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Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus - Part 6

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Dear All,


In Part 6 (appended), there is a tremendous quote:


" The will of man makes possible the action of the Holy Breath. When will of man

and will of God are one, the resurrection is a fact. (Aquarian Gospel of Jesus

the Christ Chapter 178:41)


Isn't that an amazing quote! That is the experience of Sahaja Yoga [union with

the Divine] whereby " the will of man and will of God are one " . When that

happens, we refer to " the Divine Within " ourselves, and we do not have two

masters, but only one.


Enjoy Part 6!






Chapter 178


(Jesus appears, fully materialised, before Apollo and the Silent Brotherhood in

Greece. Appears to Claudas and Juliet on the Tiber near Rome. Appears to the

priest in the Egyptian temple at Heliopolis.)


1. Apollo, with the Silent Brotherhood of Greece, was sitting in a Delphian

grove. The Oracle had spoken loud and long.


2. The priests were in the sanctuary and as they looked the Oracle became a

blaze of light; it seemed to be on fire, and all consumed.


3. The priests were filled with fear. They said, A great disaster is to come;

our gods are mad; they have destroyed our Oracle.


4. But when the flames had spent themselves, a man stood on the orac pedestal

and said,


5. God speaks to man, not by an oracle of wood and gold, but by the voice of



6. The gods have spoken to the Greeks, and kindred tongues, through images made

by man, but God, the One, now speaks to man through Christ the only son, who

was, and is and evermore will be.


7. This Oracle shall fail; the Living Oracle of God, the One, will never fail.


8. Apollo knew the man who spoke; he knew it was the Nazarene who once had

taught the wise men in the Acropolis and had rebuked the idol worshippers upon

the Athen's beach;


9. And in a moment Jesus stood before Apollo and the Silent Brotherhood, and



10. Behold, for I have risen from the dead with gifts for men. I bring to you

the title of your vast estate.


11. All power in heaven and earth is mine; to you I give all power in heaven and



12. Go forth and teach the nations of the earth the gospel of the resurrection

of the dead and of eternal life through Christ, the love of God made manifest to



13. And then he clasped Apollo's hand and said, My human flesh was changed to

higher form by love divine and I can manifest in flesh, or in the higher planes

of life, at will.


14. What I can do all men can do. Go preach the gospel of the omnipotence of



15. Then Jesus disappeared; but Greece and Crete and all the nations heard.


16. Claudas and Juliet, his wife, lived on the Palatine in Rome and they were

servants of Tiberius; but they had been in Galilee;


17. Had walked with Jesus by the sea, had heard his words and seen his power;

and they believed that he was Christ made manifest.


18. Now Claudas and his wife were on the Tiber in a little boat; a storm swept

from the sea, the boat was wrecked and Claudas and his wife were sinking down to



19. And Jesus came and took them by the hands and said, Claudas and Juliet,

arise and walk with me upon the waves.


20. And they arose and walked with him upon the waves.


21. A thousand people saw the three walk on the waves, and saw them reach the

land, and they were all amazed.


22. And Jesus said, You men of Rome, I am the resurrection and the life. They

that are dead shall live, and many that shall live will never die.


23. By mouth of gods and demi-gods God spoke unto your fathers long ago; but now

he speaks to you through perfect man.


24. He sent his son, the Christ, in human flesh, to save the world, and as I

lifted from the watery grave and saved these servants of Tiberius,


25. So Christ will lift the sons and daughters of the human race, yea, every one

of them, from darkness and from graves of carnal things, to light and

everlasting life.


26. I am the manifest of love raised from the dead; Behold my hands, my feet, my

side which carnal men have pierced.


27. Claudas and Juliet whom I have saved from death, are my ambassadors to Rome.


28. And they will point the way and preach the gospel of the Holy Breath and of

the resurrection of the dead.


29. And that was all he said, but Rome and all of Italy heard.


30. The priests of Heliopolis were in their temple met to celebrate the

resurrection of their brother Nazarite; they knew that he had risen from the



31. The Nazarite appeared and stood upon a sacred pedestal on which no man had

ever stood.


32. This was an honour that had been reserved for him who first would

demonstrate the resurrection of the dead.


33. And Jesus was the first of all the human race to demonstrate the

resurrection of the dead.


34. When Jesus stood upon the sacred pedestal the masters stood and said, All

hail! The great bells of the temple rang and all the temple was ablaze with



35. And Jesus said, All honour to the masters of this Temple of the Sun.


36. In flesh of man there is the essence of the resurrection of the dead. This

essence, quickened by the Holy Breath, will raise the substance of the body to a

higher tone,


37. And make it like the substance of the bodies of the planes above, which

human eyes cannot behold.


38. There is a holy ministry in death. The essence of the body cannot be

quickened by the Holy Breath until the fixed is solved; the body must

disintegrate, and this is death.


39. And then upon these pliant substances God breathes, just as he breathed upon

the chaos of the deep when worlds were formed.


40. And life springs forth from death; the carnal form is changed to form



41. The will of man makes possible the action of the Holy Breath. When will of

man and will of God are one, the resurrection is a fact.


42. In this we have the chemistry of mortal life, the ministry of death, the

mystery of deific life.


43. My human life was wholly given to bring my will to tune with the deific

will; when this was done my earth-tasks all were done.


44. And you, my brothers, know full well the foes I had to meet; you know about

my victories in Gethsemane; my trials in the courts of men; my death upon the



45. You know that all my life was one great drama for the sons of men; a pattern

for the sons of men. I lived to show the possibilities of man.


46. What I have done all men can do, and what I am all men shall be.


47. The masters looked; the form upon the sacred pedestal had gone, but every

temple priest, and every living creature said, Praise God.


The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

by Levi

Pg. 263-265

Eighteenth Impression (Reset, 1964)

L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd.

1201/1203 High Road, Chadwell Heath,


ISBN 08 5243 037 X



" Violet " <violetubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Here is Part 5. By the way, i can't help but say it is my birthday

today (smile). i am 58 today. i feel younger than i ever have. It

must be the Spirit! But at 58, i am very happy that i have found the

truth and the life. That is why age does not matter to me anymore. It

means nothing anymore. And time is going so fast, i can't believe it.

We just celebrated Christmas, and now it is Easter. Does anyone else

experience the time passing, faster than ever before?! Is time

actually speeding up? To me, it seems that way. Maybe it is just my



> Oh yes, i just wanted to say. Since typing up these

" Materialisations of the Spiritual body of Jesus " my eyes have also

opened up to the possibilities of what Jesus said which is also in

this Part 5. Here it is!:


> 17. If you believe that I am phantom made of air, come forth and

handle me; ghosts do not carry flesh and bones.


> 18. I came to earth to demonstrate the resurrection of the dead,

the transmutation of the flesh of carnal man to flesh of man divine.


> This is really amazing to me! i have never been taught it like that

in Christianity, and the Bible does not make it clear like that. i am

absolutely thrilled to finally understand Jesus's resurrection, and

He says we too will resurrect like that. Isn't that amazing! The

possibilities of man! No wonder i am feeling always younger, LOL!

It's because i am understanding things better as time goes by!


> love to all,


> violet




> Chapter 177


> (Jesus appears, fully materialised, in the temple in Jerusalem.

Rebukes the rulers of the Jews for their hypocrisy. Reveals himself

to them and they fall back in fear. He appears to the apostles in

Simon's house. Thomas is convinced.)


> 1. It was the Sabbath day and many priests and scribes and

Pharisees were in the temple in Jerusalem. Caiaphas, Annas and some

other ruling Jews were there.


> 2. A stranger came in garb of fisherman and asked, What has become

of Jesus who is called the Christ? Is he not teaching in the temple



> 3. The Jews replied, That man from Galilee was crucified a week

ago, because he was a dangerous man, a vile, seditious man.


> 4. The stranger asked, Where did you put the body of this man from

Galilee? Where is his tomb?


> 5. The Jews replied, We do not know. His followers came at night

and stole the body from the tomb in which it lay and carried it away,

and then declared that he had risen from the dead.


> 6. The stranger asked, How do you know that his disciples stole the

body from the tomb? was any one a witness of the theft?


> 7. The Jews replied, We had a hundred soldiers at the place, and

every one of them declares that his disciples stole the body from the



> 8. The stranger asked, Will any one of all your hundred men stand

forth and say, I saw the body stolen from the tomb?


> 9. The Jews replied, We do not know; these men are men of truth; we

cannot doubt their word.


> 10. The stranger said, You priests and scribes and Pharisees hear

me; I was a witness of the facts, was in the garden of Siloam, and

stood among your hundred men.


> 11. And this I know that not a man among your hundred men will say,

I saw the body stolen from the tomb.


> 12. And I will testify before the God of heaven and earth, The body

was not stolen from the tomb; the man from Galilee is risen from the



> 13. And then the priests and scribes and Pharisees rushed up to

seize the man and cast him out.


> 14. But instantly the fisherman became a radiant form of light, and

priests and scribes and Pharisees fell back in deadly fear; they saw

the man from Galilee.


> 15. And Jesus looked upon the frightened men and said, This is the

body that you stoned beyond the city's gates and crucified on Calvary



> 16. Behold my hands, my feet, my side and see the wounds the

soldiers made.


> 17. If you believe that I am phantom made of air, come forth and

handle me; ghosts do not carry flesh and bones.


> 18. I came to earth to demonstrate the resurrection of the dead,

the transmutation of the flesh of carnal man to flesh of man divine.


> 19. Then Jesus raised his hands and said, Peace be to every one of

you; goodwill to all mankind. And then he disappeared.


> 20. Now, Thomas, had not seen the Lord since he had risen from the

dead, and when the ten averred that they had seen and talked with him

he said,


> 21. Until I see the nail prints in his hands and feet, the spear

wound in his side, and talk with him as I have talked with him

before, I cannot have a reason to believe that he is risen from the



> 22. At Simon's house in Bethany the men from Galilee had met. It

was the evening of the first day of the week, and on the morrow all

would turn their faces toward their homes.


> 23. The eleven apostles all were there: the doors were closed and

barred, and Jesus came and said, Peace be to all!


> 24. And then he said to Thomas, Friend, you do not know that I have

risen from the dead; the time has come for you to know.


> 25. Come here and see the nail prints in my hands, the spear wound

in my side, and talk with me as you have often talked with me.


> 26. And Thomas came and saw and then exclaimed, My master, and my

Lord! I do not now [not] believe, I know that you are risen from the



> 27. And Jesus said, Because you see me you believe, and blessed are

your eyes;


> 28. But blessed thrice are they who see me not and yet believe.


> 29. Then Jesus vanished from their sight, but the disciples were

established in their faith.


> (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvary


> The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ - the philosophic and

practical basis of the religion of the Aquarian Age of the World -

transcribed from the Akashic Records by LEVI [Levi H. Dowling]

> Pg. 261-262

> Copyright Leo W. Dowling 1964

> Eighteenth Impression (Reset, 1964)

> L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd.

> 1201/1203 High Road, Chadwell Heath,

> ROMFORD RM6 4DH. Essex

> ISBN 08 5243 037 X


> [Further information (including above)]:


> Eighteenth impression (Reset, 1964)

> Nineteenth impression - 1968

> Twentieth impression - 1969

> Twenty-first impression - 1970

> Twenty-second impression - 1972

> Twenty-third impression - 1974

> Twenty-fourth impression - 1977

> Twenty-fifth impression - 1980

> Twenty-sixth impression - 1985

> Twenty-seventh impression - 1989

> Twenty-eighth impression - 1993

> Twenty-ninth impression - 1997


> ISBN 08 5243 037 X


> Reprinted in Great Britain by

> J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, Bristol BS3 2NT




> ,

> " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Here is Part 4.

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> >

> > Chapter 176

> >

> > (Jesus appears, fully materialised, to the eastern sages in the

> palace of Prince Ravanna in India. To the magian priests in Persia.

> The three wise men speak in praise of the personality of the

> Nazarene.}

> >

> > 1. Ravanna, prince of India, gave a feast. His palace in Orissa

> was the place where men of thought from all the farther East were

> wont to meet.

> >

> > 2. Ravanna was the prince with whom child Jesus went to India many

> years ago.

> >

> > 3. The feast was made in honour of the wise men of the East.

> >

> > 4. Among the guests were Meng-ste, Vidyapati and Lamaas.

> >

> > 5. The wise men sat about the table talking of the needs of India

> and the world.

> >

> > 6. The door unto the banquet hall was in the east; a vacant chair

> was at the table to the east.

> >

> > 7. And as the wise men talked a stranger entered, unannounced, and

> raising up his hands in benediction said, All hail!

> >

> > 8. A halo rested on his head, and light, unlike the light of sun,

> filled all the room.

> >

> > 9. The wise men rose and bowed their heads and said, All hail!

> >

> > 10. And Jesus sat down in the vacant chair; and then the wise men

> knew it was the Hebrew prophet who had come.

> >

> > 11. And Jesus said, Behold, for I am risen from the dead. Look at

> my hands, my feet, my side.

> >

> > 12. The Roman soldiers pierced my hands and feet with nails; and

> then one pierced my heart.

> >

> > 13. They put me in a tomb, and then I wrestled with the conqueror

> of men. I conquered death, I stamped upon him and arose;

> >

> > 14. Brought immortality to light and painted on the walls of time

> a rainbow for the sons of men; and what I did all men shall do.

> >

> > 15. This gospel of the resurrection of the dead is not confined to

> Jew and Greek; it is the heritage of every man of every time and

> clime; and I am here a demonstration of the power of man.

> >

> > 16. Then he arose and pressed the hand of every man and of the

> royal host, and said,

> >

> > 17. Behold, I am not myth made of the fleeting winds, for I am

> flesh and bone and brawn; but I can cross the borderland at will.

> >

> > 18. And then they talked together there a long, long time. Then

> Jesus said,

> >

> > 19. I go my way, but you shall go to all the world and preach the

> gospel of the omnipotence of man, the power of truth, the

> resurrection of the dead;

> >

> > 20. He who believes this gospel of the son of man shall never die;

> the dead shall live again.

> >

> > 21. Then Jesus disappeared, but he had sown the seed. The words of

> life were spoken in Orissa, and all of India heard.

> >

> > 22. The magian priests were in the silence in Persepolis, and

> Kaspar, and the magian masters who were first to greet the child of

> promise in the shepherd's home in Bethlehem, were with the priests.

> >

> > 23. And Jesus came and sat with them; a crown of light was on his

> head.

> >

> > 24. And when the silence ended Kaspar said, A master from the

> royal council of the Silent Brotherhood is here; let us give praise.

> >

> > 25. And all the priests and masters stood and said, All hail! What

> message from the royal council do you bring?

> >

> > 26. And Jesus said, My brothers of the Silent Brotherhood, peace,

> peace on earth; goodwill to men!

> >

> > 27. The problem of the ages has been solved; a son of man has

> risen from the dead; has shown that human flesh can be transmuted

> into flesh divine.

> >

> > 28. Before the eyes of men this flesh in which I come to you was

> changed with speed of light from human flesh. And so I am the

> message that I bring to you.

> >

> > 29. To you I come, the first of all the race to be transmuted to

> the image of the AM.

> >

> > 30. What I have done, all men will do; and what I am, all men will

> be.

> >

> > 31. But Jesus said no more. In one short breath he told the story

> of his mission to the sons of men, and then he disappeared.

> >

> > 32. The magi said, Some time ago we read this promise, now

> fulfilled, upon the dial plate of heaven.

> >

> > 33. And then we saw this man who has just demonstrated unto us the

> power of man to rise from carnal flesh and blood to flesh of God, a

> babe in Bethlehem.

> >

> > 34. And after many years he came and sat with us in these same

> groves;

> >

> > 35. He told the story of his human life, of trials, sore

> temptations, buffetings and woes.

> >

> > 36. He pressed along the thorny way of life till he had risen and

> overthrown the strongest foes of God and man; and he is now the only

> master of the human race whose flesh has been transmuted into flesh

> divine.

> >

> > 37. He is the God-man of to-day; but every one of earth shall

> overcome and be like him, a son of God.

> >

> > (from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling)

> >

> >

> >

> > ,

> > " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > In Chapter 174 Jesus appeared, fully materialised, to Zachus and

> > Cleophas as they journeyed to Emmaus, but they didn't recognize

> him.

> > Jesus told them many things about the Christ. He ate the evening

> meal

> > with them, and revealed himself to them; then disappeared in front

> of

> > them. They then went to Jerusalem to tell the news of Jesus's

> > resurrection.

> > >

> > > In the appended Chapter 175, it is the evening of the

> resurrection

> > day and ten apostles are in Simon's house in Bethany. They closed

> and

> > even barred the doors for safety, after the events of the

> > crucifixion. They weren't taking any chances. Then, as they talked

> > together, Jesus came and stood in their midst! The disciples


> > that it was a phantom, but Jesus reassures them, telling them that

> he

> > is no phantom form, but is their Lord, risen from the dead!

> > >

> > > Enjoy!

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Chapter 175

> > >

> > > (Jesus appears, fully materialised, to the ten apostles in

> Simon's

> > house, and to Lazarus and his sisters.)

> > >

> > > 1. The evening of the resurrection day had come; the ten


> > were in Simon's house in Bethany. The lawyer, Thomas, was not

> there.

> > >

> > > 2. The doors were closed and barred, because the Jews had said

> that

> > they would drive the Galileans from the land.

> > >

> > > 3. And as they talked, lo, Jesus came and stood forth in their

> > midst, and said, Peace! peace!

> > >

> > > 4. And the disciples shrank in fear; they thought it was a

> phantom

> > that they saw.

> > >

> > > 5. And Jesus said, Why are you troubled thus? Why do you fear? I

> am

> > no phantom form. I am your Lord, and I have risen from the dead.

> > >

> > > 6. I often said, I will arise; but you believed me not; and now

> > come and see. A phantom has not flesh and bones and brawn, like I

> > possess.

> > >

> > > 7. Come now, and clasp my hands, and touch my feet, and lay your

> > hands upon my head.

> > >

> > > 8. And every one came up and clasped his hands, and touched his

> > feet, and laid his hands upon his head.

> > >

> > > 9. And Jesus said, Have you here anything to eat.

> > >

> > > 10. And they brought out a fragment of a fish; he ate it in the

> > presence of them all and then the ten believed.

> > >

> > > 11. Nathaniel said, And now we know that he has risen from the

> > dead; he stands a surety of the resurrection of the dead. And


> > disappeared.

> > >

> > > 12. Now, Mary, Martha, Ruth and Lazarus were in their home and

> they

> > had heard the rumour that their Lord had risen from the dead, and

> > Martha said,

> > >

> > > 13. It cannot be, for such a thing has never happened since the

> > world began.

> > >

> > > 14. But Mary said, Did not the Lord bring back our brother from

> the

> > dead? and he could surely bring himself to life again.

> > >

> > > 15. And as they talked, the Lord stood in their midst and said,

> > >

> > > 16. All hail! For I am risen from the dead, first fruitage of


> > grave!

> > >

> > > 17. And Martha ran and brought the chair in which the Lord had

> ever

> > loved to sit, and Jesus sat down on the chair.

> > >

> > > 18. And for a long, long time they talked about the trial, and

> the

> > scenes of Calvary and of the garden of Siloam.

> > >

> > > 19. Then Jesus said, Fear not, for I will be your boon companion

> > all the way; and then he disappeared.

> > >

> > > (from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ,

> > > " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > In Chapter 173 Jesus appeared, fully materialised, to his

> mother,

> > > Miriam, Mary of Magdalene and to Peter, James and John.

> > > >

> > > > Here then is the continuation i.e. Chapter 174 in which Jesus

> > > appears, fully materialised, to Zachus and Cleophas as they

> journey

> > > to Emmaus, but they don't know him. He reveals himself to them

> and

> > > tells them many things and they have a meal together.

> > > >

> > > > Enjoy!

> > > >

> > > > violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Re: Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus - Part 2

> > > >

> > > > Chapter 174

> > > >

> > > > (Jesus appears, fully materialised, to Zachus and Cleophas as

> they

> > > journey to Emmaus, but they know him not. He tells them many

> things

> > > about Christ. He eats the evening meal with them, and reveals

> > > himself to them. They go to Jerusalem and tell the news.)

> > > >

> > > > 1. Towards the evening of the resurrection day, two friends of

> > > Jesus, Zachus and Cleophas of Emmaus, seven miles away, were

> going

> > > to their home.

> > > >

> > > > 2. And as they walked and talked about the things that had

> > > occurred a stranger joined their company.

> > > >

> > > > 3. He said, My friends, you seem discouraged and are sad. Has

> some

> > > great grief upon you come?

> > > >

> > > > 4. Cleophas said, Are you a stranger in Judea, and know not of

> the

> > > thrilling things that have transpired here?

> > > >

> > > > 5. The stranger said, What things? To what do you refer?

> > > >

> > > > 6. Cleophas said, Have you not heard about the man from


> > > who was a prophet mighty in both word and deed?

> > > >

> > > > 7. A man whom many thought had come to found again the kingdom

> of

> > > the Jews, and drive the Romans from the city of Jerusalem and be

> > > himself the king?

> > > >

> > > > 8. The stranger said, Tell me about this man.

> > > >

> > > > 9. Cleophas said, His name was Jesus; he was born in


> > > his home was up in Galilee. He loved the people as he loved

> himself.

> > > >

> > > > 10. He was, in truth, a master sent from God, for he had

> matchless

> > > power. He healed the sick and made the deaf to hear, the blind


> > > see, the lame to walk, and even raised the dead.

> > > >

> > > > 11. The Jewish scribes and Pharisees were jealous of his fame

> and

> > > power, and they arrested him; by perjured witnesses they proved

> him

> > > guilty of a score of crimes,

> > > >

> > > > 12. And on last Friday he was taken to the place of skulls and

> > > crucified.

> > > >

> > > > 13. He died and he was buried in a rich man's tomb, out in the

> > > garden of Siloam.

> > > >

> > > > 14. This very morning when his friends went to the tomb they

> found

> > > it empty; the body of the Lord was gone.

> > > >

> > > > 15. And now the news has spread abroad that he has risen from

> the

> > > dead.

> > > >

> > > > 16. The stranger said, Yes, I have heard about this man; but


> > > seems strange that after all the things that Jewish prophets


> > > ago foretold concerning him that when he came men knew him not.

> > > >

> > > > 17. This man was born to demonstrate the Christ to men, and it

> is

> > > just to say that Jesus is the Christ.

> > > >

> > > > 18. According to the word, this Jesus came to suffer at the

> hands

> > > of men, to give his life as pattern for the sons of men;

> > > >

> > > > 19. To rise from death that men might know the way to rise


> > > death.

> > > >

> > > > 20. And then the stranger told the two disciples all about the

> > > Law, the Prophets and the Psalms, and read to them a multitude


> > > things that had been written of this man from Galilee.

> > > >

> > > > 21. And now the men had reached their home, and as the night

> was

> > > near they importuned the stranger to abide with them.

> > > >

> > > > 22. And he went in with them and as they sat about the table


> > > the evening meal, he took a piece of bread, and blessed it in


> > > name of Christ.

> > > >

> > > > 23. And instantly their eyes were opened up, and they


> > > that he, the stranger, was the Lord, the man from Galilee; that

> he

> > > had risen from the dead; and then the form of Jesus disappeared.

> > > >

> > > > 24. When he had gone, the two disciples were amazed. They


> > > Did not our hearts burn with delight while he was talking to us

> by

> > > the way and opening up the testimonies of the Law, the Prophets

> and

> > > the Psalms?

> > > >

> > > > 25. Then Zachus and Cleophas went back to Jerusalem, and

> > > everywhere they went they said, Lo, we have seen the Lord;

> > > >

> > > > 26. He walked with us to Emmaus; he ate with us the evening

> meal,

> > > and broke for us the bread of life.

> > > >

> > > > (from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H.

> Dowling)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ---in ,

> > > > " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > >

> > > > > Here is another chapter from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus


> > > > Christ by Levi H. Dowling, regarding the " Materialisation of

> the

> > > > Spiritual Body of Jesus " , at his resurrection. Levi H. Dowling

> > > > describes both the physical and spiritual aspects of the

> > > > resurrection of Jesus in a way that makes a lot of spiritual

> sense

> > > -

> > > > but it didn't make a lot of sense to the eyes and ears of the

> > > > witnesses insofar as it was beyond anything that they had

> > > > experienced before! When you read the passage below, it will


> > > > interesting to take note how the witnesses to the


> > did

> > > > not really have the words to convey what was happening... or

> what

> > > > had happened! Sure enough, they witnessed it, they knew Jesus

> had

> > > > arisen from the dead, but they could not describe it, in their

> > > > ordinary terms of reference; it was extraordinary. Indeed, it

> was

> > > > extraordinary!

> > > > >

> > > > > Enjoy,

> > > > >

> > > > > violet

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > SECTION XXI

> > > > >

> > > > > SCHIN

> > > > >

> > > > > Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus

> > > > >

> > > > > Chapter 173

> > > > >

> > > > > (Jesus appears, fully materialised, to his mother, Miriam,

> Mary

> > > of

> > > > Magdala and to Peter, James and John.)

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Now, when the rabbis took the body of the Lord and laid

> it in

> > > > the tomb of the mother of the Lord, and Mary Magdalene, and

> Miriam

> > > > were there.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2. And when the body was entombed they went to Joseph's home

> and

> > > > there abode.

> > > > >

> > > > > 3. They did not know that Jewish soldiers had been sent to

> guard

> > > > the tomb, nor that the Roman seal was placed upon the stone;

> > > > >

> > > > > 4. So in the morning of the first day of the week they

> hastened

> > > to

> > > > the tomb with spices to embalm the Lord.

> > > > >

> > > > > 5. But when they reached the tomb they found the terror-

> stricken

> > > > soldiers running frantically about.

> > > > >

> > > > > 6. The women did not know the cause; but when they found an

> > empty

> > > > tomb they were excited and aggrieved.

> > > > >

> > > > > 7. The soldiers did not know what had transpired; they could

> not

> > > > tell who took the body of the Lord away.

> > > > >

> > > > > 8. And Mary Magdalene ran with haste toward Jerusalem to


> > the

> > > > news to Peter and the rest.

> > > > >

> > > > > 9. She met, just by the gateway, Peter, James and John; she

> > said,

> > > > Some one has rolled away the stone and carried off the body of

> the

> > > > Lord.

> > > > >

> > > > > 10. And then the three disciples ran toward the tomb; but

> John

> > > was

> > > > fleet of foot and was the first to reach the tomb; he found it

> > > > empty; the body of his Lord was gone.

> > > > >

> > > > > 11. When Peter came he went into the tomb, and found the

> grave

> > > > clothes neatly folded up and laid aside.

> > > > >

> > > > > 12. Now, the disciples did not comprehend the scene. They


> > not

> > > > know the meaning of their Lord when he informed them just

> before

> > > his

> > > > death that he would rise from death upon the first day of the

> > week.

> > >; > >

> > > > > 13. The three disciples went back to Jerusalem; the mother


> > the

> > > > Lord and Miriam went not away.

> > > > >

> > > > > 14. And Mary looked within the tomb, and saw two masters

> sitting

> > > > there; they said, Why do you weep?

> > > > >

> > > > > 15. And Mary said, Because my Lord is gone; some one has

> carried

> > > > off the body of my Lord; I know not where it is.

> > > > >

> > > > > 16. Then she arose and looked around; a man stood near and

> said,

> > > > Why do you weep? whom do you seek?

> > > > >

> > > > > 17. And Mary thought it was the gardener and said, If you

> have

> > > > borne away the body of my Lord, O tell me where it is that I

> may

> > > lay

> > > > it in a sacred tomb.

> > > > >

> > > > > 18. And then the man came near and said, My Mother! and Mary

> > > said,

> > > > My Lord!

> > > > >

> > > > > 19. The eyes of Miriam were opened up and she beheld the

> Lord.

> > > > >

> > > > > 20. And Jesus said, Behold, I told you as we walked along


> > way

> > > > up to the cross that I would meet you at the sepulchre upon


> > > > first day of the week.

> > > > >

> > > > > 21. Now, Mary Magdalene was sitting not a great way off, and

> > > Jesus

> > > > went to her and said,

> > > > >

> > > > > 22. Why seek the living 'mong the dead? Your Lord has risen

> as

> > he

> > > > said, Now, Mary, look! behold my face!

> > > > >

> > > > > 23. Then Mary knew it was the Lord; that he had risen from

> the

> > > > dead.

> > > > >

> > > > > 24. And then Salome, and Mary, mother of the two disciples,

> > James

> > > > and John, Joanna, and the other women who had come out to the

> > tomb,

> > > > saw Jesus, and they talked with him.

> > > > >

> > > > > 25. And Mary Magdalene was filled with joy. She sought again

> for

> > > > Peter, James and John; she found them and she said,

> > > > >

> > > > > 26. Lo, I have seen the Lord; and Miriam has seen the Lord;

> the

> > > > mother of the Lord has seen the Lord; and many more have seen

> his

>; > > > face; for he has risen from the dead.

> > > > >

> > > > > 27. But the disciples thought that she had simply seen a

> vision

> > > of

> > > > the Lord. They did not think that he had risen from the dead.

> > > > >

> > > > > 28. Then Mary found the other members of the company and


> > > them

> > > > all about the risen Lord; but none of them believed.

> > > > >

> > > > > 29. Now, Peter, James and John were in the garden of Siloam;

> > were

> > > > talking with the gardener about the happenings of the day when

> > John

> > > > beheld a stranger coming up the walk.

> > > > >

> > > > > 30. The stranger lifted up his hands and said, I am. Then


> > > > disciples knew it was the Lord.

> > > > >

> > > > > 31. And Jesus said, Behold, for human flesh can be


> > > into

> > > > higher form, and then that higher form is master of things

> > > manifest,

> > > > and can, at will, take any form.

> > > > >

> > > > > 32. And so I come to you in form familiar unto you.

> > > > >

> > > > > 33. Go speak to Thomas, and the other men whom I have called

> to

> > > be

> > > > apostles unto men, and say to them,

> > > > >

> > > > > 34. That he whom Jews and Romans thought was dead is walking

> in

> > > > the garden of Siloam;

> > > > >

> > > > > 35. Will stand again before the priests and Pharisees within

> the

> > > > temple in Jerusalem;

> > > > >

> > > > > 36. And will appear unto the sages of the world.

> > > > >

> > > > > 37. Tell them that I will go before them into Galilee.

> > > > >

> > > > > 38. Then Peter, James and John went forth and found their

> > > > brethren, and said, Behold, the Lord is risen from the dead,

> and

> > we

> > > > have seen him face to face.

> > > > >

> > > > > 39. The brethren were amazed at what the three disciples

> said;

> > > but

> > > > still they looked upon their words as idle talk and they

> believed

> > > > them not.

> > > > >

> > > > > (from the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H.

> > Dowling)

> > >

> >


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