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Shri Mataji: Self-Realization will progressively lead to the creation of a new race for the new Age.

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> That was an excellent quote Gerlinde:


> " Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth, and the

> Great Silence alone! What is Silence? It is the Great Mystery! The

> Holy Silence is His voice! "



" As you are probably aware, there have been many sages and teachers

who have arisen and shared with us their eloquence, their own

revelations and reflections about silence, the truth and the secret

of life and living. This " many " unfortunately has taken thousands of

years to accumulate. The reality is that there are very few fully

illumined beings ever alive at one moment. Perhaps there is a reason

for this, not the scope of this discussion though.


One of the most influential and treasured of all was a man named

Ramana Maharshi, from India. It is my humble opinion that he presents

the most clear, gentle and loving approach to human freedom in

history. At the core of his teachings are profound references to

silence. Ramana speaks about pure silence this way:


" What exists in truth is the Self alone. The self is that where there

is absolutely no " I " thought. That is called Silence. The Self itself

is the world; the Self itself is " I " ; the Self itself is God. "


" The inner silence is self-surrender. And that is living without the

sense of ego. Solitude is in the mind of humanity. Silence is ever

speaking; it is the perennial flow of " language. " It is interrupted

by speaking; for words obstruct this mute language. Silence is

permanent and benefits the whole of humanity... By silence, eloquence

is meant. It is the best language. There is a state when words cease

and silence prevails. "


" There is Consciousness along with quietness in the mind; this is

exactly the state to be aimed at. "


" In samadhi* there is only the feeling " I am " and no thoughts. The

experience " I am " is being still. The Self is God. " I am " is God. All

that is required to realize the Self is to be still.


The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi,

Shambala Dragon Books 1988.


*samadhi is a state of silent absorption in the Self, in God, in

Nothingness of Mind itself, in Pure Silence





" Q: My approach is not so absolute, hence my question. Throughout the

West people are in search of something real. They turn to science,

which tells them a lot about matter, a little about the mind and

nothing about the nature and purpose of consciousness. To them

reality is objective, outside the observable and describable,

directly or by inference; about the subjective aspect of reality

they know nothing. It is extremely important to let them know that

there is reality and it is to be found in the freedom of

consciousness from matter and its limitations and distortions. Most

of the people in the world just do not know that there is reality

which can be found and experienced in consciousness. It seems very

important that they should hear the good news from somebody who has

actually experienced it. Such witnesses have always existed and their

testimony is precious.


M: Of course. The gospel of self-realization, once heard, will never

be forgotten. Like a seed left in the ground, it will wait for the

right season and sprout and grow into a mighty tree. "


Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, page 174

Published by Acorn Press (1973).

ISBN 0893860220





The year 2000 marks not only the beginning of a new century, but,

according to those whose words are recorded in the following pages

(of Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Roland), it heralds the

dawning of a New Age, an age which will witness an evolutionary leap

in consciousness, culminating in a spiritual Renaissance for humanity.

Such a change will not come for the asking. We may be forced to re-

evaluate our attitude to organized religion, our obligation to

humanity and certainly our perception of the Universe and our purpose

in it, a revolution which has apparently already begun... that the

most significant changes will come about within the lifetime of most

of us, but there are conflicting views as to how the changes will



Some say it will be forced upon us through the catharsis of crisis

and conflict in the manner of a biblical apocalypse. Others prophesy

a gradual awakening of consciousness resulting from a crisis of

conscience, with the conflict being waged between our self-interest

and the " divine discontent " felt by our Higher Selves.


At the end of a century in which we set our sights on outer space, we

may find that our future depends on our success in exploring the

infinity of inner space. "


Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages,

Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 133.



" And now, in the last quarter of the century, there is a renewed

interest in the esoteric, but this is of a more mature, spiritual

nature than was shown by the sensational spiritualism of the earlier

period. Esoteric thought, it seems, is not immune to a renewed surge

of energy and looks like being stimulated into a re-evaluation of its

beliefs, just at a time when the rest of humanity will have to

question theirs.


Through Alice Bailey, " The Tibetan " predicted that in the first

quarter of the 21st century there will be a restoration of the

Ancient Mysteries, which have been debased by Black Magic. These will

now be expressed at a higher level. This is part of the " Great Plan "

and will pave the way for an event described as " Externalization of

the Hierarchy " , when those on earth who are spiritually advanced will

work consciously with the brotherhood to help humanity.


The effect of this surge in our spiritual evolution is predicted to

be dramatic, especially for those who are unprepared. Such people

will resist the changes, clinging all the more desparately to their

materialictic values.


" The Mysteries will be restored in other ways also, for they contain

much besides which the Masonic rites can reveal or that religious

rituals and ceremonies can disclose … The Mysteries will restore

colour and music as they essentially are to the world … in such a

manner that the creative art of today will be to this new creative

art what a child's building of wooden blocks is to a great cathedral

such as Durham or Milan. The Mysteries, when restored, will make

real — in a sense incomprehensible to you at present — the nature of

religion, the purpose of science and the goal of education. These are

not what you think today … "


Beyond these sensational claims of a world-wide re-awakening to the

Ageless Wisdom is the fundamental belief shared by many of the

esoteric and religious traditions that man must first demonstrate the

will to develop, before the benign forces — whether we imagine them

to be " Hidden Masters, " our own Higher Self or a Messiah — are

allowed to intervene to help us. "


Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages,

Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 109-9.



" Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which

human beings progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this

great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one

need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said

about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and

observe the facts with an open mind like a scientist. Of course, if a

hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically minded modern

person has to accept it. The pure Knowledge of the Divine,

manifesting itself directly through Self-Realization, will

progressively lead to the creation of a new race for the new Age.

This Knowledge is not then for very few privileged individuals, as it

was in the past, but for the benevolence of the whole world. In this

way, the last breakthrough of our evolution will be achieved en

masse. The entire human race can be renewed and transformed. Dharma,

righteousness, will once again be universally respected, and human

beings will live in Peace, harmoniously with themselves, with Nature,

and with each other...


In My opinion every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to

understand the vital role he has to play in this great Age of

Transformation and of the Last Judgment.


The Western mind has to realize the enormous responsibility which has

been placed upon the West, and the Western people need urgently to

find out how to achieve the balance not in terms of money, but in the

vision of their responsibility. This is very much required for the

ascent of the whole humanity, otherwise on whom will the blame of

destroying the innate human culture by the dynamism of modernism lie —

the advanced or underdeveloped?


In these Modern Times, in the evolutionary process, we have reached

the state of human awareness. This human awareness can work through

its thinking, rationality or conditioning. Many modern poets have

described them as the calls of Freedom of the Self. But what if one

can rise to a higher dimension of awareness? Why not open our hearts

and minds to the unique discovery that has been revealed for this

vital ascent? The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand.

This is not a phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the

actualisation of the experience of the highest Truth which is

Absolute, now manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present

moment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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