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Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus: To rise from death that men might know the way to rise from death.

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These reviews are from: The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ



The Aquarian Gospel, January 27, 2007

By Aquarian Gospel Church


The title page states that the book is " transcribed from the Book of

God's Remembrance, known as the Akashic Records " . Now, unless one has

penetrated the ethers to the point where he has seen for himself that

the Akashic Records do exist, how can he believe it possible for Levi

to transcribe from them the story of Jesus' life? Yet, even if a true

seeker has not yet had the good fortune to experience the truth about

this matter for himself, if he but read the Aquarian Gospel with an

open mind, he cannot help but be impressed by the book.


Those familiar with the New Testament will find nearly all the well-

known stories, sayings and parables; but now they are presented in

the actual order in which they occured, instead of the disconnected,

jumbled accounts we find in the four gospels. Many familiar passages

take on new meaning, simply because we didn't have the whole complete

story before; reading them in the context of the events which

surrounded them throws new light on what Jesus meant by what he said

and did. Plus, now that we have so much more new material which we

never had before, the effect upon first reading it is mindblowing.


When we consider that the material in the four gospels was at first

circulated orally by the apostles and their disciples, and was only

years later written down, it is safe to assume that many of the words

attributed to Jesus may not be his exact words. We have to accept the

fact that much of what we have is probably corrupted by paraphrase,

additions and subtractions. (One only has to compare the gospels with

each other to realize that this is so.) But when we compare gospel

passages with corresponding ones in the Aquarian Gospel, we find that

the latter invariably prove to be of superior quality and clarity.


Indeed, each passage rings true in a way which leaves little doubt

that these must be the actual words which were spoken., The sublime

wisdom of Jesus' teachings is revealed to us like never before. It is

as though a door has opened up and we are transported into the past,

and are ourselves sitting at the feet of the master.



Treat Yourself to the Book God intended for us to read, Jan. 5, 2001

By Timothy Rosen (Brick, NJ USA)


This review is from: Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Hardcover)

What I know to be true is this much, the modern versions of the new

testament like King James is full of information added by the many

transcribers from years past. Then there is a lot of Jesus' life left

out to also suit the whole puritain way of thought. Those versions

are quite hard to read as well. They suit the whole ritualistic way

of spiritual life. Jesus himself said to beware of men in fancy garb

who think that by performing rituals that they are holy. I've read

the reviews that are disgusted with this book. Those people are

holding onto what has been engrained in them. They claim that there

is no proof that this is the real words of christ. Have an open mind

and I promise you will not be dissappointed. Once you have read it,

your own heart will tell you whose version is truth. You don't need

any proof. Christ himself said that those who believe without seeing

proof are thrice blessed. Don't let someone else make up your mind

for you about what's right and what's wrong. I pray you to at least

give this book a chance. If you don't, you could be missing out on

what just might be the most profound and greatest book you have ever

read. Give yourself a chance to decide what version you believe is




Wisdom hidden for centuries, October 18, 2003

By CCD " Easy_Kid " (Cleveland, Ohio United States)


This review is from: Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (Hardcover)

I was completely blown away by the wisdom in this book, and how

easily I was able to recognize and validate many of the learnings and

teachings of Jesus. It was truly relieving to find out that Jesus was

an ordinary man like us, who had to find his way to Godhood. It

definitely tells me that his words `everything I can do, you can do

too and more' ring true.


Having lived in India for a substantial period of time, an

interesting point that stood out for me was that an American priest

properly captured the very essence of Indian caste-culture. Assuming

that the author did not live in India at all, it is entirely

incredible for him to have captured it to such detail 100 years ago.


On traveling to India, Jesus learns the art of healing, and studies

the Vedic texts. He travels to Nepal and the Himalayas where he

learns the Buddhist doctrine. In Tibet, the ancient manuscripts are

revealed to him. In Persia, he explains the concept of good and evil,

and how evil is man's own creation. In Egypt, Jesus is taken in as a

student of Heliopolis and goes through the seven tests and receives

the seven degrees.


A real eye opener, as to what has been missing from the Bible all

these years. It's a book that help us connect the dots as to

direction of life on this Earth. I would definitely recommend this

book to anyone seeking the Truth, along with Linda Goodman's Star

Signs. Other books that can help one validate these Truths are books

by Dr. Paul Brunton & Vera Stanley Alder. One will need to get these

books, read, practice the teachings & re-read the books again, till

one makes it their own.



The original Gospel of Christ - expanded., November 28, 1999

By Michael F. O'Keeffe (Sioux Falls, SD)


The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ contains the epic of the

entire life of Jesus. The reader is privy to many private

conversations between Jesus and other masters of His time. We can

hear instructions and explanations He spoke to His apostles. By

listening in on these conversations, the reader is given a clear and

concise explanation of the nature and origin of Christ, and the

nature and origin of man; and our destiny. He explains the nature of

the process we all are undergoing, as well as what is expected of

each person; and He advises that His return will coincide with the

harvest time of souls (the judgement day), and we must prepare.



This book was written with much love and respect, September 24, 1999

By Christina (gia1614) (near Los Angeles, CA)


It's a deeper, clearer image of Jesus as a teacher of the human race

and God's divine messenger. Having grown up as a disenchanted

Catholic girl, I welcome this new/old synopsis of Jesus' life, from

his education and training abroad, to his practice of Reiki healing

among the people. The parables are enhanced by expanded background

descriptions of those who were listening and why. Levi relates a real

world of travelers, politicians, and common folk of that era. No

wonder Jesus could inspire and terrify so many. This is the Christ I

feel close to-- a bright burning fire of love and mercy, practical,

courageous, waiting to guide us home.


Recommended for intelligent, open-minded readers interested in

matters of Spirit and the human heart.



Like an Old Friend, May 27, 2005

By CloudWalker (Alabama, USA)


I was given my copy by a dear man that showed me reading about Jesus

in this book was not like any other works. This is not your average

Bible--this is more of a diary of Jesus' life. When you read this it

is like reading a best selling novel--you know a bit about what is

going to happen but it is told more in the 1st person. This makes it

much more personal- the way I am sure Jesus actually talked and



I whole heartedly say to read this, even if you never read any other

thing about Jesus.









Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus


Chapter 173


(Jesus appears, fully materialised, to his mother, Miriam, Mary of

Magdala and to Peter, James and John.)


1. Now, when the rabbis took the body of the Lord and laid it in the

tomb of the mother of the Lord, and Mary Magdalene, and Miriam were



2. And when the body was entombed they went to Joseph's home and

there abode.


3. They did not know that Jewish soldiers had been sent to guard the

tomb, nor that the Roman seal was placed upon the stone;


4. So in the morning of the first day of the week they hastened to

the tomb with spices to embalm the Lord.


5. But when they reached the tomb they found the terror-stricken

soldiers running frantically about.


6. The women did not know the cause; but when they found an empty

tomb they were excited and aggrieved.


7. The soldiers did not know what had transpired; they could not tell

who took the body of the Lord away.


8. And Mary Magdalene ran with haste toward Jerusalem to tell the

news to Peter and the rest.


9. She met, just by the gateway, Peter, James and John; she said,

Some one has rolled away the stone and carried off the body of the



10. And then the three disciples ran toward the tomb; but John was

fleet of foot and was the first to reach the tomb; he found it empty;

the body of his Lord was gone.


11. When Peter came he went into the tomb, and found the grave

clothes neatly folded up and laid aside.


12. Now, the disciples did not comprehend the scene. They did not

know the meaning of their Lord when he informed them just before his

death that he would rise from death upon the first day of the week.


13. The three disciples went back to Jerusalem; the mother of the

Lord and Miriam went not away.


14. And Mary looked within the tomb, and saw two masters sitting

there; they said, Why do you weep?


15. And Mary said, Because my Lord is gone; some one has carried off

the body of my Lord; I know not where it is.


16. Then she arose and looked around; a man stood near and said, Why

do you weep? whom do you seek?


17. And Mary thought it was the gardener and said, If you have borne

away the body of my Lord, O tell me where it is that I may lay it in

a sacred tomb.


18. And then the man came near and said, My Mother! and Mary said, My



19. The eyes of Miriam were opened up and she beheld the Lord.


20. And Jesus said, Behold, I told you as we walked along the way up

to the cross that I would meet you at the sepulchre upon the first

day of the week.


21. Now, Mary Magdalene was sitting not a great way off, and Jesus

went to her and said,


22. Why seek the living 'mong the dead? Your Lord has risen as he

said, Now, Mary, look! behold my face!


23. Then Mary knew it was the Lord; that he had risen from the dead.


24. And then Salome, and Mary, mother of the two disciples, James and

John, Joanna, and the other women who had come out to the tomb, saw

Jesus, and they talked with him.


25. And Mary Magdalene was filled with joy. She sought again for

Peter, James and John; she found them and she said,


26. Lo, I have seen the Lord; and Miriam has seen the Lord; the

mother of the Lord has seen the Lord; and many more have seen his

face; for he has risen from the dead.


27. But the disciples thought that she had simply seen a vision of

the Lord. They did not think that he had risen from the dead.


28. Then Mary found the other members of the company and told them

all about the risen Lord; but none of them believed.


29. Now, Peter, James and John were in the garden of Siloam; were

talking with the gardener about the happenings of the day when John

beheld a stranger coming up the walk.


30. The stranger lifted up his hands and said, I am. Then the

disciples knew it was the Lord.


31. And Jesus said, Behold, for human flesh can be transmuted into

higher form, and then that higher form is master of things manifest,

and can, at will, take any form.


32. And so I come to you in form familiar unto you.


33. Go speak to Thomas, and the other men whom I have called to be

apostles unto men, and say to them,


34. That he whom Jews and Romans thought was dead is walking in the

garden of Siloam;


35. Will stand again before the priests and Pharisees within the

temple in Jerusalem;


36. And will appear unto the sages of the world.


37. Tell them that I will go before them into Galilee.


38. Then Peter, James and John went forth and found their brethren,

and said, Behold, the Lord is risen from the dead, and we have seen

him face to face.


39. The brethren were amazed at what the three disciples said; but

still they looked upon their words as idle talk and they believed

them not.


Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus - Part 2


Chapter 174


(Jesus appears, fully materialised, to Zachus and Cleophas as they

journey to Emmaus, but they know him not. He tells them many things

about Christ. He eats the evening meal with them, and reveals himself

to them. They go to Jerusalem and tell the news.)


1. Towards the evening of the resurrection day, two friends of Jesus,

Zachus and Cleophas of Emmaus, seven miles away, were going to their



2. And as they walked and talked about the things that had occurred a

stranger joined their company.


3. He said, My friends, you seem discouraged and are sad. Has some

great grief upon you come?


4. Cleophas said, Are you a stranger in Judea, and know not of the

thrilling things that have transpired here?


5. The stranger said, What things? To what do you refer?


6. Cleophas said, Have you not heard about the man from Galilee who

was a prophet mighty in both word and deed?


7. A man whom many thought had come to found again the kingdom of the

Jews, and drive the Romans from the city of Jerusalem and be himself

the king?


8. The stranger said, Tell me about this man.


9. Cleophas said, His name was Jesus; he was born in Bethlehem; his

home was up in Galilee. He loved the people as he loved himself.


10. He was, in truth, a master sent from God, for he had matchless

power. He healed the sick and made the deaf to hear, the blind to

see, the lame to walk, and even raised the dead.


11. The Jewish scribes and Pharisees were jealous of his fame and

power, and they arrested him; by perjured witnesses they proved him

guilty of a score of crimes,


12. And on last Friday he was taken to the place of skulls and



13. He died and he was buried in a rich man's tomb, out in the garden

of Siloam.


14. This very morning when his friends went to the tomb they found it

empty; the body of the Lord was gone.


15. And now the news has spread abroad that he has risen from the



16. The stranger said, Yes, I have heard about this man; but it seems

strange that after all the things that Jewish prophets long ago

foretold concerning him that when he came men knew him not.


17. This man was born to demonstrate the Christ to men, and it is

just to say that Jesus is the Christ.


18. According to the word, this Jesus came to suffer at the hands of

men, to give his life as pattern for the sons of men;


19. To rise from death that men might know the way to rise from death.


20. And then the stranger told the two disciples all about the Law,

the Prophets and the Psalms, and read to them a multitude of things

that had been written of this man from Galilee.


21. And now the men had reached their home, and as the night was near

they importuned the stranger to abide with them.


22. And he went in with them and as they sat about the table at the

evening meal, he took a piece of bread, and blessed it in the name of



23. And instantly their eyes were opened up, and they perceived that

he, the stranger, was the Lord, the man from Galilee; that he had

risen from the dead; and then the form of Jesus disappeared.


24. When he had gone, the two disciples were amazed. They said, Did

not our hearts burn with delight while he was talking to us by the

way and opening up the testimonies of the Law, the Prophets and the



25. Then Zachus and Cleophas went back to Jerusalem, and everywhere

they went they said, Lo, we have seen the Lord;


26. He walked with us to Emmaus; he ate with us the evening meal, and

broke for us the bread of life.


(from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling)

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