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Excerpted Highlights from Shri Mataji's Talk - Part 6

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The Message of Christ and the Inherent Dangers of Sustaining the Realization -

by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


Dear All,


We concluded Part 5 with:


" Specially in this country [England] the liver and what you call this gout and

all this troubles. We have remedies for all these, but it is to work it out as a

duty towards your body, towards the temple. And that should not be the end of

your life! That is a very little part, like cleaning the whole place, and then

you get out! That's how, we do not go to that extent so that it becomes a sort

of real Sahaja Yoga [like WCASY SYS think that their " Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion " is the real Sahaja Yoga?!] while the rest, which is the most important

thing, goes to God.


Health is important. But attention should be on your Spirit. It should be on

your Spirit because it is your attention which goes into these various

directions and gets stuck up. You must allow it to work out and it will work

out! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Caxton Hall, England - The Message of Christ

and the Inherent Dangers of Sustaining the Realization - 10 December, 1979)


Here now is Part 6 regarding the message of Christ and the dangers inherent in

sustaining the realization.








The Message of Christ and the Inherent Dangers of Sustaining the Realization -

by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi....


The second hurdle which I feel [is an inherent danger in sustaining the

realization] is what they call as 'Akarmanyata', meaning a person who 'does not

want to work it out'. Of course, those people who are useless [for Sahaja Yoga,

who] do not want to get their realization, forget about them. But, even after

getting realization it is an innate problem with people that they do not want to

work it out! They are lazy! In simple words, they are lazy. In Sahaja Yoga we

have to be alert. What exactly happens in Sahaja Yoga when people come here?

They get their realization. They get the cool breeze and [it] is lost again. The

reason is that they do not want to work it out!


Another danger is 'Akramanyata' [i.e.] when it is lost, after one year they come

back [saying]: " Mother, we do not believe in it but I have some pain in the

stomach, will you cure?! " .... Instead of you becoming equipped with all the

powers that you have, you become a useless person coming here to take My time!

These powers are all within you! This is your property! This is the property of

your Spirit which is caring inside, which is bound to manifest! But because of

such 'hurdles' that you accept, it does not. This is 'Akramanyata' which we can

say is 'not working it out, not knowing about it, not understanding it, what

Sahaja Yoga is, how to manipulate this, what vibrations are, how it works out.'


People just say: " Oh, it is too much! " because they do not want to face the

reality! Because, as soon as your Kundalini comes up, as soon as the light comes

in, before the eyes are closed, you suddenly see the light come in, and you do

not want to open your eyes, because it's too much, for you were sleeping! Even

if you open your eyes a little bit, Oh God!... you do not want to face the

light, because you are identitied with that [former] state. You do not want to

open your eyes! Kundalini opens your eyes, no doubt! But again you close it

down. So it's in your freedom to give up that 'Akarmanyata' [that tendency to

'not want to work it out']. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Formal Talk, 'The

Message of Christ and the Inherent Dangers of Sustaining the Realization',

Caxton Hall, England - 10/12/79)


[Written in the English way, with what Shri Mataji gave, being retained]

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