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... then yours is the Kingdom of Heaven, the new world that Jesus promised the thief on the cross.

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Dear Violet and all,


Your recent post only magnifies the antichrist nature of the

negativity that prevents the fulfillment of human destiny, a

pervasive negativity that is now firmly entrenched in Sahaja Yoga.


Main Entry: per·vade

: to become diffused throughout every part of


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


Before i quote your post Violet i want all to again remember and

understand the nature of this negativity:


" Yes, may truth prevail after 38 years of deliberate collective

dishonesty. Anyone has any idea how long is 38 years? Can anyone

name me a single spiritual or religious organization that have

consciously lied that long? To make it easier to get a positive

answer: Can anyone name me a single self-realized soul or believer in

God Almighty who did so ........... since the dawn of civilization?

Then how is it possible for tens of thousands to so easily do exactly

that so today?


What then is the nature of this negativity that is bent on

destroying the promised salvation of humanity? ..... and almost

succeeded! " (end)


So i will quote you Violet:


" Dear All,


Part 5 concluded with:


A beautiful example of this is given in the famous prophecy of Isaiah

where the destiny of humanity is seen as a return to Paradise. First

of all it is said that the Spirit will be given, " the Spirit of

wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit

of knowledge and the fear of the Lord " . The fall of humanity came

from turning away from the Spirit and centring on the separate self,

and restoration can only come by the gift of the Spirit

reconciling humanity with God. Then it is said, " the wolf shall lie

down with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and

the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little

child shall lead them " . This is the restoration to Paradise, a state

which can only be found when we have passed through death into the

new world, as Jesus promised the thief on the cross, " This day you

shall be with me in Paradise " . (P.86) Then the whole creation will

pass from its present state of extension in time and space with all

the divisions and conflicts which mark this state, and the animal

world will be reconciled with itself and with the human world.

Finally it is said, " They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy

mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God as the

waters cover the sea " . (Isaiah 11:1-9) This state of Paradise comes

when humanity emerges into a new state of consciousness, a state

described as the " knowledge of the Lord " , that is the higher

knowledge or 'gnosis', known in India as 'jnana', the direct

experience of the indwelling Spirit of God.


A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and

Christian Faith)

Bede Griffiths

Templegate Publishers - Springfield, Illinois

ISBN 0-87243-180-0 " (end)


After reading all this your conscience should be, without any doubt,

disturbed by all that WCASY, Sir CP, the SY management have done to

suppress the advent and message of the Comforter. Never forget that

Jesus was always outside and against the religious organization of

elders, chief priests and scribes (16:21) who had corrupted and

edited the truth. After 2000 years the Comforter sent by Him is

facing the same. If all this still doesn't prick your conscience to

loudly demand transparency and honesty, then the evidence that Lord

Jesus gave of one's own eternal nature, by resurrecting Himself after

the crucifixion, will be in vain ............. all the more since

the Comforter's lifelong attempt to complete Jesus' teachings and

message also ends in abysmal failure.


But for those who are concerned and conscientious, then yours is the

Kingdom of Heaven, the new world that Jesus promised the thief on the

cross. So do not be stained by, or associated with, the negativity

that is working against Jesus in the SY organization - Do not empower

them in any way because that is where the negativity's source and

strength is! It is better you be the condemned thief outside the

organization than a recognized SY within. That is why Xxxxxxx, a

former ex/anti-SY has a much better chance that the SYs following

WCASY, Sir CP and SY management, and i am willing to write this on

stone. Only a fool will be unable to understand or heed this advice,

especially so when Easter is just round the corner.


Happy Easter to all,




(We are off to Toronto for the long Easter week-end. Will be back on

Monday. So celebrate the eternal nature of your own being and that

promised Paradise that has been both proven and promised by the

Savior. Remember at all times that even thieves have a better chance

to enter the _spiritual_ Kingdom of God than the priestly class.)



, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> What then is the nature of this negativity that is bent on

> destroying the promised salvation of humanity? ..... and almost

> succeeded!


> regards to all,



> jagbir




Dear Jagbir and All,


i believe that the nature of this negativity is on two fronts, i.e.

we have both leaders and followers who are making mistakes and not

realizing it. The leaders are making the mistake of following their

own ideas, instead of listening to the external incarnation, Shri

Mataji. If they are not listening to the external Shri Mataji, how

can they hope to please the internal Shri Mataji, who is the Holy

Spirit? The same goes for the followers. If firstly they listen

to the leaders that follow their own ideas, instead of what Shri

Mataji is telling them, how can the followers please the Holy Spirit

within? It is not surprising that if the Holy Spirit is not listened

to and therefore becomes hurt, that the heart chakra will also

'catch'. The individual Spirit and the Holy Spirit are very closely

connected. To what extent do Sahaja Yogis really understand this?


" Just giving self-realization " like the leaders want the followers to

do, is a Sahaj Game. It is not the real Sahaja Yoga. SYS who are just

playing the " Just-give-self-realization " game, are not using all

their knowledge (gnosis), nor all the tools at their disposal, to

board the Ship and sail forward in full confidence to give Her Divine

Message to the world-at-large. The " nature of the negativity that is

bent on destroying the promised salvation of humanity..... and almost

succeeded " , must surely include the following dangers that Shri

Mataji spoke about at Caxton Hall, England in 1979. They are:


1. Going to the extent of cleaning the outer temple of the body so

that a religion of first importance is given to that, while the most

important part which is to be given to God, becomes of second



2. Akarmanyata - not wanting to work things out due to laziness.


3. Akramanyata - losing one's vibrations, therefore not believing in

them, but still coming back to Shri Mataji for healing, without ever

equipping oneself with one's own inner spiritual healing from the

Divine Mother/Holy Spirit Within.


4. Sanshaya - doubting what one has received, i.e. " doubting one's

connection to the Divine " even though one has felt the Cool Breeze,

thus proving that connection.


5. Pramada - making mistakes, but not realizing that one is making



6. Bhrama-darshan - having fanciful ideas about oneself, that leads

to lies or deceit. Shri Mataji describes this SY as one who is " cock-

sure " about themself, but at the same time does not have mastery over

their own vibrations, but will tell everyone else that 'this'

or 'that' has no vibrations. This person is living in an illusion

about themself, believing their own ideas about themself.


7. Vishaya Chitta - an attention that is still stuck on past

misidentifications with external objects, rather than identifying

with one's Spirit.


regards to all,





Re: 38 years now still the world knows ziltch about sy



, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> k3k78 <Xxxxxxx

> jagbir singh <adishakti_org

> Monday, March 3, 2008 10:28:40 AM

> Hello Jagbir


> Dear Jagbir,

> Doing a search nepal living goddess

> these news people are just crying out for a goddess

> to run news on at the moment ?

> me agree with you something really really really wrong

> with sy those in charge

> 38 years now still the world knows ziltch about sy

> thats 38 years THIRTY EIGHT years

> personaly i dont give any hope for the so called

> sy organistion mr magoo would do better job.


> (1) sy needs just tell the truth which impiles also

> to others.

> else how will others know


> (2) we can agree the goddess within ok

> like you said silence on self



> regards


> Xxxxxxxx



Dear Xxxxxxxx and all,


Sorry for the delay in responding as i was a bit busy elsewhere.


The last time you wrote i responded thus:


" April 18, 2007


Dear devotees of the Primordial Mother,


Namaskaar - i bow to the Holy Spirit who resides in you.


Today is a great day, at least for me personally. Today is Tuesday.

Wonderful news and special events always seem to happen on Tuesdays,

the day homage is paid to Shri Ganesha.


i received an email from an disillusioned anti-SY who had left the

organization a long time ago, probably in the 1980s. i know this

person from the anti-SY forum where he was a prominent member and

founding father. But i always felt that he had a good heart despite

his anti-SY stance (and thus always treated him with respect). Today

my faith in him has come a full circle - i feel peace....


/message/7782 "



Yes, 38 years have passed and 99.99% of the world knows ziltch about

Shri Mataji. Even though it is 11.59 pm the WCASY, Sir CP, the rank

and file still do not have the realization that something is very,

very, very wrong with the way they have always tried to spread Sahaja

Yoga i.e., " Just give self-realization " . They still think this is the

only way to reach the masses ......... despite 38 years of consistent

failure, rejection and ridicule.


For 38 years they have tried every means to spread the vision and

message of Shri Mataji, ............... every means except being

honest and straightforward as Shri Mataji had been. Even with 1 minute

left before midnight they still do not want to try the only approach

they never had tried - telling the plain truth! i have absolutely no

idea why they don`t want to be truthful. No one seems to know why.


Those who have tried to get an answer are always met with the Great

Wall of Silence, and told to " Just give self-realization " . The rare

one who persisted was told by the leader that the status quo must be

followed. Just in case we wonder what is missing from this official

SY status quo, i will quote Alex:


" It is astonishing that the sahaja yogis, who believe Shri Mataji to

be the savior of humanity prophecied by many religious scriptures,

have not the conviction to promote her to the world openly, honestly

and unashamedly as that. Promotion of the savior will draw more

serious attention from many more people than do the current vague

claims about stress relief and peace of mind. This lack of conviction

speaks volumes and is the same reason they fail to respond to those

who challenge SY. You simply can't be one thing and then attempt to

portray yourself as another - no matter how clever you are, it shows

and people see it very clearly. This is called hypocrisy. It

indicates the vast majority of sahaja yogis are in a state of denial.


On the premise that Shri Mataji is indeed the Adi Shakti, on what

basis do the sahaja yogis take it upon themselves to discriminate as

to whom is delivered the message of her present incarnation and by

what convoluted process that message is selectively delivered? To

take upon themselves to make such discriminations is an expression of

an elitist, missionary culture motivated by power and authority over

others. The message must be very plain and simple if every person on

the planet is to be afforded the opportunity to draw their own

conclusions about the goddess incarnate. Why do the sahaja yogis make

something so simple so complicated?. Why are they doing so poor a job

in telling the world of Shri Mataji, when as the goddess she will

surely stand

and be recognised as the reality they claim she is?


My parting word is that like it or not, Shri Mataji and her sahaja

yogis must face the issues presented by those who challenge them.

Intelligent response is required and what remains to be seen is

whether they are capable of this. The longer they avoid it, the more

SY will be clearly identified to be lacking in credibility and its

members in integrity. The more they will appear to be a cultish throw-

back to the dark ages. I recommend the sahaja yogis today change

their whole approach and start promoting SY as what it is - a

religion focused around a personality who has claimed, and is

understood by them, to be the Adi Shakti, divine mother of the

universe. This is, after all, the year of exposure for SY.


May truth prevail. "



Yes, may truth prevail after 38 years of deliberate collective

dishonesty. Anyone has any idea how long is 38 years? Can anyone name

me a single spiritual or religious organization that have consciously

lied that long? To make it easier to get a positive answer: Can

anyone name me a single self-realized soul or believer in God

Almighty who did so ........... since the dawn of civilization? Then

how is it possible for tens of thousands to so easily do exactly that

so today?


What then is the nature of this negativity that is bent on destroying

the promised salvation of humanity? ..... and almost succeeded!


regards to all,




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