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She indeed promises, “I will tell you all the secrets.”

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Gerlinde and all,


> i wish to clarify your question on the forum as others may have the

> same question on their mind.


> Yes, a few years ago after the book was finished Dr. Balwinder did

> point the same too. i read that speech of Shri Mataji again and

> realized that She may have been talking about Akimov's book.


> Subsequently i began erasing all references of the quote to SHRI ADI

> SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD. i could not do the same for the Table of

> Contents as the book was already done, and i left the TOC as it was.


> At that time i was pretty sure that Shri Mataji was referring to


> ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD due to the sheer breath and depth of

> the Devi's revelations in the Sahasrara and Her triggering of the

> Sure Signs of the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah. i could not

> understand then how, after Akimov's book is published, " all over the

> world that will be known about our work, will be not challenged any

> more " . Today i am definite that has not happened, and is not going


> ever happen. (i don't even know if Akimov's book exists in the first

> place.) So you have to forgive me for assuming that Shri Mataji was

> talking about my book.


> There is another reason too. Prior to seeking the physical Shri

> Mataji's permission i sought that of the eternal Adi Shakti in the

> Sahasrara to publish the book. The Devi agreed. So naturally i

> assumed that as Her incarnation, Shri Mataji is referring to that

> too. Moreover i had already sought Her permission in Toronto twice -

> first in a clothing store and the second in Her hotel suite where

> Shri Mataji told the leaders and SYs present that permission had

> already been granted previously, and there was no need to ask again.

> This second audience with Shri Mataji was just prior to the 1998 Adi

> Shakti puja at Cabella, Italy. So it was only natural for me to

> assume that Shri Mataji was talking about SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE



> Today, more the ever before, that 'error' of mine only seems to be

> becoming more true than false. i hope the Devi within over time


> that " all over the world that will be known about our work, will be

> not challenged any more " . After all, SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF

> GOD records all that She has revealed to humanity. So far no

> religious organization, priest, pastor, reverend, bishop, pope,

> rabbi, cleric, imam, mullah, shaikh, ulema, ayatollah, guru, swami,

> pandit, brahmin, acarya, bhagwan, granthi, giani, lama, monk, dalai

> lamas or false guru buster has challenged it. One day all over the

> world _that_ will be known. May the Devi prove that my deep faith


> conviction was never an error.


> regards to all,


> jagbir






" We know that Self-realization, the second birth, marks the entry to

the Kingdom of God which still has many provinces that we may not

know. Therefore, we are merely inviting you to enter it and explore

it for yourself. To this effect let us unveil the meaning of the

instrument (yantra) in-built in each and every individual, the

Kundalini that brings about our rebirth. It is the psychosomatic

instrument by which the advent of the Kingdom of Heaven can be

actualised on Earth. However, this account will not be complete. Let

us hope that HH Mataji Nirmala Devi will, one day, grant us a book

fully displaying the process of Man's second birth and spiritual

ascent. She indeed promises, " I will tell you all the secrets. " "


Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent,

The Life Eternal Trust Publishers, 1979, p. 55.




Preface 18

The First Permission From The SPIRIT Of The Living God In The

Sahasrara 20

" I Am The Adi Shakti . . . You People Have To Prove It That I Am

THAT! " 24

The Ancient Beings Are Coming! 26

" The Falsehood Of All Outside Religions . . . Will Be Exposed " 28

" For Standing Up For The Truth Of Any Cause Is The War Of Dharma 31

The Material Marathon 33

A 'divine' mother?!!! 35

" I Feel Peaceful. " 37

A 'Cool Breeze'?! A Cool Breeze?!! (Or the Breath Of God Almighty?!!!)


" The First Doubt Which Is Very Common Is, " Who Is Mataji? " " 43




Chapter 1 67

The Universal Question: Why Are We Here On Earth? 67

" How Does One Meet A True Guru? " 69

O Speak ALMIGHTY God! 73


The Manna Monsoon Of Many Moons 82

The Decadent Decades 86

Satnaam: The Imperishable Word 92

" Thou Art The Pristine Spirit . . . Which Illuminates And Breaks The

Self-Hypnotism " 93

" In Thee Is My Only Haven And Refuge . . . O Bhavani! " 97

Meaning Of Avatar Or Incarnation 99

" The Highest Manifestation Of God Almighty Is As Mother " 107

" It Is For The Benevolence Of The Whole Human Race " 108

" First Is Self-Realization . . . What is God-Realization? " 109

" Tell All The Nations And Tell All The People All Over The Great

Message " 116

The Spiritual Monsoon Begins 118

Earth Is A Conscious, Living Mother 120

Mother Earth: The Womb Of The Universe 125

The Woman Of Great Beauty 130

Overriding Fundamental Difference 132

Swami Satyananda: " Who Will Give Me The Proper Answer? " 134

The Initial Rejection 139

" You Have Seen Photographs Of Angels Around You " 141

" Assuredly, What Ye Are Promised Must Come To Pass " 144

" We Have Done Our Job Here " 145

" It Is Not A Blind Faith! " 147

" Sure, You Should Tell Them. " 149

" In The Age of Aquarius, Even The Skeptics Will Believe " 151

" Now You Have Entered Into The Kingdom of God " 153

The First Permission In The Sahasrara 155

The Five Divine Days 157

The Golden Goddess Of The Sahasrara 159

" This Is The First Time In History . . . " 161

But Why A Religious Pariah? 163

Evolution: The Relentless Rebirth Of Species 167

But How Does God Almighty Know Everything? 170

The Second Permission 172

" They Do Not Know From Where They Get This Knowledge " 179

He Is A Child Of Darkness 184

They Must Leave Her School! 185

They Will Be Expelled! 187

We Will Leave, But Not Withdraw 189

Third and Final Permission To Publish: " Once This Book Is Out . . . "


The Divine Dream 204

The Ascending Kundalini Serpent Of Great Wisdom 206

The 1000 Esoteric Names Of Shri Lalita 208

The Darkness Of Kali Yuga Before The Dawn Of Satya Yuga 210

The Corrupted Religious Idols of God 215

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (http://www.sahajayoga.org/index.html) 217


Chapter 2 221

" Papa, I Met Mother " 221

" Voulez-Vous M'Aider? " 223

" My Photograph Is The Photograph Of REALITY " 224

What You Mean By Primordial Mother?!!! 229

The First Fax 231

A Floating Serpent? Are You Sure? 236

The Darkness of Ignorance 238

" Who Is This woman? " 240

Being Born Of The Spirit Within 242

An Explicit Spiritual Warranty To The Human Race 245

" Know That The Jagdamba Itself Is Nothing Else But Adi Shakti " 250

" Worship Of Murtis . . . We Have Been Unable To Find Vedic Scripture

That Support It " 252

Your Wish Will Come True 263

" Papa, Mother Said . . . " 266

Shri Bhavani Will Name Her 269

The Divine Unity Acknowledge 271

" Mimi, Thanks For Having The Vision . . . " 273

" Mother! Who Was I In The Previous Life? " 274

" Tell Humans To Stop Swearing And Fighting Among Themselves " 277

Lalita 280

The Single-Nail Clogs 283

Shri Vishnu Measures The Universe 290

The Matchless Devotion Of Shri Hanuman 294

Canada! O Blessed Canada! 296

" Searching For Purpose " 297

The First Sight Of Christ 300

" But Papa, He's Huge! " 304

" The Cornerstone of Esoteric Christianity " 308

" Yes! That Is Jesus " 311

1994 New Year Greetings 315

The Cosmic Bull of Shri Shiva 319

Shri Saraswati Plays Her Celestial Veena 321

The Eagle and the Old Woman 328

" The Birth Of A White Buffalo Calf Is An Omen Of Universal

Significance " 331

The Multiform Universal Mother And Supreme Deity 339

Shri Mataji, On Whom Do You Meditate? 353

Birthday Greetings to Shri Sita and Ram 356

" I Know All Languages " 360

The Wrathful Form Of Mahakali 362

Ramakrishna 365


Chapter 3 372

The Age Of Superconsciousness 372

They Are Sahaja Yogis 379

" They Are Different, Papa. " 383

Did You See The Sun, A Light? 385

The Ruh of ALLAH Within 387

Certainty Beyond Doubt 388

Yes, I Have Seen Him! 390

The Language Of The Gods 393

" Yes, In My Meditation " 396

Civitas Dei: The City Of God Almighty 398

The Divine Deity Of The Sahasrara 401

The Lord Of Vaikuntha 402

The Divine Unity 404

The Tabla Player 407

" I Also Rode On The Tiger. " 410

" Papa, Yesterday I Saw Shri Mataji. " 415

The Ray Of Divine Light Piercing The Darkness Of Human Religion 424

" This Inner Being Is The Vast Ocean Of Bliss . . . The Vast Flood Of

Light " 426

What Is Consciousness? 430

" Conversation With God " 432

Buddhist Popes And Catholic Lamas 439

Templum Spiritus Sanctus 442

The Promise Of The Eternal Kingdom 445

" Everybody Has Said, " Seek HIM Within Yourself. " " 452



Chapter 4 460


The Opening Of The Sahasrara Chakra 460

The Universe Will Celebrate May 5, 2000 465

" I Saw The Primordial Kundalini Rising Like A Big Furnace " 471

A Giant Spiritual Leap 479

The Androgynous Being of Aquarius 482

The Prophecies, Manifestations And Fulfillment 486

1. The Kingdom Within Has Been Revealed! 490

2. The Young Men Have Seen Visions! 492

3. The Wonders Have Been Shown! 494

4. The Total Solar Eclipse Has Passed! 496

5. The Fire Has Been Witnessed! 498

6. The Son Of Man Has Been Revealed! 500

7. The Holy Ghost Has Arrived To Baptize! 507

8. The Comforter Has Arrived To Make All Mysteries Known! 509

9. Lord Jesus' Warning Is Now Enforced! 513

10. Humans Are Being Born Of The Spirit! 515

11. The Spirit Is Giving Spiritual Rebirth! 517

12. His Angel Has Been Sent! 521

13. The Tabernacle Is Now With Humans! 523

14. Fatima's Third Secret Is Being Fulfilled! 525

15. The Golden Millennium Has Arrived! 531

16. The Gospel Of The Kingdom Of God Is Being Preached And Then . . .


17. The Scattered Of Judah Are Returning! 535

18. The Winds Of Resurrection Are Blowing! 538

19. Those Angels Sent Forth Have Arrived! 541

20. The Signs Within Have Been Shown! 544

21. The Total Solar Eclipse Has Occurred! 545

22. The Blast of Truth Has Been Announced! 547

23. Allah's Iron Has Been Delivered! 549

24. Allah's Messenger Has Arrived! 551

25. Al-Muntazar (The Hidden Imam Mahdi) Has Surfaced! 558

26. Shri Saoshyant Has Pronounced Final Judgment! 562

27. Shri Krishna Has Incarnated Again! 564

28. Shri Kalki Is Manifesting! 570

29. The Great Yogi Of Krutayuga Has Arrived! 576

30. Matraiya, The Three Mothers, Has Incarnated Herself! 578

31. The Buried Are `Coming Out Of Their Graves'! 582

32. The Great Spirit Has Arrived! 584

33. The Eagle Has Landed! 589

34. Hunab K'u Has Flashed Like Lightning! 598

35. The Scriptures Have Contradicted! 600

36. The Sophianic Millennium Has Arrived! 639

37. She Has Begun The Age Of Aquarius! 643

" Now I Say Again . . . You Have To Be Born Again! " 653

The Truth As Witnessed 661

" Does God Really Exist? " 665

" You Do Not Have A Blind Faith " 667

" God's Home Address " 683

The Comforter 687

" I Am Here To Tell You All These Things Which Christ Could Not Tell "


" Was Jesus Speaking About Muhammed When He Mentioned The Comforter? "


The Descend Of The Great Divine Mother 712

The Diseased Conquerors Of Paradise 717

The Birth Of Dawn 721

The Universe Of Kazuaki Iwasaki 725

Our Unbelievable Origin 733

Ancient Light 736

The End Of The Mathematical God 744

The All Pervading Consciousness 750

" Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry! . . . " 752

The Eye Of Shiva 763


Chapter 5 772

" They Say There's Just Enough Religion To Make Man Hate One Another,


U.N. Report Of The Special Rapporteur On Religious Intolerance 777

The Rival Religious Restaurants 809

" You Were Never Connected With This All-Pervading Power " 813

Shri Mataji?!!! Sahaja Yoga?!!! 833

Hymn To The Divine Mother 837

Shri Adi Maa, Be My Eternal Guru! 840

The Invisible Eyes and Ears 841

The Sleeping Solution 846

The Clay Oil-lamps 848

The Mysterious Maya Of Shri Mahamaya 850

The Divine Greetings 863

The Time Troubles 864

Pizza Pangs 865

The Punctuality Principle 869

The Celibacy Fallacy 875

" Celibacy Must Come From Within; The Purity Must Come From Within. "


" It Is A Dangerous Time You Are In! " 887

Bliss? What Is Bliss? 892

The Priceless Present 897

The Nintendo 900

The Groundless Grounding 902

The Bratty Brother 905


Chapter 6 909

The Great Lotus Forest 909

" Happiness " 916

" You Have To Project That Depth, That REALITY That Is Within You "


The Microcosm Within The Macrocosm (Brahmanda Pinda) 927

The Case Of The Double Vision 931

The Case Of The Double Talk 932

The Case Of The Double Witnesses 936

The Case Of The Double Time 938

The Case Of The Double Mothers 940

The Case Of The Double Bodies 955

The Case Of The Double Worlds 957

Homo Sapiens: Discover Your Self! 959

The Parable Of The Kingdom of God 963

The Proclamation Of The Kingdom Of God 968

" There Is Nothing To Look Outside, Everything Is Inside " 974

The Knowledge Within 978

The Offended Fools 985

The Revelations Of The Sacred Pujas 991

The Guru Puja 995

The Birthday Puja 1011

The Easter Puja 1014

Sahasrara Puja 1018

The Divine Musicians of Maa 1021

Jagoh Savera Aya Hai 1026

The Praises Of The Multitudes To The Almighty Creator 1028

Omar Khayyam's Legacy 1030

The Supreme Spirit Of God Almighty 1032



Chapter 7 1044


The Liberated Human Spirit 1044

The Gods Within 1046

" What Is Dharma? " 1057

Lord Jesus Guards The Narrow Gate 1062

Are We Really Awake? 1067

The Ever Forgiving Divine Mother 1070

Shri, It's Time To Go 1072

" Mushikavahanaya: Adoration To Him Who Rides A Mouse " 1078

The Mighty Messenger 1080

Tuesday, The Divine Day Of Shri Ganesha 1092

Shri Ganesha, Forgive Our Ignorance! 1095

" I Am The Brahm-Chaitanya " 1099

Breaking The Idol Barrier 1108

Her Sacred Lotus Feet 1112

Be Fearless 1114

Levitation, The Mode Of Spirit Travel 1116

The Divine Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost 1116

The Image Of Reality 1118

Mahamaya: The Supreme Illusion 1122


Chapter 8 1127

God Almighty Is Light! 1127

The Light: Qur'an 1145

The Blind Men And The Elephant 1149

The Concealed Message Of HIS Light 1152

The Baptism of Allah 1173

Yogic Insights Into Islam 1187

The Tree Of Eternal Life 1190

The Seven Firmaments 1191

The Guardian Angels 1193

The Nadis 1195



The Chakras 1203

Mooladhara Chakra 1208

Swadhisthan Chakra 1212

Nabhi Chakra 1215

Anahath Chakra 1218

Vishuddhi Chakra 1221

Agnya Chakra 1224

Sahasrara Chakra 1228

The Void 1233

Kundalini 1234

The Subtle System: A Universal Truth Of All HIS Messengers 1239


Chapter 9 1268

Offerings To The Creator: The Timeless Truth Of All Tribes 1268

The First Offering And Second Fiasco 1271

V-8 Juice and Campbell Soup 1274

Pizzas In Paradise 1277

They Came On Their Own 1278

The Universal Mantra Of Shri Annapurna 1282

Baba Nanak Is Here. 1286

The Stainless Steel Utensils 1288

Shri Ganesha's Favorite 1290

The Late Lentils 1291

Honey In The Milk 1292

The Macaroni Mess 1294

The Complimentary Code 1296

The Unknown Offering 1298

The Lusty Garlic And The Erotic Onion 1304

Vegetarians, Twice-Born Men And Garlic-Eating Deities 1306

The Taste Thought 1308

The Waiting Guests 1312

The Great Demon 1315

" They Are Not Gurus — They Are Raksasas. " 1324

The Spiritual Snares 1325

Modern Masters Of Ancient Vidya 1327

Sham Swamis Of Modern Avidya 1335

" Passing Of The Night-Life " 1346

The Vegetarian Myth 1351

The Bhagaveg-Gita?!!! 1353

A Vegetarian Verse? 1360

Laws Of Manu 1363

Lusty Women And Placid Men 1366

Kosher Diet And Shariat Shackles For The Guard Dogs Of The Idols


Vaikunta-Bound Vegetarians? 1391

The Yoga Of Self-Realization 1400

Yoga Rascals 1405

A.C.'s Superior Bhakti Yoga? 1410

But Mr. A.C. And ISKCON: " Where Is Shri Arjun's Rejection? " 1412

The Spirit And The 1414

Demi-gods And Advanced Semi-gods? 1418

The 32nd Vedic Pope 1420

The Mahayoga of Shri Krishna 1422

" The Yoga That Gives Peace From All Pain . . . And The Joy Of

Eternity " 1434

" Now Shri Krishna Is Not There. It's Me Who Is Shri Krishna " 1437

Pandit Parasites and Brahmin Leeches: It Is Essential To Remove Them


" You Cannot Have Religion Like That " 1444

" We Belong To This Great Religion Of Truth " 1453



Chapter 10 1467


The Hole-In-The-Rock " Grave " 1472

Good Friday Greetings 1490

The Immaculate Conception 1492

Franklin Grahams And Pat Robertsons: Siblings Of Satan 1494

Truth! Can Humans Perceive It With Their Mind? 1497

The Narrow Gate 1498

" There Was A Powerful Child, Lustrous Like One Thousand Millions Of

Suns " 1514

" But Whosoever Speaketh Against The Holy Ghost, It Shall Not Be

Forgiven Him " 1518

" Then Saith He To The Disciple, Behold Thy Mother! " 1521

Be Forewarned, Humans, Be Forewarned! 1526

Thanksgiving 1533

Who is the Counselor? 1535

" The Shekinah Is God's Presence . . . That Dwells In Our Midst " 1537

The Vicarius Christi? 1543

Why? Why? Why? . . . 1550

The Shattering Truth 1552

The Evil Empire 1554

" People Do Not Know What Time Has Come " 1558

The Rock of Satan 1562

" The Lord Denounces Lying As The Work Of The Devil " 1566

The First Falsehood: Original Sin 1570

The Second Falsehood: Clerical Soul Savers 1577

The Third Falsehood: Simony 1579

The Fourth Falsehood: Purgatory Hell 1581

The Fifth Falsehood: Canonization 1590

The Sixth Falsehood: Hereditary Infallibility 1593

The Seventh Falsehood: The Inquisition 1598

The Eight Falsehood: Celibacy 1604

The Ninth Falsehood: Confession 1607

The Tenth Falsehood: Baptism 1614

The First Commandment 1618

The Second Commandment 1620

The Third Commandment 1622

The Fourth Commandment 1624

The Fifth Commandment 1626

The Sixth Commandment 1628

The Seventh Commandment 1633

The Eight Commandment 1635

The Ninth Commandment 1637

The Tenth Commandment 1641


Chapter 11 1643

The Book Of Revelation 1643

The Empire Of The Beast 1650

The Monarchy Of The 263 Antichrists 1654

" Seeing This False Christ, In Fury And Passion, I Made My Voice Heard

All Over The Nation " 1655

Rev. 17. 1-2: The Last Judgement 1659

Rev. 17.3-4: The Power Of Perdition 1660

Rev. 17.5-6: Vatican, The Mother of Harlots 1662

Rev. 17:7-8: The Rock Of Satan 1666

Rev. 17.9-14: The Corrupt World Order 1673

Rev. 17.15-18: The Evil Empire 1676

Rev. 18. 1-3: " All Nations Have Drunk Of The Wine Of The Wrath Of Her

Fornication " 1681

Rev. 18.4-6: " Come Out Of Her, My People " 1686

Rev. 18.7: Vatican: " I Will Never Be A Widow! " 1708

Rev. 18.8-10: " For In One Hour Is Thy Judgement Come " 1710

Rev. 18.11-13: The Soul Traders Will Perish 1716

Rev. 18.14-17: " Alas, Alas, That Great City, That Was Clothed In Fine

Linen " 1725

" Rev. 18.17-20: " In One Hour Is She Made Desolate. Rejoice Over Her "


Rev. 18.21-22: Great Vatican, Your End Is Near! 1728

Rev. 18.23-24: " And The Light Of A Candle Shall Shine No More At All

In Thee " 1731

Rev. 19.1-5: " Alleluia; Salvation, And Glory, And Honour, And Power "


Rev. 19.6-8: And Heaven And Earth Rejoiced In Mighty Thunderings


Rev. 19.9-10: " The Testimony Of Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophecy "


Rev. 19.11-14: The Second Coming 1761

Rev. 19.15-16: " King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords. " 1764

Rev. 19.17-21: Those Marked By The Beast 1766

Rev. 20.1-3: The Defeat Of Satan 1795

Rev. 20.4-10: The First Resurrection 1800

Rev. 20.11-15: This Millennium Of Light 1808

Rev. 21.1-5: " And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears From Their Eyes "


Rev. 21.6: Shri Ganesha And Christ 1826

Rev. 21.7: Blessed Are The True Believers (Al-Mu'minun), For They

Shall Inherit All Things 1852

Rev. 21.8: " But The Fearful, And Unbelieving, And The Abominable, And

Murderers " 1854

Rev. 21.9-21: Sahasrara, Citivas Dei, City Of God, Holy Jerusalem,

City Of Shri Vidya . . . 1863

Rev. 21.22-27: " For There Shall Be No Night There " 1866

Rev. 22.1-2: " And The Leaves Of The Tree Were For The Healing Of The

Nations " 1871

Rev. 22.3-5: " And They Need No Candle, Neither Light Of Sun " 1878

Rev. 22.6-12: " And He Which Is Filthy, Let Him Be Filthy Still " 1883

Rev. 22.13-15: " I Am Alpha And Omega, The Beginning And The End "


Rev. 22.16-22: " And Whosoever Will, Let Him Take The Water Of Life

Freely. " 1894

Apokalypso: The Fall Of The Papacy 1896



CHAPTER 12 1920


The Awakened One: Shri Buddha 1920

" I Want To See The Buddha. " 1937

The Winds Of Qiyamah 1941

Nirvana 1944

The Second Encounter 1946

The Divine Hands Of Shri Buddha 1948

Shri Buddha's 2538th Birthday 1952

The Deluded Tantras 1960

The Buddhist Pope 1970

Lost Lamas And Laymen 1972

The Great Delusion 1982

Leap Into Superconsciousness 1985

The Masters Who Corrupt Truth 1988

Too Many Gurus Spike The Truth 1992

The Diffusion Of The Ancient Spiritual Virus 2001

The Hands of Shri Buddha 2006

The Eternity Elixir Of The Great Divine Mother 2013

Samsara Stew Of The Tantra Fathers 2016

The Maitreya 2019

Maitreya or Matraiya? 2023

Shri Mitrarupini 2025

" The Tathagatas Extol Thee, The Single One, As Many, Multiformed And

Many-Named " 2032

The All-Pervading Tao 2036

One-Tenth Inch 2052

Falun Dafa 2054


Chapter 13 2064

The Revelation of Guru Nanak 2064

" I Was With Him — In Fact With All Of Them. " 2074

Guru Nanak And The Men Of Miracles 2084

Shri Mataji, Who Is This Aykaa Mayee? 2102

And Ask Guru Nanak What Dhyan Means 2104

The Jewel In The Crown 2107

So Why This Universal Patriarchal Fear Of The Aykaa Mayee? 2111

The Blind Leading The Dumb 2114

The Liberated Householder 2117

" Feminist Consciousness May Bring Out For Sikhs A New Awareness Of

The Female " 2122

1. The Universal Mother 2122

2. Onkar The Primordial Being 2126

3. HIS Shakti Creates 2131

4. Brahma, Shiva And Vishnu 2132

5. She Is Shri Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu 2141

6. God, The FATHer And Mother 2146

7. She Is Adi Shakti, HIS Shakti 2147

" Supreme Oneness: The Homogenous Oneness " 2162

The Wandering Cattle Of The Lost Priests 2168

" Qualification Of A Pardhaan " 2170

What Is The Blessed Vision Of The Lord Guru? 2173

What Type Of Eyes Can See The Blessed Vision? 2177

Deep Within, The Divine Light Has Dawned 2181

Dsam Duar, The Door Of Liberation 2186

" Self-Realization: What Is It? " 2192

WaheGuru, Free Me From Spiritual Darkness 2198

O Supreme Goddess Shri Lalita Devi, Release Me From Ignorance! 2208

" Spiritual Ignorance " 2216


Chapter 14 2223

The Revelations of Rebirth 2223

The Only Inhabited Planet? 2235

Doctrine Of Rebirth 2240

Reincarnation: Edgar Cayce 2244

Reincarnation: Kevin Williams 2244

Reincarnation: Dan Costian 2249

From Spiritual Reincarnation To Religious Retardation 2254

" Questions To Ask Yourself " 2262

" Re: The Earth Is Flat " — Holy Quran? 2264

Rebirth: Surah 22:5 Al Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 2266

Rebirth: Surah 39:42 Al Zumar (Crowds) 2268

Rebirth: Surah 2.28 Al Baqarah (The Heifer) 2272

Rebirth: Surah 4:97-99 Al Nisa (The Women) 2274

Rebirth: Surah 56:60-61 Al Waqi'ah (The Inevitable) 2278

Rebirth: Surah 71:13-14 Nuh (Noah) 2280

Rebirth: Surah 23:12-15 Al Mu'minun (The True Believers) 2284

The First and Second Deaths 2287

Origin of Species 2290

The Primordial Human Evolution 2294

Creation Of Man And His Fulfilment 2298

The Kitab al Munir 2302

Where Is The Kitab Al Munir? 2307

The Holy Spirit of God 2327

The Kitab Al Munir: The Book Of The Great Adi Shakti Shri Lalita Devi


Vibratory Awareness 2543

The Woman Who Died Twice 2546



Chapter 15 2566


Prophet Muhammad, A Messenger Of God 2566

The Spirit Of Allah, HIS Ruh 2574

" We sent Aforetime The Messengers With Clear Signs " Surah 57:25 Al

Hadid (The Iron) 2578

The Parable and Prophecy of Allah's Iron 2580

The Iron Brick 2583

" And We Have Sent It Down IRON " Surah 57:25 Al Hadid (The Iron) 2587

The Mighty War Of Armageddon (Battle of Qa'im) 2591

Apostasy: The Sword Of Satan 2593

" The Many Benefits For Mankind " Surah 57:25 Al Hadid (The Iron) 2604

" In Which Is Mighty War " : Questions For The Ummah 2616

The Missing Messengers 2622

The Single Spiritual Tree? 2627

HIS Revelations To Different Tribes 2635

The Honored Messenger 2641

" On The Earth Are Signs . . . As Also In Yourselves. Will Ye Not Then

See? " Surah 51:22 2649

" Soon Will We Show Them Our Signs . . . In Their Souls " Surah 41:53

Fussilat (Expounded) 2651

The Sufis 2659

The Blind, Deaf and Arrogant 2679


Chapter 16 2685

The Sure Reality of Al Qiyamah 2685

" How Are They Going To Judge You? The Judgment Is Here! " 2692

The Mushriks (Disbelievers) 2698

Surah 75:1-40 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) 2700

The Call To Witness The Resurrection 2704

Resurrection: The Rebirth Of All Souls 2707

The Sure Signs of Resurrection 2709

" Concerning What Are They Disputing? Concerning The Great News!!! "


The `light' That Dazes?!!! 2713

The Moon Will Stop Shining?!!! 2715

The Sun And Moon Is The `Original Light'?!!! 2717

Refuge In The Mosques, Churches And Temples?!!! 2718

This Is The Age Of The Last Judgment 2721

" When Your Resurrection Will Take Place Then Your Hands Will Speak "


" Prophet Muhammad Is Talking Of The Coming Time . . . Of Resurrection "


" This Is The Qiyamat, The Time Of THE FINAL JUDGMENT " 2728

The Absolutely Forbidden Speculation Of Qiyamah 2730

Ummah: You Were Explicitly Warned Not To Interfere With This

Revelation, But You Did 2737

The Satanic Deceit 2740

" It Is For Us To Collect It (Revelation) And To Promulgate It

(Resurrection) " 2743

" It Is I And My Messengers (Of Qiyamah) Who Must Prevail " 2746

The Al Mutaffun (The Dealers In Fraud) Will Be Told: " This Is That

Which Ye Used To Deny " 2748

" And What Will Explain To Thee What The Day Of Judgement Is? " 2750

But You Humans Love The Fleeting, Fighting, Fundamentalist Life 2753

" Those Who Behave Arrogantly On The Earth . . . Them Will I Turn Away

From My Signs " 2760

" Even If They See All The Signs, They Will Not Believe In Them " 2762

" And If They See The Way Of Right Conduct, They Will Not Adopt It As

The Way " 2765

" But If They See The Way Of Error, That Is The Way They Will Adopt "


" For They Have Rejected Our Signs, And Failed To Take Warning From

Them " 2772

Yusuf Ali: " The Supreme Bliss — Seeing The Face of Allah. " 2776

Those Who Rejected The Offer 2784

The Mocking Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun) 2786

Does Man Think That He Will Be Left Uncontrolled? " 2789

The Spiteful Humans Of That Lowly Spunk 2791

The Trumpets Of Doom 2793

" Some Faces That Day Will Beam Looking Towards Their Lord " 2795

The Second Coming And End 2796

" Allah Will Not Address Them On The Day Of Resurrection " 2801

" And God Will Not . . . Nourish Them For Growth " 2802

" God Will Not Speak To Them, Or Assoil Them, On The Day Of The

Resurrection " 2807

" God Will Not Turn To Them On The Day Of Resurrection " 2809

" God Will Neither Speak To Them Nor Purify Them " 2811

" God Will Not Speak . . . Nor Will He Sanctify " 2815

" And This Is The Day Of Resurrection: But Ye — Ye Were Not aware! "


" This Is The Day Of Resurrection, But Ye Used Not To Know. " 2821

" We Have Indeed Revealed This (Message) In The Night Of Power (surah

97:1-5 Al Qadr) " 2823

" And What Will Explain To Thee, What The (Day) Of Noise And Clamour

Is? " (Surah 101) 2824

The Coming Century Of Religious Persecution 2827

" The Night Visitant — And What Will Explain To Thee What The Night-

Visitant Is? " 2830

The Useless, Toothless Exoteric Idols 2833

So You Deny All The Sure Signs Of Qiyamah?!!! 2835

" Verily, We Have Warned You of A Penalty Near " 2840

" Again, Woe To Thee, (O man!), Yea, Woe! " 2844

Some Sons Surrendered, Some Fathers Frowned 2846

Some Daughters Believed, Some Mothers Denied 2847

Some Wives Smiled, Some Husbands Fumed 2849

Some Humans Awoke, Some Fools Fled 2851

Some Relatives Rejoiced, Some Friends Rejected 2854

Some Believers Rejoiced, Some Fanatics Raged 2859

Some Priests Prostrated, Some Rabbis Rebelled 2861

The Tongue Twisters 2864

External Idols " Reflect A Mentality That Has Been Rejected By Modern

Man " 2866

The Present Resurrection 2869

The Blasts of Truth 2873

The First Blast: Resurrection 2874

The Second Blast: The Regions Within 2876

The Third Blast: The Explosion in the Universe 2878

The Fourth Blast: Birth Day Of Shri Christ 2881

The Last Blast: Rejection Of The Ummah 2885

WE! Who Are We? 2887

The End Times 2889

" Fear My Warning! " 2891

The Evil Century 2895

Announcers Of The Resurrection, " Arise And Deliver Thy Warning! "


Devotees Of HIS Ruh, Stand Up And Warn the Mohareb! 2900

Emissaries Of The Hidden Imam, Go Forth And Warn The Nations! 2902

Messengers Of Allah, Forewarn All Al Mutaffun (The Dealers In Fraud)


Devotees Of The Hidden One, Come Out And Warn The Mushriks

(Disbelievers)! 2906


Chapter 17 2908

The Twelve Imams 2908

Blessed Are The Peacemakers, For They Shall Be Called Sons Of God


" Ah Woe, That Day, To The Rejecters Of Truth! " 2915

Fools! " What Will Make You Realize What The Day For Sorting Is? "


Hypocrites (Al-Munafiqun)! " In What Statement, After This, Will They

Believe? " ! 2922

Disbelievers (Mushriks)! " So If You Have A Plan, Plan Against Me

(Now). " 2923

Transgressors! " Alas The Woe That Day For Those Who Deny! " 2924

Rejecters! " We Have Summoned You And The Previous Generations " ! 2925

Ummah: " Eat And Enjoy Temporarily; You Are Guilty. " 2926

Seekers Of Truth! " Verily That Which Ye Are Promised Is Imminent " !


Is prostrate yourself A Message? A Warning? Or A Fool's Fantasy?


Iblis: " Give Me Respite Till The Day They Are Raised Up. " 2934

Iblis: " I Will Certainly Cause Them All To Deviate " 2936

Satan: " I Will Surely Bring His (Adam's) Descendants Under My Sway. "


Allah: " And Most Certainly You Will Come To Know About It After A

Time. " 2940

The Five Pillars Of Falsehood 2942

First Falsehood: " But They Killed Him Not . . . But So It Was To

Appear To Them " 2943

Second Falsehood: " It Is Not Befitting To Allah That He Should Beget

A Son. " 2947

Third Falsehood: " They Ask Thee Concerning The Spirit. " 2952

Fourth Falsehood: " But (He Is) The Messenger Of Allah, And The Seal

Of The Prophets " 2955

Fifth Falsehood: " Lost Are They Who Slay Their Children From Folly "


Proclaim Islam To Pagans, Not Christians, Jews, Hindus Or Buddhists


Warnings To Pagans Against Associating Their Rock Deities With God

Almighty 2975

Idolatory, Islam and India by Anwar Shaikh 2983

" All The Islam People Think They Are Surrendered To God " 2997

" Hindu Fundamentalism: Does It Really Exist? " 3004

" What Is The Best Religion? " 3009

Modern Islam: The Faith Of Delusion And Falsehood 3013

Hadith And The Corruption Of The Great Religion Of Islam 3016

" They Have Made All Kinds Of Nonsense With Them " 3043


Chapter 18 3051

The Contradicting Scriptures 3051

Hindu Karahais 3053

Christian Kettles 3071

Jewish Pans 3076

Muslim Pots 3086

" Chapter Four: The Missing Passages Of The Qur'an " 3087

" Chapter Five: Sab'at-I-Ahruf: The Seven Different Readings " 3097

" Chapter Seven: Historical Errors of the Quran " 3107

" Chapter Eight: Quranic Language and Grammatical Mistakes " 3111

" Chapter Nine: Capricious Revelation of the Quran " 3121

" Chapter Ten: The Abrogator and Abrogated Quranic Verses " 3128

" Chapter Eleven: The Contradictions of the Quran " 3135

" Chapter Twelve: The Perversion Of Quran And The Loss Of Many Parts

Of It " 3139

" Distortion In The Quran " 3149

" Corruption Of The Text Of The Qur'an " 3152

" The Collection Of The Qur'an — From The Hadiths " 3153

" On The Integrity Of The Qur'an " 3169

Pots, Pans And Kettles Of The Jewish, Christian And Muslim Communal

Kitchen 3171

Those Idolators Deceived By Iblis 3193

Truth? How To Determine Truth? 3209

The Armageddon Army (The Mohareb Militants) 3216



Chapter 19 3264


" The Whole Work Of Christ Went Into The Hands Of This Devil " 3264

Elaine Pagel's The Gnostic Gospels 3268

The Gnostics 3270

" You Must Have The Knowledge. So That Promise Has To Be Fulfilled "


The Genesis Factor 3286

Michael Baignent & Richard Leigh's The Dead Sea Scrolls, And Others


The Peter And Paul Of Dan Costian's Bible Enlightened 3299

" Many Things About Jesus . . . Do Not Figure In The Gospels. " 3308

" Actually He Died Later On In Kashmir. There Is Proof Of It. " 3312

The Missing Years Of Shri Jesus Christ 3314

Then What Happened After Shri Jesus Was Resurrection? 3321

" Maturity and Old Age " 3323

So Where Is The Garden Of Eden? 3335

And Where Did Prophet Abraham Come From? 3336

What About The Tomb Of Moses? 3338

Where Do The Tracks Of Solomon Lead To? 3341

The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel 3343

" Life And Works Of Jesus " 3349

Aquarius! The Dawn Of The Golden Age 3387

The Zodiac 3389

The Age Of Aquarius 3391


Chapter 20 3394

The Celestine Prophecy 3394

James! There Are Facts In Your Fiction 3396

Sorry, Your Truth Is Stranger Than My Fiction 3398

Spiritual Pimps Of A Consumption Culture 3402

The First Insight 3423

The Second Insight 3425

The Third Insight 3443

The Fourth Insight 3447

The Fifth Insight 3451

The Sixth Insight 3453

The Seventh Insight 3455

The Eight Insight 3457

The Ninth Insight 3459

The Prophecies of Nostradamus 3470

John Hogue's Nostradamus: The New Revelations 3472

" Nostradamus And The End — July 1999 Is Coming Fast! " 3478

Manuela Dunn Mascetti And Peter Lorie's Nostradamus: Prophecies For

Women 3488

" We Have Many Stupid Women With Us " 3490

The Seline Movement 3493

The Silence Of The Rams 3496

The Three Great Mothers 3498

Enlighten! Feminine Kundalini, Enlighten! 3505

City And Province Will Gain From The Great Journey Within 3513

Healing of Hearts And Nations 3523

" This Great Brahma Shakti Is At Your Lotus Feet " 3524

The Eternal Light Within 3526

The End Of All The Corrupted Idols Of Worship 3528

" This Priesthood Has To Go " 3530

" A Priesthood . . . More Preoccupied With Collecting Alms Than Saving

Souls " 3534

" Oh Vast Rome Your Ruin Approaches " 3536

" Fatima Network: The Third Secret Revealed (Part One) " 3540

" Fatima Network: The Third Secret Revealed (Part Two) " 3543

" Fatima Network: The Third Secret Revealed (Part Three) " 3545

" Fatima Network: The Third Secret Revealed (Part Four) " 3548

" Fatima Network: The Third Secret Revealed (Part Five) " 3551

Lunar Consciousness 3555

The Face On The Moon 3565

" Shri Mataji, We The Sahaja Yogis Of The World, Desire And Pray . . . "


Sahaja Yoga: The Supreme Yoga Of The Great Adi Shakti 3574

The Battle of Armageddon (Battle of Qa'im) 3576

" They Are The Ones Who Are Going To Save The World, Not The Men "


The Idols Will Fall Like Dominos 3602

And Corrupt Rome, Your End Is Near! 3604

" These Are They Which Came Out of Great Tribulation " 3608

" They Are Going To Oppose You! " 3612

" There Should Be No Fear Of Death " 3632

" But You Know That You Have Eternal Life. You Can Never Die " 3635

" Death Does Not Exist For You — It Is Finished . . . Your Spirit Is

Free " 3637

" Many People Ask Me Questions: " What About Death? " " 3642


Chapter 21 3646

Letters To Earth 3646

" I Want To Tell That I Am That Destination " 3649

" My Dear Children, What Are You Searching? " 3649

" Illusion Will Go By Meditation " 3651

" What Is There In This World To Cling To? " 3652

Lectures To Earth 3660

Before Leaving Earth You Have To Be Innocent, Pure, Simple . . 3688

" HE Won't Allow More Sins To Be Committed Against HIM " 3693

" Before That . . . These Powers We Are Going To Use For

Transformation " 3711

" And This Gospel Of The Kingdom Shall Be Preached In All The World "


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