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Dialogue with a Christian

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Dialogue With a Christian



Pradeep Sharma



Dear Mr. Dale,


I read your letter and was automatically reminded of the words of Shrila


Thakur wherein he states,


" The followers of this religion (Christianity) have no power to worship God

selflessly. In

general their idea is that by cultivating fruitive work and speculative

philosophy one

should work to make improvements in the material world. "


For the past 2000 years Christianity has evolved based on speculative


Because the Bible is vague and can be interpreted in countless ways we find so


different opinions. Christianity has broken into countless sects each with a


opinion based on mental speculation. Even within each sect you can hardly find


Christians who agree. I can see you have come up with yet one more concocted


about Christianity to add to the quagmire.


Dale wrote:

" Namaste. pranams to you. I am writing your article on An Indian Speaks Out on

Christianity. I have read it with care and would like to point out a few

things. Sorry to say

that your conception and understanding of Jesus Christ is incorrect. I know you

are taking

the Vaishnava view, but it is flawed. If you read in Genesis the Lord says, "

Let Us make

man in Our image " . There are a few other references in the Bible where the Lord

is using

the plurality of His Being. This plurality is The Lord Himself and Jesus. Jesus

is co-creator

in God_s creation. Simply by God_s Divine Instruction, By His Word, there was

light, there

was day, etc. God and His word are non-different. They are Absolute as He is.

If you read

the Book of John, Chapter one, we see that that Word became flesh. God's

manifestation ,

God's Word manifested in the flesh, and that was Jesus Christ. You might say

this is

simply " our own interpretation " No, it isn't, it is Gods Word and revelation.

You can ask

why according to Vaishnava Philosophy is some Jivas bound (jiva-baddha) and

some free.

Why is the Jiva tatasta-shakti, and some not. The Vaishnava answer is it is the

Lords Leela.

If that is so, we Jivas have to suffer so much in this material world. This is

as absurd as

your claim to the Bible's creation. "

You are taking words from here and there, stringing them together and then


on the meanings. You say Jesus is a 'co-creator', but where in the Bible have

you found

verification that Jesus is a co-creator other than a few vague and cryptic

references? The

verses you cite can be interpreted many ways. You say the word and God are non-

different and on the absolute platform. This is similar to the Holy Names of

Krishna and

Krishna being non-different. But there is no evidence the Bible is teaching

this knowledge.

There is no indication or mention in the Bible putting forth such a notion that

Jesus was a

co-creator. The idea of the word and God being non-different is something that

you are

borrowing from Vedic thought. And the idea of the co-creator being Jesus you


borrowed from Shrimad Bhagavatam. Furthermore, the idea that Jesus is Brahma is


concoction that you have borrowed from a deviant Hindu group [science of


Foundation] in Hawaii.


The fact is that Christianity has borrowed what little philosophy it has from

other sources.


The Veda is lucidly clear concerning who the co-creator of the Universe is and


explains that the Holy Name of Krishna and Krishna Himself are non-different.

Where the

Bible is ambiguous, hazy and down right confusing the Veda is vividly clear,

distinct and

logical. The following history may interest you. Back in the 1700s the

Christians claimed

that the followers of Sreemad Bhagavatam had derived their philosophy from the

Bible. In

the end it was proven by European Indologists that the worship of Krishna and


philosophy of Krishna Consciousness, existed long before the worship of Jesus.


I have come to know after speaking with some senior Gaudiya Vaishnavas that you


had some dealing with the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya in the past. Apparently


were an initiated disciple of Shreela A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada but

for some

reason you have now gone towards Christianity and like most Christians you now


Jesus as your guru - thereby negating surrender and service to a bona-fide

living spiritual

master. Dale wrote: " Another point that you are missing, as so are all of you,

including the

acharyas ( I do not intend to make Vaishnava Apradha), is that you are all very


Biblically illiterate. " I beg to differ with your statement. You are greatly


concerning our acharyas being " Biblically illiterate " . The fact is that

Bhaktivinode Thakur

was well versed in the Bible having studied in Christian schools in his youth.


contemporary times there are also numerous acharyas and other Vaishnavas that

are well

read in the teachings of Christianity and the Bible. And as for my humble self

my second

major at the university was Biblical History and Philosophy. So modestly

speaking some of

my colleagues have on occasion called me a Biblical scholar.


Dale wrote:

" Because of the Lord's Infinite Love & Mercy, He came with a plan to save the

lost souls.

The Vaishnava philosophy states how can the sin of one man affect the whole

race for

generations. God was testing His creatures to see if they would obey. Because

He is a God

of Love, He will not force anyone to do anything. Justice and Mercy must both

be there. If

the Vaishnava thinks that this is absurd, then we can say that there are


absurdities in the Vedas such as the monkeys and bears that helped Ramachandra,


Putana being so big. In fact we can say that all such (leelas) are absurd. We

can say that all

the brahmastras the ksatriyas used such as weapons that quenched the fire


etc., are absurd. "

Simply put here you are giving a very one-dimensional answer that no thinking


will respect. You are alluding to the one and only original thought in

Christianity, the idea

of original sin. However, nowhere in Bible is the idea of original sin

mentioned. Did you

know that the idea of original sin is just a theory? Did you know that there

are three

theories concerning original sin? The theories are known to all Biblical

scholars as, The

Augustinian Theory, The Federal Theory, and The Theory of Mediate Imputation.


The first theory [The Augustinian Theory] came about from the speculations of


in the 5th century, 400 years after the supposed disappearance of Jesus. The

other two

theories [The Federal Theory, and The Theory of Mediate Imputation] did not

appear until

the 17th century, or 1600 years after Jesus.


At present all Christians take as gospel truth one of the above mentioned


concerning original sin. However, it is just one more mental speculation that

has no valid

Biblical reference. Good Christians believe it is the absolute truth. Christian


themselves however argue over which theory is true showing the absurdity of the


theories that they disbelieve.


The theologians themselves, who advocate the doctrine of original sin, prove


that it is false. For instance, those theologians who advocate the Augustinian

Theory prove

conclusively that the Federal and Mediate Imputation Theories are unscriptural

and false.

On the other hand, those theologians who advocate the Federal Theory prove just


conclusively that the Augustinian Theory and Mediate Imputation Theories are

unscriptural and false. Each theologian, in his turn, proves the other theories

to be false.

So we agree here with the Christian theologians. The theory of Original Sin has

no validity

and is a false doctrine.


The idea that all persons on earth must pay for the sins of the first created

beings will not

be acceptable to anyone advanced in culture, philosophy and science. Even in


society we do not punish all for the sins of one or two. By this logic God is

less merciful

than a common man. Yes, we think this is absolutely absurd.


Dale wrote:

" You state that Christianity has put forth a lie, a front, but really it is an


religion. Well what about all the Hindu-Muslim riots? You can not say that

Christianity is

aggressive, as Christ was the perfect example of humility and tolerance. You

will never

find anyone who has such infinite love and mercy. Look at all the so-called

gurus that

Prabhupda made. Look at Jayatirtha, Hansadhutta, Bhagavan, etc. Look at


who molested little boys. Look at the child molestation of the gurukula

children in Dallas .

Now this demoniac. These persons posing as spiritual master did more harm than

you can

imagine. They were aggressors. Were they wrong, or was Prabhupada wrong for


them gurus? Look at Tamal Krishna Goswami. His agenda was one of political

gain. The

same in Christianity. If there are demons in the group, don_t say that was the

intention of

Christ. "

In the first place Moslems were aggressors from the beginning, as far back as

the 13th

century, when the first Moslems acted as aggressors and invaded India with the

intent of

controlling and converting all to Islam by force. Islam has been a challenge to

not only

Vaishnavas but all Hindus in India since the first Moslems stepped foot here.


or Hindus have never invaded another country and always welcomed other


However those religions of the Abrahamic line like Islam and Christianity have

a long

history of intolerance especially of other religious thought and they have been

hell bent

on destroying all other religions.


Because both Islam and Christianity teach exclusivists doctrines i.e. that all

others outside

their religion are bound for hell and therefore should be converted by any

means is good

reason to object to their preaching and converting activity. Sree Mohandas


Gandhi wanted Christian missionaries kicked out of India once and for all. And

no one can

label Gandhiji as a fundamentalist fanatic Hindu. He was as liberal as you can



All are welcome in India but those who get in the door just to tear down the

house and to

destroy the religions and culture of India must be challenged. So your citing


Moslem riots is a very bad counter argument to the fact that Christianity is

and always has

been an aggressive religion designed to wipe out all other religious thought

and all other

non-Christian cultures. This is well recorded history, whether you like it or

not. From the

Crusades to the inquisitions, to the witch hunts to the wiping out of the

American Natives,

to the atrocities in Goa to the Conquistadors, to the torture, rape and mass


perpetrated at the hands of conquering Christians, sometimes carried out by the


priests and monks themselves - Christianity is a religion soaked in the blood


innocents. And this appalling barbarity has continued all the way into modern




You contend that we cannot blame Jesus on the evil doings that have been

carried out in

the name of Christianity. But the fact of the matter is that all the atrocities

were justified

by the Christians by citing the Bible. We are not talking about just a few

rogue Christian

leaders - we are talking about the entire Christian Church and its grizzly



So your argument is moot, you are trying to compare the fall down of a hand

full of

devotees in ISKCON to the carnage of the Christian Church over 2,000 years. No

intelligent person will accept your argument.


You speak of Jesus Christ as a historical person however the evidence for a


Jesus is small. But if Jesus did exist in the historical sense then of course

we do not

blame him personally for all the atrocities of Christianity. However, the Bible

and its

fundamental teachings can indeed be blamed for the destruction of many cultures


societies. We would like to think that the person Jesus is not responsible. But

the reality is

that all this genocide, mass murder, rape, plunder and pillage have been done

in his

name using the Bible to validate such heinous activities. Just as the Islamist

can use the

Koran to back their foul deeds the Christians use the Bible.


Dale wrote:

" Before there was sin in this world, Lucifer in heaven rebelled and was cast

out. You

might say, " how can anyone cause rebellion in heaven " . No one is forced to stay

anywhere, because we eternally have free choice. If you say this is absurd, you

can also

say that Jaya and Vijaya being thrown out of Vaikuntha was also absurd. "

The story of Lucifer that you mention is yet another borrowed idea from a much


religion than Christianity. The idea is found originally in the teachings of

Zoroaster who

was a priest of Varuna prior to the writing of the Rg-veda. Zoroaster was

rejected from the

Vedic civilization for concocting many novel ideas such as the fall from the


kingdom, the devil, the first persons in the garden [Adam and Eve], powers of

good and

evil always in conflict, Armageddon, the day-of-judgment and an eternal kingdom


Earth after evil is destroyed. All these ideas were concocted by Zoroaster and

later on

transplanted in Judea after the Persian conquests [the fall of Babylon]. In

turn the ideas

eventually found their way into Christianity and then Islam.


Dale wrote:

" Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami says that Christianity was made for meat eaters.

This is

incorrect. The Bible clearly states that we are to be vegetarians. If some do

not adhere to

this principle, we can't force them. "

The Bible is contradictory on the issue of vegetarianism. Nowhere does it

explicitly state

one must be a vegetarian to be a follower of Christ. In fact according to the

Bible the 12

Apostles objected to Paul allowing gentiles to not follow the dietary laws and

other laws

and rituals of Judaism. One of the laws Paul threw out was the kosher law,

namely that all

meat must be kosher which included the practice of draining the blood from the

slaughtered animal. Thus the first Christians under Paul were allowed to eat

both meat

and blood. This was to include cows, goats, sheep, fish and even pigs, which

Jews and the

12 Apostles never ate before. Jesus and the 12 Apostles considered pigs unclean


and thus unfit to eat.


So it can be said that not only were the first Christians not vegetarian but

Paul even

allowed them to eat blood and pigs. The original Christians were all meat

eaters. There is

really no doubt about this among Christian scholars and theologians.


According to the Bible, in the beginning Cain offered God grains and

vegetables. His

brother Abel offered a sacrificed goat. God rejected the vegetarian foodstuff

offered by

Caine but accepted the blood sacrifice of Abel. This does nothing to promote

the God of

the Old Testament, of which Jesus is saying we must love, as being inclined

towards a

vegetarian diet. According to the New Testament Jesus offered fish to the

multitudes with

his own hands. And Jesus asks us to engage in ritualistic cannibalism by eating

his flesh

and drinking his blood. Sorry to say but this is not the mentality of a

vegetarian. You are

simply reading into the Bible what you want to believe but the support is not




The meat eaters have a stronger argument for their case when it comes to diet

and the

fact that 99% of Christians are meat eaters speaks for itself. Christianity,

Islam and

Judaism are religions for the meat eaters as Srila Prabhupada clearly stated.


Dale wrote:

" Just like in India, in the name of Hinduism and Kali Puja, many goats are

sacrificed and

eaten. "

Yes, goats are sacrificed to Kali [but not Mother cow]. Materialistic people in

India believe

that by such sacrifice they will be awarded some material benediction and have

a better

material life. They also believe the karma for killing the animal will be

reduced by

sacrificing it before the goddess. But this practice has nothing to do with

Vaishnavism and

love of God.


Dale wrote:

" In fact, there is still a temple in Calcutta that sacrifices children. "

Here you are speaking like a true Christian bigot. As far as sacrificing

children in a temple

in Kolkatta is concerned - that is absolutely ridiculous. The truth is that it

is anti-Hindu

propaganda. We hear this type of rhetoric from Christians as a means to defile

and smear

India. This type of rhetoric is commonly spoken by those who have an extreme

hatred and

bias toward Hinduism. These types of lies are commonly coming from people

intent on

destroying India's religious traditions and replacing it with Christian or

Islamic values.


But since you have raised the topic of child sacrifice I would like to remind

you that the

ancient Hebrews were rich in the practice of human child sacrifices to the god


who's temple was situated in a valley not far from Jerusalem. The performance of


child sacrifice was practiced by the Hebrews in ancient times. This is a

historically and

archaeologically proven fact. These were the people from the house of David and


from which Christianity also claims its roots. In fact at one point in the Bible

we find the

story wherein God is asking Abraham to sacrifice his own son but in the last

minute God

opts for the sacrifice of a ram instead. The point being that human sacrifice

was not

unknown to the house of Abraham.


So before you go around fabricating stories about child sacrifice in Kolkatta

you would be

better off to discover the alarming facts surrounding the descendents of Abraham


develop a little humility and shame for yourself.


The fact is that when the tribes of Abraham were performing human sacrifice at

the same

time the Vaishnavas in India were offering God Krishna fruits and flowers and

singing his

glories by chanting his holy names. The sub-human standards of worship and


sacrifice that was being offered to Molech by the Hebrews was known to the

seers of

Vedic culture at the time and those worshippers were called Molechas [Meleches]

by the

people living in India. Later on this name came to refer to anyone from the

west living

outside Vedic culture.


Dale wrote:

" And there is a temple where the rats are sacred and run all over the people.

They get bit

and get the plague. You can say this is not really Hinduism or Vaishnavism.


when people in the name of Christianity are eating meat, this isn't true

Christianity. If you

want to call it maya or Satan, then be it so. "

Dale, you have been watching too many Indiana Jones movies! However, there is


temple in India where rats are fed and allowed to run free (Rajastan's famous

Karni Mata

Temple). Tourists, especially 'western tourist' love to go there and gawk. This

temple was

built in modern times and does not reflect India's ageless theistic concepts.


As far as the plague is concerned there have been no cases of people being

bitten at the

Karni Mata Temple and then getting the plague. You are just listening to gossip

and lies.


Many people in the west have the idea that the plague is an everyday happening

in India.

This is due to Christian propaganda and not fact. But comparatively speaking

Europe has

suffered much more plague than India.


Incidentally, in the Dark Ages [the hay-day of Christendom] as much as two

thirds of the

population of Europe succumbed to the plague. Furthermore, if you take the Bible

as the

word of God then you must believe the plague originated in the land of the

Hebrews as it

is mentioned that God used it to curse the Philistines, the enemies of his

so-called chosen



Dale wrote:

" Prabhupada says the Bible isn't an eternal scripture. Again that isn't

correct. As Jesus is

eternal, His message is eternal. But because of man's sin, there was no need

for a

scripture before that. And you cannot prove the eternality of the Vedas. It is

only your

word of what you believe. Before any written scripture was in effect, all were

perfect in

their understanding by the hearing process. Srautya. Before written scripture

in any

country this was the standard of the saints. "

Putting aside eternal or not eternal which is hard to prove lets just say that

the Vedas

were written thousands of years before any of the Abrahamic literatures were


invented. And that is historical fact recognized by all unbiased scholars in

this age.


Dale wrote:

" Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that many lives we all have had, but we


remember them, but he can. Then you can cite the example of Jada Bharata who


three lives and became a deer. You cannot prove this. It is only your belief

system. "

What actually is your point here? Are you saying that neither Christianity or


can empirically prove their teachings? In matters of faith this might be so but

there are

volumes of knowledge in the Vedas that can be and have been empirically proven


modern scientific methods. Even such advanced physics theories such as parallel


are mentioned in the Vedas and are now being investigated by science.


Furthermore, over the past 300 years much scientific evidence has been revealed


disproves the Biblical view of the world, its age, etc. So by comparison the


knowledge is far superior to the Biblical knowledge and verifiable as well.


Dale wrote:

" Srila Prabhupada states that the spiritual master suffers the karma of their


especially at initiation. He many times said the only reason he is suffereing

is because of

the sinful reaction of his disciples. Then why does he belittle Jesus for the

plan of

redemption? Because of Christ's love for you and me, He accepted that position

to save

the human race. No matter how much japa we chant, how many vratas we undertake,


many parikramas we do, nothing will free us from our sin. Only God, and God

alone can

free us. No man can do it, nor can we do it alone. That is why Christ appeared

to redeem

us. It was His Infinite Love. Christ Himself says, " without Me you can do

nothing " . "

In the first place Shrila Prabhupada never belittled Jesus and he did not state

'many times'

that he was suffering due to the sins of his disciples. In fact Shrila

Prabhupada went out of

his way not to offend Christians and to glorify Jesus and he did not blame his


for his own suffering as you say he did.


The idea that Jesus or the guru takes the sins of his followers has its origins

in the Veda.

Once again we see how Christianity has borrowed ideas from other places. That

the guru

removes the karma or sins of his followers is well known to the followers of the

Veda. But

nowhere do we find God punishing Himself for the sins of man. This is an absurd

idea. So

we give logic as our evidence that the philosophy you follow is for no sane


person. By your logic God created imperfect beings who are prone to sinful

activity. In

other words he made a mistake. Then he can't figure out a way to correct his


creatures. He made a mistake and must find an answer to correct his mistake. The


way he sees to redeem the world is to punish Himself? Then he appears as his own


just to be tortured and murdered for the mistakes of those he created

imperfectly. No this

is not the logic of saints.


Dale wrote:

" Prabhupada also quotes that Christians say that if we are sinful, we can stay

in eternal

hell. There is no where in the Bible that says God puts us in eternal hell. It

just doesn't

exist. Thast_s another example how Prabhupada really didn't know the Bible nor

do most

of the human race. But there are some that do. "

Christians over all do teach that there is an eternal Hell. Your particular

sect of

Christianity [seventh Day Adventists which began in the 1800s as a Christian

cult] may

not accept eternal Hell but for that all other Christians would consider you a

heretic and

thus possibly eligible to be burned alive. At least that is their past history.


It is nice that the Seventh Day Adventists do not accept the eternal hell

concept and are

trying to be better people by promoting vegetarianism, but the fact is that you

are a small

number of Christians whereas the bulk of Christianity does teach about eternal

hell and

advocates a meat based diet with great fervor. According to mainstream

Christianity the

Seventh Day Adventists are a cult the same as the Mormons.


Dale wrote:

" I could go on and on. Jesus was the Perfect Example of selfless love. Either


left this world by entering Tota Gopinath or jumped in the ocean. You can say

he was

absorbed in his own bhakti. But Christ, on the cross at His death wasn't

concerned for His

welfare, but for the welfare of the people. Even He cared about those who were

persecuting Him. He said, " My father, please forgive them for they know not

what they are

doing " . This is the epitome of selfless love. "

The idea that God should punish himself by his own death in my opinion smacks

of your

own envy of God. You want him to suffer because you think he made you suffer.

Not a

very loving conception if you ask me. Devotees of Krishna and Shri Chaitanya

cannot even

tolerate the thought that God should even suffer the trouble of walking bare

foot on the

earth what to speak of hanging on a cross for someone's sins. But this seems to

be a

coveted Christian concept - God has to suffer! On the other hand Vaishnavas want

God to

enjoy, not suffer.


Krishna's and Shri Chaitanya's devotees are considered to be the mercy

manifestation of

God and as such they are thousands of more times more merciful than Jesus

Christ. Take

for example the devotee Vasudeva Dutt who prayed to God that all living beings

in the

universe should automatically be freed from their sins and go back to Godhead

and that

he [Vasudeva Dutt] would suffer for all their sins. Whereas, Jesus only prayed

to God to

forgive those who offended him. Vasudeva Dutt was willing to bear the sins of


universe even if they did not know him or believe in him but Jesus only saves

those who

believe in him. So categorically Vasudeva Dutt is much more merciful than Jesus.


You allude to a myth that the only way God can redeem the world is by a blood


On the one hand you preach God punishes himself for the sins of man then you

say he

forgives those who are punishing him? This is contradictory and is evidence

that you have

no real philosophy. I will reiterate this point again, you say God creates

imperfect beings,

he cannot figure out a way to redeem them other than by punishing Himself, so He

incarnates as His son. Then He is tortured and murdered. Before he dies he

utters 'forgive



I must ask, forgive who? According to the Bible and your philosophy the whole

thing is

God's plan. It would be a more believable story if Jesus thanked them for

carrying out

God's plan. Why is there a need to forgive them when they are doing the will of

God? You

cannot see the absurdity of what you believe?


And to make matters even worse the Christian community blamed the Jews for the


of Jesus and thus gave birth to anti-Semitism causing the suffering and deaths

of many

innocent men, women, and children throughout the ages.


But if this were God's plan to suffer himself on the cross, then why the

blaming and

killing of Jews?


Dale write:

" When Narottama das was chanting his japa with his guru, Lokanath das Goswami,

a poor

and thirsty person came who was on the verge of collapsing. Narottama das out

of his

compassionate heart stopped his japa to get her a drink of water. Lokanath

Goswami was

outraged. He told narotta das that he made an offence to the chanting and

banished him.

You can say this was leela, but the fact remains that a human being needed

water. Jesus

says that He is that Living Water, and once drinking from Him, you will never

thirst again.

If you say that this was done because the chanting was more important, then I

will say that

you have an inferior religion and not Christianity. Don't try to make it that

Hinduism is

superior or more transcendental. If you think so, you are only fooling yourself

and the

followers who abide by such propaganda. "

Unless you can quote this story above from a verifiable Vaishnava source then

it is useless

to discuss because it is hearsay. The story as you tell it does not represent

the true heart

of a Vaishnava who is always compassionate for the suffering of others.


Dale wrote:

" Jesus Himself requested that His followers go to the highways and byways, to

the ends

of the earth to give His sublime gospel call. It is not for the exploitation

that you state.

You will never find the depth of love and mercy that is in Christ Jesus. He is

a loving God

and will never force. He is ready to accept you if you come with a contrite

heart and seek

His mercy. Jesus is not a liar. He said that He will return. We accept that. "

What " sublime gospel call " are you talking about? I hope it's not the one about

" love thy

neighbor " ? If so you should remember that the Buddha preached about love thy


nonviolence, vegetarianism and lots more several centuries before anyone ever


about Christ. In fact those sorts of principles were common in all the Vedic


thousands of years before Jesus. So why is he so special when every sadhu

[saint] in India

for the past 10,000 years has demonstrated such qualities and more. Every

quality except

the quality of having himself killed on a cross to save his followers. A

ludicrous concept

as we have already discussed.


Basically you are simply 'love bombing' with all this 'love' talk. This is the

latest method

of deception now used by Christians worldwide. But 'love bombing' is just a

ploy used

because Christians can no longer get away with their original methods of forced

conversions, aggression and intimidation in the modern democratic countries that

promote pluralism of thought.


The history of Christianity paints a different picture than the 'love bombing'

picture you

and your preachers are trying to project. History does indeed record

Christianity as being

an aggressive plunderer. The fact is Christianity is an aggressive religion

that has

plundered Mother Earth and her people for two thousand years and it is about

time the

truth was spoken.


Your claims of Jesus coming soon has echoed through the ages [for the past 2000


Every generation of Christians has claimed Jesus was coming in their time and

now you

are saying the same thing. The fact is that the first 12 Apostles claimed he

was coming in

their time also. And the Bible states clearly that Jesus was expected to return

shortly after

his death on the cross. But after all this time Jesus has not appeared. Instead

the earth

has suffered at the hands of those who exploit her in the name of the Bible and



My dear Dale, Mother Earth can no longer bare the burden of Christianity and

that is why

your religion is being taken apart brick by brick. The western world has

changed in the

last 2,000 years and intelligent people are no longer inclined toward


illogical doctrines. Christianity had its chance and its time is over. We are

seeing its

demise and we welcome it. Let Mother Earth be relieved of this heavy burden.




Pradeep Sharma




Contact Pradeep Sharma: pradeep5808

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