbons


> it, `whoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven; at the day of

> judgement his wounds shall be resplendent as vermilion, and

> odoriferous as musk; and the loss of his limbs shall be supplied by

> the wings of angels and cherubim.'


> In Paradise, as Santayana wrote in his Little Essays on Religion,


> warrior sits `in well-watered gardens with Mohamed, clad in green

> silks, drinking delicious sherbets, and transfixed by the gazelle-

> like glance of some young girl, all innocence and fire.' Gibbons'

> picture in the eight volume of Decline and Fall is far less

> puritanical.


> Seventy-two Houris, or black-eyed girls of resplendent beauty,

> blooming youth, virgin purity, and exquisite sensivity, will be

> created for the use of the meanest believer; a moment of pleasure

> will be prolonged to a thousand years, and his faculties will be

> increased a hundred-fold to render him worthy of felicity.


> The Prophet was silent about how many magnificent male attendants

> would be created for the women fortunate enough to enter Paradise.

> Maybe he feared the envy of their husbands in a male chauvinist

> world. "


> Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy,

> Bantam Press, 1988, p. 156-57.



> That is why it was necessary to send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit

> who shall teach you all things (John 14:26). By declaring the

> commencement of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah She has forcibly


> into motion a chain of events that compels Jews, Christians and

> Muslims to either accept or reject the very heart and soul of their

> religions.


> And what She teaches in detail about all things, specifically about

> God Almighty and His Holy Spirit is a far cry from what is taught in

> synagouges, churches and mosques:


> " Now, by now you must have realized all these so-called religions in

> anybody's name — whether it's in the name of Islam, in the name of

> Christianity, in the name of Hinduism, in the name of Sikhism — all

> this is falsehood. It has no Truth in it. They have all tried to use

> it for their own purposes. There's only one Truth and that is all

> these great Prophets and all these great Incarnations came on this

> Earth for your ascent and not for establishing those religions. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Easter Puja, Cambridge, U.K. — April 3, 1988


> " Who is the Antichrist? They're describing he is the Antichrist,


> fellow is the Antichrist. That's not the thing. There's an


> within us who accepts all these things which are against the purity

> and Love of Christ... Antichrist activities ... All such religions

> have to finish. They have to go now. It's too much. You cannot

> support them. They are so much full of anti-religious temperament

> that you cannot just bear them. It's better to finish Islam,

> Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, all isms, one

> after another.


> To what religion did Christ belong. I don't know... You don't belong

> to any other religion because there is no reason in that. So by the

> year 2000 I hope all these religions will run away from this Earth.

> All of them fighting for nothing at all, killing each other for

> nothing at all. They want, they want to fight, they like to fight.

> Why blame Koran? Why blame Bible? Why blame anyone? They want to

> fight. They are of divisive nature. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Give Up Your Antichrist Behavior, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule,

> India — December 25, 1996


> " For almost two thousand years, three major religions, Christianity,

> Judaism, and Islam, have enjoyed a popularity and exercised a

> profound influence on millions of human beings. Each, from the very

> beginning of its existence, claimed to have the ultimate answers to

> the supreme questions that confront man in every age. Each claimed,

> on the basis of absolute exclusivity, to be a chosen people. Each

> claimed to be able to provide its adherents with the truth about


> his origin and his destiny, and further to provide him with a world

> outlook according to which he could explain everything in human



> As Dr. Martin shows in The Encounter, each of the three religions at

> one early moment in its history made a choice according to which all

> its later history was determined. Christianity restricted itself

> essentially to the West; it attempted, with minimal success, to

> convert the peoples of Africa and Asia; it set up from its


> an official opposition and hate for Judaism; at one time it dreamed

> of supervising and controlling the secular and political life of


> Judaism set itself in opposition to Christianity; it became, for

> almost 1,800 years, the professional underdog of the West; in modern

> times, it has been polarized beyond repair. Islam tied its fortunes

> to certain geographical areas, to one concept of civil government,


> a way of life totally incompatible with that of mankind generally

> today, and to an irredentism unacceptable to modern man.


> Each of these religions had a limited success over a certain period

> of human history. That period is now over. It is Dr. Martin's thesis

> that, as a result, all religions are in a state of crisis. They are

> not able to provide modern man with answers to his ethical problems.

> They cannot unite man today. Their very formulations of doctrine and

> solutions to human problems are unintelligible today. In short, they

> have failed modern man. "


> Malachi Martin, The Encounter,

> Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, (summary on book jacket)



> " Judaism, Christianity, and Islam claim the whole man and all his

> spirit. They are built on the principle of spiritual allegiance to


> ethos and a dogma which, they claim, should rule all of man's life.

> It is the thesis of this study that as doctrines of man and as ways

> of life they have received dismissal notices from the evolving world

> of today; all three are resisting the peremptory orders; all three

> seem incapable of making the necessary leap into the modern world.


> Even to the most superficial observer it is clear, on the one hand,

> that all three religions individually make an exclusive claim to a

> certain authenticity, authority, and leadership — a certain

> dominance, in fact, as an inborn right. On the other hand, it is

> equally clear that none of them has an effective voice among the


> of men as they parley and dispute over their global destiny. More

> then that, this very claim to a certain dominance is not only being

> continually refuted and coldly silenced by the growing inability of

> any one of the three religious systems to speak coherently and

> intelligibly about this global destiny, according as the lines of


> latter's development becomes more and more complex.


> Even within their traditional areas and increasingly for their own

> adherents, they are ceasing to be relevant. Their claim to


> is being contended; the three no longer straddle the age. They tend

> to be regarded retrospectively, like figures receding more and more

> into the past. The main consideration of this book is that all three

> religions are caught for the same reason in an inescapable dilemma

> that offers no discernible alternative. The dilemma is briefly as

> follows: each of these three religions exclusively possesses, so


> the claim, the only answer to all man's questioning, and it alone


> provide man with an explanation of life. But such a claim of

> dominance is utterly unacceptable to modern ma's mind.


> Five hundred years or a thousand years ago, these religions were

> making the same all-inclusive claims — but man's world was different

> then. In the last 500 years it has changed more radically than over

> the previous 100,000 years. Chiefly, a global crisis now affects all

> men alike on the very issues these religions once claimed as their

> exclusive concern. They, like man himself, have been overtaken by


> logic of history.


> In this last third of the 20th century, there is something shaking

> the human race. It is as if the latter had carried strange unwanted

> dreams in its head for millennia, only to wake up brusquely and try

> to live the dreams. There is abroad on the human scene a spirit that

> cannot be caged. Something that has been compressed, held down,

> distorted, and enchained for a long time has now coagulated, boiled

> up, and is in the process of explosion. There has also been a


> off of shackles, a repudiation of traditional molds of thought, as


> man had suddenly decided to be himself — to see himself in the raw,

> not through the colored glasses of ancient mythologies or modern

> ideological presuppositions...


> Jorge Luis Borges, in his story about man's quest for meaning,

> describes it as a journey without an end that always returns in a

> concentric movement back to man... Modern man rejects the image of

> him imposed by exclusive-minded religions. He may never find his


> He may encounter only — himself. "


> Malachi Martin, The Encounter,

> Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, p. xiv-xvi.



> " There is a growing intolerance of inadequate images of the


> There is a healthy iconoclasm, since the idea of God has ben used in

> the past to disastrous effect. One of the most characteristic new

> developments since the 1970s has been the rise of a type of

> religiosity that we usually call " fundamentalism " in most of the

> major world religions, including the three religions of God. A


> political spirituality, it is literal and intolerant in its vision.

> In the United States, which has always been prone to extremist and

> apocalyptic enthusiasm, Christian fundamentalism has attached itself

> to the New Right. Fundamentalists campaign for the abolition of


> abortion and for a hard line on moral and social decency...


> Christian fundamentalists seem to have little regard for the loving

> compassion of Christ. They are swift to condemn the people they see

> as the " enemies of God, " Most would consider Jews and Muslims

> destined for hellfire, and Urquahart has argued that all oriental

> religions are inspired by the devil.


> There have been similar developments in the Muslim world, which have

> been much publicized in the West. Muslim fundamentalists have


> governments and either assassinated or threatened the enemies of

> Islam with death penalties. Similarly, Jewish fundamentalists have

> settled in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank and the Gaza

> Strip with the avowed intention of driving out the Arab inhabitants,

> using force if necessary. Thus they believe that they are paving a

> way for the advent of the Messiah, which is at hand. In all its

> forms, fundamentalism is a fiercely reductive faith. Thus Rabbi Meir

> Kahane, the most extreme member of Israel's Far Right until his

> assassination in New York in 1990:


> There are not several messages in Judaism. There is only one. And

> this message is to do what God wants. Sometimes God wants us to go


> war, sometimes he wants us to live in peace... But there is only one

> message: God wanted us to come to this country to create a Jewish

> state.


> This wipes out centuries of Jewish development, returning to the

> Deuteronomist perspective of the Book of Joshua. It is not


> that people who hear this kind of profanity, which makes " God " deny

> other people's human rights, think that the sooner we relinquish him

> the better.


> Yet, as we saw in the last chapter, this type of religiosity is

> actually a retreat from God. To make such human, historical


> as Christian " Family Values, " " Islam " or " the Holy Land " the focus


> religious devotion is a new form of idolatry. This type of

> belligerent righteousness has been a constant temptation to

> monotheists throughout the long history of God. It must be rejected

> as inauthentic. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims got off

> to an unfortunate start, since the tribal deity Yahweh was

> murderously partial to his own people. Latter-day crusaders who

> return to this primitive ethos are elevating the values of the tribe

> to an unacceptably high status and substantiating man-made ideals


> the transcendent reality which should challenge our prejudices...


> Compassion is a particularly difficult virtue. It demands that we go

> beyond the limitations of our egotism, insecurity and inherited

> prejudice. Not surprisingly, there have been times when all three of

> the God-religions have failed to achieve these high standards.


> the eighteenth century, deists rejected traditional Western

> Christianity largely because it had become so conspicuously cruel


> intolerant. The same will hold good today. All too often,

> conventional believers, who are not fundamentalists, share their

> aggressive righteousness. They use " God " to prop up their own loves

> and hates, which they attribute to God himself. But Jews, Christians

> and Muslims who punctiliously attend divine services yet denigrate

> people who belong to different ethnic and ideological camps deny one

> of the basic truths of their religion...


> God can also be used as an unworthy panacea, as an alternative to

> mundane life and as the object of indulgent fantasy. The idea of God

> has frequently been used as the opium of the people. This is a

> particular danger when he is conceived as an-other Being — just like

> us, only bigger and better — in his own heaven, which is itself

> conceived as a paradise of earthly delights. "


> Karen Armstrong, A History of God,

> Ballantine Books, 1993, p. 390-92.



> " Judaism teaches that man has, since the disobedience of Adam and


> in the Garden of Eden, two inclinations in his heart: one good and

> one evil. Malevolent dominance is the evil inclination of man's

> heart. Christianity has developed its essential doctrine of Original

> Sin: the sin of Adam and Eve entailed for all men a loss of


> strengths and qualities by which they could have avoided sin,

> especially sins of malevolent dominance. Islam adopted more or less

> the doctrine of Judaism with some slight modifications...


> The religions, therefore, installed at the heart of their individual

> systems the basis for a tension and a contradiction: the absolute

> perfection demanded of their adherents and the tag of absolute evil

> pinned to its contrary evoked necessarily a series of revolts out of

> which sprang new polarizations, each claiming — in imitation of the

> original — to be the final absolute, the absolute absolute. Jewish,

> Christian, and Islamic morality thus could father violent excesses


> moral passion which, of course, automatically, become excesses of

> human immorality. "


> Malachi Martin, The Encounter, Farrar,

> Straus and Giroux, 1970, 267.



> " When we examine the modern environment of man in which Judaism,

> Christianity, and Islam find themselves, it is abundantly clear that

> these three religions are finished as major influences. As

> predominantly systems of thought, worship, ethical inspiration and


> judgement on human affairs, they are excluded forever from human

> affairs. But they will not perish overnight. They will persist in

> some parts of the planet with diminishing influence, dwindling

> numbers, and changing faces. They will undergo periodic petty

> renaissances and sporadic revivals. They will resist the threat of

> extinction as dominant mysteries with all the resources at their

> power and with desperation of all the ancient experienced things at

> bay and staring at death. Under this threat they may yet render

> invaluable services to man. They may go protestingly. They may


> with dignity. They will certainly pass with pathos; and their


> fall into eternal slumbers will needle the human mind with


> But, as they are, their dominance is finished forever. Their day is

> done...


> All three made fateful and fatal choices at the one priceless moment

> that history afforded them. And all three are paying the price


> by the logic of that history. For history never forgives and never

> forgets.


> But their decadence, decomposition, and death today are about to be

> the saddest part of their story. Nothing so unbecomes them as the

> manner of their going. They are going because they failed to the one

> thing they promised to do: explains man to man, unwrap the riddle of

> his need to hate, show him he is brother at one and the same time to

> tell all men and to the angels. They failed to save him from the


> in him. "


> Malachi Martin, The Encounter, Farrar,

> Straus and Giroux, 1970, p. 273.



> " Christianity within its own borders has specialized in self-

> crucifixion, at first to quite a minor degree during the first 1500

> years of its life, when heretics and dissidents and accused witches

> and sorcerers were put to death, as Jesus was. Then, with the


> of its unity in the 16th century, Christians devised for each other

> one Hell more horrendous and tortuous than another, indulging in a

> 300-year round of mutual recrimination, accusation, denigration, and

> relegation by bell, book, and candle, to the filthiest categories of

> human life. No branch of Christianity can be excused from this,

> because all Christians have indulged in it.


> No body of Christians ever answered the insults of other Christians

> with Christ's answer: " Forgive them, Father, for they know not what

> they do? " They all developed special vocabularies replete with

> violent words such as " heresy, " " heretic, " " extirpation, "

> " condemnation, " " excommunication, " " outcasts, " " unclean believers, "

> " vice-mongers. " Each one devised its special defenses against the

> other: social ostracism, civil war, discrimination, calumny, legal

> non-existence. Rome was the Red Lady of the South. Luther was the


> of Germany. Protestants were the sons of vipers. Jews were the " race

> of the devil. " Muslims were " benighted and error-ridden barbarians. "

> No body of Christians ever tried to conquer the world with humility

> and patience and love, and no body of believers ever tried to fan


> flames of faith, in the heart of man by being authentically



> The Jews, in retaliation for their pain and their sustained exile,

> contributed to the sea of hate, distrust and, in some cases,

> deformation of truth. They invented multiform expressions of

> contempt, condemnation, loathing, and utter rejection of Christians.

> They even modified some of their traditional beliefs because the

> Christians had borrowed them in their original form and, in their

> repugnance from all things Christian, they wanted no resemblance to

> subsist between their faith and that of the Christians. They


> hate with hate. They, also, cannot be excused and considered totally

> guiltless. They preached truth and justice, yet they violated both


> order to maintain their religion and their Jewishness. Christians

> preached love but practised officially sanctioned hate,


> their loveliest psalms of compassion for their dying Savior with the

> expressions of extreme disgust for the Jews...


> Muslims preached mercy and compassion, but they practised none or

> very little, assigning both Christians and Jews to the lowest rung


> Allah's consideration, and historically meting out to both a

> treatment which rivals any cruelties of man in known history. Down

> through the ages, this procession of the crucified one has come:

> formed, maintained, and augmented by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

> Each one has prayed with its armies to its god that the armies of


> opponents be destroyed. There is no palliating or explaining away


> sin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


> The three religions failed in another significant way. None of them

> attacked slavery or race prejudice or other flagrant inhumanities of

> man to man from the very beginning of their existence. The Arabs of

> today sanction slavery as spontaneously as the Popes of the 19th

> century sanctioned the creation of castrati choirs for Papal masses,

> as readily and blindly as the Protestant ethic of the white American

> sanctioned the serfdom and degradation of the Negro race until the

> second half of the 20th century. Each religion has practiced the art

> of climbing on the bandwagon: only when lay and secular reformers,

> sometimes lacking any formal religion whatever, raised such a hue


> cry that men's consciences were stirred, did the religions begin to

> turn their huge resources toward reform. The Catholic Church in

> Germany and Italy acquiesced in Nazism and Fascism at least in the

> earlier stages of the ideologies. Russian Orthodoxy acquiesced in


> despotism and sadism of Czarist times. Greek Orthodoxy sanctioned


> corruption of the Byzantine court and is today bitterly nationalist

> in Greece's disputes with Turkey. No Protestant Church and no Jewish

> Synagogue ever officially condemned and attacked the Ku Klux Klan

> before 1945 in America, though individuals did. Judaism,

> Christianity, and Islam have practiced the double standard in this

> matter...


> Thus the three religions have not been witnesses to the truth. All,

> it is true, have developed an exalted vocabulary, and a very

> impressive manner of announcing their own grandiose claims. All


> have excelled and excel in words, as distinct from actions. All


> have an impressive ritual and have refined psychological approaches

> to man. Yet the witness of words, mere words, has never changed


> minds, nor has mere theological subtlety helped men to be better


> The witness of the three religions have been faulty, at times

> perniciously false and erroneous. The three of them have witnessed


> the uses of hate for the love of a god. And all three have disposed

> of the lives and happiness of millions of human beings without any

> real feeling for human suffering or any genuine concern for the

> concrete realities of life.


> It is clear, first of all, that today all three religions lack any

> authoritative note for man. They have, as yet, each one of them,

> sufficient number of adherents to give the impression of continuing

> strength, and this glosses over for them and for the outside world


> times their terrible weakness. For each of them, when scrutinized

> closely, is blackened with sufficient failures to prevent any

> thinking man from believing in them. And, above all, all three

> persevere in making a claim which cannot possibly be valid and true:

> that they are, each single one, the true religion.


> Each one of them, however, hides from the ultimate test of its

> validity and truth behind a wall of unknowing and expectation. All

> three chorus that only on the " Last Day, " when the " End " comes,

> when " God " decides, will it be clear that the " other two " and all

> others besides were false, and it (the claimant) was all along the

> true community of the one " God. " "


> Malachi Martin, The Encounter,

> Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, 329-32.



> Perhaps these three quotes below sum up the eschatological promise

> that " the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, shall teach you all things

> (John 14:26) " and the hope and joy of salvation and eeternal life it

> brings. All we need to do is openly and fearlessly declare to all

> humanity that this promise has been fulfilled to the letter by Shri

> Mataji, the promised Comforter (without) and Holy Spirit (within)


> will abide with us forever:


> " This indwelling of the Holy Spirit will last forever. It is a

> permanent indwelling. " And I will pray the Father, and he shall give

> you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever " (John

> 14:16). It is to be understood as the Holy Spirit coming in the


> of the Lord Jesus...


> The significance of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is to assure


> that we are children of God. This is the most important purpose of

> the Spirit's indwelling fullness. The Spirit bears witness with our

> spirit that we are the children of God (Rom 8: 14-16); see


> verse 15: " For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to

> fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,

> Abba, Father. " This corresponds with Galatians 4:6: " And because ye

> are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your


> crying, Abba, Father. " ..


> The Holy Spirit will one day deliver them from the corruption of

> physical death (Rom. 8:11). Through the Spirit they are called to

> mortify the deeds of the flesh, precisely because they are children

> of God (Rom. 8:13,14). The Spirit also works the assurance of faith

> (Rom. 8:16,17). The love of God, predestinating the believer to be

> conformed to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29) is the ultimate cause

> of their sonship. The indwelling of the Spirit is the effectual


> of this child-Father relationship. Out of this flow forth all the

> riches of the abiding presence of Christ and the Father and the

> assurance of His everlasting love and life everlasting. "


> Rev. G. R. Procee, May 2005



> " This theme is of the utmost importance in providing a basis for the

> unity of mankind. It means that all men of all religions may have a

> common belief concerning the most significant aspects of existence,

> without having to deny the essence of their previous belief. If men

> were to remain divided on questions concerning their deepest


> and beliefs then there could be no true brotherhood, at best a

> fragile tolerance based on intolerance. The theme is also of

> considerable significance for those who have in the past turned

> against religion, because it shows that when religion is truly

> practised it is not exclusive, narrow, and a source of incessant

> quarreling but the instrument for establishing mutual understanding

> and appreciation between all men. "


> John Huddleston, The Earth Is but One Country,

> Baha'is Publishing Trust, 197, p. 36-39.



> " These prophets were not unique; they were men as you or I. They


> great Yogis. They had gained this superconsciousness, and you and I

> can get the same. The very fact that one man ever reaches that


> proves that it is possible for every man to do so. Not only is it

> possible, but every man must eventually get to that stage, and that

> is religion.


> Religions of the world have become lifeless mockeries . . . If there

> is ever to be a universal religion, it must be one which will have


> location in place or time, which will be infinite like the God it

> will preach, and whose sun will shine upon the followers of Krishna

> and Christ, on saints and sinners alike; which will not be Brahmanic

> or Buddhist, Christian or Mohammedan, but the sum total of all


> and still have infinite pace for development; which in its

> catholicity will embrace in its finite arms, and find a place for

> every human being, from the lowest groveling savage not far removed

> from the brute, to the highest man towering by the virtues of his

> head and heart above humanity, making society stand in awe of him


> doubt his human nature. It will be a religion which will have no

> place for persecution or intolerance in its polity, which will

> recognize divinity in every man and woman, and whose whole scope,

> whose whole force, will be centred on aiding humanity to realise its

> own true, divine nature. "


> Swami Vivekananda, My India: The India Eternal,

> The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta, 1993 p.119-



> But the heart and soul of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the


> Judgment and Resurrection. " All three chorus that only on the " Last

> Day, " when the " End " comes, when " God " decides, will it be clear


> the " other two " and all others besides were false, and it (the

> claimant) was all along the true community of the one " God. " "


> Without question all three are false to a certain degree, especially

> in their misinterpretation of the Sure Signs during the Last Days.

> That is why the vast majority of their followers are snoring loudly

> in ignorance, oblivious to the declaration and commencement of the

> Last Judgment and Resurrection. On the contrary, they are all


> for the graves to open up!!!


> But only the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, shall teach you all things

> (John 14:26) and awaken you from this collective religious slumber.

> The Savior has kept His promise! So joyfully spread this Good News


> all the believers and seekers of salvation!


> " Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future,

> perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that

> through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the

> greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises

> them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry


> bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them.


> The theme of this section is reassurance and encouragement. Jesus

> gives the disciples three basic reasons they should cease being

> troubled in their spirits. First, He tells them that, although He is

> going away, He will return for them so that they may ultimately join

> Him where He is going (vv. 1-3). Second, He tells them that, though

> He is going away, He will be the only means by which men may come to

> God and go to Heaven (vv. 4-11). Third, He tells them that, though


> is going away, their ministries are not finished. In fact, the best

> is still ahead. They are going, by the Holy Spirit's power, to be

> part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation (vv.

> 12-14). " [1]


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> [1] J. W. Stallings, Randall House Bible Commentary: The Gospel of

> John, Randall House Publications, 1989, page 205


> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Evils, Atrocities and Injustices of the Torah

> >

> > The following is a very SHORT list of sadistic acts that are

> > commanded, allowed, or threatened by God and his " righteous " men.

> > All of these verses can be found in the Torah. (which are the


> > five books of the Bible.) I have put them in chronological order


> > that you may verify them as you read along. (Keep in mind that the

> > scriptures literally have an atrocity on every other page. So this

> > list will keep evolving as I work through the Pentateuch yet


> > To compile a full list may take months, so feel free to check back

> in later.) God entraps humans by placing the tree of knowledge in


> > garden and telling Adam and Eve not to eat of it. This is rather

> > similar to placing a toy in front of a child and telling them they

> > are not allowed to play with it. God created us with instinct,

> > rebellion, and curiosity. Soon he punishes us for only doing what

> is part of our nature. Genesis 2:16.47

> >

> > God now commands that all women must have health hazardous labors

> for Eve ate the fruit. In no way shape or form is it just that I


> pay for the sins of my ancestors. Genesis 3:16

> >

> > God caused sibling rivalry by favoring Abel over Cain, with

> > absolutely no attempt at justification. This act of favoritism led

> > to Abel's death. Genesis 4:3-5

> >

> > Genesis 7:23 He killed, intentionally, every man, woman, and child

> on the planet save eight of them.

> >

> > God commands Hagar go back into servanthood and bear children for

> her master though she does not want to. Genesis 16:7-9

> >

> > Genesis 19:23-25 God burns down a whole city (women and children

> > included) simply because they were supposedly homosexual.

> >

> > Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and


> > the Lord slew him. How was Er wicked? The Bible doesn't give us

> this bit of information, only that Er was wicked in the sight of the

> > Lord. Genesis 38:7

> >

> > Genesis 38:10 God murders Onan for refusing to commit incest with

> his sister in law.

> >

> > Exodus 12:29 God repeatedly tells Moses exactly what calamity he

> will next visit upon the Egyptians if the Pharaoh does not allow the

> > Israelites to be set free from slavery. Then he tells Moses (also

> > repeatedly) that he will harden Pharaoh's heart, so that he will

> > refuse to allow the Israelites to go, thus bringing a calamity


> > his own people, as well as showing him the awesome power of the

> > Israelites' Lord. This occurs over and over, bringing calamity


> > calamity upon the Egyptian people. What is troubling about this

> > verse is that when god " hardens the pharaoh's heart " he is

> > interfering with the Pharaoh's free will and ultimately bringing

> > punishment on the Egyptians for something they are not responsible

> > for. As a final punishment god decides to kill all the first born

> of Egypt. The lord reduced himself to murdering innocent kids when


> > could have simply freed the Israelites himself with his

" omnipotent "

> > power.

> >

> > God punishes children for the sins of their fathers, unto the


> > and fourth generations. Punishing a child for the sins of their

> > ancestors is not very just. Exodus 20:5 & 34:7

> >

> > God endorses slavery. He even set up laws as to how slavery was to

> be carried out, and goes as far as Okaying beating them. Exodus


> >

> > God sanctioned the selling of ones daughter. How can any being


> > another to literally sell their child into slavery? Disgusting!

> > Exodus 21:7

> >

> > Exodus 22:18 God orders the death of witches, sorceresses and

> anyone who practices magic. Sadly enough, this verse was

justification for the Inquisition.

> >

> > Exodus 32:27 God ordered to be killed, 3,000 Israelites for no

> > greater crime than worshipping a golden calf. I don't know about

> you but death is a pretty harsh fucking punishment.

> >

> > Leviticus 20:9-10 God commands death for cursing out ones parents

> and death for adultery. Gee, with these types of laws the population

> > should be almost nil by now.

> >

> > Once again god is a homophobe, or at the very least, a bigot.

> > Leviticus 20:13

> >

> > Handicapped people must not approach the altar. Leviticus 21:16-23

> >

> > Leviticus 26:30 " And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the

> > flesh of your daughters shill ye eat. "

> >

> > Leviticus 27:28-29 God ordered and allowed human sacrifices.

> >

> > Numbers 16:27 God buries alive Korah and his family.

> >

> > Numbers 16:35 God killed 250 Levite princes who disagreed with

> Moses' leadership. He was so bloodthirsty that he wanted to slay

more until he was talked out of it. Later he put a plague upon 14,700

Jews who thought there was something wrong in killing 250 princes.

> >

> > Numbers 21:1-3 God utterly destroyed the Canaanites at Hormah as a

> > favor to the Jews.

> >

> > Numbers 21:27-35 God abetted Moses in utterly destroying the

> Amorites at Heshbon - " …the men, the women, and the little ones. "

> >

> > Numbers 31:17-18 God commands Moses to kill all the Medianite


> > including children and women. To top it off he commands that the

> > virgins be saved for later raping by Moses' soldiers.

> >

> > Deuteronomy 3:3-7 God ordered Moses' army to " utterly destroy " 60

> > cities, killing all the women and children within!

> >

> > Deuteronomy 7:12 God ordered the Israelites to kill all the people

> of seven nations. He even adds, " show no mercy unto them " .

> >

> > Deuteronomy 20:16 God orders that we kill everything that breathes

> in the cities that he gives us for an inheritance

> >

> > A bastard can't attend church " even to his tenth generation. " As


> > denying an innocent child rights to worship isn't cruel.


> > 23:2

> >

> > http://www.evilbible.com/evils%20of%20the%20torah.htm

> >


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