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Christ and Krishna are two separate incarnations

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" Violet " <violetubb wrote:


> Nicole, maybe we can use your post of " Christianity and the Vedic

> Teachings within it " to address and clarify some of the issues

> brought up in that article - instead of posting it " as is " to the

> HSS (Holy Spirit Shekinah) site. In the article by Mr. Stephen

> Knapp, he is suggesting that the stories in the Bible regarding

> Christ, are probably of Krishna. i understand that there could have

> been some embellishment there, as not much of Jesus's early life

> was known! However, we Sahaja Yogis know that Shri Krishna and Shri

> Jesus are two separate personalities, who incarnated at two

> different times for the benevolence of human beings. It will help

> to reveal what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi taught regarding Shri

> Krishna and Shri Jesus, along with the mystical evidence given

> also, through Jagbir's children.



Dear All,


Lord Jesus Christ and Shri Krishna are separate, individual incarnations. Here

are some things that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi taught about Shri Krishna and

Jesus Christ, which should clarify this fact:


" Now in the material form Gokul was where Shri Krishna lived in his childhood. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Athens Puja, Athens, Greece - 24 May, 1989)


" Shri Krishna who was also born in a family not of Brahmans and not of

Kshatriyas but of the milkmen who were not of high caste. Shri Krishna himself

from childhood performed so many miracles. His life displayed that the birth of

a child in a particular family was not the determining factor as far as his

'Jaati' or his caste was concerned. He used to go to Hastinapur and there

instead of eating food or residing with people of high caste, he would live with

the son of a maid servant who was Vidura, a realised soul. Vidura was a low

caste person but Shri Krishna would always go and visit and stay with him and

have food in his house and not with the kings of Hastinapur. But later on the

caste system became based on the birth of a person. So the caste of a person was

determined by the caste of the family in which he was born. Identification of a

lower caste or a higher caste by birth was never the initial idea. Also the

Goddess Durga knew two classes, Asuras or Rakshasas (Satanic) and Bhaktas

(Devotees). It is difficult to say when Hindu society accepted this destructive

caste system by birth. Perhaps some fanatic priests introduced this curse

through religious books by their own alterations. This is a very common

phenomenon in all the religious scriptures where some fanatic or woman hater has

put his own ideas. How can we take these scriptures as pure or fundamental and

follow them word by word?


In India we have had many great poets and saints who were realised souls born in

a very low caste. We also had great poets and saints among the higher castes.

This establishes the fact that caste based on birth does not determine the

spiritual quality of a person. All these poets and saints respected each other

and cared for the upliftment of human beings. These saints never felt that they

were of a very higher sophisticated class or that they belonged to a lower

caste. The Hindu religion is not exclusive and that is a great blessing. It does

not have one book to follow. There is no organisation of the Hindu religion.

There are Shankaracharya but they do not have powers like priests or Mullas.

Moreover, it seems that Hindu people worship anyone and accept all the saints,

whether Hindus or Muslims. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era,

Chapter 6 'Religions' - 29/09/95)


" In Gita there is no description of the Kundalini or of the awakening, though

Shri Krishna, at the very outset, has said that a person should achieve the

state of Sthitapragya, which means, the one who is balanced, through

enlightenment by Divine knowledge. All this was a description, but he did not

talk about how it is brought about.


It was Shri Gyaneshwara who wrote a treatise on Gita called as Gyaneshwari. In

the sixth chapter he very sweetly described the nature of this fourth power,

called the Kundalini which rests in the triangular bone and the way it is

awakened by some great soul by which one gets his fourth state of awareness. He

did not take permission from his guru to give realisation to others but he only

asked that he should be permitted at least to write about it. Later on, this

sixth chapter was not understood by the people who were in charge of religion

(dharma-martandas). They said that this sixth chapter was not to be read

(Nishiddha) and thus this great chapter was completely neglected by the people

and they just tried to follow the path of bhakti, which means devotion to God by

chanting the names of God or singing the praise of God Almighty. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era, Chap.9 'Evolution' - 29/09/95)


" It's only Christ who talked about God at that time when it was more that they

didn't want to talk about God Almighty. He was a daring person, where [He was]

never afraid of anything; no doubt! But His childhood has not been described

anywhere, which is very sad. We have got the beautiful description of Shri

Krishna's childhood, and Shri Rama's childhood. Except that once He [Jesus] was

in argument with some Pharisees, and how clever He was and they were all

flabbergasted at His discretion. That's all. Nothing more. But later on, though

they had shown no regard for Mary, the people couldn't help it. They said it has

to be some Devi, some Goddess, how can Christ take birth from Her. So they named

Her Madonna. And that's how this Mother Mary was called as Madonna. Means

" maiden " . Means " virgin " . And this Madonna was then started occupying the place

of Her churches everywhere, and people regarded Her as a goddess. It is the

people who said. Not in the Bible, not in the Christianity. But the people

started calling Her Madonna, and from that Madonna level that people started

seeing the Mother, and the motherhood. She was the Mahalakshmi. We know that

very well, and we worship Her as Mahalakshmi. She was Radha. Radha also had a

son, and He was like an egg. And a half of the egg was Christ and half of the

egg was Shri Ganesh. But when this child was born, He started crying for His

Father. Father was Shri Krishna. It's in the, if we read Devi Mahatmyam it is

there. So always He puts His hands like this, towards His Father. So one is, as

you know, is Shri Krishnas finger, another is Vishnu's. And She was Ra-Dha. Ra

means energy, dha means the one who has sustained the energy. And She is the one

who called Him Jesus. Actually in the Hebrew, it is Yesu. And also in the, thank

God I read the Bible in Marathi, which was directly translated from Hebrew, Yesu

is the name. Yesu is the name of the Mother of Christ, Mother of Shri Krishna,

Yesu. Means as we call Her, Jesu or Yesu from Jeshoda or Yashoda. From that She

called Him. And Christ word comes from Krishna. So She called Him Krist, and

Yesu, or Jesus. We too call Yashoda sometimes Jesu or Yesu. So She called Him by

that name, and that is how She put the link for us to understand how close He

was to Shri Krishna.


Shri Krishna came only, incarnated only in India. Because He would have been too

lenient a person to be incarnated in America. As it is, they have no

limitations, they have no maryadas, they have no idea of dharma, they are very

great adharmies. So only a person like Christ, who is absolutely pure, wise, and

does not believe in the leela part of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna said that this

is all leela, to overcome the strictness of Shri Rama. But Christ did not say

so. And despite that, all over wherever Christianity is practised, they think

it's all leela, adharma is leela. Whatever wrong we do is leela, after all, all

innocent. Is surprising. Their logic is so funny, I have never been able to

understand their logic. All self-destructive nonsensical logic they have. So,

for us Indians, we should know that we have full idea of dharma. We know what is

wrong and what is good. But more credit I would give to Christians who are from

such countries where they have no idea of kundalini, have come up so much, and

have become such great Sahaja Yogis. Now is the blessing of God. Because they

were genuine, they are sincere, it is Christ who brought them to Sahaja Yoga.

Without Him it would not have been possible. Here Shri Ganesha is just a symbol

sort of a thing. He resides in the stones. But there He incarnated, and He told

people what is dharma, which they are supposed to follow, but they never follow,

they never follow. They are extremely money-oriented people. Is very surprising

what things they have done in the name of God. The most symbolic thing is His

birth. He was born in a manger. Just imagine, in a manger. Full of straws

assembled together, this child was born, where there were other animals used to

be. See the way this great incarnation took birth. He was not king, he was not a

big rich man. He was born as a very poor person, and in a place which is

something very much below the human standard. This message is that you don't

need palaces, you don't need huge places to be born. You can be born anywhere if

you are a pure spirit, if you are Christ. Such a great personality was born like

that. Now the other way around, people go. They are extremely money-oriented,

very materialistic, I mean to such a limit that you cannot understand what are

they up to. They are destroying themselves with whatever money they have made,

they have no sense, they have no proportion. This is what is happening in the

West. And we are trying to follow them. We are trying to follow their

destructive methods and we are trying to think that we are very advanced.

Advanced towards doom. That's what they are. We have to be very careful with our

children, with our relations, that we don't go to their dirty things and take to

their dirty ways which they have created in the name of God. In the name of God.

Now this group that we have here is quite a large group and we are Sahaja Yogis,

we are all blessed people, we know what is Divinity is, and we know what Christ

is. Whether you are born a Hindu or anything makes no difference because Christ

is universal. He is the support of the universe. That is what is written in Devi

Mahatmyam. He will be the support of the universe. So one has to understand that

we should never ridicule anybody if he is following Christ, and that we should

worship Him with the same affection, with the same devotion, with the same

surrendering as we worship Shri Ganesh. Because I don't think Christians have

any faith about Christ. No faith. They are, we believe in Christ, we believe in

Christ, cure my father, do this, do that. But a Sahaja Yogi's faith works. Your

faith is enlightened faith, and it works. But you must have faith in yourself.

In Sahaja Yoga. And in the life you are leading. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India - 25 December, 1993)


[Here now is the mystical evidence given by the Adi Shakti/Holy Spirit through

Kash, with regards to Shri Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ being individual

incarnations. The fact that this mystical evidence or knowledge came through

Kash as a young child who had no prior knowledge of either Shri Krishna or Lord

Jesus Christ, makes this evidence or knowledge doubly amazing! (Maybe their

father would again like to confirm for us Kash's age at this time and the fact

that Kash knew nothing beforehand about Shri Krishna or about Lord Jesus Christ,

before he started having these mystical experiences regarding these Divine

personalities.) The mystical evidence given by Kash through the agency of the

Holy Spirit reveals that though Shri Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ are a Divine

Unity, they are also individual personalities of the Godhead!]:






regards to all,



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Woaw, Violet, it's great that you find the exerpt i refered to ( the origin of

ne name jesus Christ), i rememeber having read that but i could not be able to

find it !!!!


You did it !!!





--- On Sun, 24/2/08, Violet <violetubb wrote:


> Violet <violetubb

> Christ and Krishna are two separate



> Sunday, 24 February, 2008, 4:56 AM

> ,

> " Violet " <violetubb wrote:


> > Nicole, maybe we can use your post of

> " Christianity and the Vedic

> > Teachings within it " to address and clarify some

> of the issues

> > brought up in that article - instead of posting it

> " as is " to the

> > HSS (Holy Spirit Shekinah) site. In the article by Mr.

> Stephen

> > Knapp, he is suggesting that the stories in the Bible

> regarding

> > Christ, are probably of Krishna. i understand that

> there could have

> > been some embellishment there, as not much of

> Jesus's early life

> > was known! However, we Sahaja Yogis know that Shri

> Krishna and Shri

> > Jesus are two separate personalities, who incarnated

> at two

> > different times for the benevolence of human beings.

> It will help

> > to reveal what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi taught

> regarding Shri

> > Krishna and Shri Jesus, along with the mystical

> evidence given

> > also, through Jagbir's children.



> Dear All,


> Lord Jesus Christ and Shri Krishna are separate, individual

> incarnations. Here are some things that Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi taught about Shri Krishna and Jesus Christ, which

> should clarify this fact:


> " Now in the material form Gokul was where Shri Krishna

> lived in his childhood. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

> Athens Puja, Athens, Greece - 24 May, 1989)


> " Shri Krishna who was also born in a family not of

> Brahmans and not of Kshatriyas but of the milkmen who were

> not of high caste. Shri Krishna himself from childhood

> performed so many miracles. His life displayed that the

> birth of a child in a particular family was not the

> determining factor as far as his 'Jaati' or his

> caste was concerned. He used to go to Hastinapur and there

> instead of eating food or residing with people of high

> caste, he would live with the son of a maid servant who was

> Vidura, a realised soul. Vidura was a low caste person but

> Shri Krishna would always go and visit and stay with him

> and have food in his house and not with the kings of

> Hastinapur. But later on the caste system became based on

> the birth of a person. So the caste of a person was

> determined by the caste of the family in which he was born.

> Identification of a lower caste or a higher caste by birth

> was never the initial idea. Also the Goddess Durga knew two

> classes, Asuras or Rakshasas (Satanic) and Bhaktas

> (Devotees). It is difficult to say when Hindu society

> accepted this destructive caste system by birth. Perhaps

> some fanatic priests introduced this curse through

> religious books by their own alterations. This is a very

> common phenomenon in all the religious scriptures where

> some fanatic or woman hater has put his own ideas. How can

> we take these scriptures as pure or fundamental and follow

> them word by word?


> In India we have had many great poets and saints who were

> realised souls born in a very low caste. We also had great

> poets and saints among the higher castes. This establishes

> the fact that caste based on birth does not determine the

> spiritual quality of a person. All these poets and saints

> respected each other and cared for the upliftment of human

> beings. These saints never felt that they were of a very

> higher sophisticated class or that they belonged to a lower

> caste. The Hindu religion is not exclusive and that is a

> great blessing. It does not have one book to follow. There

> is no organisation of the Hindu religion. There are

> Shankaracharya but they do not have powers like priests or

> Mullas. Moreover, it seems that Hindu people worship anyone

> and accept all the saints, whether Hindus or Muslims. "

> (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era, Chapter 6

> 'Religions' - 29/09/95)


> " In Gita there is no description of the Kundalini or

> of the awakening, though Shri Krishna, at the very outset,

> has said that a person should achieve the state of

> Sthitapragya, which means, the one who is balanced, through

> enlightenment by Divine knowledge. All this was a

> description, but he did not talk about how it is brought

> about.


> It was Shri Gyaneshwara who wrote a treatise on Gita called

> as Gyaneshwari. In the sixth chapter he very sweetly

> described the nature of this fourth power, called the

> Kundalini which rests in the triangular bone and the way it

> is awakened by some great soul by which one gets his fourth

> state of awareness. He did not take permission from his

> guru to give realisation to others but he only asked that

> he should be permitted at least to write about it. Later

> on, this sixth chapter was not understood by the people who

> were in charge of religion (dharma-martandas). They said

> that this sixth chapter was not to be read (Nishiddha) and

> thus this great chapter was completely neglected by the

> people and they just tried to follow the path of bhakti,

> which means devotion to God by chanting the names of God or

> singing the praise of God Almighty. " (Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era, Chap.9

> 'Evolution' - 29/09/95)


> " It's only Christ who talked about God at that

> time when it was more that they didn't want to talk

> about God Almighty. He was a daring person, where [He was]

> never afraid of anything; no doubt! But His childhood has

> not been described anywhere, which is very sad. We have got

> the beautiful description of Shri Krishna's childhood,

> and Shri Rama's childhood. Except that once He [Jesus]

> was in argument with some Pharisees, and how clever He was

> and they were all flabbergasted at His discretion.

> That's all. Nothing more. But later on, though they had

> shown no regard for Mary, the people couldn't help it.

> They said it has to be some Devi, some Goddess, how can

> Christ take birth from Her. So they named Her Madonna. And

> that's how this Mother Mary was called as Madonna.

> Means " maiden " . Means " virgin " . And

> this Madonna was then started occupying the place of Her

> churches everywhere, and people regarded Her as a goddess.

> It is the people who said. Not in the Bible, not in the

> Christianity. But the people started calling Her Madonna,

> and from that Madonna level that people started seeing the

> Mother, and the motherhood. She was the Mahalakshmi. We

> know that very well, and we worship Her as Mahalakshmi. She

> was Radha. Radha also had a son, and He was like an egg. And

> a half of the egg was Christ and half of the egg was Shri

> Ganesh. But when this child was born, He started crying for

> His Father. Father was Shri Krishna. It's in the, if we

> read Devi Mahatmyam it is there. So always He puts His

> hands like this, towards His Father. So one is, as you

> know, is Shri Krishnas finger, another is Vishnu's. And

> She was Ra-Dha. Ra means energy, dha means the one who has

> sustained the energy. And She is the one who called Him

> Jesus. Actually in the Hebrew, it is Yesu. And also in the,

> thank God I read the Bible in Marathi, which was directly

> translated from Hebrew, Yesu is the name. Yesu is the name

> of the Mother of Christ, Mother of Shri Krishna, Yesu.

> Means as we call Her, Jesu or Yesu from Jeshoda or Yashoda.

> From that She called Him. And Christ word comes from

> Krishna. So She called Him Krist, and Yesu, or Jesus. We

> too call Yashoda sometimes Jesu or Yesu. So She called Him

> by that name, and that is how She put the link for us to

> understand how close He was to Shri Krishna.


> Shri Krishna came only, incarnated only in India. Because

> He would have been too lenient a person to be incarnated in

> America. As it is, they have no limitations, they have no

> maryadas, they have no idea of dharma, they are very great

> adharmies. So only a person like Christ, who is absolutely

> pure, wise, and does not believe in the leela part of Shri

> Krishna. Shri Krishna said that this is all leela, to

> overcome the strictness of Shri Rama. But Christ did not

> say so. And despite that, all over wherever Christianity is

> practised, they think it's all leela, adharma is leela.

> Whatever wrong we do is leela, after all, all innocent. Is

> surprising. Their logic is so funny, I have never been able

> to understand their logic. All self-destructive nonsensical

> logic they have. So, for us Indians, we should know that we

> have full idea of dharma. We know what is wrong and what is

> good. But more credit I would give to Christians who are

> from such countries where they have no idea of kundalini,

> have come up so much, and have become such great Sahaja

> Yogis. Now is the blessing of God. Because they were

> genuine, they are sincere, it is Christ who brought them to

> Sahaja Yoga. Without Him it would not have been possible.

> Here Shri Ganesha is just a symbol sort of a thing. He

> resides in the stones. But there He incarnated, and He told

> people what is dharma, which they are supposed to follow,

> but they never follow, they never follow. They are

> extremely money-oriented people. Is very surprising what

> things they have done in the name of God. The most symbolic

> thing is His birth. He was born in a manger. Just imagine,

> in a manger. Full of straws assembled together, this child

> was born, where there were other animals used to be. See

> the way this great incarnation took birth. He was not king,

> he was not a big rich man. He was born as a very poor

> person, and in a place which is something very much below

> the human standard. This message is that you don't need

> palaces, you don't need huge places to be born. You can

> be born anywhere if you are a pure spirit, if you are

> Christ. Such a great personality was born like that. Now

> the other way around, people go. They are extremely

> money-oriented, very materialistic, I mean to such a limit

> that you cannot understand what are they up to. They are

> destroying themselves with whatever money they have made,

> they have no sense, they have no proportion. This is what

> is happening in the West. And we are trying to follow them.

> We are trying to follow their destructive methods and we are

> trying to think that we are very advanced. Advanced towards

> doom. That's what they are. We have to be very careful

> with our children, with our relations, that we don't go

> to their dirty things and take to their dirty ways which

> they have created in the name of God. In the name of God.

> Now this group that we have here is quite a large group and

> we are Sahaja Yogis, we are all blessed people, we know what

> is Divinity is, and we know what Christ is. Whether you are

> born a Hindu or anything makes no difference because Christ

> is universal. He is the support of the universe. That is

> what is written in Devi Mahatmyam. He will be the support

> of the universe. So one has to understand that we should

> never ridicule anybody if he is following Christ, and that

> we should worship Him with the same affection, with the

> same devotion, with the same surrendering as we worship

> Shri Ganesh. Because I don't think Christians have any

> faith about Christ. No faith. They are, we believe in

> Christ, we believe in Christ, cure my father, do this, do

> that. But a Sahaja Yogi's faith works. Your faith is

> enlightened faith, and it works. But you must have faith in

> yourself. In Sahaja Yoga. And in the life you are

> leading. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Christmas Puja,

> Ganapatipule, India - 25 December, 1993)


> [Here now is the mystical evidence given by the Adi

> Shakti/Holy Spirit through Kash, with regards to Shri

> Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ being individual

> incarnations. The fact that this mystical evidence or

> knowledge came through Kash as a young child who had no

> prior knowledge of either Shri Krishna or Lord Jesus

> Christ, makes this evidence or knowledge doubly amazing!

> (Maybe their father would again like to confirm for us

> Kash's age at this time and the fact that Kash knew

> nothing beforehand about Shri Krishna or about Lord Jesus

> Christ, before he started having these mystical experiences

> regarding these Divine personalities.) The mystical evidence

> given by Kash through the agency of the Holy Spirit reveals

> that though Shri Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ are a Divine

> Unity, they are also individual personalities of the

> Godhead!]:


> http://adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_krishna.htm


> http://adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_jesus.htm


> regards to all,


> violet



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<nicole_bougantouche wrote:


Dear Nicole,


Glad i could be of help (smile)!


love from violet



> Woaw, Violet, it's great that you find the exerpt i refered to (

the origin of ne name jesus Christ), i rememeber having read that but

i could not be able to find it !!!!


> You did it !!!


> Love

> nicole


> --- On Sun, 24/2/08, Violet <violetubb wrote:


> > Violet <violetubb

> > Christ and Krishna are two

separate incarnations

> >

> > Sunday, 24 February, 2008, 4:56 AM

> > ,

> > " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > > Nicole, maybe we can use your post of

> > " Christianity and the Vedic

> > > Teachings within it " to address and clarify some

> > of the issues

> > > brought up in that article - instead of posting it

> > " as is " to the

> > > HSS (Holy Spirit Shekinah) site. In the article by Mr.

> > Stephen

> > > Knapp, he is suggesting that the stories in the Bible

> > regarding

> > > Christ, are probably of Krishna. i understand that

> > there could have

> > > been some embellishment there, as not much of

> > Jesus's early life

> > > was known! However, we Sahaja Yogis know that Shri

> > Krishna and Shri

> > > Jesus are two separate personalities, who incarnated

> > at two

> > > different times for the benevolence of human beings.

> > It will help

> > > to reveal what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi taught

> > regarding Shri

> > > Krishna and Shri Jesus, along with the mystical

> > evidence given

> > > also, through Jagbir's children.

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Lord Jesus Christ and Shri Krishna are separate, individual

> > incarnations. Here are some things that Shri Mataji Nirmala

> > Devi taught about Shri Krishna and Jesus Christ, which

> > should clarify this fact:

> >

> > " Now in the material form Gokul was where Shri Krishna

> > lived in his childhood. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

> > Athens Puja, Athens, Greece - 24 May, 1989)

> >

> > " Shri Krishna who was also born in a family not of

> > Brahmans and not of Kshatriyas but of the milkmen who were

> > not of high caste. Shri Krishna himself from childhood

> > performed so many miracles. His life displayed that the

> > birth of a child in a particular family was not the

> > determining factor as far as his 'Jaati' or his

> > caste was concerned. He used to go to Hastinapur and there

> > instead of eating food or residing with people of high

> > caste, he would live with the son of a maid servant who was

> > Vidura, a realised soul. Vidura was a low caste person but

> > Shri Krishna would always go and visit and stay with him

> > and have food in his house and not with the kings of

> > Hastinapur. But later on the caste system became based on

> > the birth of a person. So the caste of a person was

> > determined by the caste of the family in which he was born.

> > Identification of a lower caste or a higher caste by birth

> > was never the initial idea. Also the Goddess Durga knew two

> > classes, Asuras or Rakshasas (Satanic) and Bhaktas

> > (Devotees). It is difficult to say when Hindu society

> > accepted this destructive caste system by birth. Perhaps

> > some fanatic priests introduced this curse through

> > religious books by their own alterations. This is a very

> > common phenomenon in all the religious scriptures where

> > some fanatic or woman hater has put his own ideas. How can

> > we take these scriptures as pure or fundamental and follow

> > them word by word?

> >

> > In India we have had many great poets and saints who were

> > realised souls born in a very low caste. We also had great

> > poets and saints among the higher castes. This establishes

> > the fact that caste based on birth does not determine the

> > spiritual quality of a person. All these poets and saints

> > respected each other and cared for the upliftment of human

> > beings. These saints never felt that they were of a very

> > higher sophisticated class or that they belonged to a lower

> > caste. The Hindu religion is not exclusive and that is a

> > great blessing. It does not have one book to follow. There

> > is no organisation of the Hindu religion. There are

> > Shankaracharya but they do not have powers like priests or

> > Mullas. Moreover, it seems that Hindu people worship anyone

> > and accept all the saints, whether Hindus or Muslims. "

> > (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era, Chapter 6

> > 'Religions' - 29/09/95)

> >

> > " In Gita there is no description of the Kundalini or

> > of the awakening, though Shri Krishna, at the very outset,

> > has said that a person should achieve the state of

> > Sthitapragya, which means, the one who is balanced, through

> > enlightenment by Divine knowledge. All this was a

> > description, but he did not talk about how it is brought

> > about.

> >

> > It was Shri Gyaneshwara who wrote a treatise on Gita called

> > as Gyaneshwari. In the sixth chapter he very sweetly

> > described the nature of this fourth power, called the

> > Kundalini which rests in the triangular bone and the way it

> > is awakened by some great soul by which one gets his fourth

> > state of awareness. He did not take permission from his

> > guru to give realisation to others but he only asked that

> > he should be permitted at least to write about it. Later

> > on, this sixth chapter was not understood by the people who

> > were in charge of religion (dharma-martandas). They said

> > that this sixth chapter was not to be read (Nishiddha) and

> > thus this great chapter was completely neglected by the

> > people and they just tried to follow the path of bhakti,

> > which means devotion to God by chanting the names of God or

> > singing the praise of God Almighty. " (Shri Mataji

> > Nirmala Devi - book/Meta Modern Era, Chap.9

> > 'Evolution' - 29/09/95)

> >

> > " It's only Christ who talked about God at that

> > time when it was more that they didn't want to talk

> > about God Almighty. He was a daring person, where [He was]

> > never afraid of anything; no doubt! But His childhood has

> > not been described anywhere, which is very sad. We have got

> > the beautiful description of Shri Krishna's childhood,

> > and Shri Rama's childhood. Except that once He [Jesus]

> > was in argument with some Pharisees, and how clever He was

> > and they were all flabbergasted at His discretion.

> > That's all. Nothing more. But later on, though they had

> > shown no regard for Mary, the people couldn't help it.

> > They said it has to be some Devi, some Goddess, how can

> > Christ take birth from Her. So they named Her Madonna. And

> > that's how this Mother Mary was called as Madonna.

> > Means " maiden " . Means " virgin " . And

> > this Madonna was then started occupying the place of Her

> > churches everywhere, and people regarded Her as a goddess.

> > It is the people who said. Not in the Bible, not in the

> > Christianity. But the people started calling Her Madonna,

> > and from that Madonna level that people started seeing the

> > Mother, and the motherhood. She was the Mahalakshmi. We

> > know that very well, and we worship Her as Mahalakshmi. She

> > was Radha. Radha also had a son, and He was like an egg. And

> > a half of the egg was Christ and half of the egg was Shri

> > Ganesh. But when this child was born, He started crying for

> > His Father. Father was Shri Krishna. It's in the, if we

> > read Devi Mahatmyam it is there. So always He puts His

> > hands like this, towards His Father. So one is, as you

> > know, is Shri Krishnas finger, another is Vishnu's. And

> > She was Ra-Dha. Ra means energy, dha means the one who has

> > sustained the energy. And She is the one who called Him

> > Jesus. Actually in the Hebrew, it is Yesu. And also in the,

> > thank God I read the Bible in Marathi, which was directly

> > translated from Hebrew, Yesu is the name. Yesu is the name

> > of the Mother of Christ, Mother of Shri Krishna, Yesu.

> > Means as we call Her, Jesu or Yesu from Jeshoda or Yashoda.

> > From that She called Him. And Christ word comes from

> > Krishna. So She called Him Krist, and Yesu, or Jesus. We

> > too call Yashoda sometimes Jesu or Yesu. So She called Him

> > by that name, and that is how She put the link for us to

> > understand how close He was to Shri Krishna.

> >

> > Shri Krishna came only, incarnated only in India. Because

> > He would have been too lenient a person to be incarnated in

> > America. As it is, they have no limitations, they have no

> > maryadas, they have no idea of dharma, they are very great

> > adharmies. So only a person like Christ, who is absolutely

> > pure, wise, and does not believe in the leela part of Shri

> > Krishna. Shri Krishna said that this is all leela, to

> > overcome the strictness of Shri Rama. But Christ did not

> > say so. And despite that, all over wherever Christianity is

> > practised, they think it's all leela, adharma is leela.

> > Whatever wrong we do is leela, after all, all innocent. Is

> > surprising. Their logic is so funny, I have never been able

> > to understand their logic. All self-destructive nonsensical

> > logic they have. So, for us Indians, we should know that we

> > have full idea of dharma. We know what is wrong and what is

> > good. But more credit I would give to Christians who are

> > from such countries where they have no idea of kundalini,

> > have come up so much, and have become such great Sahaja

> > Yogis. Now is the blessing of God. Because they were

> > genuine, they are sincere, it is Christ who brought them to

> > Sahaja Yoga. Without Him it would not have been possible.

> > Here Shri Ganesha is just a symbol sort of a thing. He

> > resides in the stones. But there He incarnated, and He told

> > people what is dharma, which they are supposed to follow,

> > but they never follow, they never follow. They are

> > extremely money-oriented people. Is very surprising what

> > things they have done in the name of God. The most symbolic

> > thing is His birth. He was born in a manger. Just imagine,

> > in a manger. Full of straws assembled together, this child

> > was born, where there were other animals used to be. See

> > the way this great incarnation took birth. He was not king,

> > he was not a big rich man. He was born as a very poor

> > person, and in a place which is something very much below

> > the human standard. This message is that you don't need

> > palaces, you don't need huge places to be born. You can

> > be born anywhere if you are a pure spirit, if you are

> > Christ. Such a great personality was born like that. Now

> > the other way around, people go. They are extremely

> > money-oriented, very materialistic, I mean to such a limit

> > that you cannot understand what are they up to. They are

> > destroying themselves with whatever money they have made,

> > they have no sense, they have no proportion. This is what

> > is happening in the West. And we are trying to follow them.

> > We are trying to follow their destructive methods and we are

> > trying to think that we are very advanced. Advanced towards

> > doom. That's what they are. We have to be very careful

> > with our children, with our relations, that we don't go

> > to their dirty things and take to their dirty ways which

> > they have created in the name of God. In the name of God.

> > Now this group that we have here is quite a large group and

> > we are Sahaja Yogis, we are all blessed people, we know what

> > is Divinity is, and we know what Christ is. Whether you are

> > born a Hindu or anything makes no difference because Christ

> > is universal. He is the support of the universe. That is

> > what is written in Devi Mahatmyam. He will be the support

> > of the universe. So one has to understand that we should

> > never ridicule anybody if he is following Christ, and that

> > we should worship Him with the same affection, with the

> > same devotion, with the same surrendering as we worship

> > Shri Ganesh. Because I don't think Christians have any

> > faith about Christ. No faith. They are, we believe in

> > Christ, we believe in Christ, cure my father, do this, do

> > that. But a Sahaja Yogi's faith works. Your faith is

> > enlightened faith, and it works. But you must have faith in

> > yourself. In Sahaja Yoga. And in the life you are

> > leading. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Christmas Puja,

> > Ganapatipule, India - 25 December, 1993)

> >

> > [Here now is the mystical evidence given by the Adi

> > Shakti/Holy Spirit through Kash, with regards to Shri

> > Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ being individual

> > incarnations. The fact that this mystical evidence or

> > knowledge came through Kash as a young child who had no

> > prior knowledge of either Shri Krishna or Lord Jesus

> > Christ, makes this evidence or knowledge doubly amazing!

> > (Maybe their father would again like to confirm for us

> > Kash's age at this time and the fact that Kash knew

> > nothing beforehand about Shri Krishna or about Lord Jesus

> > Christ, before he started having these mystical experiences

> > regarding these Divine personalities.) The mystical evidence

> > given by Kash through the agency of the Holy Spirit reveals

> > that though Shri Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ are a Divine

> > Unity, they are also individual personalities of the

> > Godhead!]:

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_krishna.htm

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers/shri_jesus.htm

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > violet



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